#! /usr/bin/env python # # Network scheme-setting tool, version 1.4. # Copyright 2010-2012 by Akkana Peck akkana@shallowsky.com # ... share and enjoy under the GPLv2 or (at your option) later. # import sys, os import subprocess import signal import re import shutil import tempfile import time from ConfigParser import ConfigParser import netutils # Get the homedir for the user running this script. # Unfortunately, if it's run under sudo, ~ and $HOME may expand to root # rather than to the actual user. This is a configurable sudo option # and varies randomly among distros. def homedirfile(fname) : sudo_user = os.getenv("SUDO_USER") if sudo_user : home = os.path.expanduser("~" + sudo_user) else : home = os.path.expanduser("~") if fname : return os.path.join(home, fname) else : return home class NetScheme : """A network scheme, either wired or wireless. encryption=None means wired; wireless schemes will have encryption in ( "open", "wep", "wpa" ) The other arguments should be self-explanatory. """ def __init__(self, name, dhcp=True, ip='', netmask='', broadcast='', gateway='', encryption='', essid='', key='', dns_servers='') : self.name = name self.essid = essid self.dhcp = dhcp self.ip = ip self.netmask = netmask self.broadcast = broadcast self.gateway = gateway if encryption : self.encryption = encryption.lower() else : self.encryption = None self.key = key if not dns_servers or dns_servers == '' or \ (len(dns_servers) == 1 and dns_servers[0] == '') : self.dns_servers = None else : self.dns_servers = dns_servers self.interface = None # Sanity check: if there's an essid then encryption should be set if self.essid and not self.encryption : self.encryption = "open" def __repr__(self) : s = "[%s]\n" % (self.name) if self.dhcp : s += "dhcp = true\n" else : s += "dhcp = false\n" if self.essid : s += "essid = %s\n" % (self.essid) if self.ip : s += "ip = %s\n" % (self.ip) if self.netmask : s += "netmask = %s\n" % (self.netmask) if self.broadcast : s += "broadcast = %s\n" % (self.broadcast) if self.gateway : s += "gateway = %s\n" % (self.gateway) if self.encryption : s += "encryption = %s\n" % (self.encryption) if self.key : s += "key = %s\n" % (self.key) if self.dns_servers : s += "dns_servers = %s\n" % (self.dns_servers) # XXX Probably need to print the [ list ] # Don't save the interface, but the user might change it: #if self.interface : # s += "interface = %s" % (self.interface) s += "\n" return s def dump(self, filename=None) : print 'dump(', filename, ')' if filename == None : filename = homedirfile(".netscheme") print "Appending new scheme to", filename print "Trying to append to", filename fp = open(filename, "a") print >>fp, self fp.close() def set_scheme_debian(self, iface, add) : """Update /etc/network/interfaces with info for the current scheme""" if not add : # First take down any currently up interfaces, # or ifup will fail later up_ifaces = netutils.get_interfaces(True) for i in up_ifaces : print "Taking", i, "down with ifdown" i.ifconfig_down() subprocess.call(["ifdown", i.name]) if add : mode = "a" else : mode = "w" fp = open("/etc/network/interfaces", mode) # If we're making a new /etc/network/interfaces, # make sure it includes loopback: if not add : print >>fp, """auto lo iface lo inet loopback""" # Write the entry for the new interface print >>fp, """ auto %s""" % (iface.name) if self.dhcp : print >>fp, "iface %s inet dhcp" % (iface.name) else : print >>fp, "iface %s inet static" % (iface.name) if self.ip : print >>fp, "address", self.ip if self.netmask : print >>fp, "netmask", self.netmask if self.broadcast : print >>fp, "broadcast", self.broadcast if self.gateway : print >>fp, "gateway", self.gateway print "Encryption:", self.encryption if self.encryption == "wpa" or self.encryption == "wpa2" : if self.essid : print >>fp, "wpa-ssid", self.essid if self.key : print >>fp, "wpa-psk", self.key else : if self.essid : print >>fp, "wireless-essid", self.essid if self.key : print >>fp, "wireless-key", self.key fp.close() # Now we have /etc/network/interfaces. def set_scheme_manual(self, iface, add) : """Update /etc/network/interfaces with info for the current scheme""" if not add : netutils.ifdown_all() print "Calling ifconfig up" iface.ifconfig_up() if self.encryption == "wep" or self.encryption == "open" : # iwconfig doesn't work reliably unless you specify the # MAC address of the accesspoint. Sometimes it works # without that, but don't count on it. accesspoint = None if self.essid != '' : aplist = netutils.get_accesspoints() for ap in aplist : if ap.essid == self.essid : accesspoint = ap if accesspoint == None : print "No accesspoint matching '%s' -- giving up" \ % (self.essid) sys.exit(1) iwargs = ["iwconfig", iface.name ] if self.essid : iwargs.append("essid") iwargs.append(self.essid) iwargs.append("mode") iwargs.append("managed") if accesspoint and accesspoint.address : iwargs.append("ap") iwargs.append(accesspoint.address) if self.key : iwargs.append("key") iwargs.append(self.key) else : iwargs.append("key") iwargs.append("off") #iwargs.append("enc") #iwargs.append("off") iwargs.append("channel") iwargs.append("auto") print "Calling", iwargs subprocess.call(iwargs) print "Called iwconfig: now it says" os.system("iwconfig") elif self.encryption == "wpa" : tempfp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="wpasup", delete=False) tempname = tempfp.name print "tempname =", tempname print "ssid", self.essid, "key", self.key print >>tempfp, """network={ ssid="%s" scan_ssid=1 key_mgmt=WPA-PSK psk="%s" }""" % (self.essid, self.key) tempfp.close() subprocess.Popen(["wpa_supplicant", "wpa_supplicant", "-Dwext", "-i", iface.name, "-c", tempname]) # Is 1 second long enough for wpa_supplicant to open the file? # 2 might be safer. What a drag. time.sleep(2) os.unlink(tempname) if self.dhcp : print "Getting dhcp" try : subprocess.check_call(["dhcpcd", "-G", "-C", "resolv.conf", iface.name]) #subprocess.call(["dhclient", "-v", iface.name]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e : print "DHCP failed, error", e.returncode iface.ifconfig_down() else : if not self.ip : print "Eek -- you need either dhcp or an IP address" ifcargs = ["ifconfig", iface.name, self.ip] if self.netmask : ifcargs.append("netmask") ifcargs.append(self.netmask) if self.broadcast : ifcargs.append("broadcast") ifcargs.append(self.broadcast) subprocess.call(ifcargs) if self.gateway : r = netutils.Route("default", self.gateway, iface.name) r.add() #subprocess.call(["route", "add", "default", "gw", # self.gateway]) def set_scheme(self, add=False) : """Make this scheme active on the current machine. """ # Figure out what interface we'll be using: iface = None all = netutils.get_interfaces() # find the first wireless interface for i in all : print "Trying interface", i.name if i.wireless: print i.name, "is wireless" # The clause from hell. What this does is: # - If the scheme has an encryption setting (including "open") # then it's a wireless scheme and needs a wireless interface. # - In addition, whether it's wired or wireless, if add is true # then we're trying to add an additional interface, so we # can't use any interface that's already up. if ((self.encryption and i.wireless) or \ (not self.encryption and not i.wireless)) \ and (not add or not i.up) : iface = i break if not iface : print "Couldn't find an interface to set the scheme" return # Are we on debian? is_deb = is_debian() if is_deb : self.set_scheme_debian(iface, add) else : self.set_scheme_manual(iface, add) # Either way, update resolv.conf if applicable if self.dns_servers and len(self.dns_servers) > 0 : if (add) : print "Warning: new DNS settings may override old ones" print "DNS servers:", self.dns_servers, len(self.dns_servers) fp = open("/etc/resolv.conf", "w") for serv in self.dns_servers : print >>fp, "nameserver", serv fp.close() # If we're adding a new wireless interface to a working wired, # setup, dhclient will be happy to overwrite the existing working # resolv.conf with something new that's probably worse. # It also overwrites routing, but it's not clear # if there's anything we can do about that. # So try to keep it from writing. # XXX Ugh! This is awful -- is there a real solution? # Happily, dhcpcd actually allows control over this! # elif add : # print "**** Trying to make resolv.conf unwritable" # os.chmod("/etc/resolv.conf", 0444) # os.system("chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf") # #print >>fp, "pre-up chmod 444 /etc/resolv.conf" # #print >>fp, "pre-up chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf" # pass # Mark the interface up (and call ifup too, if applicable) subprocess.call(["ifconfig", iface.name, "up"]) # This somehow ends up being the second time it's called. # So don't do that! if is_deb : # At one point I thought it was a good idea to call ifup # explicitly. But at least with some cards, ifup associates # with the accesspoint and calls DHCP -- all of which is # about to be done again from service networking restart. # And calling it the second time can fail (e.g. for Broadcom # BCM4313 where the driver needs to be reloaded before # each association). #subprocess.call(["ifup", iface.name]) subprocess.call(["service", "networking", "restart"]) # Try to make the routing tables sane: # in particular, if more than one interface is up, make sure # there's no wifi default route blocking on on a wired interface. up_ifaces = netutils.get_interfaces(True) if len(up_ifaces) > 0 : rt = netutils.Route.read_route_table() # print "Route table:", rt defaults = [] for r in rt : if r.dest == 'default' or r.dest == '' : defaults.append(r) print "Default route:", r if len(defaults) > 1 : wired_route = None # Find the first wired route for r in defaults : for iface in up_ifaces : if r.iface == iface.name and not iface.wireless : wired_route = r print " Wired route:", r break if wired_route : print "Using default route", wired_route for r in defaults : if r != wired_route : print "Deleting route", r r.delete() # if add : # print "**** Making resolv.conf writable again" # os.system("chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf") # os.chmod("/etc/resolv.conf", 0644) # #print >>fp, "post-up chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf" # #print >>fp, "post-up chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf" def is_debian() : return os.access("/etc/network/interfaces", os.R_OK) def print_current_scheme() : ifaces = netutils.get_interfaces() for iface in ifaces : if not iface.up : continue print iface.name, ":", matchscheme = None for scheme in Schemes : if iface.wireless and iface.essid == scheme.essid : matchscheme = scheme break elif not iface.wireless and iface.ip == scheme.ip : matchscheme = scheme break if matchscheme : print "Netscheme", scheme.name else : print "(no netscheme found)" if iface.wireless : if iface.essid : print " ESSID:", iface.essid if iface.ip : if matchscheme and matchscheme.dhcp : print " IP:", iface.ip, "(dhcp)" else : print " IP:", iface.ip def list_accesspoints(maxap=20) : aplist = netutils.get_accesspoints() print "Visible access points:" for ap in aplist : # Show mode if it's anything but Master -- e.g. Ad-hoc mode = '' if ap.mode != 'Master' : mode = ' (' + ap.mode + ')' print "%-22s : %-10s %-10s %s" % (ap.essid, ap.encryption, mode, ap.quality) continue def list_schemes() : for scheme in Schemes : print scheme.name def reset_current_scheme() : print "Sorry, resetting is unreliable right now" if is_debian() : subprocess.call(["service", "networking", "restart"]) else : ifaces = netutils.get_interfaces(True) netutils.ifdown_all() for iface in ifaces : subprocess.call(["ifconfig", iface, "up"]) def find_and_set_scheme(newscheme, add=False) : for scheme in Schemes : if scheme.name != newscheme : continue # Found it; scheme is a NetScheme object. scheme.set_scheme(add) return # XXX TO DO: use python soundex module if available # to see if there's a similarly named scheme -- # for instance, "Coffee Bean" instead of "coffeebean". print "No scheme named", newscheme aplist = netutils.get_accesspoints() for ap in aplist : if ap.essid == newscheme : ans = raw_input("Use it anyway? (Y/n) ") if ans != 'y' and ans != 'Y' and ans != '': sys.exit(1) # Use the scheme scheme = NetScheme(ap.essid, True, '', '', '', '', ap.encryption, ap.essid) if ap.interface : scheme.interface = ap.interface scheme.set_scheme() ans = raw_input("Save this scheme for later? (y/N) ") if ans == 'y' or ans == 'Y' : scheme.dump() return # # A couple of default schemes: # Schemes = [ NetScheme("dhcp", True, encryption=None), # wired NetScheme("wifi", True, encryption='open'), # wireless ] # main if __name__ == "__main__" : # Outer try clause to handle keyboard interrupts and not show # the user a nasty Python stack trace. Using signal.signal to # catch SIGINT doesn't work, perhaps because of the subprocesses # we need to call? try : from optparse import OptionParser usage = """Usage: %prog [-c [-s]] [scheme] | -l | -a | -r %prog changes your network (wi-fi) settings in /etc/network/interfaces. You can make named schemes, like "home" or "work", matching places you go frequently, or just make temporary schemes for places you visit briefly. """ versionstr = "%prog 0.6: Set wireless network schemes.\n\ Copyright 2010 by Akkana Peck; share and enjoy under the GPL v.2 or later." parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=versionstr) parser.add_option("-l", "--list", action="store_true", dest="list_schemes", default=False, help="List the known schemes") parser.add_option("-a", "--accesspoints", action="store_true", dest="list_accesspoints", default=False, help="List available accesspoints") parser.add_option("-r", "--reset", action="store_true", dest="reset_current_scheme", default=False, help="Reset the connection without changing scheme") parser.add_option("-m", "--multi", action="store_true", dest="multi", default=False, help="Multiple interfaces: add a new interface without bringing down current one") parser.add_option("-s", "--save", action="store_true", dest="save_new_scheme", default=False, help="Reset the connection without changing scheme") # parser.add_option("-c", "--create", metavar="new-SSID", # action="store", dest="newscheme", # help="Create a new scheme (temporary unless -s is also set)") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Read in a list of NetSchemes from the config file config = ConfigParser({'dhcp':False, 'ip':'', 'netmask':'', 'broadcast':'', 'gateway':'', 'encryption':'', 'essid':'', 'key':'', 'interface':'', 'dns_servers':''}) configfile = homedirfile(".netscheme") config.read(configfile) #print "Reading from config", configfile for scheme in config.sections() : newscheme = NetScheme(name = scheme, dhcp = config.getboolean(scheme, 'dhcp'), ip = config.get(scheme, 'ip'), netmask = config.get(scheme, 'netmask'), broadcast = config.get(scheme, 'broadcast'), gateway = config.get(scheme, 'gateway'), encryption = config.get(scheme, 'encryption'), essid = config.get(scheme, 'essid'), key = config.get(scheme, 'key'), dns_servers = config.get(scheme, 'dns_servers') \ .split(',')) newscheme.interface = config.get(scheme, 'interface') Schemes.append(newscheme) # Schemes are read, options are read, time to do stuff. if (options.list_schemes) : list_schemes() elif (options.list_accesspoints) : list_accesspoints() elif (options.reset_current_scheme) : reset_current_scheme() elif len(args) < 1 : #print parser.usage print_current_scheme() else : find_and_set_scheme(args[0], options.multi) except KeyboardInterrupt : print "Interrupt"