Spring Butterfly Madness
It's spring, and butterflies are everywhere in the local parks. If you like butterflies and live in Northern California (or anywhere with a similar climate), get yourself out this weekend ot check out the action! There are a few northern checkerspots, tiger swallowtails and others flitting about, but the real partiers are the variable checkerspots.
At Stevens Creek, they're clustered in huge numbers on the pale
blue-violet flowers of yerba santa. Some yerba santa bushes are
completely covered with butterflies. Others aren't: a closer look
shows that those bushes have flowers pointing down, rather than up.
Maybe once a flower is pollinated and its nectar gone, it sags?
On the other side of the road, at Piccheti Ranch, yerba santa isn't
so common, and the checkerspots gather on the last of the clusters of
buckeye flowers.
more checkerspot-on-yerba-santa picture, just 'cause they're pretty.
[ 21:17 May 11, 2007 More nature | permalink to this entry | ]