Some of my configuration files.
This doesn't attempt to be a help page, but is presented in case
the tricks inside might come in handy for anyone.
I use tcsh, with a monster .cshrc built up over decades:
but I also include a very modest .bashrc:
Another case where my .emacs is a monster file built up
over decades.
The other files aren't so elaborate.
Strangely enough, I use and like vim as well as Emacs.
I worked as a Netscape/Mozilla developer for many years, much of
that time as a pest for customization and Linux compatibility,
so I have strong feelings about how the browser ought to be configured.
Yet another monster file including tons of legacy crap --
and some stuff that you may still find useful.
Window Managers
I switch around quite a bit trying out the various small-and-light
window managers, but I particularly like openbox 3.4.1 and fvwm.
I've given up on gnome and kde -- too slow and too hard to
share a configuration among multiple machines.
Vaio openbox/menu.xml
Vaio openbox/rc.xml
These aren't personal dot files, but they're files I have to keep
modifying as distros change their Udev setups in order to get my
multi-flash card and Vaio built-in memory stick readers to work
without requiring Hal polling my hardware constantly.
63-multicard.rules, for a multiple
flash card reader (currently doesn't register the CF portion
64-memstick.rules, for the Vaio
built-in memory stick reader.
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