N is for Nestlings
A pair of mountain chickadees have a nest in the nest box I set up outside the bedroom window.
I first saw them bringing food to the nest almost a month ago, May 10,
though I'm not sure if they were bringing food to a nest-sitting
parent, or if they were feeding chicks that had already hatched.
Chickadees at a nest are quick-moving: they flit up to the
hole and immediately enter, not lingering on the threshold like
ash-throated flycatchers or Bewick's wrens, both of which have used
this nestbox in past years. So it's not easy to get photos of chickadees
at the nest box. So instead, here's a photo of
a mountain chickadee from several years ago.
Since May 10 there's been plenty of activity, chickadees flying in and
out, bringing food and carrying away fecal sacs.
[ 11:07 Jun 06, 2020 More nature | permalink to this entry | ]