Shallow Thoughts : tags : voting
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Mon, 25 Nov 2024
My hiking group includes several volunteer poll workers.
After an election, sometimes you hear some fun stories.
The Case of the Missing Information
Like the absentee ballot that came in with all the outer envelope
fields blank.
Read more ...
Tags: election, voting
11:46 Nov 25, 2024
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Tue, 11 Oct 2016
I'm happy to say that our state League of Women Voters Voter Guides
are out for the 2016 election.
My grandmother was active in the League of Women Voters most of her
life (at least after I was old enough to be aware of such things).
I didn't appreciate it at the time -- and I also didn't appreciate
that she had been born in a time when women couldn't legally vote,
and the 19th amendment, giving women the vote, was ratified just a
year before she reached voting age. No wonder she considered the League
so important!
The LWV continues to work to extend voting to people of all
genders, races, and economic groups -- especially important in these
days when the Voting Rights Act is under attack and so many groups
are being disenfranchised.
But the League is important for another reason: local LWV
chapters across the country produce detailed, non-partisan voter
guides for each major election, which are distributed free of charge
to voters. In many areas -- including here in New Mexico -- there's
no equivalent of the "Legislative Analyst" who writes the lengthy
analyses that appear on California ballots weighing the pros, cons and
financial impact of each measure. In the election two years ago,
not that long after Dave and I moved here, finding information on
the candidates and ballot measures wasn't easy, and the LWV Voter Guide
was by far the best source I saw. It's the main reason I joined the
League, though I also appreciate the public candidate forums and other
programs they put on.
LWV chapters are scrupulous about collecting information from
candidates in a fair, non-partisan way. Candidates' statements are
presented exactly as they're received, and all candidates are given
the same specifications and deadlines. A few candidates ignored us
this year and didn't send statements despite repeated emails and phone
calls, but we did what we could.
New Mexico's state-wide voter guide -- the one I was primarily
involved in preparing -- is at
New Mexico Voter Guide 2016.
It has links to guides from three of the four local LWV chapters: Los
Alamos, Santa Fe, and Central New Mexico (Albuquerque and surrounding areas).
The fourth chapter, Las Cruces, is still working on their guide and
they expect it soon.
I was surprised to see that our candidate information doesn't include
links to websites or social media. Apparently that's not part of the
question sheet they send out, and I got blank looks when I suggested
we should make sure to include that next time. The LWV does a lot of
important work but they're a little backward in some respects.
That's definitely on my checklist for next time, but for now, if
you want a candidate's website, there's always Google.
I also helped a little on
Los Alamos's
voter guide, making suggestions on how to present it on the
website (I maintain the state League website but not the Los Alamos
site), and participated in the committee that wrote the analysis and
pro and con arguments for
our contentious
charter amendment proposal to eliminate the elective office sheriff.
We learned a lot about the history of the sheriff's office here in Los Alamos,
and about state laws and insurance rules regarding sheriffs, and
I hope the important parts of what we learned are reflected in
both sides of the argument.
The Voter Guides also have a link to a Youtube recording of the first
Los Alamos
LWV candidate forum, featuring NM House candidates, DA, Probate judge
and, most important, the debate over the sheriff proposition.
The second candidate
forum, featuring US House of Representatives, County Council and
County Clerk candidates, will be this Thursday, October 13 at 7
(refreshments at 6:30). It will also be recorded thanks to a
contribution from the AAUW.
So -- busy, busy with election-related projects. But I think the work is
mostly done (except for the one remaining forum), the guides are out,
and now it's time to go through and read the guides.
And then the most important part of all: vote!
Tags: elections, voting, LWV, government
16:08 Oct 11, 2016
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Thu, 06 Jul 2006
Anyone following the voting machine controversy in the last
presidential election -- or, even more, anyone who wasn't
following it and might not be aware of the issues -- should
check out Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's article in Rolling Stone,
Was the 2004 Election Stolen?
The article is long, detailed and well researched article, and it will
make you question whether we really live in a democracy.
Apparently Kennedy is considering
whistleblower lawsuits against two of the voting machine
companies. This won't do anything to change our national elections,
but at least it might help get the word -- and the evidence -- out
into the public eye.
Tags: politics, elections, voting, government
12:36 Jul 06, 2006
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Thu, 06 Jan 2005
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has signed a protest launched by Rep.
John Conyers (D-MI) regarding irregularities in the Ohio vote,
as reported this morning by the AP (via
Conyers' report can be found on the
Committee on the Judiciary's page, including the
report and some supplementary documents (all PDF except the
film by Linda Byrket called "Video the Vote",
of a fundraising letter Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth
Blackwell, and
Accounts of Ohio Voter Disenfranchisement.
Conyers' report is described in
Fox News story.
John Kerry has not joined the protest.
This is not expected to alter the outcome of the 2004 election;
both houses are expected to certify the election tomorrow.
But it will force both houses to break from election certification
tomorrow, and have a public discussion of up to two hours on
some of the problems seen in the election.
Perhaps it will pave the way for changes in future elections.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
11:29 Jan 06, 2005
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Tue, 14 Dec 2004
This story has been floating around for a few days now, but I've
hesitated to write about it because it sounds potentially fishy
and I was hoping some of the questions would get answered.
In a nutshell: Florida programmer Clint Curtis has filed documents
with the FBI claiming that while he was working for Yang Enterprises,
Tom Feeny (then a FL state representative and lobbyist for Yang,
now a US Congressman) asked him to develop prototype software
in order to rig the vote in Florida. (story
in Wired) (story on Blue
All rather suspicious, but there are lots of questionable aspects
to the story.
Why did Curtis wait so long to come clean? He claims that he
assumed any such software would be easily detectable through source
code inspection, and it was only after recently reading that voting
software was proprietary that he had the shocking realization that
perhaps there wasn't much source code review going on. It's hard
to believe that a programmer who had worked on such a project would
have been able to miss this point for so long.
Curtis has apparently also been to the FBI complaining about Yang's
ethics before, on an unrelated charge. Details are skimpy about
what that charge was, or what the resolution was, but until those
details are available, one has to be slightly skeptical.
On Curtis' side, the fact that Yang nor Sweeney are willing to
comment on the story suggests that there may be some truth to it.
If his past allegations against Yang, or other aspects of the case,
cast doubt on his claims, wouldn't they be pointing to that?
That the FBI is unwilling to comment is not surprising:
investigation is ongoing, and I wouldn't expect any comment from
investigators at this point.
It seems unlikely that Curtis' actual code was used, in any case.
He had no access to
the voting machine software, and simply wrote some scripts in Visual
Basic as a proof of concept. But we'll likely never know for sure,
since the public hasn't had access to the voting machines for quite
some time and it would be quite easy for any such evidence to have
been long since wiped from memory. (Though perhaps forensic
analysis of the disks might reveal something?)
Still, it's an interesting story, and it'll be fun to see how it
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
14:20 Dec 14, 2004
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Sat, 20 Nov 2004
Installment one of Bev Harris and's
Freedom of Information Request: the
Stinking Poll
Harris & company went to Volusia County, Florida to request the
"poll tapes" from the election: the printed record that each machine
produces at the end of the day, signed and dated by election
What they were given was unsigned printouts dated November 16,
the day before their arrival.
Upon investigating, they found several curious things:
- Elections officials meeting clustered over poll tapes, who
shut the door on them when they asked what was going on;
- A garbage bag full of original, signed poll tapes, dated the
day of the election;
- Another garbage bag of original poll tapes at a different
- Apparent discrepancies between the original, signed, dated
poll tapes and the supposed copies which the elections officials
had originally tried to give them.
This is all over the blogosphere, but doesn't appear to have hit
much of the mainstream press so far, not even Wired, except for
one early article
in the East Volusia News-JournalOnline.
But the story making the rounds claims Black Box Voting has it all on video.
Stay tuned!
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
00:12 Nov 20, 2004
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Mon, 15 Nov 2004
Teed Rockwell, of the Philosophy Department, Sonoma State
University, published a few days ago a
article on ballot totals in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
Using the numbers from the county's
election results web site, he shows 29 different precincts which
report vote counts well in excess of the total number of registered
voters, for a grand total of 93,136 more votes than registered
voters. For example, Highland Hills Village, which has 760
registered voters, had 8,822 ballots cast.
One possible explanation comes in an AP story, Kerry
campaign lawyers checking Ohio vote, which says that
"the numbers also include absentee votes in congressional and
legislative districts that overlap those cities", which
wrongly inflates the numbers, and quotes Ohio elections board
chairman Michael Vu as saying "All the numbers are correct.
You have to first understand what an absentee precinct is."
The story doesn't go on to explain what an absentee precinct is;
it looks like absentee ballots are assigned to counties other than
the county of registration, or possibly absentee voters aren't
included in registration numbers at all.
Meanwhile, a blog called "Political Strategy" reports on an
editorial on the Zogby pollling web site, in Zogby
Website Asserts 'Massive Voter Fraud'. I can't actually read
the linked Zogby page (either they've pulled it, or they
have some sort of bug in their server code) but in addition to
calling attention to the fishy Cuyahoga results, they discuss the
statistical unliklihood of some of the Florida results already
showcased elsewhere.
Recount update: Cobb (Green) and
Badnarik (Libertarian) are officially requesting an Ohio
recount, while Nader
and Camejo have requested a recount in New Hampshire.
There's more recount news on ReDefeat Bush (which
I found by way of their Google ad when I googled for recount
news -- cool!)
A final giggle: on the subject of why the exit polls were so wrong
(I still haven't seen anyone quoting numbers!),
Craig Crawford of Congressional Quarterly and CBS
suggested that the exit polls may have been wrong about Bush
because of the "David Duke effect," an election in which he got
many more votes than was reflected in what pollsters found because
"people didn't want to admit to exit pollsters they'd voted for
David Duke, the head of the Ku Klux Klan, because they didn't want
to admit they were a racist. So perhaps a lot of voters didn't
want to admit they voted for Bush."
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
22:11 Nov 15, 2004
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Fri, 12 Nov 2004
I've been hearing a lot of talk about how the official results don't
match the exit poll numbers: how the exit polls show a Kerry win,
and that's evidence of a hacked vote. For example,
Those faulty
exit polls were sabotage in
The Hill, or
Tour of the 2004 Exit Poll: What It Says and What It Doesn't,
part one and
two on Donkey Rising.
What I haven't been able to
find is anything with data to confirm this, one way or the other.
CNN has an
interactive page allowing checks of specific aspects of exit
poll data, but that's no help for analyzing nationwide data, say,
by county. And in any case, it seems that CNN
changed the online data after the fact, so there's no telling
what this means in terms of raw numbers.
Lawrence Lessig gives the answer, in Free the
Exit Poll Data: the poll numbers are privately held, not
publically available. Lessig calls for the data to be made
public, so that it will be possible to find out why the numbers
were so misleading compared to the final election tally.
You'd think both sides would be interested in knowing what
went wrong.
Terrific maps for visualizing the election
Maps and
cartograms of the 2004 US presidential election results gives a
wonderful set of maps showing "purple states" by county, with the
sizes adjusted for population.
Other stories about voting irregularities:
in Ohio: Angry residents storm State House in response to massive
voter suppression and corruption (Michigan Independant Media
Protests on November 3 in Ohio over all the voting problems the
state experienced. Includes lots of anecdotes about voters who
experienced problems.
Pattern of Florida's Election Results (US Together):
a comparison of party registration data to reported election
results in Florida counties using different types of voting
equipment. In counties using touchscreen machines, the percentage
vote for Kerry matched the party registrations fairly closely;
in counties using optical scan machines, there's a huge shift
over to Bush votes, completely uncorrelated with party affiliation.
The article includes a data table by county.
Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked (Common Dreams):
a text discussion of the US Together results, their correlation
with exit poll results, and some discussion of possible explanations
other than foul play (and why those reasons are unlikely to be
the actual explanation).
Beach County Logs 88,000 More Votes Than Voters (Washington
Palm Beach County's official election results web site showed 542,835
ballots were cast for a presidential candidate while only 454,427 voters
turned out for the election. Apparently they've since updated the
web site to show numbers that add up. I guess this tells us how
far we can trust the "official" numbers on the web site.
Tons of other links on the Op Ed News:
Votergate 2004 page.
Bev Harris of Black Box Voting, Ralph Nader and others have teamed
up for Help America
Recount, a project to buy recounts in Ohio and other states.
They're soliciting donations. I'd love to see recounts, but
what they don't explain is where the money is going. What's
involved in getting a recount, and does it cost money, or is
this to pay salaries and expenses of the (volunteer?) people
doing the counting, or what? The effort sounds like it might
be a little disorganized at the moment.
Kerry Won.
. . (Tom Paine.common Sense):
Editorial about irregularities in various states. No new data, though.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
12:31 Nov 12, 2004
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Sat, 06 Nov 2004
An older style touchscreen machine made by Danaher Controls
gave Bush
extra votes in suburban Columbus.
In one North Carolina county, more
than 4,500 votes were lost because officials believed a computer
that stored ballots electronically could hold more data than it did.
UniLect, the manufacturer of the touchscreen machines used, told
officials that each storage unit could handle 10,500 votes, but the
limit was actually 3,005 votes. The missing votes are gone forever;
there is no way to retrieve them.
In Broward County, FL (remember the missing absentee ballots?)
it was discovered that a bug in an
ES&S machine changed the outcome on at least one proposition.
Seems that the software (for counting votes on absentee ballots)
doesn't expect more than 32,000 votes in a precinct; so when the
tally crosses that number, the machine starts counting backward!
Meanwhile, the ACLU
is suing over the lost Broward County absentee ballots.
A national voting rights group has reported
of voting irregularities in the south affecting poor and
minority voters.
Latest word (from Equal
Vote) is that Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has said
that Ohio's provisional votes
will not be counted for 11 days (if at all).
Black Box Voting has filed
a massive Freedom of Information Act request for computer logs
(including internal audit logs, transmission logs, and others),
voting results slips, any email or other communication relating to
problems with voting systems, and other information relating to the
operation of electronic voting machines.
Unite has an excellent listing of stories on many other voting
problems found so far.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
11:05 Nov 06, 2004
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Wed, 03 Nov 2004
I knew the Demo-wimps were going to fold, just like they did in
2000 -- but I didn't think they'd do it before the first vote count
was even finished!
I can't believe Kerry conceded already. What about all the promises
the Democrats have been making us for the past several months about
pushing lawsuits on voting technology and voter eligibility?
What about all the lawsuits already filed?
I guess nobody cares any more that there's no way to verify anyone's
vote, that the voting technology of the country is entirely in the
hands of one party. A show of democracy is all that's required;
the actual votes, from actual citizens, are far less important
than the pretense of voting.
The morning's quick summary of voting machine glitches reported
yesterday, at Wired: Watchdogs
Spot E-Vote Glitches. The stories include ballots already
pre-filled in Palm Beach County, FL, reports of misvoting (touching
the box for one candidate and seeing an "X" appear by a different
candidate) in FL, TX, and other states, machines in Texas instructed
to vote straight party tickets actually casting votes for candidates
outside that party, and voters in six Pennsylvania
precints prevented from voting due to voting machine failures,
I should mention that Wired has had the best and most comprehensive
coverage all along of the e-voting fiasco, beginning many months
before any of the other mainstream media would mention the subject.
Follow the links from that story, or just search for keywords like
voting machines or Diebold. Or check out the original anti voting
machine activist site: and its
sister site
Also, two excellent Cringley columns on the subject:
Year Into the E-voting Crisis, Shouldn't We Have Noticed the Printer
That's Already Built into Each Diebold Voting Machine?,
the Best Voting Technology May Be No Technology at All
But Kerry and the DNC aren't fighting against any of that.
They signed on until November 2, and now that's past and they can go
back to having garden parties or whatever they do for three and a half
years between conceding elections.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
11:00 Nov 03, 2004
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Tue, 02 Nov 2004
As long as I'm collecting links to news stories, here are some about
attempts to block voter registration or otherwise intimidate or
discourage voters. States involved: Nevada, Florida,
Oregon, Michigan, Ohio, and Iowa.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
23:07 Nov 02, 2004
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I mentioned to someone the problems that have been showing up for a
week where voters think they've voted for one candidate, then
realize upon getting to the final review that the machine has
recorded votes for a different candidate, and discovered that
I didn't have handy links to any of those stories. So here's a
collection of stories from Texas and New Mexico:
Unfortunately the stories seldom say what type of touchscreen voting
machine was being used.
And keep in mind that changing
only a single vote per voting machine in the 2000 election could
have made a difference of 25 electoral votes, according to a
recent ACM study (which unfortunately isn't readable online unless
you're an ACM member).
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
22:43 Nov 02, 2004
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BoingBoing seems to be slashdotted (probably not by slashdot) but
two other sites with excellent up-to-date news on election problems
E-Voting Experts,
covering reports of problems with touchscreen and optical scan
voting machines,
Equal Vote,
covering some of the legal challenges against voters, in states
such as Ohio and (of course) Florida.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
14:07 Nov 02, 2004
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I'm happy to report that voting with paper in my neighborhood was
surprisingly low hassle.
The registrar did not ask me whether I wanted paper, but when I
saw her circle "E" I hastily told her "I want a paper ballot".
She looked momentarily surprised, but recovered quickly, scribbled
over the "E" and marked "P". They didn't offer a pen, but I had
brought one so I didn't ask.
Then came the wait. They had four or five touchscreen machines,
but only one booth (made from a cardboard box) for paper voters,
already occupied. The ballot is long (in fact, there are two
paper ballots, each 2-sided) so it takes quite a while to finish it.
That was fine, because it gave me a chance to hear that they began
asking the people registering behind me whether they wanted paper
or electronic. They often had to explain the difference to voters
who had no idea what the options were, which didn't sound easy;
they were very patient about helping people understand the options
and didn't try to brush anyone off.
Roughly half of the people there chose paper.
Voting was straightforward except that the booth's ledge was very
low (for wheelchair access; the voter ahead of me was in a
wheelchair). I probably should have grabbed a chair.
While I was marking my paper ballot, I heard a woman who was having
a lot of trouble getting the touchscreen machine to work. The
pollworker worked with her for quite a while. I think they
eventually straightened it out; it sounded like maybe she had
to press really hard to get it to register her votes.
When I had finished, my ballot went straight into a box, no
provisional envelopes or anything like that. Paper voters get
a different sticker, not the new "I voted, touchscreen" sticker
(so I don't get to draw a circle-slash with a Sharpie like I'd
Reports I hear from other Santa Clara county voters: most have been
asked "electronic or paper?" and I haven't heard any reports of
provisional envelopes or other weirdness. Many who voted paper
report people voting outside booths; in one case no booth was
available, and paper voters sat at a folding table. There wasn't
much privacy on the machines either, though: they don't have much of
a wing to hide the screen from onlookers, so if you wanted to snoop
on someone's votes, it's not difficult.
All in all, I was pleased with how easy it was to vote with paper,
with the competence of the poll workers,
and with how many people chose the paper option.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
12:44 Nov 02, 2004
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(the esteemed Cory Doctorow) already has coverage of some
of the problems people are encountering trying to vote here in
Santa Clara County (California) this morning.
Like the Vote
Save Error #9. Use the Backup Voting Procedure." message one
voter got when trying to use the touchscreens.
But about that backup voting procedure: it seems that even if you
can persuade them to give you a paper ballot (bring your own pen,
even though the Voter Information Guide specifically says on page
164 that after signing in at the polls the voter "receives a paper
ballot along with an approved marking device"), the ballots
cast on paper are being put in "provisional" envelopes,
yet without the identifying information on the envelope which is
used to approve provisional ballots. One really wonders if such
votes will be counted.
I wonder if it will be possible to get statistics after the fact for
the total number of paper ballots counted in each precinct (and how
many of them were provisional)? For comparison, I wish someone was
doing exit polls to get an idea of what percentage of people are
requesting paper ballots.
Meanwhile, Kelly Martin reports that in Cook County, Ill. voting
is no longer by secret ballot. Each ballot has a number on it
which is correlated with the voter's name.
One of the boingboing comments points out that voting problems should be
reported to
The EFF suggests using the Election Incident Reporting
Stay tuned.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
10:58 Nov 02, 2004
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Thu, 28 Oct 2004
The Florida post office has somehow
58,000 absentee ballots in Broward County, FL.
They say they're mailing out new ballots, but that
(not mentioned in the article) blithely assumes that everyone
who voted absentee did so frivilously, not because they were,
say, going to be out of town during the election.
By a staggering coincidence, Broward was the county which gave
Gore the biggest margin in 2000.
Meanwhile, news from the EFF from last week when I was out of town:
Clara County poll workers are being trained not to offer voters a
chance to use paper ballots instead of electronic voting
I've been rather hoping that the EFF (or someone) would organize
protests near polling places, trying to inform voters of their
rights. But no such luck. Instead, they've set up a site with
a big flash movie with monotonous music and no information that
couldn't have been shown better in a simple fast-loading html page.
If you want to watch the flash movie, it's at
but there's really nothing else there besides the movie.
Spread the word anyway. Tell everyone you know in the affected
counties (Santa Clara, Orange, Alameda, and Riverside Counties.
Napa, San Bernardino, Merced, Plumas, Shasta, Tehama, and Riverside
counties) that they can request a paper ballot, and that way leave a
paper trail that can be verified in case of a recount.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
23:43 Oct 28, 2004
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Fri, 08 Oct 2004
Unable to find any law stating the paper ballot requirement, I
called the Sec. of State's office back, this time being forwarded
to someone named Michael.
He told me that the requirement specified in the decertification
action was a "directive by the secretary of state", not a
legislative action" and so was not reflected in the election code.
However, the requirement is stated in the Voter Information Guide.
I do not seem to have received my VIG, but it's available in PDF
form (168 pages) on the
Information Guide page off the Sec. of State site.
It's on page 167: "Counties using touchscreen/DRE systems are
required to have paper ballots available upon request."
So there it finally is, in writing. Whew!
I strongly advise all California voters to ask for this option
at their polling place on November 2.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
14:41 Oct 08, 2004
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Our story so far: the nice lady at the Secretary of State's office
pointed me to the PDF for Shelley's Diebold decertification as the
proof that the upcoming election will allow voters to request a
paper ballot. That PDF says that it modifies
Division 19, Chapter 1
(commencing with Section 19001) of the Elections Code and Government
Code section 12172.5. My goal is to make sure that this hasn't
been superceded by subsequent recertification or other lobbying.
First I tried
Leginfo, searching
the Government and Elections codes for various combinations of the
words paper ballot option election machine
That gives lots of
links (which I need to explore) which don't include 12172.5.
Searches on leginfo, I notice, always return exactly 20 results
(two pages of ten), no matter what you search for.
Somehow this doesn't give me a feeling of confidence.
To get directly to a numbered law, leave the search field blank
to go to the table of contents for Government
or Elections.
Then wait a while.
It turns out that Government Section
12159-12179.1has nothing to do
with voting procedures or technology, and doesn't have a .5. Hmm.
Well, let's try 19001 and see if it's related. Oops, the table of
contents skips from 18993 to 19050 (which is something to do with
making General Appointments, anyway).
The Election code, on the other hand, skips from
12113 to 12200, missing 12172.
The 19000s of the election code do, finally, seem to relate to the
issue of technology used in polling. But nowhere in the 19000s can
I find any mention of paper ballots.
A google search of "paper ballot" option on site
leginfo-ca-gov returns no hits.
Is leginfo behind? Or was the lady at Shelley's office wrong about
that provision still being current?
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13:09 Oct 08, 2004
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I've been waiting for months for the papers, or Wired, or someone,
to give us the definitive word on California's proposed paper ballot
Back when Secretary of State Kevin Shelley moved to decertify some
of the Diebold voting machines, he included a provision that voters
who wish a paper trail may request a paper ballot in counties which
use touchscreen voting machines.
But since then, many things have changed, many of the decertified
machines have been recertified, and none of the news articles
ever mentions the paper ballot option. I've been keeping an eye
on the CA
Elections and Voter Info site for some time, looking for help
or information, but time is getting short to request an absentee
ballot, so I mounted a search.
The Elections and Voter Info site has a FAQ -- they only link to the
FAQ about voter registration, but that same page has answers about
other topics as well, including voting systems. But no mention
whatsoever about paper ballots.
The elections page also links to another site run by the Sec. of
which has lots of interesting information on things like Diebold
decertification and recertification, but still no info on the
paper ballot rule (or lack thereof).
Going back to the elections page, I called toll-free phone number
for voter info, and spent a few minutes navigating a phone tree,
which didn't include any options which seemed relevant; determinedly
pressing the numbers for "other requests" eventually ended up in
something that wanted to request info from me (for what? I wasn't
clear) rather than let me ask questions of a human.
I hung up, and tried the Sample Ballot I received in the mail a few
days ago. It has instructions for voting both on touchscreen and on
paper, but no assurance that the paper ballot is actually an option
for anyone receiving the sample ballot. The only phone number I
could find anywhere in the sample ballot was one for requesting
ballots in other languages.
Going back to the Secretary of State's web site, I found the phone
number for the Sec. of State's office in Sacramento, and called
long-distance. Navigating another phone tree (oddly, "Elections
Division" is not in the first list of options; you have to
choose "Other" which takes you to a menu which includes elections)
and ended up speaking with a friendly and helpful woman there.
She assured me that yes, all voters in California would have the
option of requesting a paper ballot at the polling place, and she
offered to find it on the web site for me.
Several minutes of searching ensued. She initially thought it would
be on the Voter's
Bill of Rights linked off This turns out to
be a PDF of a big-type poster, which, alas, says nothing about paper
She put me on hold briefly while she went searching, came back, and
tried to remember the click-through route she'd taken so I could
find it too. We followed several false leads, but finally got
there: start at the Elections &
Voter Information page, scroll way down to Voting
Systems (under "General Information"), then click on
and Conditional Certification for certain DREs
to get the 9-page PDF of Shelley's original decertification of
the Diebold machines, which, on page 4 item 4.b.1, specifies that
every polling place must either (a) have a voting machine offering a
"fully tested, federally qualified and state certified accessible,
voter verified paper, audit trail" or (b) (1) Permit every voter to
have the option at his or her polling place of casting a ballot on a
paper ballot which may be satisfied by providing an adequate number
of paper ballots to each polling place based on each County's
assessment of the number of persons who may request them. The cost
of additional paper ballots specified in this paragraph shall be
borne by the vendor of the voting sytem that sought its
certification or approval for use in California, or the vendor's
successor in interest".
(Incidentally, this PDF is simply a scan of the successive pages of
the document; there's no searchable text here, so google wouldn't
help unless it had OCR capability.)
The woman at the Sec. of State's election division assured me that
this was still in effect and had not been outdated by the more
recent recertifications, and that it applied to every voting
district (presumably there's no currently certified voting machine
which meets clause 4.a?)
The status of this document (see page 3) is that it amends Division
19, Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 19001) of the Elections Code
and Government Code section 12172.5. So that's the place to go
to make sure this is still current. More on that later.
At the end of our conversation, I mentioned that this info was a bit
difficult to get to, and maybe a clear FAQ entry, somewhere in the
html of the site, might be in order. She agreed. Perhaps someone
will update the web site before the election.
Tags: politics, election04, elections, voting
12:43 Oct 08, 2004
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Thu, 19 Aug 2004
Wired has had great coverage of the e-voting fiasco all along,
but the latest story is particularly impressive:
Time for an E-Vote Glitch.
Sequoia Systems (suppliers, to our shame, for Santa Clara county,
though at least they're not as bad as Diebold) had a demo for
the California state senate of their new paper-trail system.
Turned out that their demo failed to print paper trails for
any of the spanish language ballots in the demo.
It wasn't just a random glitch: they tried it several times,
and every time, it failed to print the spanish voters' paper
What a classic. I wish advocates for the Spanish-speaking community
would seize on this and help to fight e-voting.
Sequoia, of course, is claiming that it wouldn't happen in a real
election, that the problem was they didn't proofread the Spanish
ballot but they would for a real election. I'm sure that makes
everyone feel all better.
Other news mentioned in the article: the California bill to require
a paper trail has stalled, and everyone thinks that's mysterious
because it supposedly had bipartisan support.
They don't mention whether that's the same bill which would have
allowed voters to choose a paper ballot rather than a touchscreen
machine. That's important, since those of us who don't trust the
touchscreen machines need to know in time to request absentee
ballots, if we can't use paper ballots at the polls.
Tags: politics, rights, elections, voting, government
18:35 Aug 19, 2004
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