Shallow Thoughts : : birds
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Mon, 16 Dec 2024
Sunday was the annual Christmas Bird Count, and we had unusually
good weather for it: sunny, windless, not too cold.
It started with a bang at Overlook Park when a bunch of starlings flew
over ... followed by a small falcon. I'm not good at identifying falcons
because I see them so seldom, but fortunately I was with an experienced
birder who sees merlins at her house and confidently IDed this one.
A life bird for me (I'm sure I've seen them, but never been sure
enough of the ID to count one), and also a bird that was on the list
of birds to watch for since they hadn't been seen so far during the
count week.
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18:20 Dec 16, 2024
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Sun, 29 Aug 2021
Yesterday afternoon, I stepped out the back door and walked a few
steps along the rocky path when I noticed movement at my feet.
It was a hummingbird, hidden in the rocks, and I'd almost stepped on it.
Closer examination showed that the hummer was holding its left wing
out straight -- not a good sign. He might have flown into a window,
but there's no way to know for sure how this little guy got injured.
The first order of business was to get him off the path so
he wouldn't get stepped on.
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Tags: hummingbirds, nature, birds
08:34 Aug 29, 2021
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Sat, 15 May 2021
They keep telling us what a serious housing problem Los Alamos county has.
Especially low-income housing.
Well, I just saw it for myself, from the landlord's perspective.
I was awakened at six this morning by two tenants squabbling over
a low-rent apartment.
It started when one of the ash-throated flycatchers, who just arrived this
week, landed on the railing outside the bedroom, making its typical
chip-chip-churrup call. But then it changed to a different
call, one I'd never heard before, a low and insistent repetitive trill.
But the nest box on that deck was already occupied by a pair of mountain
chickadees. The chickadees have been there more than a week and are
clearly not interested in vacating, even for a flycatcher twice their size.
They made their kissy-noise chickadee call right back at the flycatcher,
and the flycatcher eventually gave up and flew away.
Fortunately, unlike the county's problem, this one is relatively
easily solved. There's another nest box, which I think is still
unoccupied this year, just below the garden fence.
I guess, like the county, I should consider adding more subsidized housing.
I could have sworn I bought a third nest box when I bought those two,
and never got around to putting it up, But I can't find it now. I
guess it's time to buy or make another nest box or two.
It's a nice problem to have. When I first bought these birdhouses,
I didn't really expect I'd get any takers. But in the six years I've
had them, they've hosted at least one nest each year, sometimes two or
three. in addition to ash-throated flycatchers and mountain
chickadees, they've also Bewick's wrens also use them.
Although they're sold as bluebird boxes, I've never had a
bluebird use them; bluebirds fly over and sometimes stop for
a drink, but they don't hang around or breed. I know there are
skillions of bluebirds over in Pajarito Acres, only a few miles away,
but I'm not sure how to entice them to hang out here.
They're bug eaters and not interested in seed.
A few voices on the 'net suggest that commercial bluebird boxes
are designed for eastern bluebirds, and western bluebird boxes should
have a slightly larger hole. So far I've been too lazy to do anything
about that, but I do have woodworking tools, including a set of hole
saws and Forstner bits.
Maybe I'll put that on the to-do list for this week.
Meanwhile, I'll enjoy the chickadees and flycatchers.
Tags: nature, birds
09:13 May 15, 2021
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Tue, 16 Mar 2021
One memorable sequence from Sir David Attenborough's stellar
Life of Birds documentary is that of a black egret (or black
heron -- I've seen both, but aside from color it looks remarkably like
the North American snowy and reddish egrets), "umbrella fishing".
I never thought I'd have a chance to see that in person.
But it turns out black herons aren't the only birds to do that.
This winter, we saw a grey-headed junco doing essentially the same thing
in our back yard!
This little junco performed its umbrella trick almost like the black heron
from Life of Birds, though it didn't hide its head underneath.
Still, it might some day: it was still perfecting its technique as we
watched over the course of a couple of weeks.
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Tags: nature, birds, humor
14:38 Mar 16, 2021
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Tue, 05 Jan 2021
We were flying R/C planes at the soccer field at Overlook on Sunday
morning when somebody asked, "What's that bird doing there?"
There was a big bird sitting in the middle of the field.
It looked like some sort of raptor. I keep a
monocular in my flying case (it's not the first interesting bird
to show up at the flying field), so I pulled it out. The bird had its back
to me, but hmm, big raptor, all dark brown except for golden feathers
on the neck and a few light ones on the back ... "Hey, guys, I think
that's an immature golden eagle!"
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Tags: nature, birds
10:12 Jan 05, 2021
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Sun, 19 Apr 2020
I'd been delaying this entry, hoping the hummingbirds would show up.
I only have a couple of them right now: a male broad-tailed and a
male black-chinned. I hope things will perk up later: in midsummer
the rufous and calliope hummingbirds arrive and things usually get a
lot more active. But meanwhile, I have an H entry to write.
The black-chinned hummingbirds we have here now have a beautiful
purple throat. With, yes, a little bit of black there. Why womeone
would look at a bird with an iridescent purple throat with a small
black border and name it "black-chinned" is beyond me.
Unfortunately, this purple throat is even more sensitive to light angle
than other hummingbirds' colors, and I haven't been able to get a
photo that really shows it. Hummingbird feathers -- and
particularly the feathers of the males' colorful throats -- have a
structure that diffracts the light, creating beautiful iridescent
colors that only show up when the sun is at just the right angle.
If you watch a male black-chinned hummer at the feeder, its throat
will look black most of the time, with occasional startling flashes
of purple. You have to take a lot of photos and get lucky with timing
to catch the flash. I'll get it some day.
a lovely black-chinned hummingbird photo from Arizona.
So instead, here's a photo of a male rufous
hummingbirds, which will show up later in the summer. Rufous are a lot
easier to photograph. Their brilliant copper-colored throats show up
from a much wider range of angles, and rufous males are even more
territorial than other hummers, so once one decides it owns your
feeder, it will pose in the sunlight for most of the day,
ready to chase any pretenders away.
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Tags: nature, birds, hummingbirds
20:02 Apr 19, 2020
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Fri, 06 Dec 2019
Last week, a flock of western bluebirds suddenly became fascinated
with my two bluebird houses.
First I noticed a bluebird clinging to the outside of the downhill
bluebird house. He would poke his head in the hole briefly, a couple
of times, flutter to the top of the house, flutter back down to
cling outside the hole and stick his head in. He never actually
went in, and eventually lost interest and flew away.
Then a few minutes later, there were several bluebirds fluttering
around the birdhouse that's outside the upstairs bedroom. I counted
at least five individuals; I think they were all males.
(The photos here are of a different, mixed-gender flock.)
They were taking turns perching on top of the birdhouse, clinging to
the outside and poking their heads in the hole. They attracted a
junco, a robin and a flicker who apparently came to see what was so
interesting; eventually the big flicker was apparently too intimidating,
though she wasn't doing anything threatening, and all the bluebirds departed.
Neither of my birdhouses has ever had a bluebird breeding in it;
they've had ash-throated flycatchers and a juniper titmouse during
breeding season. Neither of them has been cleaned out since the last
breeding season; I've been meaning to do that but haven't gotten
around to it yet.
Are they looking for a place to shelter in cold weather? Or
scouting out sites to have an advantage in next year's breeding
season? Should I hurry to clean them out so they'll look more
appealing during the winter? I posted to the local birders' list,
but nobody seemed to know.
I'd love to have more bluebirds around;
they usually only visit briefly to bathe and drink.
Alas, they haven't been back, but I put the heated birdback out
a few days ago and it should be popular once the days get colder.
Tags: nature, birds
20:39 Dec 06, 2019
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Tue, 06 Aug 2019
Last month I wrote about the
nestlings I found on the ground off the back deck, and how I took
them to a rehabilitator when the parents didn't come back to feed them.
Here's the rest of the story. Warning: it's only half a happy ending.
Under the good care of our local bird rehabilitator, they started to
feather out and gain weight quickly.
She gave me some literature on bird rescue and let me visit them
and help feed them. There's a lot of work and responsibility involved
in bird rehabilitation!
I'd sometimes thought I wanted to be a rehabilitator; now I'm not so sure
I'm up to the responsibility.
Though the chicks sure were adorable once they started to look like birds
instead of embryos, sitting so trustingly in Sally's hand.
The big mystery was what species they were. Bird rehabilitators have
charts where you can look up bird species according to weight,
mouth color, gape color, skin color, feather color, and feet and leg size.
But the charts only have a few species; they're woefully incomplete, and
my babies didn't match any of the listings. We were thinking maybe
robin or ash-throated flycatcher, but nothing really matched.
Fortunately, you can feed the same thing to anything but finches:
Cornell makes a mixture of meat, dog food, vitamins and minerals
that's suitable for most baby birds, though apparently it's dangerous
to feed it to finches, so we crossed our fingers and guessed that they
were too big to be house finches.
As they grew more feathers, Sally increasingly suspected they were
canyon towhees (a common bird in White Rock), and although they still
didn't have adult plumage by the time they left the cage, that's
still what we think.
By about twenty days after the rescue, they were acting almost like
adult birds, hopping restlessly around the cage, jumping up to the
perch and fluttering back down. They were eating partly by themselves
at this point, a variety of foods including lettuce, blueberries, cut up
pea pods, and dried mealworms, though they weren't eating many seeds like
you'd expect from towhees. They still liked being fed the Cornell meat
mixture, and ate more of that than anything else.
I Get to be a Bird Mom For a While
At this point, Sally needed to go out of town, and I offered to babysit
them so she didn't have to take them on her trip.
(One of the big downsites of being a rehabilitator: while you're
in charge of babies, they need constant care.)
I took them back to my place, where I hoped I'd be able to release them:
partly because they'd been born here, and partly because the
towhees here in White Rock aren't so territorial as they
apparently are in Los Alamos.
With the chicks safely stashed in the guest bedroom, I could tell
they were getting restless and wanted out of the cage.
When I opened the cage to feed them and change their water and bedding,
they escaped out into the room a couple of times and I
had to catch them and get them back in the cage.
So I knew they could fly and wanted out. (I'm sure being moved from
Sally's house to mine didn't help: the change in surroundings
probably unnerved them.)
Sally advised me to leave the cage outside during the day for a couple
of days prior to the releasing, so the birds can get used to the environment.
The first day I put them outside, they immediately seemed much happier
and calmer. It seemed they liked being outside.
I Fail as a Bird Mom
On their second morning outdoors, I left them with new food and water,
then came back to check on them an hour later. They seemed much more
agitated than before, flying madly from one side of the cage to the
other. Sally had described her last tenant, a sparrow, doing that
just before release; she had released the sparrow a bit earlier than
planned because the bird seemed to want out so badly. I wondered if that
was the case here, but decided to wait one more day.
But the larger of the two babies had other ideas. When I unzipped the
top of the cage to re-fill the water dish, it was in the air immediately,
and somehow shot through the tiny opening next to my arm.
It flew about thirty feet, landed in a clearing -- and was immediately
taken by a Cooper's hawk that came out of nowhere.
The hawk flew off, the baby towhee squeaking pathetically in its
talons, leaving me and the other baby in shock.
What a blow! The bird rescue literature Sally loaned me stresses
that bad things can happen. There are so many things that can go wrong
with a nestling or a release. They tell you how poor the odds are for
baby birds in general. They remind you that the birds would have had
no chance of survival if you hadn't rescued them;
rescued, at least they have some chance.
While I know that's all true, I'm not sure it makes me feel much better.
In hindsight, Sally said the chicks' agitation that day might have
been because they knew the hawk was there, though neither of us though
about that possibility at the time. She thinks the hawk must have been
"stalking them", hanging out nearby, aware that there was something
delectable inside the cage. She's had chicks taken by hawks too.
Still ... sigh.
The Next Release Goes Better
But there was still the remaining chick to think about. Sally and I
discussed options and decided that I should bring the chick back
inside, and then drive it back up to her house. The hawk would
probably remain around my place for a while,and the area wouldn't be
safe for a new fledgling. Indeed, I saw the hawk again a few days
later. (Normally I love seeing Cooper's hawks!)
The chick was obviously unhappy, whether because of being brought back
inside, loneliness, or remaining trauma from hearing the attack --
even if it didn't understand exactly what had happened, I'm sure
the chick heard the "towhee in mortal peril" noises just as I did.
So the chick (whom Dave dubbed "Lucky")
had to wait another several days before finally being released.
The release went well. Lucky, less bold than its nestmate,
was initially reluctant to leave the cage,
but eventually fluttered out and flew to the shade of a
nearby bush, where we could see it pecking at the ground and
apparently eating various unidentifiable bits.
It looked like it was finding plenty to eat there, it was mostly hidden
from predators and competetors, and it had shade and shelter --
a good spot to begin a new life.
(I tried to get a video of the release but that didn't work out.)
Since then the chick has kept a low profile, but Sally thinks she saw
a towhee fledgling a couple of days later. So we have our fingers crossed!
More photos:
Nestling Rescue
Tags: birds, nature
09:50 Aug 06, 2019
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