Shallow Thoughts : : Apr

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Thu, 13 Apr 2023

I'm Glad I Don't Run Wordpress

Last week I spent some time monitoring my apache error logs to try to get rid of warnings from my website and see if there are any errors I need to fix. (Answer: yes, there were a few things I needed to fix, mostly due to changes in libraries since I wrote the pages in question.)

The vast majority of lines in my error log, however, are requests for /wp-login.php or /xmlrpc.php. There are so many of them that they drown out any actual errors on the website.

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[ 10:28 Apr 13, 2023    More tech/web | permalink to this entry | ]

Tue, 04 Apr 2023

A Fake File Manager

After learning how to prevent RawTherapee from intercepting requests for a file manager, I'm happy not to have unwanted RawTherapee windows randomly popping up whenever some program decides it wants to show me a directory. For instance, in Firefox's Download Manager, there's a little folder icon you can click on -- but it doesn't do anything useful if you don't have a file manager installed.

I suppose I could install a file manager; thunar is relatively lightweight. But it seems silly to have to install a whole GUI program I'll never otherwise use just to find out where files were stored. Once I know where to look, a terminal, with shell autocomplete, works fine for navigating my directories, and is much faster and less RSI-inducing than a mouse-based file manager.

Which raises the question: can I make the system do something useful on directory requests, and just show me where the file was stored, or give me a terminal already chdired to the right place? Sort of a fake file manager?

It turned out to be fairly easy.

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[ 11:24 Apr 04, 2023    More linux | permalink to this entry | ]