Partial solar eclipse, with amazing sunspots
We had perfect weather for the partial solar eclipse yesterday.
I invited some friends over for an eclipse party -- we set up
a couple of scopes with solar filters, put out food and drink
and had an enjoyable afternoon.
And what views! The sunspot group right on the center of the sun's disk was the most large and complex I'd ever seen, and there were some much smaller, more subtle spots in the path of the eclipse. Meanwhile, the moon's limb gave us a nice show of mountains and crater rims silhouetted against the sun.
I didn't do much photography, but I did hold the point-and-shoot up to the eyepiece for a few shots about twenty minutes before maximum eclipse, and was quite pleased with the result.
An excellent afternoon. And I made too much blueberry bread and far too many oatmeal cookies ... so I'll have sweet eclipse memories for quite some time.
[ 09:15 Oct 24, 2014 More science/astro | permalink to this entry | ]