Shallow Thoughts : : Feb

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Fri, 23 Feb 2018

PEEC Planetarium Show: "The Analemma Dilemma"

[Analemma by Giuseppe Donatiello via Wikimedia Commons] Dave and I are giving a planetarium show at PEEC tonight on the analemma.

I've been interested in the analemma for years and have written about it before, here on the blog and in the SJAA Ephemeris. But there were a lot of things I still didn't understand as well as I liked. When we signed up three months ago to give this talk, I had plenty of lead time to do more investigating, uncovering lots of interesting details regarding the analemmas of other planets, the contributions of the two factors that go into the Equation of Time, why some analemmas are figure-8s while some aren't, and the supposed "moon analemmas" that have appeared on the Astronomy Picture of the Day. I added some new features to the analemma script I'd written years ago as well as corresponding with an expert who'd written some great Equation of Time code for all the planets. It's been fun.

I'll write about some of what I learned when I get a chance, but meanwhile, people in the Los Alamos area can hear all about it tonight, at our PEEC show: The Analemma Dilemma, 7 pm tonight, Friday Feb 23, at the Nature Center, admission $6/adult, $4/child.

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[ 10:23 Feb 23, 2018    More science/astro | permalink to this entry | ]

Sat, 17 Feb 2018

Multiplexing Input or Output on a Raspberry Pi Part 2: Port Expanders

In the previous article I talked about Multiplexing input/output using shift registers for a music keyboard project. I ended up with three CD4021 8-bit shift registers cascaded. It worked; but I found that I was spending all my time in the delays between polling each bit serially. I wanted a way to read those bits faster. So I ordered some I/O expander chips.

[Keyboard wired to Raspberry Pi with two MCP23017 port expanders] I/O expander, or port expander, chips take a lot of the hassle out of multiplexing. Instead of writing code to read bits serially, you can use I2C. Some chips also have built-in pullup resistors, so you don't need all those extra wires for pullups or pulldowns. There are lots of options, but two common chips are the MCP23017, which controls 16 lines, and the MCP23008 and PCF8574p, which each handle 8. I'll only discuss the MCP23017 here, because if eight is good, surely sixteen is better! But the MCP23008 is basically the same thing with fewer I/O lines.

A good tutorial to get you started is How To Use A MCP23017 I2C Port Expander With The Raspberry Pi - 2013 Part 1 along with part 2, Python and part 3, reading input.

I'm not going to try to repeat what's in those tutorials, just fill in some gaps I found. For instance, I didn't find I needed sudo for all those I2C commands in Part 1 since my user is already in the i2c group.

Using Python smbus

Part 2 of that tutorial uses Python smbus, but it doesn't really explain all the magic numbers it uses, so it wasn't obvious how to generalize it when I added a second expander chip. It uses this code:

DEVICE = 0x20 # Device address (A0-A2)
IODIRA = 0x00 # Pin direction register
OLATA  = 0x14 # Register for outputs
GPIOA  = 0x12 # Register for inputs

# Set all GPA pins as outputs by setting
# all bits of IODIRA register to 0

# Set output all 7 output bits to 0

DEVICE is the address on the I2C bus, the one you see with i2cdetect -y 1 (20, initially).

IODIRA is the direction: when you call

bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE, IODIRA, 0x00)
you're saying that all eight bits in GPA should be used for output. Zero specifies output, one input: so if you said
bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE, IODIRA, 0x1F)
you'd be specifying that you want to use the lowest five bits for output and the upper three for input.

OLATA = 0x14 is the command to use when writing data:

bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE, OLATA, MyData)
means write data to the eight GPA pins. But what if you want to write to the eight GPB pins instead? Then you'd use
OLATB  = 0x15
bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE, OLATB, MyData)

Likewise, if you want to read input from some of the GPB bits, use

GPIOB  = 0x13
val = bus.read_byte_data(DEVICE, GPIOB)

The MCP23017 even has internal pullup resistors you can enable:

GPPUA  = 0x0c    # Pullup resistor on GPA
GPPUB  = 0x0d    # Pullup resistor on GPB
bus.write_byte_data(DEVICE, GPPUB, inmaskB)

Here's a full example: on GitHub.

Using WiringPi

You can also talk to an MCP23017 using the WiringPi library. In that case, you don't set all the bits at once, but instead treat each bit as though it were a separate pin. That's easier to think about conceptually -- you don't have to worry about bit shifting and masking, just use pins one at a time -- but it might be slower if the library is doing a separate read each time you ask for an input bit. It's probably not the right approach to use if you're trying to check a whole keyboard's state at once.

Start by picking a base address for the pin number -- 65 is the lowest you can pick -- and initializing:

pin_base = 65
i2c_addr = 0x20

wiringpi.mcp23017Setup(pin_base, i2c_addr)

Then you can set input or output mode for each pin:

wiringpi.pinMode(pin_base, wiringpi.OUTPUT)
wiringpi.pinMode(input_pin, wiringpi.INPUT)
and then write to or read from each pin:
wiringpi.digitalWrite(pin_no, 1)
val = wiringpi.digitalRead(pin_no)

WiringPi also gives you access to the MCP23017's internal pullup resistors:

wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(input_pin, 2)

Here's an example in Python: on GitHub, and one in C: MCP23017-wiringpi.c on GitHub.

Using multiple MCP23017s

But how do you cascade several MCP23017 chips?

Well, you don't actually cascade them. Since they're I2C devices, you wire them so they each have different addresses on the I2C bus, then query them individually. Happily, that's easier than keeping track of how many bits you've looped through ona shift register.

Pins 15, 16 and 17 on the chip are the address lines, labeled A0, A1 and A2. If you ground all three you get the base address of 0x20. With all three connected to VCC, it will use 0x27 (binary 111 added to the base address). So you can send commands to your first device at 0x20, then to your second one at 0x21 and so on. If you're using WiringPi, you can call mcp23017Setup(pin_base2, i2c_addr2) for your second chip.

I had trouble getting the addresses to work initially, and it turned out the problem wasn't in my understanding of the address line wiring, but that one of my cheap Chinese breadboard had a bad power and ground bus in one quadrant. That's a good lesson for the future: when things don't work as expected, don't assume the breadboard is above suspicion.

Using two MCP23017 chips with their built-in pullup resistors simplified the wiring for my music keyboard enormously, and it made the code cleaner too. Here's the modified code: on GitHub.

What about the speed? It is indeed quite a bit faster than the shift register code. But it's still too laggy to use as a real music keyboard. So I'll still need to do more profiling, and maybe find a faster way of generating notes, if I want to play music on this toy.

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[ 15:44 Feb 17, 2018    More hardware | permalink to this entry | ]

Tue, 13 Feb 2018

Multiplexing Input or Output on a Raspberry Pi Part 1: Shift Registers

I was scouting for parts at a thrift shop and spotted a little 23-key music keyboard. It looked like a fun Raspberry Pi project.

I was hoping it would turn out to use some common protocol like I2C, but when I dissected it, it turned out there was a ribbon cable with 32 wires coming from the keyboard. So each key is a separate pushbutton.

[23-key keyboard wired to a Raspberry Pi] A Raspberry Pi doesn't have that many GPIO pins, and neither does an Arduino Uno. An Arduino Mega does, but buying a Mega to go between the Pi and the keyboard kind of misses the point of scavenging a $3 keyboard; I might as well just buy an I2C or MIDI keyboard. So I needed some sort of I/O multiplexer that would let me read 31 keys using a lot fewer pins.

There are a bunch of different approaches to multiplexing. A lot of keyboards use a matrix approach, but that makes more sense when you're wiring up all the buttons from scratch, not starting with a pre-wired keyboard like this. The two approaches I'll discuss here are shift registers and multiplexer chips.

If you just want to get the job done in the most efficient way, you definitely want a multiplexer (port expander) chip, which I'll cover in Part 2. But for now, let's look at the old-school way: shift registers.

PISO Shift Registers

There are lots of types of shift registers, but for reading lots of inputs, you need a PISO shift register: "Parallel In, Serial Out." That means you can tell the chip to read some number -- typically 8 -- of inputs in parallel, then switch into serial mode and read all the bits one at a time.

Some PISO shift registers can cascade: you can connect a second shift register to the first one and read twice as many bits. For 23 keys I needed three 8-bit shift registers.

Two popular cascading PISO shift registers are the CD4021 and the SN74LS165. They work similarly but they're not exactly the same.

The basic principle with both the CD4021 and the SN74LS165: connect power and ground, and wire up all your inputs to the eight data pins. You'll need pullup or pulldown resistors on each input line, just like you normally would for a pushbutton; I recommend picking up a few high-value (like 1-10k) resistor arrays: you can get these in SIP (single inline package) or DIP (dual-) form factors that plug easily into a breadboard. Resistor arrays can be either independent two pins for each resistor in the array) or bussed (one pin in the chip is a common pin, which you wire to ground for a pulldown or V+ for a pullup; each of the rest of the pins is a resistor). I find bussed networks particularly handy because they can reduce the number of wires you need to run, and with a job where you're multiplexing lots of lines, you'll find that getting the wiring straight is a big part of the job. (See the photo above to see what a snarl this was even with resistor networks.)

For the CD4021, connect three more pins: clock and data pins (labeled CLK and either Q7 or Q8 on the chip's pinout, pins 10 and 3), plus a "latch" pin (labeled M, pin 9). For the SN74LS165, you need one more pin: you need clock and data (labeled CP and Q7, pins 2 and 9), latch (labeled PL, pin 1), and clock enable (labeled CE, pin 15).

At least for the CD4021, some people recommend a 0.1 uF bypass capacitor across the power/ground connections of each CD4021.

If you need to cascade several chips with the CD4021, wire DS (pin 11) from the first chip to Q7 (pin 3), then wire both chips clock lines together and both chips' data lines together. The SN74LS165 is the same: DS (pin 10) to Q8 (pin 9) and tie the clock and data lines together.

Once wired up, you toggle the latch to read the parallel data, then toggle it again and use the clock pin to read the series of bits. You can see the specific details in my Python scripts: on GitHub and on GitHub.

Some References

For wiring diagrams, more background, and Arduino code for the CD4021, read Arduino ShiftIn. For the SN74LS165, read: Arduino: SN74HC165N, 74HC165 8 bit Parallel in/Serial out Shift Register, or Sparkfun: Shift Registers.

Of course, you can use a shift register for output as well as input. In that case you need a SIPO (Serial In, Parallel Out) shift register like a 74HC595. See Arduino ShiftOut: Serial to Parallel Shifting-Out with a 74HC595 Interfacing 74HC595 Serial Shift Register with Raspberry Pi. Another, less common option is the 74HC164N: Using a SN74HC164N Shift Register With Raspberry Pi

For input from my keyboard, initially I used three CD4021s. It basically worked, and you can see the code for it at (older version, for CD4021 shift registers), on GitHub.

But it turned out that looping over all those bits was slow -- I've been advised that you should wait at least 25 microseconds between bits for the CD4021, and even at 10 microseconds I found there wasa significant delay between hitting the key and hearing the note.I thought it might be all the fancy numpy code to generate waveforms for the chords, but when I used the Python profiler, it said most of the program's time was taken up in time.sleep(). Fortunately, there's a faster solution than shift registers: port expanders, which I'll talk about in Multiplexing Part 2: Port Expanders.

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[ 12:23 Feb 13, 2018    More hardware | permalink to this entry | ]

Fri, 02 Feb 2018

Raspberry Pi Console over USB: Configuring an Ethernet Gadget

When I work with a Raspberry Pi from anywhere other than home, I want to make sure I can do what I need to do without a network.

With a Pi model B, you can use an ethernet cable. But that doesn't work with a Pi Zero, at least not without an adapter. The lowest common denominator is a serial cable, and I always recommend that people working with headless Pis get one of these; but there are a lot of things that are difficult or impossible over a serial cable, like file transfer, X forwarding, and running any sort of browser or other network-aware application on the Pi.

Recently I learned how to configure a Pi Zero as a USB ethernet gadget, which lets you network between the Pi and your laptop using only a USB cable. It requires a bit of setup, but it's definitely worth it. (This apparently only works with Zero and Zero W, not with a Pi 3.)

The Cable

The first step is getting the cable. For a Pi Zero or Zero W, you can use a standard micro-USB cable: you probably have a bunch of them for charging phones (if you're not an Apple person) and other devices.

Set up the Pi

Setting up the Raspberry Pi end requires editing two files in /boot, which you can do either on the Pi itself, or by mounting the first SD card partition on another machine.

In /boot/config.txt add this at the end:


In /boot/cmdline.txt, at the end of the long list of options but on the same line, add a space, followed by: modules-load=dwc2,g_ether

Set a static IP address

This step is optional. In theory you're supposed to use some kind of .local address that Bonjour (the Apple protocol that used to be called zeroconf, and before that was called Rendezvous, and on Linux machines is called Avahi). That doesn't work on my Linux machine. If you don't use Bonjour, finding the Pi over the ethernet link will be much easier if you set it up to use a static IP address. And since there will be nobody else on your USB network besides the Pi and the computer on the other end of the cable, there's no reason not to have a static address: you're not going to collide with anybody else.

You could configure a static IP in /etc/network/interfaces, but that interferes with the way Raspbian handles wi-fi via wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd; so you'd have USB networking but your wi-fi won't work any more.

Instead, configure your address in Raspbian via dhcpcd. Edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf and add this:

interface usb0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

This will tell Raspbian to use address for its USB interface. You'll set up your other computer to use

Now your Pi should be ready to boot with USB networking enabled. Plug in a USB cable (if it's a model A or B) or a micro USB cable (if it's a Zero), plug the other end into your computer, then power up the Pi.

Setting up a Linux machine for USB networking

The final step is to configure your local computer's USB ethernet to use

On Linux, find the name of the USB ethernet interface. This will only show up after you've booted the Pi with the ethernet cable plugged in to both machines.

ip a
The USB interface will probably start eith en and will probably be the last interface shown.

On my Debian machine, the USB network showed up as enp0s26u1u1. So I can configure it thusly (as root, of course):

ip a add dev enp0s26u1u1
ip link set dev enp0s26u1u1 up
(You can also use the older ifconfig rather than ip: sudo ifconfig enp0s26u1u1 up)

You should now be able to ssh into your Raspberry Pi using the address, and you can make an appropriate entry in /etc/hosts, if you wish.

For a less hands-on solution, if you're using Mac or Windows, try Adafruit's USB gadget tutorial. It's possible that might also work for Linux machines running Avahi. If you're using Windows, you might prefer CircuitBasics' ethernet gadget tutorial.

Happy networking!

Update: there's now a Part 2: Routing to the Outside World and Part 3: an Automated Script.

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[ 14:53 Feb 02, 2018    More linux | permalink to this entry | ]