LCA 2009 Tuesday
I missed a lot of the miniconf talks on Tuesday because I wanted to make some last-minute changes to my talk. But I do want to comment on one: Simon Greener's talk on "A Review of Australian Geodata Providers." Of course, I'm not in Australia, but it was quite interesting to hear how similar Australia's problematic geodata siguation is to the situation in the US. His presentation was entertaining, animated and I learned some interesting facts about GPS and geodata in general.And Dave and I got another good astronomy opportunity with the dark skies at Peppermint Bay at the Speakers' Dinner. Despite occasional intrusive clouds we managed to get a great view of the Large Magellanic Cloud and a decent view of the small one, as well as eta Carinae and the star clouds between Crux and Carina. Pity I'd forgotten to bring my thumpin' travel optics that I'd been using the previous evening: a 6x20 monocular.
[ 17:15 Jan 20, 2009 More conferences/lca2009 | permalink to this entry | ]