Getting internet at the new house: a Comcast Odyssey (Shallow Thoughts)

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Sun, 04 May 2014

Getting internet at the new house: a Comcast Odyssey

We finally have internet at the house!

Not through any success on the Comcast front, mind you. They're still stalling and dithering. We finally did what we should have done the very first time they failed to install, and ordered DSL.

I've been keeping track of the progress on the Comcast debacle, though, with the intention of blogging it. But as I updated it last week, I realized that it was up to nearly 400 lines already -- at least triple my usual maximum for a blog post -- and though we're over ten weeks in, it's still nowhere near over.

So I've decided to post what I have, as a running web page that I can add to as the odyssey continues, and just post a link to it here. It's a tale of woe, lies, misleading information, crossed wires, chopped-up wires, and about every other problem you could imagine.

If you're thinking of signing up with Comcast but you have any other options, it'll definitely convince you to look elsewhere.

Here's the tale so far: Getting internet at the new house: a Comcast Odyssey.

Now excuse me while I go enjoy my DSL some more.

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[ 19:13 May 04, 2014    More misc | permalink to this entry | ]

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