Belkovich and Hayn (David North <d _at_>)
Belkovich and Hayn, when just on the terminator and librated to
"profile" view, create an amazing illusion! It looks as if there is one
mountain range overlapping another, with a wealth of light and shadow
play. The effect is so striking I literally lost sleep over it... one
section looked like Mt. Fuji next to a deep lake, with foothills and
valleys all around and even a hint of mists due to "fuzzy" seeing.
Rima Gartner (David North <d _at_>)
Unlike Rima Sheepshanks,
Rima Gartner (in the semighost crater of the
same name) was very easy. I don't recall noting this before, but it
showed very easily in this light as a sinuous curving rille that gets
fatter toward the north of the crater. This is one of those objects that
gets more interesting with longer contemplation.