Mouse Release Movie
We caught another mouse! I shot a movie of its release.
Like the previous mouse we'd caught, it was nervous about coming out of the trap: it poked its nose out, but didn't want to come the rest of the way.
Dave finally got impatient, picked up the trap and turned it opening down,
so the mouse would slide out.
It turned out to be the world's scruffiest mouse, which immediately
darted toward me. I had to step back and stand up to follow it on camera.
(Yes, I know my camera technique needs work. Sorry.)
Then it headed up the hill a ways before finally lapsing into the
high-bounding behavior we've seen from other mice and rats we've released.
I know it's hard to tell in the last picture -- the photo is so small --
but look at the distance between the mouse and its shadow on the ground.
Very entertaining! I don't understand why anyone uses killing traps --
even if you aren't bothered by killing things unnecessarily, the
entertainment we get from watching the releases is worth any slight
extra hassle of using the live traps.
Here's the movie:
Mouse released
from trap.
[ 17:10 Aug 20, 2014 More nature | permalink to this entry | ]