U is for Unreliable UI (or: Why Firefox's "Do this automatically this from now on" checkbox is so flaky, and how to work around it)
It's been a frustration with Firefox for years. You click on a link and get the "What should Firefox do with this file?" dialog, even though it's a file type you view all the time -- PDF, say, or JPEG. You click "View in browser" or "Save file" or whatever ... then you check the "Do this automatically for files like this from now on" checkbox, thinking, I'm sure I checked this last time.
Then a few minutes later, you go to a file of the exact same time, and you get the dialog again. That damn checkbox is like the button on street crossings or elevators: a no-op to make you think you're doing something.
I never tried to get to the bottom
of why this happens with some PDFs and not others, some JPGs but not others.
But Los Alamos puts their government meetings on a site called
Legistar does everything as PDF -- and those PDFs all trigger this
Firefox bug, prompting for a download rather than displaying in
Firefox's PDF viewer.
[ 16:38 Aug 08, 2020 More tech/web | permalink to this entry | ]