BAM Indoor R/C Flying
I gather indoor R/C airplane flying is fairly common in some areas of the country. But here in the Bay Area, there's been a lot of demand and not many opportunities to do it, so there was great excitement at a recent opportunity to rent Sunnyvale's community center gym for some Sunnyvale Indoor Flying.
Indoor flying has come a long way.
I remember a couple of years ago when most of the indoor planes
were either "3-D" planes like my
skunk plane
that can stay in a small area by hovering, or weirdo concoctions
like the
Mini IFO.
There were a few pioneers who used microminiature actuators and
other fancy hardware to build tiny lightweight custom planes, but
that was an expensive and difficult proposition.
But lithium-polymer battery technology and advances in tiny servos and brushless motors have created a revolution in super lightweight micro flyers, led by the Parkzone Vapor (Dave's is pictured at right). At a flying weight of half an ounce, the Vapor makes it easy for anybody to fly in a small gym or even a large room.
For folks who want something a little faster and more aerobatic, the Mustang
is a bit heavier at 1.2 oz, but still flies well in a gym.
And of course, there are the hundreds of micro-helicopters
that are popping up everywhere over the last year or two.
Pretty cool stuff! Anyway, we had a great session on Friday flying these planes, and amazingly avoided any serious carnage (unusual for indoor flying where there are so many walls and basketball hoops to smack into). I'm a little out of practice and found the flying a bit intense, so I took a few breaks between flying sessions to shoot photos.
For the new year this is going to turn into an AMA-chartered club,
BAM (Bay Area Microflyers).
Watch the BayRC forums for more details.
[ 15:13 Nov 22, 2009 More misc | permalink to this entry | ]