Synaptics horizontal scrolling (and other touchpad configurations)
My new netbook (about which, more later) has a trackpad with areas set aside for both vertical and horizontal scrolling. Vertical scrolling worked out of the box on Squeeze without needing any extra fiddling. My old Vaio had that too, and I loved it.
Horizontal scrolling took some extra research. I was able to turn it on with a command:
synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1(thank you, AbsolutelyTech). Then it worked fine, for the duration of that session.
But it took a lot more searching to find out the right place to set it permanently. Nearly every page you find on trackpad settings tells you to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Distros haven't normally used xorg.conf in over three years! Sure, you can generate one, then edit it -- but surely there's a better way.
And there is. At least in Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu Natty, you can edit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf and add this options line inside the "InputClass" section:
options "HorizEdgeScroll" "1"Don't forget the quotes, or X won't even start.
In theory, you can use this for any of the Synaptics driver options -- tap rate and sensitivity, even multitouch. Your mileage may vary -- horizontal scroll is the only one I've tested so far. But at least it's easier than generating and maintaining an xorg.conf file!
[ 16:20 Oct 31, 2011 More linux/laptop | permalink to this entry | ]