Displaying Quotes on a Kiosk -- and Javascript Memory Leaks
The LWV had a 100th anniversary celebration earlier this week. In New Mexico, that included a big celebration at the Roundhouse. One of our members has collected a series of fun facts that she calls "100-Year Minutes". You can see them at lwvnm.org. She asked me if it would be possible to have them displayed somehow during our display at the Roundhouse.
Of course! I said. "Easy, no problem!" I said.
Famous last words.
There are two parts: first, display randomly (or sequentially) chosen quotes with large text in a fullscreen window. Second, set up a computer (the obvious choice is a Raspberry Pi) run the kiosk automatically. This article only covers the first part; I'll write about the Raspberry Pi setup separately.
A Simple Plaintext Kiosk Python Script
When I said "easy" and "no problem", I was imagining writing a little Python program: get text, scale it to the screen, loop. I figured the only hard part would be the scaling. the quotes aren't all the same length, but I want them to be easy to read, so I wanted each quote displayed in the largest font that would let the quote fill the screen.
Indeed, for plaintext it was easy. Using GTK3 in Python, first you set up a PangoCairo layout (Cairo is the way you draw in GTK3, Pango is the font/text rendering library, and a layout is Pango's term for a bunch of text to be rendered). Start with a really big font size, ask PangoCairo how large the layout would render, and if it's so big that it doesn't fit in the available space, reduce the font size and try again. It's not super elegant, but it's easy and it's fast enough. It only took an hour or two for a working script, which you can see at quotekiosk.py.
But some of the quotes had minor HTML formatting. GtkWebkit was orphaned several years ago and was never available for Python 3; the only Python 3 option I know of for displaying HTML is Qt5's QtWebEngine, which is essentially a fully functioning browser window.
Which meant that it seeming made more sense to write the whole kiosk as a web page, with the resizing code in JavaScript. I say "seemingly"; it didn't turn out that way.
JavaScript: Resizing Text to Fit Available Space
The hard part about using JavaScript was the text resizing, since I couldn't use my PangoCairo resizing code.
Much web searching found lots of solutions that resize a single line to fit the width of the screen, plus a lot of hand-waving suggestions that didn't work. I finally found a working solution in a StackOverflow thread: Fit text perfectly inside a div (height and width) without affecting the size of the div. The only one of the three solutions there that actually worked was the jQuery one. It basically does the same thing my original Python script did: check element.scrollHeight and if it overflows, reduce the font size and try again.
I used the jquery version for a little while, but eventually rewrote it to pure javascript so I wouldn't have to keep copying jquery-min.js around.
JS Timers on Slow Machines
There are two types of timers in Javascript: setTimeout, which schedules something to run once N seconds from now, and setInterval, which schedules something to run repeatedly every N seconds. At first I thought I wanted setInterval, since I want the kiosk to keep running, changing its quote every so often.
I coded that, and it worked okay on my laptop, but failed miserably on the Raspberry Pi Zero W. The Pi, even with a lightweight browser like gpreso (let alone chromium), takes so long to load a page and go through the resize-and-check-height loop that by the time it has finally displayed, it's about ready for the timer to fire again. And because it takes longer to scale a big quote than a small one, the longest quotes give you the shortest time to read them.
So I switched to setTimeout instead. Choose a quote (since JavaScript makes it hard to read local files, I used Python to read all the quotes in, turn them into a JSON list and write them out to a file that I included in my JavaScript code), set the text color to the background color so you can't see all the hacky resizing, run the resize loop, set the color back to the foreground color, and only then call setTimeout again:
function newquote() { // ... resizing and other slow stuff here setTimeout(newquote, 30000); } // Display the first page: newquote();
That worked much better on the Raspberry Pi Zero W, so I added code to resize images in a similar fashion, and added some fancy CSS fade effects that it turned out the Pi was too slow to run, but it looks nice on a modern x86 machine. The full working kiosk code is quotekioska>).
Memory Leaks in JavaScript's innerHTML
I ran it for several hours on my development machine and it looked great. But when I copied it to the Pi, even after I turned off the fades (which looked jerky and terrible on the slow processor), it only ran for ten or fifteen minutes, then crashed. Every time. I tried it in several browsers, but they all crashed after running a while.
The obvious culprit, since it ran fine for a while then crashed, was a memory leak. The next step was to make a minimal test case.
I'm using innerHTML
to change
the kiosk content, because it's the only way I know of to parse and
insert a snippet of HTML that may or may not contain paragraphs and
other nodes. This little test page was enough to show the effect:
<h1>innerHTML Leak</h1> <p id="thecontent"> </p> <script type="text/javascript"> var i = 0; function changeContent() { var s = "Now we're at number " + i; document.getElementById("thecontent").innerHTML = s; i += 1; setTimeout(changeContent, 2000); } changeContent(); </script>
Chromium has a nice performance recording tool that can show you memory leaks. (Firefox doesn't seem to have an equivalent, alas.)
To test a leak, go to More Tools > Developer Tools
and choose the Performance tab. Load your test page,
then click the Record button. Run it for a while, like a couple
of minutes, then stop it and you'll see a graph like this (click on
the image for a full-size version).
Both the green line, Nodes, and the blue line, JS Heap,
are going up. But if you run it for longer, say, ten minutes, the
garbage collector eventually runs and the JS Heap line
drops back down. The Nodes line never does:
the node count just continues going up and up and up no matter how
long you run it.
So it looks like that's the culprit: setting innerHTML
adds a new node (or several) each time you call it, and those nodes are
never garbage collected. No wonder it couldn't run for long on the
poor Raspberry Pi Zero with 512Gb RAM (the Pi 3 with 1Gb didn't fare
much better).
It's weird that all browsers would have the same memory leak; maybe
something about the definition of innerHTML
causes it.
I'm not enough of a Javascript expert to know, and the experts I
was able to find didn't seem to know anything about either why it
happened, or how to work around it.
Python html2text
So I gave up on JavaScript and went back to my original Python text kiosk program. After reading in an HTML snippet, I used the Python html2text module to convert the snippet to text, then displayed it. I added image resizing using GdkPixbuf and I was good to go.
quotekiosk.py ran just fine throughout the centennial party, and no one complained about the formatting not being fancy enough. A happy ending, complete with cake and lemonade. But I'm still curious about that JavaScript leak, and whether there's a way to work around it. Anybody know?
[ 18:48 Feb 08, 2020 More tech/web | permalink to this entry | ]