It's always fun to look for newts when we go on walks in the woods.
We're always reading that amphibians are in mortal danger -- they're
more susceptible to environmental toxins than other vertebrates,
and they're dying off at frighteningly high rates. So seeing newts,
salamanders or frogs always makes me happy ... and seeing a new
generation of them makes me even happier.
Therefore, in spring and early summer, I always check the ponds for tadpoles
and newt larvae. Usually I don't find any. But this year I got lucky:
the little decorative pond at Sanborn county park had newt tadpoles
when we checked last month (June 18), and yesterday we saw one in that
pond and two in the lower pond.
Photographing tadpoles is tougher than photographing adult newts. Of course,
they're always under water, so there are reflections and refraction to
deal with; and it's usually mossy stagnant water, so you have to wait
for them to come out from under the moss. They're also shy,
and dart away if they see motion above them -- not surprising for
something so small and defenseless. (Adult newts are pretty casual and
it's easy to get fairly close to them ... maybe because they're poisonous.)
So, okay, not exactly National Geographic material.
But I was excited to get any photos at
all that show both legs and gills, as well as one showing an adult newt
with a larva right next to it. Coincidence, of course: newts don't care
for their young. But it's fun to see the difference in size and shape
between adult and youngster, and equally fun to see how much the larvae
changed in three weeks' time from the first shots to the second.
Tags: newts, amphibians, nature
13:42 Jul 10, 2011
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![[Newt nookie at Lake Ranch]](
Last weekend, on a tip posted on a local birding list, we hiked up to
the little pond at Lake Ranch, above Sanborn county park, where a
major California newt orgy is in progress.
There were thousands of newts throughout the lake, but especially by
the dam, where they were mating and laying eggs.
I had never realized how much the male newts' appearance differs from
the females -- or possibly, it doesn't except at this time of year.
Most of the year, when we see newts they look like these females, with
orange-red skin and lizard-like feet. But here the males look very
different: larger, darker, often patterned with stripes or spots,
with huge flipper-like feet and greatly flattened tails.
Most of the females were gravid with eggs already. The males seem to
be able to tell when a female has already been fertilized, but only
from up close: they'll pursue a female to a few inches away, then turn
back if she's recently mated.
We saw some multi-newt orgies, with two or three males nosing each
other to get access to a female; but mostly we saw pairs clasped in
long-lasting embraces. We watched a few pairs for five or ten minutes.
Some of the females laid their grape-sized egg sacs near where they
mated, by the dam; but upstream, closer to the Black Rd end of the
pond, we found a nursery where the pond floor was just covered with
egg sacs. Is it safer for the eggs here, away from the newt festivities?
Or is the temperature or oxygen content different?
Photos are a bit challenging.
There's a lot of reflection off the surface of the water.
The raw photos are just a sea of murky green, but a little contrast
boosting in GIMP, and sometimes a bit of layer mode/layer mask work,
brings out a lot more detail than I expected.
There were a few frogs singing, too. We couldn't see the frogs, but we did
see a few schools of what might have been tadpoles (or else tiny fish).
We also saw one huge tadpole, with a head like a squashed ping-pong ball.
I hope the bullfrogs from Walden West pond haven't migrated up to
Lake Ranch. It's fun to watch them at Walden West, but bullfrogs could
wreak havoc on the pond's other wildlife. (Can bullfrogs eat newts?
Most animals can't -- newts have poisonous skins.
But we've never seen any newts at Walden West.)
If you go to see the newts, watch your step on the trails.
After egg-laying, the females apparently leave the pond and go wandering
cross-country. (Where do the males go?)
We saw at least three females heading down the steep trail toward
Sanborn, and a couple more on the flat trail above the lake that heads
toward Black Rd. They move slowly and purposefully, and can't scurry out of
your way to keep from getting stepped on. So be careful, and enjoy the show!
Newt nookie photos here.
Tags: nature, newts
12:06 Jan 20, 2010
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On a short afternoon hike at Sanborn today, Dave and I decided to go
by the tiny koi pond near the visitors' center to see if any newts
were left this late into summer.
What a scene! In the current semi-drought, the pond has become a mud
flat, its surface
criss-crossed with
tracks and squirming with newts and crayfish trying to push
themselves out of the sticky mud.
In the few holes where the water was more than a couple inches
deep, fish flopped -- several 6-8" long golden koi plus something brown
but similarly large. A few of the newts thrashed in the water holes, too,
seemingly trying to get clean of the mud that coated them;
but most of the newts wriggled across the shallower mud flats,
heading nowhere in particular but looking very unhappy.
The crayfish seemed most numerous at the dryer edges of the pond,
pushing themselves laboriously up out of the mud with their claws
and dragging themselves across the mud.
Newts normally migrate, and can go surprisingly long distances
(miles) across land, so I think at least some of these newts will
survive. The fish, I must assume, are doomed unless someone rescues them.
I wonder if the rangers have considered selling the non-native
koi to someone who wants them, and replacing them with native fish?
Are there any fish native here this far upstream? Penitencia Creek
(at Alum Rock) has small fish (up to about 3" long), but it carries
more water in dry seasons than any creek near Sanborn.
What about the crayfish? Can crayfish survive long out of water,
bury themselves in mud (the ones here didn't seem too happy about
that idea) or migrate overland?
I suspect there will be some happy park raccoons tonight.
Tags: nature, newts, crayfish, drought
21:21 Aug 21, 2008
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