Quick tip: Disabling version control in Emacs
For some time I've been mildly annoyed that whenever I start emacs and open a file that's under any sort of version control -- cvs, svn, git or whatever -- I can't start editing right away, because emacs has to pause for a while and load a bunch of version-control cruft I never use. Sometimes it also causes problems later, when I try to write to the file or if I update the directory.
It wasn't obvious what keywords to search for, but I finally found
a combination, emacs prevent OR disable autoload vc
(the vc was the important part), which led me to the
solution (found on
this page):
;; Disable all version control (setq vc-handled-backends nil)
Files load much faster now!
[ 13:11 Feb 04, 2011 More linux/editors | permalink to this entry | ]