Shallow Thoughts : : tech
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Fri, 29 Mar 2024
In 2022 I wrote about
Sending Mail via Gmail using OAuth2.
But it turned out that Google expires OAuth2 tokens on a weekly basis.
So if you use that method, once a week you'll have to bring up a browser,
log in to your Google account and go through the five or so pages of
re-authorizing. Which will invariably happen when you're in a hurry
and just wanted to send a quick email so you can move on to other things.
However, it turns out there's an easier way, which apparently doesn't
expire: App passwords. I switched to using app passwords back then
(I've been using that app password since then),
and I even wrote it up, and then forgot to post it. What a dingbat!
But I changed my GMail password recently, and it turns out when you change
your Gmail account password, Google revokes all app passwords you've
set up (and, of course, doesn't bother to tell you that, and the
error message you get when you try to sign in with the old app password
has nothing whatever to do with the actual problem, which is that your
app password has been revoked and you need to create a new one).
So I dug out this old never-got-posted article and used it to
make a new app password, and have updated the parts that were a little
out of date.
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Tags: email, mutt, gmail
20:32 Mar 29, 2024
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Thu, 27 Jul 2023
I don't write a lot of book reviews here, but I just finished a book
I'm enthusiastic about:
Recoding America: Why Government is Failing in the Digital Age
and How We Can Do Better, by Jennifer Pahlka.
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Tags: books, programming, tech
19:20 Jul 27, 2023
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Thu, 13 Apr 2023
Last week I spent some time monitoring my apache error logs to try to
get rid of warnings from my website and see if there are any errors I
need to fix. (Answer: yes, there were a few things I needed to fix,
mostly due to changes in libraries since I wrote the pages in question.)
The vast majority of lines in my error log, however, are requests for
/wp-login.php or /xmlrpc.php. There are so many of them
that they drown out any actual errors on the website.
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Tags: web, apache
10:28 Apr 13, 2023
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Tue, 10 Jan 2023
I wanted to find something I'd googled for recently.
That should be easy, right? Just go to the browser's history window.
Well, actually not so much.
You can see them in Firefox's history window, but they're interspersed
with all the other places you've surfed so it's hard to skim the list quickly.
I decided to take a little time and figure out how to extract the
search terms. I was pretty sure that they were in places.sqlite3
inside the firefox profile. And they were.
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Tags: web, firefox, google, sqlite
16:54 Jan 10, 2023
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Sun, 18 Dec 2022
Back in 2015, I wrote a script for the mutt mailer (or any
plaintext mail program, really) to
MS Word documents (or other unfriendly formats) attached to emails.
(This is unfortunately something that comes up constantly in email
exchanges with League of Women Voters people —
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Tags: email, mutt, programming, python, linux
18:52 Dec 18, 2022
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Fri, 20 May 2022
Update: Google's OAuth2 turns out to be not a good way to send mail,
because passwords have to be renewed weekly. So you probably want to
use a
GMail App Password
instead. I'm leaving this article up in case there's some reason someone
would actually want to use OAuth2 with GMail.
There's been lots of talk on mailing lists for various mail programs,
like Alpine and Mutt,
about Google's impending dropping of password access.
Although my regular email address is on a Linux server, I subscribe
to several Google Groups. I use a gmail address for those, because
Google Groups doesn't work well with non-gmail addresses (you can't
view the archives or temporarily turn off mail, and unsubscribing
may or may not work depending on the phase of the moon).
I prefer not to have to sign on to Google and use the clunky browser
interface when I have a perfectly good mailer (I use mutt) on my computer.
I send mail from mutt using a program called msmtp.
But to post to a Google Group, I need to use Google's SMTP server.
(SMTP is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,
the way mail gets from one computer to another across the internet.)
Up to now, I've been using an msmtp configuration that includes my
Gmail password. That requires clicking through several Gmail pages to
enable the "Less Secure Apps" setting. Google resets that preference
every month or so and I have to go find the "Less Secure Apps" page to
click through the screens again; but aside from that, it works okay.
But now Google has announced they'll be
support for password access on May 30, 2022.
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Tags: email, mutt, gmail, oauth
00:00 May 20, 2022
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Sun, 10 Apr 2022
The March League of Women Voters' Lunch With a Leader featured Jerry Smith, the county's new Broadband Manager.
I wrote it up for the LWV newsletter, but since that's PDF, I thought
I'd post a more accessible copy here.
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Tags: broadband, los alamos
11:12 Apr 10, 2022
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Sat, 29 Jan 2022
Firefox's zoom settings are useful. You can zoom in on a page with
Ctrl-+ (actually Ctrl-+ on a US-English keyboard), or out with Ctrl--.
Useful, that is, until you start noticing that lots of pages you
visit have weirdly large or small font sizes, and it turns out that
Firefox is remembering a Zoom setting you used on that site
half a year ago on a different monitor.
Whenever you zoom, Firefox remembers that site, and uses that
zoom setting any time you go to that site forevermore (unless you
zoom back out).
Now that I'm using the same laptop in different modes —
sometimes plugged into a monitor, sometimes using its own screen —
that has become a problem.
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Tags: web, firefox, sql, database
18:04 Jan 29, 2022
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