Palominos, Punctuation and Bull Berries
Dave and I just got back from another road trip. We saw some fabulous stuff, but today's entry is on ways to amuse yourself during long hours on the road.
One way to start is to make fun of the grandiose names on RVs, as well
as the mandatory swoopy graphics (we saw only one swoopless RV on the
whole trip -- it had plain straight stripes on the side).
RVs almost always have several names, and there are so many different
models you can get through a whole road trip without ever seeing a
repeat. One of our favorites from this trip was "Puma, by Palomino",
a rather odd combination. I wouldn't expect a puma and a palomino
to get along very well or have much in common. I guess they're both
sort of golden in color (which the RV in question was not). The
graphic was of a puma, not a palomino.
Small-town roadside signs can be fun, too. Of course, they tend to be
riddled with spelling and punctuation errors, which is half the fun.
We couldn't figure out what they were aiming at with the punctuation
on the sign for HOLE N"THE ROCK, a few miles south of
Moab. Why a double quote rather than an apostrophe? Or is it supposed
to be two apostrophes together? And what is it doing there after the N?
An apostrophe before the N could stand for the letter I, but after it
... it's hard to tell what it's standing for, except the missing space
before the next word, THE. We spent a while trying to come up with
three-letter words beginning with N which would make sense between
HOLE and THE ROCK, but then some more amazing Moab scenery appeared
and we lost interest in the punctuation game.
But small towns can have a lot to offer, too. Sometimes you can learn all sorts of things that might not be available in the big city. We saw a sign on a roadside church in Bakersfield advertising their upcoming Creation Seminar. Wow! I didn't know mere mortals could learn how to do that stuff too! I wish I'd had time to stick around for the seminar.
Other times small towns are just scary. The Bullberry Inn Bed & Breakfast in Tropic, UT has a sign out front proclaiming that it's the "Home of Granny's Bullberry Jelly". I've heard of horse apples, but I'm not sure I want to know what a bull berry is, let alone spread it on my toast. We opted to stay in one of the other hotels instead.
[ 22:40 Apr 06, 2007 More travel | permalink to this entry | ]