List only directories
Fairly often, I want a list of subdirectories inside a particular directory. For instance, when posting blog entries, I may need to decide whether an entry belongs under "linux" or some sub-category, like "linux/cmdline" -- so I need to remind myself what categories I have under linux.
But strangely, Linux offers no straightforward way to ask that question.
The ls
command lists directories -- along with the files.
There's no way to list just the directories. You can list the directories
first, with the --group-directories-first option.
Or you can flag the directories specially: ls -F
appends a slash to each directory name, so instead of linux
you'd see linux/
. But you still have to pick the directories
out of a long list of files. You can do that with grep, of course:
ls -1F ~/web/blog/linux | grep /That's a one, not an ell: it tells ls to list files one per line. So now you get a list of directories, one per line, with a slash appended to each one. Not perfect, but it's a start.
Or you can use the find
program, which has an option
-type d
that lists only directories. Perfect, right?
find ~/web/blog/linux -maxdepth 1 -type d
Except that lists everything with full pathnames: /home/akkana/web/blog/linux, /home/akkana/web/blog/linux/editors, /home/akkana/web/blog/linux/cmdline and so forth. Way too much noise to read quickly.
What I'd really like is to have just a list of directory names -- no slashes, no newlines. How do we get from ls or find output to that? Either we can start with find and strip off all the path information, either in a loop with basename or with a sed command; or start with ls -F, pick only the lines with slashes, then strip off those slashes. The latter sounds easier.
So let's go back to that ls -1F ~/web/blog/linux | grep /
command. To strip off the slashes, you can use sed's s (substitute)
command. Normally the syntax is sed 's/oldpat/newpat/'. But since
slashes are the pattern we're substituting, it's better to use
something else as the separator character. I'll use an underscore.
The old pattern, the one I want to replace, is / -- but I only want to replace the last slash on the line, so I'll add a $ after it, representing end-of-line. The new pattern I want instead of the slash is -- nothing.
So my sed argument is 's_/$__'
and the command becomes:
ls -1F ~/web/blog/linux | grep / | sed 's_/$__'
That does what I want. If I don't want them listed one per line, I can fudge that using backquotes to pass the output of the whole command to the shell's echo command:
echo `ls -1F ~/web/blog/linux | grep / | sed 's_/$__'`
If you have a lot of directories to list and you want ls's nice
columnar format, that's a little harder.
You can ls the list of directories (the names inside the backquotes),
ls `your long command`
-- except that now that you've stripped off the path information,
ls won't know where to find the files. So you'd have to change
directory first:
cd ~/web/blog/linux; ls -d `ls -1F | grep / | sed 's_/$__'`
That's not so good, though, because now you've changed directories from wherever you were before. To get around that, use parentheses to run the commands inside a subshell:
(cd ~/web/blog/linux; ls -d `ls -1F | grep / | sed 's_/$__'`)
Now the cd only applies within the subshell, and when the command finishes, your own shell will still be wherever you started.
Finally, I don't want to have to go through this discovery process every time I want a list of directories. So I turned it into a couple of shell functions, where $* represents all the arguments I pass to the command, and $1 is just the first argument.
lsdirs() { (cd $1; /bin/ls -d `/bin/ls -1F | grep / | sed 's_/$__'`) } lsdirs2() { echo `/bin/ls -1F $* | grep / | sed 's_/$__'` }I specify /bin/ls because I have a function overriding ls in my .zshrc. Most people won't need to, but it doesn't hurt.
Now I can type lsdirs ~/web/blog/linux
and get a nice
list of directories.
Update, shortly after posting:
In zsh (which I use), there's yet another way: */
only directories. It appends a trailing slash to them, but
matches directories and omits the trailing slash.
So you can say
echo ~/web/blog/linux/*(/:t):t strips the directory part of each match. To see other useful : modifiers, type
ls *(:
then hit TAB.
Thanks to Mikachu for the zsh tips. Zsh can do anything, if you can just figure out how ...
[ 11:22 Sep 03, 2011 More linux/cmdline | permalink to this entry | ]