Shallow Thoughts : : Oct
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Sat, 31 Oct 2009
Mojave Rd from Basin to Zzyzyx:
Deep sand, confusing navigation.
Mojave Rd from Zzyzyx to 17-Mile Point:
Easy and fun (in dry fall weather).
Don't count on getting from Mojave to Zzyzyx.
Basin to Zzyzyx
The goal for the first day of this trip involved
a slight detour on the way to our hotel: a section of the Mojave
Road entering Mojave National Preserve from the south.
On most maps, the Mojave Road enters the preserve at Soda Lake,
a bit east of Zzyzyx (pronounced Zye-zix, we're told, not Zizzix.)
We'd been warned in the past that any hint of
rain turns Soda Lake into a slippery, muddy truck-eating quagmire,
so it's important to inquire first about conditions before attempting it.
But some study of Google Earth had convinced Dave that there's a road
not shown on the maps going from Mojave Rd. across to Zzyzyx.
All we had to do was take the Basin Rd. exit off I-15, turn onto
Mojave Rd at the big metal signpost, and head north until we hit
Soda Lake. If the lake surface looked bad, Zzyzyx would be an easy out.
This section of Mojave Road, it turns out, is a complex braid
of dry washes of sand so deep that turning the steering wheel
is more a suggestion than a control. That's great fun, as long
as you're getting enough traction and not bottoming out.
Occasional rock cairns tell you you're on the right track.
... Until you stop seeing cairns.
At some point I took the road less braided and ended up driving
across sand dunes before the route finally rejoined the Mojave
Rd. Fortunately the Rav4 handled the sand very competently, without
ever needing its magic center-differential-lock button.
(The GPS with its OpenStreetMap-derived file was no help here -- it didn't
show the Mojave Road at all. It is in the OSM database, I found out
later, rendered as a red dotted line -- apparently not major enough
to make it into the Garmin maps. The nice thing about OSM is that
I can fix it!)
Eventually we got back on something resembling a main road, which had turned
into whoop-de-doos -- endless irritating hummocks that took patience
but no great driving skill as the road skirts along the southern edge of a
Wilderness area: no vehicular access.
Rasor Rd comes in from I-15 somewhere around here, and
the area is popular with ATVers: we saw quite a few groups camping.
Zzyzyx to 17-Mile Point
Finally we got to Soda Lake. The sandy road turned to smooth hardpack
as it entered the lake bed -- by far the best road we'd seen since
leaving I-15, and we drove out with no hesitation.
We could see deep tracks off to either side of the
road -- obviously lots of people experiment, and just as obviously
the surface isn't quite as good if you get off the road, but we had no
trouble on this dry October day.
Before long we saw Zzyzyx off in the distance on our left -- and no road
going there. But if the road across the dry lake was this good, why
would we want to turn off to Zzyzyx at all?
(Good thing we didn't want to, since we couldn't!)
At the far side of the lake are a couple of steep rises in deep sand
-- but nothing too tricky, and much easier than the sandy sections
south of the lakebed.
The rest of the trip was just normal dirt-road driving, between
the more-scenic-than-their-names-suggest Cowhole and Little Cowhole
Mountains, through a small basalt flow (evidence of some nice big
bubbles visible in the walls), and finally back onto pavement at
Kelbaker Road and north to Primm.
GPS log:
Track log,
Tags: mojave, desert, 4wd, rav4
12:56 Oct 31, 2009
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Thu, 22 Oct 2009
Part III of building your own kernel,
kernel options, covers some of the more confusing options
you'll encounter when configuring your kernel.
Meanwhile, I'm still jazzed about the great howto that Nathan Willis
of wrote a few days ago for my Gimp labels scripts:
Fast labels and Card layout with Gimplabels.
Tags: writing, linux, kernel
15:03 Oct 22, 2009
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Wed, 21 Oct 2009
It's not that I'm a dumb provincial American, really!
I mean, okay, I am a dumb provincial American. But not completely.
I know about Unicode, I know what UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 and -15 are,
I even know how to type Spanish characters like ñ and á
in email (at least in Ubuntu; I can't seem to make it work in Gentoo).
The real problem is PalmOS --
I've never found any way to create Plucker files for
my Palm that display anything beyond the standard ASCII character set.
(I'm not clear whether to blame that on Palm or Plucker. Doesn't matter.)
So when I use a program like Sitescooper or my new
FeedMe RSS reader
to read
daily news on my Palm, I'm forever seeing lines like this:
the weather phenomenon known as ÅoEl Ni€oÅq is
It's tiresome to try to read stuff like that.
Strangely, I've found no libraries to do this, in any language.
There are lots of ways to translate from one character encoding into
another -- but no way to degrade from nonASCII characters to the
nearest ASCII equivalent. Googling finds lots of people asking
for them -- I'm far from the only one who wants this.
There are various partial hacks, but nothing ready-to-go.
Oh, well, welcome to the programming world. Time to roll my own.
I started from some nice tricks I picked up in the web discussions
I found, and ended up with something reasonably compact.
Of course, the table of fallback characters will grow.
But my ace in the hole, this time, is that my little function has a
way of logging errors. When it sees a character it doesn't recognize,
it can log the character code to a file, making it easy to add a
translation for that character. That was always the problem with
similar hacks I'd attempted to add to mutt or plucker or sitescooper
in the past: figuring out each new character and what its intended
meaning was, so I could add it to the translation table.
Here it is: ununicode.
Call it like this:
import ununicode
ununicode.toascii(str, errfilename=os.path.join("/path/to/errfile"))
There's also a minimal test script provided (which will also grow with
time as I accumulate good samples).
Tags: unicode, i18n, charsets, ascii, palm
20:48 Oct 21, 2009
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Tue, 20 Oct 2009
For years I've been reading daily news feeds on a series of PalmOS
PDAs, using a program called
that finds new pages on my list of sites, downloads them, then runs
Plucker to translate them into Plucker's
open Palm-compatible ebook format.
Sitescooper has an elaborate series of rules for trying to get around
the complicated formatting in modern HTML web pages. It has an
elaborate cache system to figure out what it's seen before.
When sites change their design (which most news sites seem to
do roughly monthly), it means going in and figuring out the new
format and writing a new Sitescooper site file. And it doesn't
understand RSS, so you can't use the simplified RSS that most
sites offer. Finally, it's no longer maintained; in fact, I was
the last maintainer, after the original author lost interest.
Several weeks ago, bma tweeted
about a Python RSS reader he'd hacked up using the feedparser
package. His reader targeted email, not Palm, but finding out
about feedparser was enough to get me started. So I wrote
(Carla Schroder came up with the all-important name).
I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and I'm very happy
with the results. It's still quite rough, of course, but it's
already producing better files than Sitescooper did, and it
seems more maintainable. Time will tell.
Of course it needs to be made more flexible, adjusted so that
it can produce formats besides Plucker, and so on. I'll get to it.
And the only site I miss now, because it doesn't offer an RSS feed,
is Linux Planet.
Maybe I'll find a solution for that eventually.
Tags: RSS, python, programming, palm, plucker
21:08 Oct 20, 2009
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Sat, 17 Oct 2009
(I meant to blog this last month and never got around to it,
but it was so fun and silly that I want a public link to it.)
For my birthday, Dave got me this Dinosaur Fossil Kit.
With REAL TOOLS! proclaimed the package.
(A few weeks later I was at the dollar store looking for something
else, and found out where he'd bought it.)
It's an egg-shaped clod of mud. The REAL TOOLS are a little plastic
pick and a paintbrush. You pick away the mud to reveal little
plastic dinosaur bones, which you can assemble to form a dinosaur.
Okay, it's stupid. But it was also kind of fun. I have the little
dinosaur sitting on the stand beside my terminal.
One of the foot-tabs is missing on mine, so it doesn't always stay
in the stand. But that's just one of those hassles that we
paleontologists put up with. Not every skeleton will be 100% complete.
We scientists also know how important it is to
every step of the process.
Tags: humor, fossil, dinosaur, paleontology, toy
19:38 Oct 17, 2009
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Sun, 11 Oct 2009
Ah, silence is golden!
For my birthday last month, Dave gave me a nice pair of Bose powered
speakers to replace the crappy broken set I'd been using.
Your basic computer speakers, except I actually use them primarily
for a little portable radio I listen to while hacking.
Only one problem: they had a major hum as soon as I turned them on.
Even when I turned on the radio, I could hear the hum in the
background. It got better if I turned the speakers way down and
the radio up -- it wasn't coming from the radio.
After about a month it was starting to irritate me.
I mentioned it on #linuxchix to see if anyone had any insights.
Maria and Wolf did, and narrowed it down pretty quickly to some sort
of ground problem. The speakers need to get a real ground from somewhere.
They don't get it through their AC power plug (a two-prong wall wart).
They also don't get it from the radio, which is plugged in to AC
via its own 2-prong wall wart, so it doesn't have a ground either.
How could I test this? Wolf suggested an alligator clip going from
one of the RCA plugs on the back of the speaker to my computer's case.
But it turned out there was an easier way. These speakers have dual
inputs: a second set of RCA plugs so I can have another cable going
to an MP3 player, radio or whatever, without needing to unplug
from the radio first. I ran a spare cable from these second RCA plugs
to the sound card output of my spare computer -- bingo!
The hum entirely went away.
I suppose most people buy this type of speaker for use with computers,
so it isn't a problem. But I was surprised that they'd adapt so
poorly to a portable device like a radio or MP3 player. Is that so uncommon?
Tags: tech, audio
21:49 Oct 11, 2009
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Sat, 10 Oct 2009
Part II of building your own kernel,
a New Linux Kernel, covers how to run menuconfig, how to disable
modules and slim down the kernel to only the parts you need,
and a few important options to look for.
Part III, in two weeks, will tour some specific kernel options
and what they do.
Tags: writing, linux, kernel
10:19 Oct 10, 2009
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Sat, 03 Oct 2009
Now and then I idly exchange ideas with some Toastmasters friends about
manuals we wish Toastmasters would offer. Sometimes we come up with
"meta-manuals", projects which can be done by collecting projects from
existing manuals.
Here's a manual I'd like to see.
The projects are arranged in approximate order of difficulty
and cover most of the skills needed by speakers at technical
Each project includes suggestions for which existing Toastmasters manual
could be used.
Speaking at Conferences
- Give a technical speech
(15-20 min, longer if club schedule allows)
Give a detailed talk on some technical aspect of your field,
for specialists in the field.
Use demos, slides and other visual aids effectively.
Handle questions (and perhaps heckling) from the audience.
(Speaking to Inform: any, or Technically Speaking: 1 or 4.)
- Give a Lightning Talk (2-3 min)
Give a short talk for the whole conference audience.
Any topic related to the field:
describe a project, teach a technique, generate enthusiasm, air a gripe.
(Use the basic manual
or Speaking to Inform, depending on subject.)
- Give a beginner talk
(15-20 min, longer if club schedule allows)
Introduce your subject to beginners in the field, or outsiders
who may not know much about it. Use visual aids and demos to
create interest and explain the topic without using jargon.
(Speaking to Inform: any, or Technically Speaking: 3.)
- Give an Ignite talk (5 min)
Give a five minute talk on any topic, using 20 slides that advance
automatically every 15 seconds, as described at
Pecha Kucha also counts.
(Many choices, depending on subject.)
- Give a keynote address
(15-20 min, longer if club schedule allows)
Give a speech suitable to be the keynote for a conference.
(The Professional Speaker: 1, or basic manual: 9.)
- Bonus project: Speak about speaking
Explain to your audience how to give a good conference speech.
(Speaking to Inform: 1-3, or Better Speaker: any.)
- Update bonus project: Dealing with heckers
Give a speech and have people in the audience try to disrupt your
talk, interrupt, contradict or sidetrack you.
(Public Relations has "Speaking under fire" but that's not
really the same thing.)
Tags: speaking, toastmasters
11:09 Oct 03, 2009
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