Shallow Thoughts : tags : toastmasters

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Sun, 28 Aug 2011

Teaching programming with "program a person"

A few weeks ago, at the annual GetSET engineering summer camp for high school girls, I taught my usual one-day workshop on beginning programming in Javascript.

The big question every year is always how to make the class more interactive. The girls who come to GetSET are great -- smart and motivated -- but after six hours of lectures and working through exercises, anyone, of any age, is going to glaze over. Especially when it's their first introduction to programming and they only have a day to learn it. People learn better when they're asking questions, thinking and solving problems, not just listening or following instructions.

For years I've heard vague references to "programming a person" as an exercise for teaching the basic idea of programming. The idea is to get the students to come up with step-by-step instructions for someone to do something -- say, walk across the room and pick up a water bottle -- so they realize how specific you have to be. It also solves another problem: giving everyone a break from sitting still and focusing on a computer screen.

But how do you really do it? What kind of problems work best in practice? How much time should you allow? If you have a volunteer carrying out the instructions, how do you keep them from skipping steps? Surprisingly, I couldn't find anything written up to help an inexperienced would-be teacher of programming.

What I needed was a chance to try out some ideas, or watch someone with more of a clue on this sort of teaching. This year, I found opportunities for both.

First try: Toastmasters

One of the reasons I love Toastmasters, especially with a small and friendly club like Coherent Communicators, is that it offers a safe place to try new presentation techniques and get good feedback about what does and doesn't work. So I made my first try at a Toastmasters meeting a few weeks before the GetSET workshop.

I allowed 15-20 minutes for the exercise. I explained to the audience that I wanted them to get me to turn left, walk over to the easel at the side of the room, touch it, turn around, walk back to the lectern, pick up the gavel and pound it on the lectern. I would solicit a command from them, write it on the whiteboard, then carry out the command and ask for the next command.

The day's audience was a fairly even mix of techies and non. I had wondered whether the audience would be widely mixed in how specific their instructions were, but they were fairly uniform -- mostly along the lines of "Turn 90 degrees left." "Take 5 steps." "Take 2 more steps". Of course, there were a few joking suggestions from the techies, like "send an electrical impulse from your brain to your left quadriceps", that you wouldn't expect with a high school group, but mostly everyone was on the same page.

When I got near the easel, we hit "Raise your right arm". (Oops, not close enough yet.) "Um ... lean forward about a foot?" A good illustration of being specific ... just the sort of thing I was hoping for.

They got me back to the lectern, got me to pick up the gavel (I was letting them skip a few steps by this point) ... and improvised a little, getting me to knock my head rather than the lectern. That was fun, and got some laughs ... it worked well.

I had hoped to do a second run where I guided them into understanding a while loop ("while (not yet to the easel), take another step"). But seeing a yellow light from the timer, I opted for a quick explanation of how a loop would work rather than guiding the audience into it. I found out later that the timer had hit the wrong button and only given me 8 minutes rather than my requested 15-20 ... so 20 minutes actually would have been plenty of time to cover loops as well as basic instructions. Disappointing ... but I was surprised we'd gotten so much done in so little time.

Lessons learned:

Try 2: "Program a blind robot"

For the real workshop, I had help in the form of Esther Heller, an experienced girl scout leader as well as many year GetSET veteran. Esther had done exercises like this before and was willing to take the lead; I was looking forward to learning from her. We had discussed two different variants, and decided to try both of them at different times during the day.

For the first variant, we waited until mid-morning when the class was bogging down a bit and looked like they needed a break. Esther called for two volunteers: one programmer and one robot. The girl playing the robot was blindfolded with a bandanna and escorted to the door of the room, while Esther whispered the task to the other girl. The task was something like walking over to a water bottle, picking it up, walking over to another girl and handing it to her -- though the rest of us didn't know that until it was completed.

The instructions suggested by the girls were quite similar to the ones I'd heard in Toastmasters. There was lots of "Take 5 steps" ... "take two more steps", guessing at how many steps it would take to get from one place to another. No one came up with anything like a loop or conditional. I'd wondered if anyone would try remote control -- "walk" then wait until the right moment to yell "STOP!" -- but no one did.

The blindfolding worked really well. I'd worried that with a volunteer chosen to be the robot, she might skip steps she hadn't been given. But if the "robot" is blindfolded and doesn't know the task, she can't skip steps; she can only do what she's programmed to. The only problem was that a blindfolded person told to walk straight ahead does not necessarily hold to a straight line, much to the consternation of the girl playing the programmer.

There was a lot of "turn right" ... "no, not that much, turn back left again" ... "now turn JUST A LITTLE to the right" that helped stress the need for specificity -- exactly what we were after. I had wondered beforehand whether anyone would ever suggest anything like "turn right by 30 degrees", but no one, either in Toastmasters or GetSET, ever did.

The exercise was successful and everybody seemed to have fun, so it broke up the morning well. We didn't get to loops or conditionals, though. I didn't record how long we spent, but it was probably in the neighborhood of 20 minutes.


Try 3, in groups: "The muffin is ready"

At the end of the day, we tried Esther's favorite variant. You're watching TV, and you want to go to the kitchen, get an English muffin, toast it, put butter/jam/peanut butter/whatever on it, take it back to your seat and eat it. What are the steps?

Esther divided the girls into groups of 4-5 and passed out post-its on which to write the steps. There was some inertia getting started ... it was late in the day and everybody was tired. (That's not unique to this exercise -- it's always a challenge to come up with something that will hold the girls' interest for the last hour. It's a long day for everyone.)

Eventually they got rolling and got into it -- I saw some very long stacks of post-its from various groups. With ten minutes left to go in the session, Esther picked two volunteers from one group: one to read the instructions, one to execute them. She pointed out places where they skipped steps -- "Hey, wait, how can she get the muffins out of the cupboard without opening the cupboard first?" After a minute or two, Esther called on a new pair from a different group to continue where the first pair had left off.

As she worked through all the groups, you could see each group becoming more cognizant of steps they had skipped, and improvising them on the spot. Despite the end-of-day crankiness, you could see they were learning from the exercise.


So which is better? The muffin exercise was definitely more time consuming than the previous "robot" exercise, due to overhead of splitting into groups and bringing up volunteers from each group. On the other hand, I could see there was benefit in having them work in small groups, and in the touch of competition in comparing their group's answers with the ones from other groups.

It was hard to compare the two exercises directly to see which one worked better, because of end-of-day crankiness. But they both worked well -- I'm going to keep using some variant of this in future workshops, ideally with loops and conditionals added. Thanks, Esther, for your expertise ... and to the students and the rest of the volunteers for making it a successful class!

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[ 16:34 Aug 28, 2011    More education | permalink to this entry | ]

Sat, 03 Oct 2009

Toastmasters manuals I'd like to see: Speaking at Conferences

Now and then I idly exchange ideas with some Toastmasters friends about manuals we wish Toastmasters would offer. Sometimes we come up with "meta-manuals", projects which can be done by collecting projects from existing manuals.

Here's a manual I'd like to see. The projects are arranged in approximate order of difficulty and cover most of the skills needed by speakers at technical conferences. Each project includes suggestions for which existing Toastmasters manual could be used.

Speaking at Conferences


  1. Give a technical speech (15-20 min, longer if club schedule allows)
    Give a detailed talk on some technical aspect of your field, for specialists in the field. Use demos, slides and other visual aids effectively. Handle questions (and perhaps heckling) from the audience.
    (Speaking to Inform: any, or Technically Speaking: 1 or 4.)
  2. Give a Lightning Talk (2-3 min)
    Give a short talk for the whole conference audience. Any topic related to the field: describe a project, teach a technique, generate enthusiasm, air a gripe.
    (Use the basic manual or Speaking to Inform, depending on subject.)
  3. Give a beginner talk (15-20 min, longer if club schedule allows)
    Introduce your subject to beginners in the field, or outsiders who may not know much about it. Use visual aids and demos to create interest and explain the topic without using jargon.
    (Speaking to Inform: any, or Technically Speaking: 3.)
  4. Give an Ignite talk (5 min)
    Give a five minute talk on any topic, using 20 slides that advance automatically every 15 seconds, as described at
    Pecha Kucha also counts.
    (Many choices, depending on subject.)
  5. Give a keynote address (15-20 min, longer if club schedule allows)
    Give a speech suitable to be the keynote for a conference.
    (The Professional Speaker: 1, or basic manual: 9.)
  6. Bonus project: Speak about speaking
    Explain to your audience how to give a good conference speech.
    (Speaking to Inform: 1-3, or Better Speaker: any.)
  7. Update bonus project: Dealing with heckers
    Give a speech and have people in the audience try to disrupt your talk, interrupt, contradict or sidetrack you.
    (Public Relations has "Speaking under fire" but that's not really the same thing.)

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[ 11:09 Oct 03, 2009    More speaking | permalink to this entry | ]

Fri, 12 Jun 2009

A Table of Closed versus Open Formats

My last Toastmasters speech was on open formats: why you should use open formats rather than closed/proprietary ones and the risks of closed formats.

To make it clearer, I wanted to print out handouts people could take home summarizing some of the most common closed formats, along with open alternatives.

Surely there are lots of such tables on the web, I thought. I'll just find one and customize it a little for this specific audience.

To my surprise, I couldn't find a single one. Even didn't have very much.

So I started one: Open vs. Closed Formats. It's far from complete, so I hope I'll continue to get contributions to flesh it out more.

And the talk? It went over very well, and people appreciated the handout. There's a limit to how much information you can get across in under ten minutes, but I think I got the point across. The talk itself, such as it is, is here: Open up!

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[ 11:37 Jun 12, 2009    More tech | permalink to this entry | ]

Thu, 06 Mar 2008

Review of Toastmasters manuals

With all the zillions of Toastmasters club web pages, very few people seem to write about them. A conversation in our club today about the advanced manuals made me realize that I'd never seen a review of the various Toastmasters advanced manuals -- which ones are useful, which ones are fun, which ones are poorly written or contain gotchas that makes it hard to complete their projects?

So I wrote one: a Review of Toastmasters manuals.

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[ 21:16 Mar 06, 2008    More speaking | permalink to this entry | ]