Some time ago, I wished for a simple Linux "Tarball installer", something that could install a minimal install of a Linux distribution onto an existing partition or directory, skipping all the flaky and error-prone hardware-guessing that installers do.It turns out Debian (and therefore also Ubuntu) has had this for years, and it's totally cool. It's called debootstrap.
Some folks on the #ubuntu+1 channel told me about it, and I found a nice clear howto article on how to use it for Debian. It works just the same for Ubuntu.
First, get the .deb package for the debootstrap you want to use.
for Ubuntu Hardy Heron. Install it with dpkg -i
Then run it, giving it the name of the system you want to install
and the directory (or mounted partition) where you want to install
it. Like this:
debootstrap hardy /mnt/hda3
That's all! It fetches the files it needs from the online repositories. It takes no time at all -- this really is a minimal system.
Then you need to do some fiddling to turn it into a bootable system. That includes (all paths relative to the newly installed filesystem unless otherwise stated):
- Set up etc/fstab to list the fileystems on the disk, and to mount / from the filesystem you just installed
- Define the hostname in etc/hostname
- Set up a grub boot stanza in /boot/grub/menu.lst (that's /boot on the current system, which should be the same as /boot in the new fstab you just created). Use whatever kernel you were using for your old system, for now.
Now you're read to reboot into the new system. Of course, since this is a very minimal system, you have a lot more work to do. Hardly anything is installed, and nothing has been configured for you. Some things may be challenging (for example, as I write this, X is installed but most of the fonts aren't showing up properly, which may be a bug in Hardy).
Anyway, you can get a good start by mounting your old system's root directory and copying some starter files from there, starting with these:
- Set up your important configuration files: /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/passwd etc.
- edit /etc/apt/sources.list to include restricted universe multiverse
- Install a kernel package if you're using distro kernels
- Install vim if you're a vim user -- remember, ubuntu comes with something called vim that isn't really vim.
- Create users and homedirs and such
- Install all the other stuff you want -- X, gimp/gtk, development tools, editors, shells -- all that stuff that makes the system feel like home. You're on your own there, so have fun!
[ 13:54 Apr 06, 2008 More linux/install | permalink to this entry | ]