These are the slides for "Featherweight Linux: How to turn a Netbook or older laptop into a Ferrari" by Akkana Peck Versions have been presented at Scale 8x (Feb 2010) and OSCON (July 2009). The "handout" (a quick-reference summary of useful commands mentioned in the talk) is in handout.html. You'll need Javascript enabled to see the slide show. Start at featherweight.html, then navigate from slide to slide using space/backspace, page up/page down or left/right arrow keys. (Shift-uparrow will give a poorly formatted table of contents.) If you prefer to see clickable Prev/Next links, edit slides.css and comment out the display: none under #navigation at the beginning. Slides are formatted for a 1366x768 screen on a 1024x768 projector (notes are on the right). All images not otherwise mentioned in the notes are Copyright Akkana Peck and available to use under a Creative Commons noncommercial share-alike license (if you need other terms, drop me a line and ask). I'd appreciate it if you'd credit me and let me know when you're using my stuff, though it's not strictly required. Akkana Peck, akkana at shallowsky dot com