Shallow Thoughts : tags : humor
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Wed, 12 Feb 2025
One of my regular routes to the grocery store and library takes me
along the paved pedestrian/bike path that follows NM highway 4.
I also take the southern section of the path at the end of most
mountain bike rides on the DOE trails south of town.
A few days ago, a very clever art piece appeared on that southern section.
Someone had noticed that some of the copious crack filling seams were shaped
like a grand piano, and had added a keyboard and the words MAKE MUSIC.
But it turns out the piano was just the tip of the iceberg.
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Tags: art, humor, whimsy, los alamos, white rock
15:35 Feb 12, 2025
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Mon, 22 Apr 2024
My new binocular came! And something curious came with them:
a "tactical pen".
It seems to be quite a nice gel pen, with an aluminum body and a
locking retractor. But the "tactical" part is less clear.
Me | What makes it tactical?
Dave | Maybe that it's black?
Me | Tactical is the new black?
And of course, my mind couldn't help wandering off to explore what might
make the difference between a tactical pen and a strategic pen.
Maybe something about how long the ink reserve lasts?
Or how long it takes to click the clicky retractor thing?
Oh, well, it was free when buying the binocular from B&H,
and it really is a pretty nice pen.
On the binocular:
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Tags: humor
16:06 Apr 22, 2024
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Mon, 03 Jul 2023
A neighbor has a huge RV emblazoned with the monicker:
I guess FUZION is a somewhat appropriate name for Los Alamos
... even if the town is a lot better known for fission.
And the town isn't particularly noted for spelling excellence,
so that part's okay.
However, would you want a vehicle that's an "IMPACT EDITION"?
Maybe it's just me, but impact is something I generally try to avoid
in vehicles.
Tags: advertising, humor
13:44 Jul 03, 2023
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Tue, 13 Jun 2023
I saw this truck at Home Depot in Santa Fe.
I have to wonder: would you want a T-Rex as a handyman?
I mean, aside from wanting to eat you, it doesn't seem like it would
be very "handy" with those little arms that can't reach anywhere.
Tags: humor, dinosaur, sign
16:18 Jun 13, 2023
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Sat, 03 Jun 2023
At the bottom of the truck route (the main highway going up to LANL),
the lab keeps a sign, usually advertising things like Motorcycle
Awareness Month or Work Safety Month. I think they change it more
or less monthly.
A few days ago, this curious sign appeared.
Don't Dart.
Cross Smart.
A Questioning Attitude
is Cultivated.
It includes a logo of the Institutional Worker Environment Safely and
Security Team, or IWESST.
I have no idea what they're trying to get across with this sign.
If you want to cross this 55mph highway, don't dart across it because
it's smarter to saunter slowly?
And what does darting, or crossing, have to do with a questioning attitude?
Or does this relate to some deep secret known only to LANL badgeholders,
so if I figure it out they'll have to kill me?
Well, I guess they've succeeded in one respect: they have me questioning
the sign.
Tags: sign, humor, los alamos
17:58 Jun 03, 2023
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Fri, 23 Dec 2022
Dave and I took our bikes to Knife Edge trail last week to see how it
stacked up as a biking trail.
Answer: most of it is ridable, except for the short "knife edge" section
that inspired its name ... but it's pretty rocky and bumpy, making it
not as fun as other nearby trails. Still, it's a beautiful place with
great views.
But there was a reward at the end. Someone had decorated a piñon
tree at the very end of the trail. Even better, they used edible
decorations — popcorn, berries, pretzels, and what looked like
seed balls. Should be popular with the local wildlife!
If you can't make it to the end of Knife Edge, have a festive holiday
season anyway!
Tags: humor, bike, trails
18:29 Dec 23, 2022
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Sun, 04 Dec 2022
I've been down for a week with the Flu from Hell that's going around.
We think it's flu because the symptoms match, and
because I got knocked out by it, while Dave caught a much milder case
— and Dave got the double-dose-for-seniors flu shot, while I
only got the regular-for-younger-folks shot. (Our COVID tests are negative
and there's no anosmia or breathing impairment.)
So I haven't been getting much done lately, nor writing blog articles.
But I'm feeling a bit better now. While I recover, here's something
from a few months ago: our annual autumn visit from the Door Bunny.
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Tags: humor, photography
08:27 Dec 04, 2022
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Fri, 08 Jul 2022
New Mexicans are used to people thinking we're not part of the US.
Every New Mexican has stories, like trying to mail-order
something and being told "We don't ship outside the US".
I had a little spare time and decided I'd follow a tutorial that's been
on my to-do list for a while:
Creating Beautiful River Maps with Python.
It combines river watercourse data from
with watershed boundaries from the
project using Python and GeoPandas, making a map that is,
as promised in the title, beautiful.
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Tags: mapping, GIS, new mexico, humor
18:05 Jul 08, 2022
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Fri, 01 Oct 2021
Saw this outside the White Rock library.
It's not every day you get to see a piñon tree in bloom!
(Okay, so it's actually a chamisa growing under the piñon.)
Tags: humor, nature
13:03 Oct 01, 2021
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Mon, 14 Jun 2021
Bears have been in our local news lately -- along with anti-bear measures.
A few weeks ago, the County Council voted to invest a sizable chunk of
money in bear-proof garbage roll carts for every home in the county.
While this is probably a good idea up in Los Alamos, down here in
White Rock it's silly. We almost never see bears here. But apparently
people on the hill don't believe that, or are convinced that if
Los Alamos residents all have secure roll carts, the bears will
migrate down the hill to White Rock and start becoming a nuisance
here. (Really! -- that was the argument for buying roll carts for
White Rock too.)
Anyway, I've scoffed at this ... until yesterday. I was at
Overlook Park at the weekly R/C flying get-together, and as I was
packing up to leave, carrying planes back to the car, I saw a bear!
It was sitting on the fence at the Collection Center (that's the
current euphemism for what they used to call a dump), just chilling out.
Didn't seem scared of me at all.
I was able to snap a quick photo and still escape with my life. Whew.
Maybe we do need those roll carts.
Tags: nature, humor, los alamos
18:38 Jun 14, 2021
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Tue, 16 Mar 2021
One memorable sequence from Sir David Attenborough's stellar
Life of Birds documentary is that of a black egret (or black
heron -- I've seen both, but aside from color it looks remarkably like
the North American snowy and reddish egrets), "umbrella fishing".
I never thought I'd have a chance to see that in person.
But it turns out black herons aren't the only birds to do that.
This winter, we saw a grey-headed junco doing essentially the same thing
in our back yard!
This little junco performed its umbrella trick almost like the black heron
from Life of Birds, though it didn't hide its head underneath.
Still, it might some day: it was still perfecting its technique as we
watched over the course of a couple of weeks.
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Tags: nature, birds, humor
14:38 Mar 16, 2021
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Fri, 03 Apr 2020
As you drive from Española east to Chimayó --
in non-COVID-19 times, you might be heading to Rancho de Chimayó,
the area's best New Mexican restaurant -- many of the street names,
of course, are Spanish.
That's no surprise: this area is one of the oldest white-settled parts
of the United States (of course, the Puebloans had been living in the
area for centuries), starting in 1598 when Don Juan de Oñate
declared it the capital of Santa Fe de Nuevo México, though the
capital moved to La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asís
(modern-day Santa Fe) twelve years later. The area remained under
Spanish, and then Mexican, rule until 1848 when it was ceded to the
United States.
So you're driving along, moving from the little village of Santa Cruz
into the equally small Cuartalez,
passing street names like Avenida Fernandez, Calle de la Capilla,
Fresquez Ln, Je Martinez Ln, Calle de Esquibel -- and then right
after Calle de Esquibel, there's another street sign:
Eh Ski Vel Ln.
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Tags: humor
12:25 Apr 03, 2020
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Thu, 02 Jan 2020
On a recent hike to Escobas Mesa, I happened upon these tracks.
"Look! Trilobite tracks!" I exclaimed. But upon examining them more
closely, I saw I was wrong. They look a little like trilobites, but
they're clearly the tracks of a horseshoe crab.
Either way, quite a rare find in the snowy mountains of New Mexico.
Tags: nature, humor
19:23 Jan 02, 2020
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Thu, 01 Aug 2019
Every time the media invents a new moon term -- super blood black wolf
moon, or whatever -- I roll my eyes.
First, this ridiculous "supermoon" thing is basically undetectable to
the human eye. Here's an image showing the relative sizes of the absolute
closest and farthest moons. It's easy enough to tell when you see the
biggest and smallest moons side by side, but when it's half a degree
in the sky, there's no way you'd notice that one was bigger or smaller
than average.
Even better, here's a link to an
of how the moon changes size and "librates" -- tilts so that we can
see a little bit over onto the moon's far side -- during the course of
a month.
Anyway, the media seem to lap this stuff up and every month there's a
new stupid moon term. I'm sure nearly every astronomer was relieved
to see the thoroughly sensible Gizmodo article yesterday,
Oh My God Stop It With the Fake Moon Names What the Hell Is a 'Black Moon' That Isn't Anything.
Not that that will stop the insanity.
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em
And then, talking about the ridiculous moon name phenom with some
friends, I realized I could play this game too.
So I spent twenty minutes whipping up my own
Silly Moon Name Generator.
It's super simple -- it just uses Linux' built-in dictionary, with no sense
of which words are common, or adjectives or nouns or what.
Of course it would be funnier with a hand-picked set of words,
but there's a limit to how much time I want to waste on this.
You can add a parameter ?nwords=5
(or whatever number)
if you want more or fewer words than four.
How Does It Work?
Random phrase generators like this are a great project for someone
just getting started with Python.
Python is so good at string manipulation that it makes this sort
of thing easy: it only takes half a page of code to do something fun.
So it's a great beginner project that most people would probably find
more rewarding than cranking out Fibonacci numbers (assuming you're not a
geek like I am).
For more advanced programmers, random phrase generation can still be a
fun and educational project -- skip to the end of this article for ideas.
For the basics, this is all you need: I've added comments explaining
the code.
import random
def hypermoon(filename, nwords=4):
'''Return a silly moon name with nwords words,
each taken from a word list in the given filename.
fp = open(filename)
lines = fp.readlines()
# A list to store the words to describe the moon:
words = []
for i in range(nwords): # This will be run nwords times
# Pick a random number between 0 and the number of lines in the file:
whichline = random.randint(0, len(lines))
# readlines() includes whitespace like newline characters.
# Use whichline to pull one line from the file, and use
# strip() to remove any extra whitespace:
word = lines[whichline].strip()
# Append it to our word list:
# The last word in the phrase will be "moon", e.g.
# super blood wolf black pancreas moon
# ' '.join(list) combines all the words with spaces between them
return ' '.join(words)
# This is called when the program runs:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(hypermoon('/usr/share/dict/words', 4))
A More Compact Format
In that code example,
I expanded everything to try to make it clear for beginning programmers.
In practice, Python lets you be a lot more terse, so the way
I actually wrote it was more like:
def hypermoon(filename, nwords=4):
with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
words = [ lines[random.randint(0, len(lines))].strip()
for i in range(nwords) ]
return ' '.join(words)
There are three important differences (in bold):
Opening a file using "with" ensures the file will be closed properly
when you're done with it. That's not important in this tiny example, but
it's a good habit to get into.
I specify the 'utf-8' encoding when I open the file because when I
ran it as a web app, it turned out the web server used the ASCII
encoding and I got Python errors because there are accented characters
in the dictionary somewhere. That's one of those Python annoyances
you get used to when going beyond the beginner level.
The way I define words all in one line (well, it's conceptually
one long line, though I split it into two so each line stays under 72
characters) is called a list comprehension. It's a nice compact
alternative to defining an empty list []
and then
calling append()
a bunch of times, like I did in the
first example.
Initially they might seem harder to read, but list comprehensions can
actually make code clearer once you get used to them.
A Python Driven Web Page
Finally, to make it work as a web page, I added the CGI module.
That isn't really a beginner thing so I won't paste it here,
but you can see the CGI version at
on GitHub.
I should mention that there's some debate over CGI in Python.
The movers and shakers in the Python community don't approve of CGI,
and there's a plan to remove it from upcoming Python versions.
The alternative is to use technologies like Flask or Django.
while I'm a fan of Flask and have used it for several projects,
it's way overkill for something like this, mostly because of all
the special web server configuration it requires (and Django is
far more heavyweight than Flask). In any case,
be aware that the CGI module may be removed from Python's standard
library in the near future. With any luck, python-cgi will still be
available via pip install
or as Linux distro packages.
More Advanced Programmers: Making it Funnier
I mentioned earlier that I thought the app would be a lot funnier with
a handpicked set of words. I did that long, long ago with my
Star Party
Observing Report Generator (written in Perl; I hadn't yet
started using Python back in 2001). That's easy and fun if you
have the time to spare, or a lot of friends contributing.
You could instead use words taken from a set of input documents.
For instance, only use words that appear in Shakespeare's plays, or
in company mission statements, or in Wikipedia articles about dog breeds
(this involves some web scraping, but Python is good at that too;
I like
Or you could let users contribute their own ideas for good words to use,
storing the user suggestions in a database.
Another way to make the words seem more appropriate and less random
might be to use one of the many natural language packages for Python,
such as NLTK, the Natural Language Toolkit. That way, you could
control how often you used adjectives vs. nouns, and avoid using verbs
or articles at all.
Random word generators seem like a silly and trivial programming
exercise -- because they are! But they're also a fun starting
point for more advanced explorations with Python.
Tags: humor, astronomy, programming, python
14:24 Aug 01, 2019
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Sat, 13 Oct 2018
I had to mail a package recently, and finished up a roll of packing tape.
I hadn't realized before I removed the tape roll from its built-in
dispenser that packing tape was dispensed by rabbits.
Tags: humor
20:11 Oct 13, 2018
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Mon, 26 Mar 2018
I just got back from a trip to the Chiricahuas, specifically Cave Creek.
More on that later, after I've done some more photo triaging.
But first, a story from the road.
Driving on I-10 in New Mexico near the Arizona border, we saw several
signs about dust storms. The first one said,
Dave commented, "I prefer the ones that say, 'may exist'."
And as if the highway department heard him, a minute or two later
we passed a much more typical New Mexico road sign:
New Mexico, the existential state.
But then things got more fun. We drove for a few more miles, then we
passed a sign that obviously wasn't meant to stand alone:
"It's a Burma Shave!" we said simultaneously. (I'm not old
enough to remember Burma Shave signs in real life, but I've heard
stories and love the concept.) The next sign came quickly:
"What on earth are they going to find to rhyme with 'roadway'?"
I wondered. I racked my brains but couldn't come up with anything.
As it turns out, neither could NMDOT. There were three more signs:
"Hmph", I thought. "What an opportunity missed." But I still couldn't
come up with a rhyme for "roadway". Since we were on Interstate 10,
and there's not much to do on a long freeway drive, I penned an
Much better, isn't it? But one thing bothered me: you're not really
supposed to pull all the way off Interstate 10, just onto the shoulder.
How about:
I wasn't quite happy with it. I thought my next attempt was an improvement:
but Dave said I should stick with "GET MUCH OLDER".
Oh, well. Even if I'm not old enough to remember real Burma Shave signs,
and even if NMDOT doesn't have the vision to make their own signs rhyme,
I can still have fun with the idea.
Tags: humor, travel, sign, cavecreek, poetry
16:05 Mar 26, 2018
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Mon, 26 Sep 2016
Dave was reading New Mexico laws regarding a voter guide issue we're
researching, and he came across this gem in
29-1-14 G of the "Law Enforcement: Peace Officers in General:
Unclaimed Property" laws:
Any alcoholic beverage that has been unclaimed by the true owner, is
no longer necessary for use in obtaining a conviction, is not needed
for any other public purpose and has been in the possession of a
state, county or municipal law enforcement agency for more than ninety
days may be destroyed or may be utilized by the scientific laboratory
division of the department of health for educational or scientific
We can't decide which part is more fun: contemplating what the
"other public purposes" might be, or musing on the various
"educational or scientific purposes" one might come up with for
a month-old beverage that's been sitting in the storage locker ...
I'm envisioning a room surrounded by locked chain-link containing
dusty shelves containing rows of half-full martini and highball glasses.
Tags: humor, law
11:04 Sep 26, 2016
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Mon, 08 Jun 2015
This sign, in Santa Fe, always makes me do a double-take.
Would you go to a dentist or eye doctor named "Adventure Dental"?
Personally, I prefer that my dental and vision visits are as
un-adventurous as possible.
Tags: humor, sign
08:54 Jun 08, 2015
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Thu, 30 Apr 2015
On a hike a few weeks ago, we encountered an unusual, and amusing, stile
across the trail.
It isn't uncommon to see stiles along trails. There are lots of
different designs, but their purpose is to allow humans, on foot,
an easy way to cross a fence, while making it difficult for vehicles
and livestock like cattle to pass through.
A common design looks like this, with a break in the fence and "wings"
so that anything small enough to make the sharp turn can pass through.
On a recent hike starting near Buckman, on the Rio Grande,
we passed a few stiles with the "wings" design; but one of the
stiles we came to had a rather less common design:
It was set up so that nothing could pass without climbing over the
fence -- and one of the posts which was supposed to hold fence rails
was just sitting by itself, with nothing attached to it.
I suspect someone gave a diagram to a welder, and the welder, not
being an outdoor person and having no idea of the purpose of a stile,
welded it up without giving it much thought. Not very functional ...
and not very stilish, either!
I'm curious whether the error was in the spec, or in the
welder's interpretation of it. But alas, I suspect I'll never learn
the story behind the stile.
Giggling, we climbed over the fence and proceeded on our hike up to
the very scenic Otowi Peak.
Tags: humor, stile
11:38 Apr 30, 2015
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Thu, 16 Apr 2015
I've always loved small-town newspapers. Now I have one as a local
paper (though more often, I read the online
Los Alamos Daily Post.
The front page of the Los Alamos Monitor yesterday particularly
caught my eye:
I'm not sure how they decide when to include national news along with
the local news; often there are no national stories, but yesterday I
guess this story was important enough to make the cut. And judging by
font sizes, it was considered more important than the high school
debate team's bake sale, but of the same importance as the Youth
Leadership group's day for kids to meet fire and police reps and do
arts and crafts. (Why this is called "Wild Day" is not explained in
the article.)
Meanwhile, here are a few images from a hike at Bandelier National Monument:
first, a view of the Tyuonyi Pueblo ruins from above (click for a larger
Some petroglyphs on the wall of Alamo Canyon.
We initially called them spirals but they're actually all concentric
circles, plus one handprint.
And finally, a cairn guarding the bottom of Lummis Canyon.
All the cairns along this trail were fairly elaborate and artistic,
but this one was definitely the winner.
Tags: humor, los alamos, bandelier, ruins, cairn, art
14:01 Apr 16, 2015
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Sun, 18 Jan 2015
One of my favorite categories of funny sign: "Stick figures in peril".
This one was on one of those automated gates, where you type in a code
and it rolls aside, and on the way out it automatically senses your car.
Tags: humor, sign, stick figures in peril
10:19 Jan 18, 2015
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Sat, 27 Sep 2014
In the canyons below White Rock there are many wonderful petroglyphs,
some dating back many centuries, like this jaguar:
as well as collections like these:
Of course, to see them you have to negotiate a trail down the basalt cliff
Up the hill in Los Alamos there are petroglyphs too, on trails that are
a bit more accessible ... but I suspect they're not nearly so old.
Tags: petroglyph, humor
21:47 Sep 27, 2014
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Sun, 24 Aug 2014
I love this Adopt-a-Highway sign on Highway 4 on the way back down from
the Jemez.
I have no idea who it is (I hope to find out, some day), but it gives
me a laugh every time I see it.
Tags: humor, sign
10:50 Aug 24, 2014
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Tue, 05 Aug 2014
I got an envelope from my bank in the mail. The envelope was open
and looked like the flap had never been sealed.
Inside was a copy of their privacy policy. Nothing else.
The policy didn't say whether their privacy policy included sealing the
envelope when they send me things.
Tags: privacy, security, humor
13:22 Aug 05, 2014
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Fri, 06 Jun 2014
Santa Fe is a city that prides itself on its art. There are art
galleries everywhere, glossy magazines scattered around town pointing
visitors to the various art galleries and museums.
Why, then, is Santa Fe county public art so bad?
Like this mural near the courthouse. It has it all! It combines
motifs of crucifixions, Indian dancing, Hermaphroditism,
eagles, jaguars, astronomy,
menorahs (or are they power pylons?),
an angel, armed and armored, attempting to stab an unarmed angel,
and a peace dove smashing its head into a baseball.
All in one little mural!
But it's really the highway art north of Santa Fe that I wanted to
talk about today.
Some of it isn't totally awful. The roadrunner and the horned toad are
actually kind of cute, and the rattlesnake isn't too bad.
On the other hand, the rooster and turkey are pretty bad ...
and the rabbit is beyond belief.
As you get farther away from Santa Fe, you get whole overpasses decorated
with names and symbols:
I think of this one near Pojoaque as the "happy dancing shuriken" --
it looks more like a Japanese throwing star, a shuriken, than anything
else, though no doubt it has some deeper meaning to the Pojoaque pueblo people.
But my favorite is the overpass near Cuyamungue.
See those deer in the upper right and left corners?
Here it is in close-up.
We've taken to calling it "the digestive deer".
I can't figure out what this is supposed to tell us about a deer's
alimentary tract. Food goes in ... and then we don't want to dwell on
what happens after that? Is there a lot of foliage near Cuyamungue
that's particularly enticing to deer? A "land of plenty", at least
for deer? Do they then go somewhere else to relieve themselves?
I don't know what it means. But as we drive past the Cuyamungue
digestive deer on the way to Santa Fe ... it's hard to take the city's
airs of being a great center of art and culture entirely seriously.
Tags: humor, art
12:40 Jun 06, 2014
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Fri, 30 May 2014
This ad appeared in one of the free Santa Fe weeklies.
It's got to be one of the funniest mis-uses of quotes I've seen.
Does she not know that
putting quotes around
something means that you're quoting someone, you're introducing an
unfamiliar word or phrase, or you're trying to draw attention to the
quoted phrase and cast doubt on it or make fun of it?
That third use, by the way, is called
scare quotes.
Like you'd see in a phrase like this:
One expects lawyers to have a good command of English, and to pay
attention to detail, so ... what should we think?
"Injured" isn't an unfamiliar word, so it has to be either the first
or third use. And whether she's soliciting clients who only say
they're injured, or she's casting doubt on the injury, it's hard not
to read this as an offer to help people pretend to be injured to
collect a payout.
Which I'm sure happens all the time ... but I don't think I've
previously seen an ad implying it so strongly.
Tags: humor, punctuation
13:32 May 30, 2014
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Sun, 02 Feb 2014
I'm nearing the home stretch of a move from California to New Mexico.
(I'll be writing about that eventually, but right now I'm in the
middle of Moving Hell.) Since we're about to drive our cars out
to a place that's getting freezing temperatures, Dave got the bright idea
that we ought to replace our windshield washer fluid with a type
that doesn't freeze at 32°F.
Easy, right? We drove down to Pep Boys -- and couldn't find any.
All they had was marked as 32°. So we asked the gentleman at
the counter.
Pep Boy:
Sorry, we only carry the 32-degree kind.
We're not legally allowed to sell the other kind.
Uh, what?
Pep Boy:
We're not legally allowed to sell the antifreeze type because it
hardly ever gets down to freezing here.
But what do people do when they're driving up to Tahoe or something?
Pep Boy:
They start with the tank empty, stop partway up and buy some,
and fill up there.
We drove down the street to O'Reilly's, to double check.
O'Reilly's sells a concentrate with additives
(methanol) for subfreezing temperatures. Just add water.
Wait, what?
I did a web search when we got back home. Sure enough, the California
Air Resources Board (CARB) has made it illegal to sell pre-mixed
windshield washer fluid with methanol, because the methanol evaporates
contributes to "ground level ozone and air pollution", according to
Hanford Sentinel: Looking for winter windshield washer fluid? Good luck!
It's illegal to sell pre-mixed.
But it's legal to sell concentrate
-- even though the concentrate contains far more methanol than pre-mixed
would have.
Words fail me.
Tags: cars, humor, laws
19:30 Feb 02, 2014
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Mon, 06 Jan 2014
Do you ever get annoyed at how government takes your tax money and
tosses it around, without much accountability as to how much money
goes where?
Well, in New Mexico they want to make sure you don't get that feeling.
When you drive by a highway construction project, the cost of the project
is right there -- down to the nearest dollar. (With no commas, so be
careful when counting those digits that you don't run into the car in
front of you.)
$7557022.00. Now that's accountability!
(We won't talk about the completion date of fall 2013 and the fact
that this photo was taken in early 2014. I hope that doesn't make
the costs overrun to $7557022.50 or even $7557023.00.)
Tags: humor
21:18 Jan 06, 2014
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Sun, 15 Dec 2013
On way home from a trip last week, one of the hotels we stayed at had
an unexpected bonus:
Hi-Fi Internet!
You may wonder, was it mono or stereo?
They had two accesspoints visible (with different essids), so I guess
it was supposed to be stereo. Except one of the accesspoints never worked,
so it turned out to be mono after all.
Tags: humor, travel, tech
19:35 Dec 15, 2013
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Wed, 13 Feb 2013
I love warning signs. Especially when they have funny pictures on them
illustrating the drastic consequences of ignoring the sign.
This one is by the railroad tracks in downtown Mountain View.
In case you weren't sure what that funny wooden arm was for.
Tags: humor, sign
20:15 Feb 13, 2013
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Sat, 02 Feb 2013
I guess the brick and concrete border was a little too small, and the
tree just ignored it and kept growing. Tree: 1. Landscapers: 0.
And the neighbors, bless their hearts, didn't try to remove the border --
they left it intact as the tree continued to grow and raised the
border higher and higher.
It's wonderful -- makes me smile every time I walk past.
It reminds me of a great David Wilcox song,
It Like It Is.
Go, tree!
Tags: humor
12:22 Feb 02, 2013
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Wed, 23 Jan 2013
![[Mahatma authentic Spanish rice]](
The silly things you find ...
Found this in Mom's pantry. "Mahatma Authentic Spanish rice."
Maybe it's just my ignorance that when I hear the term "Mahatma",
Spain is not the first country I think of. But it says Authentic!
So it must have something to do with Spanish culture, right?
Maybe it's named after that famous palace in Spain, the Mahatma.
I haven't tried the rice yet. I'm not sure whether I should serve it
with curry, or tacos. I know! I'll make some curry tacos!
It's been pointed out to me that tacos aren't associated with Spain
either. Whoops! Blame my nortemericano upbringing -- "Spanish rice" is
what's served with Mexican food here, and cuisine from Spain is rare.
Tags: humor
16:10 Jan 23, 2013
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Sun, 25 Nov 2012
I saw this sign on a fence around a debris dam.
It's good to see that LA County cares so much about keeping track of
the local deer population that it maintains a special database for them.
Tags: humor, database
11:20 Nov 25, 2012
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Mon, 19 Nov 2012
I saw this car on Bascom the other day. Very cute!
Nicely done.
(Usually I GIMP out the license plates of cars in photos, but in this
case I don't think it's needed.)
Tags: humor, cars
20:17 Nov 19, 2012
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Mon, 05 Nov 2012
It's great to see high school kids doing public-spirited community projects
like trail maintenance!
But I have to wonder if this particular group
might do better spending some of that time working on studying
their punctuation rules ...
Tags: humor, punctuation, apostrophe, education
12:13 Nov 05, 2012
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Fri, 05 Oct 2012
I just love Edison elementary school's team name.
Tags: humor
21:19 Oct 05, 2012
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Thu, 13 Sep 2012
The parking lot for Fremont Older Open Space Preserve adjoins a
golfing range. There seems to be some difference of opinion
regarding the responsibility if an errant golf ball should hit a car.
One sign declares
DANGER: Flying golf balls, Park at your own risk
while the one right under it, put up by the open space district, advises
Golfers are responsible for damage caued by golf balls
I just hope I never have to find out who's right.
Tags: humor, golf
22:50 Sep 13, 2012
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Sun, 26 Aug 2012
I love these three storefronts right next to each other.
At least it reduces any freshness problems the one on the right might
have had with its previous suppliers.
Tags: humor, fish, sushi
22:29 Aug 26, 2012
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Sun, 19 Aug 2012
In my rambles, I've sometimes noticed that handicapped parking
isn't always as convenient as it ought to be.
For instance, in one vista point up on Skyline Blvd, there's a
handicapped parking sign way off in the bushes and down the hillside,
far away from the parking lot where everybody else parks.
Makes me wonder how you'd get a wheelchair through all that coyote brush.
Or this sign, in the Verdugo mountains. I'm not sure I'd want to park
in a spot that needed a warning sign like that!
Tags: humor
16:34 Aug 19, 2012
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Sat, 04 Aug 2012
Wired last week reported on a British study on
people are most likely to sing along to in pubs.
The study concluded that the most popular songs were the ones with
"a male vocalist with a loud, clear high-chest voice, without many
vocal embellishments."
As to why that was, the lead researcher
suggested that singing along to these
songs promotes a kind of "neotribal bonding" among participants. As
for why female vocalists' songs weren't popular, Pawley speculated
that, whereas women will happily sing along to men, men may feel that
voicing a woman's words threatens their masculinity.
So what was the number one singable tune found in this study?
Queen's "We are the Champions".
I wish
Freddie Mercury,
that rugged bastion of straight he-man masculinity, was still around
to read that.
Bet he would have died laughing.
Now excuse me while I go belt out some "Bohemian Rhapsody" while no
one's listening.
Tags: humor
18:47 Aug 04, 2012
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Wed, 11 Jul 2012
I noticed this oddly self-contradictory message on a box in a shoe store.
It says:
The key to Shape-ups LIV by Sketchers is the diagonally curved bottom.
It helps guide you back to the body's barefoot stride.
Doesn't the second paragraph contradict and cancel out the first one?
I was curious, so I did a little poking around. But all I found was
accounts of
being pressured to pull an advertisement aimed at
teen girls, in which it makes different claims regarding a different
Shape-up shoe. Supposedly the advertiser was also putting stickers
on shoeboxes saying "Disregard all fitness benefit claims."
But the box I was reading was an adult shoe, unrelated to the teen
advertising cartoons, and the sign isn't a sticker -- it's part of the
printing on the box.
So it's a mystery. To be honest, I was already primed to disregard any
fitness claims I read on the front of a shoebox. But I guess it's glad
that the company uses valuable advertising space to remind everyone to
discount the company's own claims.
Tags: humor, advertising
21:09 Jul 11, 2012
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Wed, 02 May 2012
I bought a Miata yesterday! My new baby. It's a 2000, in a lovely
color Mazda calls "twilight blue mica".
(You can see Miata
pictures here, if you're so inclined.)
I'd forgotten how much nicer sports cars are to drive. I retired my
last X1/9 more than a year ago, and have been driving mushy street
vehicles since then. The Miata surprises me every time I get into
it with its immediacy -- throttle, brake, steering, everything
happens now.
It does have some used-car glitches that I need to sort out
(some of them maybe even severe), but in general
it's a great car: in stock trim it handles a
lot like the street-prepared X1/9, even on crappy Kumho tires.
Of course, that could be new owner infatuation talking. Ask me
again in a few months. :-)
But really what I wanted to write about was the extremely strange
warning sticker that came plastered to the driver's side window.
I didn't really look at the sticker until the second day after I
drove the car home, and then did a double-take. It says:
While use of all seat belts reduce the chance of ejection,
failure to install and use shoulder harnesses with lap
belts can result in serious or fatal injuries in some crashes.
Lap-only belts increase the chance of head and neck injury by
allowing the upper torso to move unrestrained in a crash and increase
the chance of spinal column and abdominal injuries by concentrating
excessive force on the lower torso. Because children carry a
disproportionate amount of body weight above the waist, they are more
likely to sustain those injuries. Shoulder harnesses may be
available that can be retrofitted in this vehicle. For more
information call the Auto Safety Hotline at 1-800-424-9393.
If you look at the photo I took of the sticker, note the
shoulder belt anchor at the right edge of the frame.
It's a normal stock shoulder belt, just like you'll find
in any car -- this is a 2000 model, for crying out loud, not a 1970.
A web search on the error message led me to
Section 27314.5
of the California Vehicle Code, which states that
27314.5. (a) (1) Subject to paragraph (3), no dealer shall sell or
offer for sale any used passenger vehicle of a model year of 1972 to
1990, inclusive, unless there is affixed to the window of the left
front door or, if there is no window, to another suitable location so
that it may be seen and read by a person standing outside the vehicle
at that location, a notice, printed in 14-point type, which reads as follows:
... followed by the text on my sticker. It goes on:
(2) The notice shall remain affixed to the vehicle pursuant to
paragraph (1) at all times that the vehicle is for sale.
So the dealer must have put this sticker on. But why? Reading on:
(3) The notice is not required to be affixed to any vehicle equipped
with both a lap belt and a shoulder harness for the driver and one
passenger in the front seat of the vehicle and for at least two
passengers in the rear seat of the vehicle.
The dealer must not have read as far as paragraph (3).
I also found that, despite the fact that the DMV's website still links to
the page I linked above,
that statute was in the
process of being repealed by CA Assembly Bill 2679. Except that if you
click on "Read latest draft", apparently they changed their minds
again in the latest
version of AB 2679 and are now going to keep the warning in.
Maybe instead of leaving it unchanged or striking it, they should
change it to make it clearer that it only applies to cars without
shoulder harnesses installed ... if there are any such cars.
Haven't shoulder harnesses been mandatory in US cars since the early
1970s? Wikipedia
says they've been mandatory in the front seat since 1968 ... but the
citation they give for that goes to a page that no longer exists,
so that may be off by a few years.
In any case, anyone buying a car so old it doesn't have a shoulder
harness and only "may" be able to have one retrofitted to it
probably understands there may be some safety issues in a 40-year-old
car, and doesn't need a warning sticker.
Tags: cars, miata, warning, humor
21:05 May 02, 2012
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Thu, 02 Feb 2012
I love this sign, along Interstate 5 near Coalinga.
Pleasant Valley State Prison.
I guess if you have to be locked away, Pleasant Valley doesn't sound
like the worst place to be.
Do Pleasant Valley ex-cons have a hard time getting respect when
people find out where they did their hard time?
I love picturing the local parents trying to strike fear into
their kids' hearts.
"If you don't straighten up, Junior, you're going to end up in ...
Or the local judges -- "You're not getting off this time. No, I'm
giving you ten years in ... PLEASANT VALLEY!"
Tags: humor, travel
18:07 Feb 02, 2012
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Tue, 08 Nov 2011
This coupon showed up on a Safeway receipt.
Everyone I've showed it to has the same reaction as I did:
stacks of pancakes! Oh, wait, the headline says ... oh, I see,
I guess those are supposed to be coins.
I'm not sure what the lesson is ... maybe that you should show your ad
to a few other people before publishing it.
Or maybe the program is actually for cafe owners looking to increase
their breakfast sales ...
Tags: humor, imaging, advertising
12:26 Nov 08, 2011
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Tue, 07 Dec 2010
I've been doing some Android development, using the standard Eclipse
development tools. A few days ago, I pasted some code that included
a comment about different Android versions, and got a surprise:
What do you think -- should I change all the "Android" references
to "Undried"?
Tags: humor, android, eclipse, programming
11:09 Dec 07, 2010
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Sat, 23 Oct 2010
On a recent desert trip, we stopped in Jean, NV for some prime rib.
They had creamer containers out on the table in case you should
order coffee. It was their own brand of non-dairy creamer.
I wonder who really makes it?
Silly question -- the non-dairy creamer comes from a dairy!
And includes "sodium caseinate (a milk derivative)".
Leaves me full of curiosity about the cows at this dairy ...
Tags: humor, food
17:39 Oct 23, 2010
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Sun, 08 Aug 2010
Got this in the mail. Awfully thoughtful of them, don't you think?
I'm sure all the people who can't read it will call right away.
Tags: humor
21:00 Aug 08, 2010
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Thu, 29 Jul 2010
At the Terrible's Sands Regency in Reno, Dave noticed this ad on the table
in the room. "Wait -- isn't that the same guy, twice?"
Sure enough -- not just the same person, but the same photo, with
different hair and neck pixeled in.
I guess Photoshop/GIMP artists are cheaper than photo models these days.
We spotted the same model in other ads around the hotel, sometimes
masquerading as other races as well.
Tags: gimp, photoshop, humor
17:28 Jul 29, 2010
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Tue, 29 Dec 2009

My favorite headline from today's paper:
Waves breach sand berm
What sort of sand berm, you wonder, that merits a headline in the
paper? No doubt a critical one, protecting the
town from the ravages of the sea? Well, maybe not:
"The situation is not unusual," he added. "It happens every year."
I guess it was a slow news day.
The full-page ad on the back of the main section was good, too.
Mmmmm ... melamine candy!
Tags: humor, headlines, slownewsday
12:42 Dec 29, 2009
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Sat, 17 Oct 2009
(I meant to blog this last month and never got around to it,
but it was so fun and silly that I want a public link to it.)
For my birthday, Dave got me this Dinosaur Fossil Kit.
With REAL TOOLS! proclaimed the package.
(A few weeks later I was at the dollar store looking for something
else, and found out where he'd bought it.)
It's an egg-shaped clod of mud. The REAL TOOLS are a little plastic
pick and a paintbrush. You pick away the mud to reveal little
plastic dinosaur bones, which you can assemble to form a dinosaur.
Okay, it's stupid. But it was also kind of fun. I have the little
dinosaur sitting on the stand beside my terminal.
One of the foot-tabs is missing on mine, so it doesn't always stay
in the stand. But that's just one of those hassles that we
paleontologists put up with. Not every skeleton will be 100% complete.
We scientists also know how important it is to
every step of the process.
Tags: humor, fossil, dinosaur, paleontology, toy
19:38 Oct 17, 2009
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Fri, 18 Sep 2009
![[PGE billboard: Solar Power: Making planets orbit and bagels toast]](
This PG&E billboard just went up down the street from where I live.
"Solar Power: Making planets orbit and bagels toast."
And here all this time I'd been under the impression that orbits
had mostly to do with gravity. Somehow I'd missed the influence of
light pressure when writing my orbital software.
Or is the sun's gravitational influence considered a part of "solar power"?
Can we look forward to the upcoming generation of gravitovoltaic solar cells?
Tags: humor, astronomy
20:13 Sep 18, 2009
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Tue, 01 Sep 2009
It's so easy as a techie to forget how many people tune out anything
that looks like it has to do with technology.
I've been following the terrible "Station fire" that's threatening
Mt Wilson observatory as well as homes and firefighters' lives
down in southern California. And in addition to all the serious
and useful URLs for tracking the fire, I happened to come across
this one:
Very funny! I laughed, and so did the friends with whom I shared it.
So when a non-technical mailing list
began talking about the fire, I had to share it, with the comment
"Here's a useful site I found for tracking the status of California fires."
Several people laughed (not all of them computer geeks).
But one person said,
All it said was "YES." No further comments.
The joke seems obvious, right? But think about it: it's only funny
if you read the domain name before you go to the page.
Then you load the page, see what's there, and laugh.
But if you're the sort of person who immediately tunes out when you
see a URL -- because "that's one of those technical things I don't
understand" -- then the page wouldn't make any sense.
I'm not going to stop sharing techie jokes that require some
background -- or at least the ability to read a URL.
But sometimes it's helpful to be reminded of how a lot of the
world looks at things. People see anything that looks "technical" --
be it an equation, a Latin word, or a URL -- and just tune out.
The rest of it might as well not be there -- even if the words
following that "http://" are normal English you think anyone
should understand.
Tags: tech, humor
21:48 Sep 01, 2009
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Tue, 07 Apr 2009
Today's award concerns clarity of error messages.
My desktop machine has been getting flakier for a week or two.
Strange messages at boot, CDROM drive unable to burn reliably or
verify after burning, and finally it culminated in a morning where
it wouldn't boot at all. Turned out (after much experimentation)
to be not one but two bad IDE cables -- and these were the
snazzy expensive heavy-duty cables, not the cheap ribbon cables,
in a box that hadn't been opened for months. Weird.
Anyway, since I had the system disk out anyway (to recover data from
it) I left it out, migrated my data to the newer, bigger disk and
installed a new Ubuntu Intrepid.
Been meaning to do that anyway -- running two disks just adds to the
noise, heat and power usage and doesn't really add that much speed.
It took a couple of hours to get the system working the way I want it
-- installing things I need, like tcsh, vim, emacs, plucker, vlc, sox
etc. and cleaning up some of the longstanding Ubuntu udev and kernel
configuration bugs that keep various hardware from working.
I thought I had everything ready when I noticed I wasn't getting
any sound alerts, so I tried playing a sample .wav file, and got
a rather unusual error:
(clavius)- play sample.wav
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:3513:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:3513:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:3513:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:3985:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2196:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
play soxio: Can't open output file `default': cannot open audio device
What does that mean?
Well, it turns out what it means is ... my user wasn't in the
"audio" group, so I didn't have write permission on the sound device.
I added myself to "audio" in /etc/groups and sound worked fine in my
next session.
Now, I've seen some fairly obscure error messages in my time,
but this one may just win my all-time obscurity award. 9 lines and 744
characters to say "Can't open $device."
And with all that, it still managed
to omit the one piece of information that might have been helpful:
the name of the device it was trying to open (so that an ls -l
would have told me the problem right away).
Tags: linux, alsa, user interface, humor
14:23 Apr 07, 2009
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Wed, 01 Apr 2009
This is a reprinting of an article I wrote for my monthly planet column
in the
SJAA Ephemeris:
Is Pluto a planet, or not?
Maybe you caught the news last month that Illinois,
birthplace of Clyde Tombaugh, has declared Pluto a planet.
It joins New Mexico, Tombaugh's longtime home, which made a
similar declaration two years ago.
When I first heard about the New Mexico resolution, I was told that they
had declared that Pluto would be a planet within the state's
That made me a bit curious: would Pluto even fit inside New Mexico?
I looked it up: Pluto has a diameter of 2300km, while New Mexico is
about 550km in longitude and a bit more in latitude. Not even close
(see Figure 1). Too bad -- I liked the image of Pluto and Charon coming to
visit and hang out with friends. Though at Pluto's orbital velocity (it
takes it just under 248 years to complete its 18 billion kilometer
orbit, meaning an average speed of 23 million km/year or 63,000
and its current distance of about 32 AU (4.8 billion km), it whould
take it about 207 years to get here.
But it turns out that's not what the resolution said anyway.
Both states' resolutions said roughly the same thing:
Pluto passes overhead through New Mexico's excellent night skies, it
be declared a planet and that March 13, 2007 be declared "Pluto Planet
Day" at the legislature.
STATE OF ILLINOIS, that as Pluto passes overhead through Illinois'
night skies, that it be reestablished with full planetary status, and
that March 13, 2009 be declared "Pluto Day" in the State of Illinois
in honor of the date its discovery was announced in 1930.
So the law applies to anyone (though it's probably not enforceable
outside state boundaries) -- but only when Pluto is overhead
in New Mexico or Illinois.
But wait -- does Pluto ever actually pass overhead in those states?
New Mexico stretches from 31.2 to about 37 degrees latitude,
while Illinois spans 36.9 to 42.4.
Right now Pluto is in Sagittarius, with a declination of -17° 41';
there's no way anyone in the US is going to see it directly overhead
this year. Worse, it's on its way even farther south. It won't
cross into the northern hemisphere until the beginning of 2111.
But how far north will it go?
My first thought was to add Pluto's inclination -- 17.15 degrees,
very high compared to other planets -- to the 23 degrees of the
ecliptic to get 40.4°. Way far north -- no problem in either
state! But unfortunately it's not as simple as that.
It turns out that when Pluto
gets to its maximum north inclination, it's in Bootes (bet you didn't
know Bootes was a constellation of the zodiac, did you? It's that
17° inclination that puts Pluto just past the Virgo border).
That'll happen in February of 2228.
But in the Virgo/Bootes region, the ecliptic is 8° south of the
equator, not 23° north. So we don't get to add 23 and 17; in fact,
Pluto's declination will only be about 7.3° north. That's no help!
To find the time when Pluto gets as far north as it's going to get,
you have to combine the declination of the ecliptic and the angle of
Pluto above the ecliptic. The online JPL HORIZONS simulator is very
helpful for running data like that over long periods -- much easier
than plugging dates into a planetarium program. HORIZONS told
me that Pluto's maximum northern declination, 23.5°, will happen in
spring of 2193.
Unfortunately, 23.5° isn't far enough north to be overhead even from
Las Cruces, NM. So Pluto, sadly, will never be overhead from either
New Mexico or Illinois, and thus by the text of the two measures, it
will never be a planet.
With that in mind, I'm asking you to support my campaign to persuade
the governments of Ecuador and Hawaii to pass resolutions similar to
the New Mexico and Illinois ones. Please give generously -- and hurry,
because we need your support before April 1!
Tags: science, astronomy, pluto, humor, writing
20:09 Apr 01, 2009
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Sat, 14 Mar 2009
When I upgraded to Ubuntu Intrepid recently, I pulled in a newer GTK+,
version 2.14.4. And when I went to open a file in GIMP, I got a surprise:
my "bookmarks" were no longer visible without scrolling down.
In the place where the bookmarks used to be, instead was a list of ...
what are those things? Oh, I see ... they're all the filesystems
listed with "noauto" in my /etc/fstab --the filesystems that
aren't mounted unless somebody asks for them, typically by plugging
in some piece of hardware.
There are a lot of these. Of course there's one for the CDROM drive
(I never use floppies so at some point I dropped that entry).
I have another entry for Windows-formatted partitions that show up on
USB, like when I plug in a digital camera or a thumb drive.
I also have one of those front panel flash card readers with 4 slots,
for reading SD cards, memory sticks, compact flash, smart media etc.
Each of those shows up as a different device,
so I treat them separately and mount SD cards as /sdcard,
memory sticks as /stick and so on.
In addition, there are entries corresponding to
other operating systems installed on this multi-boot machine, and
to several different partitions on my external USB backup drive.
These are all listed in /etc/fstab with entries like this:
/dev/hdd /cdrom udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
/dev/sde1 /pix vfat rw,user,fmask=133,noauto 0 0
The GTK developers, in their wisdom, have realized that what the file
selector really needs to be.
I mean, I was just thinking while opening a file in GIMP the other day,
"Browsing image files on filesystems that are actually mounted
is so tedious.
I wish I could do something else instead, like view my /etc/fstab file
to see a list of unmounted filesystems for which I might decide to
plug in an external device."
Clicking on one of the unmounted filesystems (even right-clicking!)
gives an error:
Could not mount sdcard
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist
So I guess the intent is that I'll plug in my external drive or camera,
then use the gtk file selector from a program like GIMP as the means to
mount it. Um ... don't most people already have some way of mounting
new filesystems, whether it's an automatic mount from HAL or typing
in a terminal?
(And before you ask, yes, for the time being I have dbus and hal and
fam and gamin and all that crap running.)
The best part
But I haven't even told you the best part yet. Here it is:
If you mount a filesystem manually, e.g. mount /dev/sdb1
it doesn't show up in the list!
So this enormous list of filesystems that's keeping me from seeing
my file selector bookmarks ... doesn't even include filesystems that
are really there!
Tags: gtk, user interface, humor, linux
12:59 Mar 14, 2009
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Tue, 10 Mar 2009
![[anti cell phone law billboard]](
On 101 southbound a little south of University Ave in Palo Alto,
a new billboard cropped up a month or so ago. It says:
Senator Joe Simitian: Your cell phone law sucks.
Well, that's not ALL it says. Actually, it says quite a lot
of other stuff. In small print. So much so that if you actually tried
to read it, you'd be virtually guaranteed to veer out of your lane
and into another car.
I loved it. It's so classic. For anyone who hasn't heard, California
has a new law this year that bans talking on a hand-held cell phone
while driving. And honestly, who would think that it was possible
to read a billboard like this while driving -- except one of those
people who veers their SUV into your lane because they're too immersed
in their cellphone conversation to pay attention to the road?
(For a better photo or if you actually want to read the text, the
Times has the billboard story and photo; here's the
news take, with more details on the 75-word message (no photo).)
Tags: humor, irony, cellphone
21:53 Mar 10, 2009
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Fri, 14 Nov 2008
Usually I just delete spam after seeing the subject line.
But I couldn't resist one that arrived this morning:
Subject: You'll be saying WOW every time with ShamWow
Wondering whether the seller was familiar with the
of the word "sham",
I just had to take a look.
I couldn't tell anything from the text -- it was all just random
verbiage to try to fool Baysian filters.
But the mail also attached two images, img001.png and img002.png.
The first was a big grey starburst thing; the second, at 348Kb, was the
actual ad
(click on it to get the full-sized version; the thumbnail
here doesn't do it justice).
There are just so many things to love about this ad, starting
with the name "ShamWow" itself.
I love the mixture of fonts and bright colors, with the slightly
lopsided hourglass shape of the ShamWow! logo.
I love the "AS SEEN ON TV" bug -- a charming image that hasn't
changed a whit since the 60's, maybe even the 50's.
I love the unidentifiable grey and yellow flat things with
unreadable text on them -- they look like file folders and folded
papers, but they're probably two different colors and sizes of
ShamWow -- covered with a square announcing
"10 Year [unreadable]", which made me wonder if they were selling
auto loans or securities. But if you magnify it you find that the
third word is probably "Warranty".
I love the presumption that you'll think that 20x the weight of
a small cloth object is a lot of water (is it? I have no idea, let
me grab a paper towel and a gram scale). I love the blurry red
and white "CLICK FOR DETAILS" button.
But what I like best about this image is that it's a PNG but it's
full of JPG artifacts. Now, I'm not very picky about jpeg artifacts.
(You'd think I would be, as a de-facto GIMP expert, but I'm really not.)
I shoot DSLR photos in jpeg rather than raw mode because most of the
time the difference just isn't enough for me to care about.
I use jpeg for most of the icons on my web site if they don't
need transparency, and I lower the jpeg quality level to make
them load faster. I'm not a PNG snob (actually, I'm more likely
to use GIF than PNG for web icons). But really -- this ad image
is a wonderful example of jpeg artifacts and why you can't
just turn the quality down arbitrarily far.
I could even understand using extreme jpeg compression because they were
sending out a hundred quotillion spam messages and wanted to reduce bandwidth.
But they're not sending a jpeg -- they've converted the low-quality JPG
back to a 348Kb PNG before sending the spam.
All I can figure is that someone designed the ad and saved it as
JPG, making it really small. And then someone in the business saw
great cartoon on JPG vs. PNG -- and said "Oh, no! We'd better
use PNG instead! And loaded up the JPG and saved it as a PNG with
default settings.
(For further reading on PNG vs. JPEG and image file
size optimization, you can get an overview of formats at my
Formats for the Web and some detailed tutorials at the
Conservation Society; or chapters 2 and 8 in
my GIMP book, soon to be out in
its second edition.)
Tags: humor, advertising, gimp
11:54 Nov 14, 2008
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Fri, 22 Aug 2008
One of the local community colleges sent out glossy flyers
advertising their program, with the tag line "College pays
for itself; don't put it off!"
To prove how valuable college can be, they include a helpful
table showing the "Mediun earnings" for people with various
education levels.
West Valley actually has a decent sciences program, and some
other interesting programs like Park Management (ranger training).
But I suspect I should stay away from their English and Statistics
Tags: humor, education
16:47 Aug 22, 2008
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Fri, 11 Jul 2008
They're repaving the streets where I live.
They left this flyer on our door to alert us.
It's good of them to keep us informed.
I guess they don't want us to ask any questions.
It's helpful to know where the cars will be safe.
I wonder when we should start parking somewhere else?
Tags: humor
14:49 Jul 11, 2008
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Wed, 02 Jul 2008
There's a store down the road from me that offers an unusual
combination of items. It always makes me stop and wonder when
I pass by.
It must be my naivety and lack of marketing accumen, but
it never would have occurred to me that cigarettes and pure
water were two products that ought to be sold side by side.
The most amazing part is that another store just a few blocks away
has started offering the same combination! (Though their sign
is much less striking.)
Tags: humor, marketing
23:56 Jul 02, 2008
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Thu, 05 Jun 2008
From a BBC story on the wife of France's president:
She said her husband was so bright he appeared to have "five or even
six brains".
Raises all kinds of intriguing followup questions, doesn't it?
Tags: headlines, humor, brains
21:46 Jun 05, 2008
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Sat, 29 Mar 2008
Dave and I were helping out with replacing the keyboard on a friend's
computer. Isn't it funny how keyboards never come with cables that
are quite long enough to go from the front of a desk to the back,
down and around to the computer that sits underneath?
This particular desk has a backboard that makes the cable take a
more circuitous path than most, and when we unplugged the old
keyboard, we discovered that it was plugged in using an extension
And what an extension cord! It's a PS/2 to 5-pin AT plug
adaptor ... connected to an AT to AT extension cable ... connected
to an AT to PS/2 cable on the other end. Each of the three pieces
is yellowed with age, but to three different colors.
Unfortunately the mass spectrometer is on the fritz again so we
weren't able to establish accurate Carbon-14 dates for each of
the three pieces.
Tags: humor, hardware, maker
13:09 Mar 29, 2008
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Wed, 20 Feb 2008
![[Ad: Parenting Instincts]](
I encountered the
curious ad
(shown at right) in the Sunday paper.
The bold text says: "You use parenting instincts every day. Trust the
one that says he's not learning the way he should." The small print
isn't any clearer: basically, if your child is having trouble
learning and might need a different approach, call this phone number
right away.
The image shows a spoon, rubber banded to a toy airplane. The spoon is
overflowing with ... what? It looks a little like dog kibble, or
possibly deer or rabbit droppings. Or slightly furry peas. All I
can tell for sure is that the pieces are dark (perhaps brown) and
almost but not quite spherical.
And why has one fallen out? Perhaps the pieces of kibble are
metaphorical children. And your child has fallen off
the spoon, and won't be getting to go for a ride strapped underneath
a jet.
So, parents, if your child seems to be struggling in school and
you think he or she may need a different approach to learning,
don't let your child fall off the spoon!
Put some dogfood in the spoon and rubber-band it to a toy plane!
Then call the number. Act now, before it's too late!
Maybe if you call early enough, they'll even let you use their spoon
and toy plane.
Tags: humor
20:34 Feb 20, 2008
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Thu, 06 Dec 2007
![[citrus shampoo]](
I bought a new bottle of shampoo. Like many shampoos, its label tries to
promote it as a natural, healthy alternative for natural, healthy
hair. To this end, it proclaims that it's
"enriched with orange
fruit extract and provitamin B5".
Leaving aside the question of "What's provitamin B5 and why should it
be good to rub it on the outside of a dead keratin layer?", I like
the colorful, natural, healthy looking picture on the front of the
The picture shows two halves of a sliced orange; a wedge of lime;
and ... a watermelon?
Now, I know I'm not a botanist, but somehow I'd been unaware up
to now that watermelon was a citrus fruit.
Amazing what you can learn simply from browsing the supermarket aisles!
Tags: humor
17:38 Dec 06, 2007
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Sun, 14 Oct 2007
The SF Chronicle's solicited reader comments on San Francisco's new
parking meter proposal.
My favorite response:
What about the handicapped cars that get to park for free? That needs
to stop.
I'm visualizing the poor cars limping in on their flat tires and
wobbly CV joints, motors puffing blue smoke ... and then they
finally find a place to rest, and ... dang, no hands to put coins
in the meter!
Tags: humor
23:50 Oct 14, 2007
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Wed, 10 Oct 2007
The local Safeway has an interesting exercise in applied consumer
mathematics in the sugar aisle.
Sugar cubes come in two sizes. You can get a one-pound box for $1.68,
or a two-pound box for $3.86. Of course, the larger size is always
a better bargain, right?
Let's check that. 1.68 times two is ... carry the one ... $3.36.
Compare to $3.86 for the two-pound box ... um, why exactly should
anyone buy the two-pound box instead of two one-pound boxes?
But you don't even have to do the math yourself.
Safeway has already calculated the price per ounce and helpfully
provides shelf tags giving you the numbers:
You might think this is a one-time oddity, but it's actually
been the case for at least a year. In fact, several months ago
the price premium for the 2 lb box over the 1 lb actually
increased. I guess plenty of consumers are jumping
at the chance to buy sugar cubes in the large economy size.
Tags: humor
16:29 Oct 10, 2007
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Fri, 14 Sep 2007
The new semester started last week. I'm taking a class
that's held in a new building:
When Dave first saw the building, he laughed. "No wonder they're
complaining that fewer students are taking science and math classes --
they're sending the wrong message! They ought to call it 'Science
Simple'. Then they'd get lots of students signing up."
Tags: humor
22:12 Sep 14, 2007
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Tue, 21 Aug 2007
Dave and I are helping my mom shop for a new computer to drive a
22-inch widescreen monitor, 1680x1050 (long story, more on that later).
This is how we find ourselves in Circuit City staring at a
candidate PC on the lower shelf running a 19-inch widescreen at 1440x900.
Unfortunately that's not the resolution we were hoping to check.
There's an unplugged 22-inch LCD on the shelf right above it,
just like the one we're trying to get working.
A salesguy comes by and ask if we have any questions, so I ask him,
"Is there any way we can plug that monitor into this computer to see
if it works?" and explain our mission.
He's amenable, and plugs it in,
but Windows doesn't notice the new monitor. I try Display
Settings but it's still maxed out at 1440x900.
I ask the salesguy, "Can we try rebooting or something?
Maybe that'll make Windows see it."
He looks puzzled. "But it's already running a widescreen monitor."
I point to the Display Settings window. "But it's only running at
1440x900, and that's the most it'll let us use."
He says, "Oh, you wanted to run that 22-inch at full resolution?"
Me: "Well, yeah."
Salesguy: "But ... then your text will be small!"
Tags: humor
11:42 Aug 21, 2007
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Fri, 27 Jul 2007
I don't usually spend a lot of time reading the sides of Diet Coke
cartons, but maybe I should. There's some good scholarly writing
there. For instance, did you know that, according to the Diet Coke
"It's true. Research shows that all beverages contribute to proper hydration.
That means [ ... ] Diet Coke helps you stay hydrated all day long."
I'm visualizing a big laboratory full of spectacled scientists in
white lab coats, cages full of lab rats with hanging water bottles
filled with hundreds of different beverages. The sign outside
the building says "School of Hydration Science".
I wonder which journals publish the peer-reviewed hydration research papers?
Non-diet Coke cartons have almost the same note,
except they leave out the "Research shows" part. I wonder if that means
the lab rats didn't stay properly hydrated with regular Coke,
so they had to toss those data points out of the final paper?
Tags: humor
20:24 Jul 27, 2007
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Tue, 10 Jul 2007
I got email from a recruiter yesterday
alerting me to opportunities for "Engineers who are interested to
work in a fast paste environment with talented and passionate people!"
The email came from a reputable place and was well targeted,
not random spam like a lot of recruiter email.
I don't know, though ... It's good that they're talented and passionate,
but I've seen (and debugged) code that resulted from fast pastes,
and the result is often not pretty.
I think I'd prefer to work in a place where they designed the code
from scratch rather than just pasting it quickly.
Tags: humor
15:52 Jul 10, 2007
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Fri, 08 Jun 2007
What's up with portable radios that get great reception when your hand
is on them moving them around, but the minute you let go, the static
comes back?
I have a great business idea:
some entrepeneur should make an artificial hand you can drape over
your radio to get that effect to stay.
(Please no one mail me explaining capacitance. And in fact, it
turns out it works pretty well to lean a long metal bar against
the wall next to the radio. But I bet people would buy an
artificial hand antenna anyway!)
Tags: humor
12:59 Jun 08, 2007
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Fri, 27 Apr 2007
"Would you take a look at this?" my husband asked. I glanced over --
he was on the Gnome desktop on his newly-installed Debian Etch system,
viewing some of his system icons with
Specifically, an xchat icon, an X with some text across it.
"So?" I shrugged.
He pointed to his panel. "But it's really using that icon."
A little yellow happy-face-with-blob thing.
He right-clicked on the panel icon and brought up a dialog.
"See, it should be using /usr/share/pixmaps/xchat.png.
Now, I run pho /usr/share/pixmaps/xchat.png
And sure enough, the image it said it was using wasn't the image
it was actually putting in the panel.
That jogged a memory. "That happened to me once back when I used
Gnome. Try a locate xchat | grep png
I think it was using an icon from somewhere else -- that might find
it for you."
Sure enough, there were several xchat png images on his system.
I suggested going one step further, and actually viewing all of them:
pho `locate xchat | grep png`
We stepped through the images, and sure enough, we found the
icon he was seeing.
It was at /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps/xchat.png (with a larger
sibling at /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/apps/xchat.png).
Good of Gnome to pretend let the user customize the icon location,
even though it actually doesn't bother to use the icon specified
there! At least you get a nice feeling of empowerment from pretending
to choose the icon.
Later in the day, continuing to fiddle with the desktop settings,
Dave burst out laughing. "You've got to see this. It's so Gnome."
When I saw it, I had to laugh too. You may think you know
what you want, but Gnome knows better! If you've ever tried to
customize Gnome, you'll laugh, too, when you see the short video
we took of it:
Gnome knows
best (764K).
Tags: linux, gnome, humor
19:21 Apr 27, 2007
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Sat, 17 Mar 2007
![[The Last Mimzy]](/blog/images/mimzy.jpg)
I opened the paper and immediately noticed the ad at right.
The ad doesn't include any plot details,
but I didn't need them after seeing the ad.
Obviously this must be a movie about two children
who boldly install Debian Linux on the family PC, and the
adventures that ensue.
Indeed, a check of the official web site --
which I can only read with View Page Source because
otherwise all I see is whines about needing Flash 8 --
contains the following synopsis:
Based on the acclaimed science fiction short story by Lewis
Padgett, The Last Mimzy tells the story of two children
who discover a mysterious box that contains some strange devices
they think are toys. As the children play with these 'toys,' they
begin to display higher and higher intelligence levels. Their
teacher tells their parents that they seem to have grown beyond
Cool, finally a Linux movie!
(You can see the Debian logo at Wikimedia
if you're not already familiar with it.)
Tags: humor
21:57 Mar 17, 2007
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Tue, 13 Mar 2007
Holder's County Inn, a local diner chain, has new menus.
All dinner entrees now come with choice of soup or salad,
fresh vegetables, and "appropriate starch."
Invoking Dave Barry, I thought, wouldn't that be a great
name for a band?
Or perhaps a phrase to save for fiction writing. "Sir," she replied
with appropriate starch, "your participles are dangling."
Tags: humor
11:36 Mar 13, 2007
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Wed, 26 Jul 2006
I just got back from the local Safeway,
where a one-pound box of sugar cubes costs $1.49.
A two-pound box, same brand, is $3.99.
What a deal!
Even better, the two-pound price is up: it used to be $3.49 a few
months ago (no change in the one-pound price).
I guess too many people were jumping on that incredible $3.49 deal,
so they had to raise it.
Tags: science, humor
17:25 Jul 26, 2006
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Sun, 09 Jul 2006
On my wall I have a calendar with pretty pictures of wolves,
and assorted wolf facts for each month.
July features a wolf howling. In the lists of facts is:
If conditions are right a wolf's howl can carry 10 miles / 16.09
I wonder why wolves are so much more precise when they're howling
in metric?
Tags: humor
18:09 Jul 09, 2006
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Fri, 07 Jul 2006
I put a "baby carrot" out on the door ledge to see
if the squirrels might like it. (In summer, we're not getting many
squirrel visits. There must be something pretty yummy growing in
the neighborhood. Notch comes by every second or third day,
eats a few pieces of walnut then waits expectantly for take-up
(a whole walnut she can take away and bury). A male youngster we
suspect is Notch's also comes by every day or two, to eat a few nuts
and drink water. We haven't seen Nonotchka for months, and I fear the worst.)
Turns out squirrels have zero interest in carrots. We put the
carrotlet into the nut dish and forgot about it for a few days,
and discovered something interesting: carrot raisins!
Turns out carrots are mostly water, and they shrink even more than
grapes when you let them dry out.
I'm going to let it dry out some more and see what happens. I'm hoping
for fame and fortune as the first person to create carrot nanotubes.
Tags: humor
10:32 Jul 07, 2006
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Sat, 07 Jan 2006
Slate's "Today's Papers" column brings us word of a Wall Street
Journal article (alas, subscribers-only) describing a new service:
Beyond the Wall Photos. For a small fee, an image from a prison
photo can be combined with photos of families, vacations, or posh cars
to make it look like you've been on holiday with the kids rather than
behind bars! No more need to explain why those visiting room photos
have such a drab background!
And here I thought learning GIMP skills was just an amusing hobby.
Tags: humor
21:41 Jan 07, 2006
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Tue, 07 Jun 2005
A house down the street just sold. It had an interesting large tree in
the front yard, some sort of yucca: an odd looking desert tree with
several thick branching trunks, spiky bayonet leaves and sometimes big
clumps of white flowers.
The new owners apparently didn't like the stark desert tree. No sooner
had the For Sale signs come down than a crew was at work with
The upper parts of the trunks, and all the foliage, were quickly cut off
and tossed in the street. Then the real chainsaw games began.
It turns out that the trunks of this tree (at least four trunks,
connected at the base) are each quite a bit larger in diameter than a
chainsaw's blade. Even going from both sides, a chainsaw can't really
cut through them.
It's been a couple of weeks since the top bits of the yucca tree got
dragged away. Every day, we hear chainsaws in the late morning, and
chainsaws again for a while in the afternoon, as workers whittle at
the tops and edges of the stump containing the bases of the four
trunks. Every time I go by, the stump has gotten a little
smaller: a few inches here, a few inches there. Chips and slivers of
wood join the pile in the street by the curb. Hand saws and axes sit
wedged at strategic places in the stump.
I'm finally seeing Zeno's Paradox in action. You remember Zeno's
paradox? You're trying to get from A to B in a finite time:
so first you must go half the distance, which also takes a
finite time. But to do that, you must first go half that
distance; and since you can divide the distances in half infinitely,
you can never get to the finishing line, because it would take an
infinite number of finite time intervals.
The pile of wood by the curb gets larger every time I look.
And yet ... somehow Zeno's Stump doesn't look any smaller.
Tags: humor
22:09 Jun 07, 2005
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Sat, 19 Feb 2005
Fri, 19 Nov 2004
Reading the ingredients on a bottle of calamine lotion turned up
Funny, it didn't feel quite that hot going on!
(And yes, calamine implies that my earlier
comment about poison oak being gone only means that the visible
leaves are gone. Oops! Current theory is that it happened when
Dave touched the baby newt while moving it off the trail, and that
the newt had been crawling in poison oak. Though it's slightly
possible that it could have been the newt itself: it turns out
that California
newts are indeed poisonous, though only if you eat them.
From that page:
When a predator approaches the newt strikes a warning posture
showing its brightly colored underside. This is a warning that the
newt is poisonous. If the predator continues the newt will secrete
white milky oil out of the skin on its back. If the predator eats
the newt, the predator will die quickly from the poison. The newt
will then crawl back out of the animal's mouth and continue on its way.
Unrelated to newts or poison oak is
another humorous picture I took a while ago and have been meaning
to upload: No
Tags: humor
11:55 Nov 19, 2004
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Tue, 17 Aug 2004
The new XP Starter Edition only allows three apps to run
Do viruses and spyware count toward your limit?
"We're sorry, but you can't log in, because you've already reached
your process limit."
Tags: humor
19:40 Aug 17, 2004
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Mon, 19 Jul 2004
Q: What's the difference between Kerry and bin Laden?
A: Bush is willing to cut short his August vacation to stop Kerry.
Tags: humor
10:34 Jul 19, 2004
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Sat, 10 Jul 2004
Carla (I think it was Carla, anyway, under a differnt nick) got
foulmouthed on #debian-women tonight. She was quoting a line from
a doggerel song:
When you're sliding into home, and your pants are full of foam,
I thought that was gross, so I countered with:
When you wish your bird was blue, and there's nothing left to do,
dye a rhea.
Later, she posted another line:
When you're running up to first, and your stomach's going to burst,
So I countered with
When you need to make a plot, and Illustrator you have not,
dia free-a.
Tags: humor
21:00 Jul 10, 2004
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