Tyuyoni Overlook in June
It's been hot this week, but most of the spring was lovely.
We went for a quick hike to Tyuyoni Overlook a week ago.
There was a virtuoso mockingbird singing his heart out near the amphitheatre.
Mockingbirds aren't at all common here, so in case it might be a thrasher
or something else, I fired up Merlin on my phone. Merlin agreed with
my ID of the mockingbird; but I left it running for a few minutes,
during which it identified lots of other birds (the mockingbird
was the only one singing):
Woodhouse's scrub jay, piñon jay, mountain bluebird, chipping
sparrow, Cassin's kingbird, and ... Virginia rail! Fun.
I sure hope he sticks around and finds a mate. Global warming is scary, but if it brings mockingbirds here, that would at least be a small up side.
Here's the view from the overlook, looking down into Frijoles canyon
toward the ancestral puebloan ruins called Tyuyoni. Visible on the left
is the Frey trail ascending up the mesa to join with the Tyuyoni Overlook
trail. Tip: now that the shuttle buses are running again, a great
hike is to take the shuttle to the Visitor's Center, hike up the Frey
trail and catch the shuttle from there back to White Rock. Or, if you
prefer to go downhill, you can do it in the other direction.
Great views, either way.
[ 19:27 Jun 27, 2023 More nature | permalink to this entry | ]