Configuring git colors (Shallow Thoughts)

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Tue, 02 Feb 2010

Configuring git colors

I spent a morning wrestling with git after writing a minor GIMP fix that I wanted to check in. Deceptively simple ideas, like "Check the git log to see the expected format of check-in messages", turned out to be easier said than done.

Part of the problem was git's default colors: colors calculated to be invisible to anyone using a terminal with dark text on a light background. And that sent me down the perilous path of git configuration.

git-config does have a manual page. But it lacks detail: you can't get from there to knowing what to change so that the first line of commits in git log doesn't show up yellow.

But that's okay, thought I: all I need to do is list the default settings, then change anything that's a light color like yellow to a darker color. Easy, right?

Well, no. It turns out there's no way to get the default settings -- because they aren't part of git's config; they're hardwired into the C code.

But you can find most of them with a seach for GIT_COLOR in the source. The most useful lines are these the ones in diff.c, builtin-branch.c and wt-status.c.


The next step is to translate those C lines to git preferences, something you can put in a .gitconfig. Here's a list of all the colors mentioned in the man page, and their default values -- I used "normal" for grep and interactive where I wasn't sure of the defaults.

[color "diff"]
	plain = normal
	meta = bold
	frag = cyan
	old = red
	new = green
	commit = yellow
	whitespace = normal red
[color "branch"]
	current = green
	local = normal
	remote = red
	plain = normal
[color "status"]
	header = normal
	added = red
	updated = green
	changed = red
	untracked = red
	nobranch = red
[color "grep"]
	match = normal
[color "interactive"]
	prompt = normal
	header = normal
	help = normal
	error = normal

The syntax and colors are fairly clearly explained in the manual: allowable colors are normal, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white. After the foreground color, you can optionally list a background color. You can also list an attribute, chosen from bold, dim, ul, blink and reverse -- only one at a time, no combining of attributes.

So if you really wanted to, you could say something like

[color "status"]
	header = normal blink
	added = magenta yellow
	updated = green reverse
	changed = red bold
	untracked = blue white
	nobranch = red white bold

Minimal changes for light backgrounds

What's the minimum you need to get everything readable? On the light grey background I use, I needed to change the yellow, cyan and green entries:

[color "diff"]
	frag = cyan
	new = green
	commit = yellow
[color "branch"]
	current = green
[color "status"]
	updated = green

Disclaimer: I haven't tested all these settings -- because I haven't yet figured out where all of them apply. That's another area where the manual is a bit short on detail ...

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[ 23:26 Feb 02, 2010    More programming | permalink to this entry | ]

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