Akk and the Night Visitor
Last night we spotted a masked bandit at the office door.
The raccoon was in a nutty mood --
or at least in a mood to eat a lot of hazelnuts and cashews.
Happily, I had the DSLR on my desk and was able to sneak some shots. Last time we were visited by raccoons I established that unlike most wildlife, raccoons definitely do notice a camera's flash, and don't like it a bit. (Most birds, reptiles, amphibians and even rodents are remarkably un-bothered by flash and don't seem to notice it at all.) So the Rebel's ISO1600 and ability to focus in dim light came in very handy. (Have I mentioned how much fun it is having an SLR again?)
The 'coon licked the nut shelf clean, then headed north to the neighbor's house. This bandit worked alone -- no partner this time.
A few more
raccoon photos
[ 23:44 Sep 24, 2008 More nature | permalink to this entry | ]