Find the Nearest Matching Color Name

This page can take a three or six digit hexadecimal color specifier (e.g. #fff or #a210f0), or three decimal numbers for red, green, and blue, and find the nearest named colors, either in the Unix RGB.txt or in the much smaller set of CSS colors.

Hex code (3 or 6 digits): #

or Decimal values (0-255):

Red: Green: Blue:

Hex code: #898cb6

Matches in rgb.txt:

No exact match found for (137 140 182) (#898cb6                   
Closest matches:
light (119 136 153) (#778899)                   
LightSlateGray (119 136 153) (#778899)                   
light (119 136 153) (#778899)                   
LightSlateGrey (119 136 153) (#778899)                   

Matches in CSS color list:

No exact match found for (137 140 182) (#898cb6                   
Closest matches:
gray (128 128 128) (#808080)                   

The source code.

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