Create a signed app with Cordova (Shallow Thoughts)

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Fri, 03 Jul 2015

Create a signed app with Cordova

I wrote last week about developing apps with PhoneGap/Cordova. But one thing I didn't cover. When you type cordova build, you're building only a debug version of your app. If you want to release it, you have to sign it. Figuring out how turned out to be a little tricky.

Most pages on the web say you can sign your apps by creating platforms/android/ with the same keystore information in it that you'd put in an ant build, then running cordova build android --release

But Cordova completely ignored my file and went on creating a debug .apk file and no signed one.

I found various other purported solutions on the web, like creating a build.json file in the app's top-level directory ... but that just made Cordova die with a syntax error inside one of its own files). This is the only method that worked for me:

Create a file called platforms/android/, and put this in it:

// if you don't want to enter the password at every build, use this:

Then cordova build android --release finally works, and creates a file called platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-release.apk

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[ 18:02 Jul 03, 2015    More programming | permalink to this entry | ]

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