Shallow Thoughts : tags : gimp
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Tue, 23 Jul 2019
This is Part IV of a four-part article on ray tracing digital elevation
model (DEM) data.
The goal: render a ray-traced image of mountains from a digital
elevation model (DEM).
Except there are actually several more parts on the way, related to
using GRASS to make viewsheds. So maybe this is actually a five- or
six-parter. We'll see.
The Easy Solution
Skipping to the chase here ... I had a whole long article
written about how to make a sequence of images with povray, each
pointing in a different direction, and then stitch them together
with ImageMagick.
But a few days after I'd gotten it all working, I realized none of it
was needed for this project, because ... ta-DA —
povray accepts this argument inside its camera section:
angle 360
Duh! That makes it so easy.
You do need to change povray's projection to cylindrical;
the default is "perspective" which warps the images.
If you set your look_at to point due south --
the first and second coordinates are the same as your observer coordinate,
the third being zero so it's looking southward -- then povray will
create a lovely strip starting at 0 degrees bearing (due north), and
with south right in the middle.
The camera section I ended up with was:
camera {
cylinder 1
location <0.344444, 0.029620, 0.519048>
look_at <0.344444, 0.029620, 0>
angle 360
with the same
light_source and
height_field as in Part III.
There are still some more steps I'd like to do.
For instance, fitting names of peaks to that 360-degree pan.
The rest of this article discusses some of the techniques I would
have used, which might be useful in other circumstances.
A Script to Spin the Observer Around
Angles on a globe aren't as easy as just adding 45 degrees to the
bearing angle each time. You need some spherical trigonometry to
make the angles even, and it depends on the observer's coordinates.
Obviously, this wasn't something I wanted to calculate by hand, so
I wrote a script for it:
Run it with the name of a DEM file and the observer's coordinates: demfile.png 35.827 -106.1803
It takes care of calculating the observer's elevation, normalizing
to the image size and all that. It generates eight files, named
outfileNE.png etc.
Stitching Panoramas with ImageMagick
To stitch those demproj images manually in ImageMagick, this should
work in theory:
convert -size 3600x600 xc:black \
outfile000.png -geometry +0+0 -composite \
outfile045.png -geometry +400+0 -composite \
outfile090.png -geometry +800+0 -composite \
outfile135.png -geometry +1200+0 -composite \
outfile180.png -geometry +1600+0 -composite \
outfile225.png -geometry +2000+0 -composite \
outfile270.png -geometry +2400+0 -composite \
outfile315.png -geometry +2800+0 -composite \
or simply
convert outfile*.png +smush -400 out-smush.png
Adjusting Panoramas in GIMP
But in practice, some of the images have a few-pixel offset,
and I never did figure out why; maybe it's a rounding error
in my angle calculations.
I opened the images as layers in GIMP, and used my GIMP script
to lay them out as a panorama. The cylindrical projection should
make the edges match perfectly, so you can turn off the layer masking.
Then use the Move tool to adjust for the slight errors
(tip: when the Move tool is active, the arrow keys will move
the current layer by a single pixel).
If you get the offsets perfect and want to know what they are
so you can use them in ImageMagick or another program, use
GIMP's Filters->Python-Fu->Console.
This assumes the panorama image is the only one loaded in GIMP,
otherwise you'll have to inspect gimp.image_list() to see where
in the list your image is.
>>> img = gimp.image_list()[0]
>>> for layer in img.layers:
... print, layer.offsets
Tags: GIS, mapping, graphics, gimp, ImageMagick
15:28 Jul 23, 2019
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Tue, 05 Jul 2016
I'll be at Texas LinuxFest in Austin, Texas this weekend.
Friday, July
8 is the big day for open source imaging:
first a morning Photo Walk led by Pat David, from 9-11,
after which Pat, an active GIMP contributor and the driving force
behind the PIXLS.US website and discussion
forums, gives a talk on "Open Source Photography Tools".
Then after lunch I'll give a GIMP tutorial.
We may also have a Graphics Hackathon/Q&A session to discuss
all the open-source graphics tools in the last slot of the day, but
that part is still tentative. I'm hoping we can get some good
discussion especially among the people who go on the photo walk.
Lots of interesting looking talks on Saturday, too. I've never been
to Texas LinuxFest before: it's a short conference, just two days,
but they're packing a lot into those two days and but it looks like
it'll be a lot of fun.
Tags: gimp, conferences, photography
18:37 Jul 05, 2016
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Fri, 19 Feb 2016
A silly little GIMP ditty:
I had a Google map page showing locations of lots of metal recycling
places in Albuquerque. The Google map shows stars for each location,
but to find out the name and location of each address, you have to
mouse over each star. I wanted a printable version to carry in the
car with me.
I made a screenshot in GIMP, then added text for the stars over
the places that looked most promising. But I was doing this quickly,
and as I added text for more locations, I realized that it was getting
crowded and I wished I'd used a smaller font. How do you change the
font size for ALL font layers in an image, all at once?
Of course GIMP has no built-in method for this -- it's not something
that comes up very often, and there's no reason it would have a filter
like that. But the GIMP PDB (Procedural DataBase, part of the GIMP API)
lets you change font size and face, so it's an easy script to write.
In the past I would have written something like this in script-fu,
but now that Python is available on all GIMP platforms, there's no
reason not to use it for everything.
Changing font face is just as easy as changing size, so I added that
as well.
I won't bother to break it down line by line, since it's so simple.
Here's the script:
Mass change font face and size in all GIMP text layers.
Tags: gimp, programming, python
11:11 Feb 19, 2016
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Wed, 06 Jan 2016
I'm working on my GIMP talk for SCALE 14x, the Southern California Linux
Expo in Pasadena.
My talk is at 11:30 on Saturday, January 23:
Stupid GIMP tricks (and smart ones, too).
I'm sure anyone reading my blog knows
that GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation
Program, the free open-source photo and image editing program which
just celebrated its 20th birthday last month.
I'll be covering an assortment of tips and tricks for beginning
and intermediate GIMP users, and I'll also give a quick preview
of some new and cool features that will be coming in the next
GIMP release, 2.10.
I haven't finished assembling the final talk yet -- if you have any
suggestions for things you'd love to see in a GIMP talk, let me know.
No guarantees, but if I get any requests I'll try to accommodate them.
Come to SCALE! I've spoken at SCALE several times in the past, and
it's a great conference -- plenty of meaty technical talks,
but it's also the most newbie-friendly conference I've been to,
with talks spanning the spectrum from introductions to setting up
Linux or introductory Python programming all the way to kernel
configuration and embedded boot systems.
This year, there's also an extensive "Ubucon" for Ubuntu users,
including a keynote by Mark Shuttleworth. And speaking of keynotes,
the main conference has great ones: Cory Doctorow on Friday
and Sarah Sharp on Sunday, with Saturday's keynote yet to be announced.
In the past, SCALE been held at hotels near LAX,
which is about the
possible part of LA.
I'm excited that the conference moving to Pasadena this year: Pasadena
is a much more congenial place to be, prettier, closer to good
restaurants, and it's even close to public transportation.
And best of all, SCALE is fairly inexpensive compared to most conferences.
Even more so if you use the promo-code SPEAK for a discount
when registering.
Tags: conferences, speaking, gimp, scale, scale14x
16:32 Jan 06, 2016
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Fri, 04 Dec 2015
I wrote recently about a zsh shell function to
make distclean on a source tree even if something in autoconf
is messed up. In order to save any arguments you've previously
passed to configure or, my function parsed the arguments
from a file called config.log.
But it might be a bit more reliable to use config.status --
I'm guessing this is the file that make
uses when it finds it needs to re-run
However, the syntax in that file is more complicated,
and parsing it taught me some useful zsh tricks.
I can see the relevant line from config.status like this:
$ grep '^ac_cs_config' config.status
ac_cs_config="'--prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git' '--enable-foo' '--disable-bar'"
--enable-foo --disable-bar are options I added
purely for testing. I wanted to make sure my shell function would
work with multiple arguments.
Ultimately, I want my shell function to call --prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git --enable-foo --disable-bar
The goal is to end up with $args being a zsh array containing those
three arguments. So I'll need to edit out those quotes and split the
line into an array.
Sed tricks
The first thing to do is to get rid of that initial ac_cs_config=
in the line from config.status. That's easy with sed:
$ grep '^ac_cs_config' config.status | sed -e 's/ac_cs_config=//'
"'--prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git' '--enable-foo' '--disable-bar'"
But since we're using sed anyway, there's no need to use grep to
get the line: we can do it all with sed.
First try:
sed -n '/^ac_cs_config/s/ac_cs_config=//p' config.status
Search for the line that starts with ac_cs_config (^ matches
the beginning of a line);
then replace ac_cs_config= with nothing, and p
print the resulting line.
-n tells sed not to print anything except when told to with a p.
But it turns out that if you give a sed substitution a blank pattern,
it uses the last pattern it was given. So a more compact version,
using the search pattern ^ac_cs_config, is:
sed -n '/^ac_cs_config=/s///p' config.status
But there's also another way of doing it:
sed '/^ac_cs_config=/!d;s///' config.status
! after a search pattern matches every line that doesn't match
the pattern. d deletes those lines. Then for lines that weren't
deleted (the one line that does match), do the substitution.
Since there's no -n, sed will print all lines that weren't deleted.
I find that version more difficult to read. But I'm including it
because it's useful to know how to chain several commands in sed,
and how to use ! to search for lines that don't match a pattern.
You can also use sed to eliminate the double quotes:
sed '/^ac_cs_config=/!d;s///;s/"//g' config.status
'--prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git' '--enable-foo' '--disable-bar'
But it turns out that zsh has a better way of doing that.
Zsh parameter substitution
I'm still relatively new to zsh, but I got some great advice on #zsh.
The first suggestion:
sed -n '/^ac_cs_config=/s///p' config.status | IFS= read -r; args=( ${(Q)${(z)${(Q)REPLY}}} ); print -rl - $args
I'll be using final print -rl - $args
for all these examples:
it prints an array variable with one member per line.
For the actual distclean function, of course, I'll be passing
the variable to, not printing it out.
First, let's look at the heart of that expression: the
args=( ${(Q)${(z)${(Q)REPLY}}}
The heart of this is the expression ${(Q)${(z)${(Q)x}}}
The zsh parameter substitution syntax is a bit arcane, but each of
the parenthesized letters does some operation on the variable that follows.
The first (Q)
strips off a level of quoting.
$ x='"Hello world"'; print $x; print ${(Q)x}
"Hello world"
Hello world
splits an expression and stores it in an array.
But to see that, we have to use print -l
, so array members
will be printed on separate lines.
$ x="a b c"; print -l $x; print "....."; print -l ${(z)x}
a b c
Zsh is smart about quotes, so if you have quoted expressions it will
group them correctly when assigning array members:
x="'a a' 'b b' 'c c'"; print -l $x; print "....."; print -l ${(z)x}
'a a' 'b b' 'c c'
'a a'
'b b'
'c c'
So let's break down the larger expression: this is best read
from right to left, inner expressions to outer.
${(Q) ${(z) ${(Q) x }}}
| | | \
| | | The original expression,
| | | "'--prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git' '--enable-foo' '--disable-bar'"
| | \
| | Strip off the double quotes:
| | '--prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git' '--enable-foo' '--disable-bar'
| \
| Split into an array of three items
Strip the single quotes from each array member,
( --prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git --enable-foo --disable-bar )
For more on zsh parameter substitutions, see the
Guide, Chapter 5: Substitutions.
Passing the sed results to the parameter substitution
There's still a little left to wonder about in our expression,
sed -n '/^ac_cs_config=/s///p' config.status | IFS= read -r; args=( ${(Q)${(z)${(Q)REPLY}}} ); print -rl - $args
The IFS= read -r
seems to be a common idiom in zsh scripting.
It takes standard input and assigns it to the variable $REPLY. IFS is
the input field separator: you can split variables into words by
spaces, newlines, semicolons or any other character you
want. IFS= sets it to nothing. But because the input expression --
"'--prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git' '--enable-foo' '--disable-bar'" --
has quotes around it, IFS is ignored anyway.
So you can do the same thing with this simpler expression, to
assign the quoted expression to the variable $x.
I'll declare it a local variable: that makes no difference
when testing it in the shell, but if I call it in a function, I won't
have variables like $x and $args cluttering up my shell afterward.
local x=$(sed -n '/^ac_cs_config=/s///p' config.status); local args=( ${(Q)${(z)${(Q)x}}} ); print -rl - $args
That works in the version of zsh I'm running here, 5.1.1. But I've
been warned that it's safer to quote the result of $(). Without
quotes, if you ever run the function in an older zsh, $x might end up
being set only to the first word of the expression. Second, it's a
good idea to put "local" in front of the variable; that way, $x won't
end up being set once you've returned from the function. So now we have:
local x="$(sed -n '/^ac_cs_config=/s///p' config.status)"; local args=( ${(Q)${(z)${(Q)x}}} ); print -rl - $args
You don't even need to use a local variable. For added brevity (making
the function even more difficult to read! -- but we're way past the
point of easy readability), you could say:
args=( ${(Q)${(z)${(Q)"$(sed -n '/^ac_cs_config=/s///p' config.status)"}}} ); print -rl - $args
or even
print -rl - ${(Q)${(z)${(Q)"$(sed -n '/^ac_cs_config=/s///p' config.status)"}}}
... but that final version, since it doesn't assign to a variable at all,
isn't useful for the function I'm writing.
Tags: zsh, shell, regexp, gimp, programming
13:25 Dec 04, 2015
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Fri, 27 Nov 2015
Keeping up with source trees for open source projects, it often
happens that you pull the latest source, type make
and get an error like this (edited for brevity):
$ make
cd . && /bin/sh ./missing --run aclocal-1.14
missing: line 52: aclocal-1.14: command not found
WARNING: aclocal-1.14' is missing on your system. You should only need it if you modified acinclude.m4' or'. You might want to install the Automake' and Perl' packages. Grab them from any GNU archive site.
What's happening is that make
is set up to run ./
(similar to running ./configure except it does some other stuff tailored
to people who build from the most current source tree) automatically
if anything has changed in the tree. But if the version of aclocal has
changed since the last time you ran or configure, then
running configure with the same arguments won't work.
Often, running a make distclean
, to clean out all local
configuration in your tree and start from scratch, will fix the problem.
A simpler make clean
might even be enough. But when you
try it, you get the same aclocal error.
Whoops! make clean
runs make
, which
triggers the rule that configure has to run before make, which fails.
It would be nice if the make
rules were smart enough to
notice this and not require configure or autogen if the make target
is something simple like clean
or distclean
Alas, in most projects, they aren't.
But it turns out that even if you can't run with your
usual arguments -- e.g. ./ --prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git
-- running ./
by itself with no extra arguments
will often fix the problem.
This happens to me often enough with the GIMP source tree that I made
a shell alias for it:
alias distclean="./ && ./configure && make clean"
Saving your configure arguments
Of course, this wipes out any arguments you've previously passed to
autogen and configure. So assuming this succeeds, your very next
action should be to run autogen again with the arguments you actually
want to use, e.g.:
./ --prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git
Before you ran the distclean, you could get those arguments by looking
at the first few lines of config.log. But after you've run distclean,
config.log is gone -- what if you forgot to save the arguments first?
Or what if you just forget that you need to re-run again
after your distclean?
To guard against that, I wrote a somewhat more complicated shell function
to use instead of the simple alias I listed above.
The first trick is to get the arguments you previously passed to
configure. You can parse them out of config.log:
$ egrep '^ \$ ./configure' config.log
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gimp-git --enable-foo --disable-bar
Adding a bit of sed to strip off the beginning of the command,
you could save the previously used arguments like this:
args=$(egrep '^ \$ ./configure' config.log | sed 's_^ \$ ./configure __')
(There's a better place for getting those arguments,
config.status -- but parsing them from there is a bit more
complicated, so I'll follow up with a separate article on that,
chock-full of zsh goodness.)
So here's the distclean shell function, written for zsh:
distclean() {
setopt localoptions errreturn
args=$(egrep '^ \$ ./configure' config.log | sed 's_^ \$ ./configure __')
echo "Saved args:" $args
make clean
echo "==========================="
echo "Running ./ $args"
sleep 3
./ $args
The setopt localoptions errreturn
at the beginning is a
zsh-ism that tells the shell to exit if there's an error.
You don't want to forge ahead and run configure and make clean
if your didn't work right.
errreturn does much the same thing as the
&& between the commands in the simpler shell alias above,
but with cleaner syntax.
If you're using bash, you could string all the commands on one line instead,
with && between them, something like this:
./ && ./configure && make clean && ./ $args
Or perhaps some bash user will tell me of a better way.
Tags: gimp, programming, open source, shell
13:33 Nov 27, 2015
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Thu, 22 Oct 2015
I went to a night sky photography talk on Tuesday. The presenter
talked a bit about tips on camera lenses, exposures; then showed
a raw image and prepared to demonstrate how to process it to bring
out the details.
His slides disappeared, the screen went blank, and then ... nothing.
He wrestled with his laptop for a while. Finally he said "Looks like
I'm going to need a network connection", left the podium and headed
out the door to find someone to help him with that.
I'm not sure what the networking issue was:
the nature center has open wi-fi, but you know how it is during talks:
if anything can possibly go wrong with networking, it will, which is
why a good speaker tries not to rely on it. And I'm not blaming this
speaker, who had clearly done plenty of preparation and thought
he had everything lined up.
Eventually they got the network connection, and he connected to Adobe.
It turns out the problem was that Adobe Photoshop is now cloud-based.
Even if you have a local copy of the software, it insists on checking
in with Adobe at least every 30 days. At least, that's the theory.
But he had used the software on that laptop earlier that same day,
and thought he was safe. But that wasn't good enough, and Photoshop
picked the worst possible time -- a talk in front of a large audience
-- to decide it needed to check in before letting him do anything.
Someone sitting near me muttered "I'd been thinking about buying that,
but now I don't think I will." Someone else told me afterward that
all Photoshop is now cloud-based; older versions still work,
but if you buy Photoshop now, your only option is this cloud version
that may decide ... at the least opportune moment ... that you can't
use your software any more.
I'm so glad I use Free software like GIMP. Not that things can't go
wrong giving a GIMP talk, of course. Unexpected problems or bugs can
arise with any software, and you take that risk any time you give a
live demo.
But at least with Free, open source software like GIMP, you know you
own the software and it's not suddenly going to refuse to run without
a license check. That sort of freedom is what makes the difference
between free as in beer, and Free as in speech.
You can practice your demo carefully before the talk
to guard against most bugs and glitches; but all the practice in the
world won't guard against software that won't start.
I talked to the club president afterward and offered to give a GIMP
talk to the club some time soon, when their schedule allows.
Tags: linux, gimp, open source, photoshop
10:24 Oct 22, 2015
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Sun, 04 Oct 2015
For the animations
I made from the lunar eclipse last week, the hard part was aligning
all the images so the moon (or, in the case of the moonrise image, the
hillside) was in the same position in every time.
This is a problem that comes up a lot with astrophotography, where
multiple images are stacked for a variety of reasons: to increase
contrast, to increase detail, or to take an average of a series of images,
as well as animations like I was making this time.
And of course animations can be fun in any context, not just astrophotography.
In the tutorial that follows, clicking on the images will show a full
sized screenshot with more detail.
Load all the images as layers in a single GIMP image
The first thing I did was load up all the images as layers in a single image:
File->Open as Layers..., then navigate to where the images are
and use shift-click to select all the filenames I wanted.
Work on two layers at once
By clicking on the "eyeball" icon in the Layers dialog, I could
adjust which layers were visible. For each pair of layers, I made
the top layer about 50% opaque by dragging the opacity slider (it's
not important that it be exactly at 50%, as long as you can see both
Then use the Move tool to drag the top image on top of the bottom image.
But it's hard to tell when they're exactly aligned
"Drag the top image on top of the bottom image":
easy to say, hard to do. When the images are dim and red like that,
and half of the image is nearly invisible, it's very hard to tell when
they're exactly aligned.
Use a Contrast display filter
What helped was a Contrast filter.
View->Display Filters... and in the dialog that pops up,
click on
Contrast, and click on the right arrow to move it to
Active Filters.
The Contrast filter changes the colors so that dim red moon is fully
visible, and it's much easier to tell when the layers are
approximately on top of each other.
Use Difference mode for the final fine-tuning
Even with the Contrast filter, though, it's hard to see when the
images are exactly on top of each other. When you have them within a few
pixels, get rid of the contrast filter (you can keep the dialog up but
disable the filter by un-checking its checkbox in
Active Filters).
Then, in the Layers dialog, slide the top layer's Opacity back to 100%,
go to the
Mode selector and set the layer's mode to
In Difference mode, you only see differences between the two layers.
So if your alignment is off by a few pixels, it'll be much easier to see.
Even in a case like an eclipse where the moon's appearance is changing
from frame to frame as the earth's shadow moves across it, you can still
get the best alignment by making the Difference between the two layers
as small as you can.
Use the Move tool and the keyboard: left, right, up and down arrows move
your layer by one pixel at a time. Pick a direction, hit the arrow key
a couple of times and see how the difference changes. If it got bigger,
use the opposite arrow key to go back the other way.
When you get to where there's almost no difference between the two layers,
you're done. Change Mode back to Normal, make sure Opacity is at 100%,
then move on to the next layer in the stack.
It's still a lot of work. I'd love to find a program that looks for
circular or partially-circular shapes in successive images and does
the alignment automatically. Someone on GIMP suggested I might be
able to write something using OpenCV, which has circle-finding
primitives (I've written briefly before about
a wrapper that makes OpenCV easy to use from Python).
But doing the alignment by hand in GIMP, while somewhat tedious,
didn't take as long as I expected once I got the hang of using the
Contrast display filter along with Opacity and Difference mode.
Creating the animation
Once you have your layers, how do you turn them into an animation?
The obvious solution, which I originally intended to use, is to save
as GIF and check the "animated" box. I tried that -- and discovered
that the color errors you get when converting an image to indexed make
a beautiful red lunar eclipse look absolutely awful.
So I threw together a Javascript script to animate images by loading
a series of JPEGs. That meant that I needed to export all the layers
from my GIMP image to separate JPG files.
GIMP doesn't have a built-in way to export all of an image's layers to
separate new images. But that's an easy plug-in to write, and a web
search found lots of plug-ins already written to do that job.
The one I ended up using was Lie Ryan's Python script in
to save different layers of a design in separate files;
though a couple of others looked promising (I didn't try them), such as
You can see the final animation here:
Lunar eclipse of
September 27, 2015: Animations.
Tags: gimp, photography, astronomy
09:44 Oct 04, 2015
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Thu, 01 Oct 2015
The lunar eclipse on Sunday was gorgeous. The moon rose already in
eclipse, and was high in the sky by the time totality turned the
moon a nice satisfying deep red.
I took my usual slipshod approach to astrophotography. I had my 90mm
f/5.6 Maksutov lens set up on the patio with the camera attached,
and I made a shot whenever it seemed like things had changed
significantly, adjusting the exposure if the review image looked
like it might be under- or overexposed, occasionally attempting
to refocus. The rest of the time I spent socializing with friends,
trading views through other telescopes and binoculars, and enjoying an
apple tart a la mode.
So the images I ended up with aren't all they could be --
not as sharply focused as I'd like (I never have figured out a
good way of focusing the Rebel on astronomy images) and rather
Still, I took enough images to be able to put together a couple of
animations: one of the lovely moonrise over the mountains, and one
of the sequence of the eclipse through totality.
Since the 90mm Mak was on a fixed tripod, the moon drifted through the
field and I had to adjust it periodically as it drifted out.
So the main trick to making animations was aligning all the moon
images. I haven't found an automated way of doing that, alas,
but I did come up with some useful GIMP techniques, which I'm in
the process of writing up as a tutorial.
Once I got the images all aligned as layers in a GIMP image,
I saved them as an animated GIF -- and immediately discovered that
the color error you get when converting to an indexed GIF image
loses all the beauty of those red colors. Ick!
So instead, I wrote a little Javascript animation function that
loads images one by one at fixed intervals. That worked a lot better
than the GIF animation, plus it lets me add a Start/Stop button.
You can view the animations (or the source for the javascript
animation function) here:
Lunar eclipse animations
Tags: astronomy, eclipse, moon, gimp
12:55 Oct 01, 2015
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Sun, 27 Sep 2015
Every now and then I need to create a series of contrasting colors.
For instance, in my mapping app
when displaying several track logs at once, I want them to be different
colors so it's easy to tell which track is which.
Of course, I could make a list of five or ten different colors and
cycle through the list. But I hate doing work that a computer could
do for me.
Choosing random RGB (red, green and blue) values for the colors,
though, doesn't work so well. Sometimes you end up getting two similar
colors together. Other times, you get colors that just don't work
well, because they're so light they look white, or so dark they look
black, or so unsaturated they look like shades of grey.
What does work well is converting to the HSV color space:
hue, saturation and value.
Hue is a measure of the color -- that it's red, or blue, or
yellow green, or orangeish, or a reddish purple.
Saturation measures how intense the color is: is it a bright, vivid
red or a washed-out red? Value tells you how light or dark it is: is
it so pale it's almost white, so dark it's almost black, or somewhere
in between? (A similar model, called HSL, substitutes Lightness for Value,
but is similar enough in concept.)
If you're not familiar with HSV, you can get a good feel for it by
playing with GIMP's color chooser (which pops up when you click the
black Foreground or white Background color swatch in GIMP's toolbox).
The vertical rainbow bar selects Hue. Once you have a hue, dragging
up or down in the square changes Saturation;
dragging right or left changes Value.
You can also change one at a time by dragging the H, S or V sliders at
the upper right of the dialog.
Why does this matter? Because once you've chosen a saturation and value,
or at least ensured that saturation is fairly high and value is
somewhere in the middle of its range, you can cycle through hues
and be assured that you'll get colors that are fairly different each time.
If you had a red last time, this time it'll be a green, or yellow, or
blue, depending on how much you change the hue.
How does this work programmatically?
PyTopo uses Python-GTK, so I need a function that takes a gtk.gdk.Color
and chooses a new, contrasting Color. Fortunately, gtk.gdk.Color already
has hue, saturation
and value
built in.
is a floating-point number between 0 and 1,
so I just have to choose how much to jump. Like this:
def contrasting_color(color):
'''Returns a gtk.gdk.Color of similar saturation and value
to the color passed in, but a contrasting hue.
gtk.gdk.Color objects have a hue between 0 and 1.
if not color:
return self.first_track_color;
# How much to jump in hue:
jump = .37
return gtk.gdk.color_from_hsv(color.hue + jump,
What if you're not using Python-GTK?
No problem. The first time I used this technique, I was generating
Javascript code for a company's analytics web page.
colorsys module works fine for converting red, green, blue triples
to HSV (or a variety of other colorspaces) which you can then use in
whatever graphics package you prefer.
Tags: programming, python, gimp, pytopo
13:27 Sep 27, 2015
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Sat, 07 Mar 2015
I needed to turn some small black-on-white icons to blue-on-white.
Simple task, right? Except, not really. If there are intermediate
colors that are not pure white or pure black -- which you can see
if you magnify the image a lot, like this 800% view of a 20x20 icon --
it gets trickier.
You can't use anything like
Color to Alpha or Bucket Fill, because all those grey antialiased
pixels will stay grey, as you see in the image at left.
And the Hue-Saturation dialog, so handy for changing the hue of a sky,
a car or a dress, does nothing at all -- because changing hue
has no effect when saturation is zero, as for black, grey or white.
So what can you do?
I fiddled with several options, but the best way I've found is the
Screen layer mode. It works like this:
In the Layers dialog, click the New Layer button and accept the
defaults. You'll get a new, empty layer.
Set the foreground color to your chosen color.
Drag the foreground color into the image, or do Edit->Fill with
FG Color.
Now it looks like your whole image is the new color. But don't panic!
Use the menu at the top of the Layers dialog to change the top layer's
mode to Screen.
Layer modes specify how to combine two layers. (For a lot more information,
see my book, Beginning GIMP).
Multiply mode, for example, multiplies each pixel in the two layers,
which makes light colors a lot more intense while not changing dark
colors very much.
Screen mode is sort of the opposite of Multiply mode: GIMP inverts
each of the layers, multiplies them together, then inverts them again.
All those white pixels in the image, when inverted, are black (a value
of zero), so multiplying them doesn't change anything. They'll still be
white when they're inverted back. But black pixels, in Screen mode,
take on the color of the other layer -- exactly what I needed here.
Intensify the effect with contrast
One place I use this Screen mode trick is with pencil sketches.
For example, I've made a lot of
sketches of Mars
over the years, like this sketch of Lacus Solis, the "Eye of Mars".
But it's always a little frustrating: Mars is all shades
of reddish orange and brown, not grey like a graphite pencil.
Adding an orange layer in Screen mode helps, but it has another problem:
it washes out the image. What I need is to intensify the image underneath:
increase the contrast, make the lights lighter and the darks darker.
Fortunately, all you need to do is bump up the contrast of the sketch
layer -- and you can do that while keeping the orange Screen layer in
Just click on the sketch layer in the Layers dialog, then run
This sketch needed the brightness reduced a lot, plus a little more
contrast, but every image will be different. Experiment!
Tags: gimp, layer modes
18:22 Mar 07, 2015
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Thu, 06 Nov 2014
The split between Save and Export that GIMP introduced in version 2.8
has been a matter of much controversy. It's been over two years now,
and people are still complaining on the gimp-users list.
Early on, I wrote a simple Python plug-in called
Clean, which saved over an image's current save or export filename
regardless of whether the filename was XCF (save) or a different format
(export). The idea was that you could bind Ctrl-S to the plug-in and
not be pestered by needing to remember whether it was XCF, JPG or what.
Save-Export Clean has been widely cited, and I hope it's helped some
people who were bothered by the Save/Export split. But personally I
didn't like it very much. It wasn't very flexible -- there was no
way to change the filename, for one thing, and it was awfully easy
to overwrite an original image without knowing that you'd done it.
I went back to using GIMP's separate Save and Export, but in the
back of my mind I was turning over ideas, trying to understand
my workflow and what I really wanted out of a GIMP Save plug-in.
The result of that was a new Python plug-in called Saver.
I first wrote it a year ago, but I've been tweaking it and using it
since then, with Ctrl-S bound to Saverand Ctrl-Shift-S bound to
Saver as...).
I wanted to make sure that it was useful and working reliably ...
and somehow I never got around to writing it
up and announcing it formally ... until now.
Saver, like Save/Export Clean, will overwrite your chosen filename,
whether XCF or another format, and will mark the image as saved so
GIMP won't pester you when you exit.
What's different? Mainly, three things:
- A Saver as... option so you can change the filename
or file type.
- Merges multiple layers so they'll show up properly in your
JPG or PNG image.
- An option to save as .xcf or .xcf.gz and, at the same time, export
a copy in another format, possibly scaled down. So you can maintain
your multi-layer XCF image but also update the JPG copy that you're
going to put on the web.
I've been using Saver for nearly all my saving for the past year.
If I'm just making a quick edit of a JPEG camera image, Ctrl-S
overwrites it without questioning me. If I'm editing an elaborate
multi-layer GIMP project, Ctrl-S overwrites the .xcf.gz. If I'm
planning to export that image for the web, I Ctrl-Shift-S to bring
up the Saver As... dialog, make sure the main filename is
.xcf.gz, set a name (ending in .jpg) for the exported copy; and
from then on, Ctrl-S will save both the XCF and the JPG copy.
Saver is available on my github page, with installation instructions here:
GIMP Saver and
Save/Export Clean Plug-ins. I hope you find it useful.
Tags: gimp
12:57 Nov 06, 2014
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Fri, 13 Sep 2013
Someone on the gimp-developers list asked whether there was
documentation of GIMP's menu hooks.
I wasn't sure what they meant by "hooks", but GIMP menus do have
an interesting feature that plug-in writers should know about:
Placeholders let you group similar types of actions together.
For instance, iever notice that in the image window's File menu,
all the things that Open images are grouped together? There's Open,
Open as Layers..., Open Location... and Open Recent. And then
there's a group of Save actions all grouped together -- Save, Save
As..., Save a Copy... and so forth. That's because there's a
placeholder for Open in the File menu, and another placeholder
for Save.
When you write your own plug-ins, you can take advantage of these
placeholders. For instance, I want my Save/Export clean plug-in to
show up next to the other Save menu items, not somewhere else down
near the bottom of the menu -- so when I register it, I pass
menu = "<Image>/File/Save/"
so GIMP knows to group
it with the other Save actions, even though it's directly in the File
menu, not a submenu called Save..
Pretty slick, huh? But how do you know what placeholders are available?
I took a look at the source.
In the menus/ subdirectory are all the menu definitions in XML,
and they're pretty straightforward.
In image-menu.xml you'll see things like
<placeholder name="Open">, <placeholder name="Save">
So to get a list of all the menu placeholders, you just need to
find all the "
grep '<placeholder' menus/*.xml
That's not actually so useful, though, because it doesn't tell you
what submenu contains the placeholder. For instance, Acquire is a
placeholder but you need to know that it's actually
File->Create->Acquire. So let's be a little more clever.
We want to see <menu lines as well as <placeholders,
but not <menuitem since those are just individual menu entries.
egrep '<(placeholder|menu)
will do that.
Then pass it through some sed expressions to clean up the output,
loop over all the XML files, and I ended up with:
for f in *.xml; do
echo $f
egrep '<(placeholder|menu) ' $f | sed -e 's_<placeholder *name="_** _' -e 's_<menu.*name="__' -e 's_"/*>__'
It isn't perfect: a few lines still show up that
shouldn't -- but it'll get you the list you need. Fortunately the
GIMP developers are very good about things like code formatting,
so the identation of the file shows
which placeholder is inside which submenu.
I only found placeholders in the image window menu, plus a single
placeholder, "Outline", in the selection menu popup.
I'm a little confused about that menu file: it seems to duplicate
the existing Select menu in the image-menu.xml, except that
the placeholder items in question -- feather, sharpen, shrink, grow,
and border -- are in a placeholder called Outline in
selection-menu.xml, but in a placeholder called Modify
in image-menu.xml.
Anyway, here's the full list of placeholders, cleaned up for readability.
Placeholders are in bold and followed with an asterisk *.
===== image-menu.xml =====
Acquire *
Open *
Open Recent
Files *
Save *
Export *
Send *
Info *
Undo *
Cut *
Copy *
Paste *
Paste as
Clear *
Fill *
Stroke *
Preferences *
Modify *
New *
Color Profile *
Flip *
Rotate *
Resize *
Scale *
Crop *
Structure *
Arrange *
New *
Structure *
Text *
Select *
Position *
Modify *
Properties *
Selection *
Modify *
Selection *
Flip *
Rotate *
Layer Mode
Resize *
Scale *
Crop *
Invert *
Colormap *
Modify *
Recently Used
Plug-Ins *
Motion *
Light and Shadow
Light *
Shadow *
Glass *
Animators *
Menus *
Languages *
Extensions *
Menus *
Recently Closed Docks
Dockable Dialogs
Images *
Docks *
Programming *
===== selection-menu.xml =====
Outline *
Tags: gimp, programming
19:06 Sep 13, 2013
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Wed, 27 Feb 2013
I was printing out a map for a new trail we wanted to hike.
I wanted to fill the paper with the map -- Google maps' print and
Firefox's print, while fine for most map printing, weren't what I wanted.
So I took a screenshot of the maximized browser window with the map in it
and imported it into GIMP. In the Crop tool, I constrained Aspect-ratio
to 11:8.5 and cropped the image so it would just fit on a page, in
landscape format -- wider in east-west than in north-south.
Then I chose File->Print.
Since printing defaults to Portrait orientation,
I went to the Page Setup tab and changed Orientation to Landscape.
(It's so nice to have that as part of the dialog. I'm forever amazed
at how some apps, like Firefox, make you use a separate dialog first
to change the print's orientation.
How can anyone possibly see that as sensible UI design?)
Unfortunately, When I went to the Image Settings tab to check ,
I discovered that GIMP hadn't adjusted the image size when I changed
to Landscape. It had Width listed as 8.500, Height as 6.567, and the
image only took up part of the page.
I went to the Width field and replaced 8.500 with 11, and hit
Tab. Whoops! The field reverted to 8.500. The same thing happened
if I tried typing 8.5 into the Height field.
These fields aren't plain text entries -- they're "spin boxes", with
a text entry plus up and down arrows.
It turned out that under GIMP 2.8 and earlier, round-off errors sometimes
prevent you from setting a spin box's maximum value. I could type 10.999
and it would work fine, but 11 or 11.0 failed.
Of course, 10.999 would have been fine -- I don't mind a little margin
on a printed map. It's also trivial in GIMP to rotate a landscape photo
90 degrees and print it in portrait orientation. But by this point
I was into stubborn mode -- by gosh, I wanted a way to fix this!
The best workaround, it turns out, is to use the spin box's up-arrow.
Holding the mouse down over the up arrow will eventually get to the
maximum value. But there's a faster way: right-clicking
on the up-arrow goes straight to the maximum value. A nice trick!
The problem doesn't exist in GIMP 2.9 -- I reported it as
bug 694477,
and the awesome GIMP team fixed it very quickly.
The spin boxes work beautifully now. (Thanks, Mitch!)
But as long as 2.8 is around, or for any other app using spin boxes,
I'm glad to know about right-clicking on the spin box arrows.
Tags: gimp, printing
12:26 Feb 27, 2013
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Sun, 02 Sep 2012
In a discussion on Google+arising from my
clean plug-in, someone said to the world in general
PLEASE provide an option to select the size of the export. Having to
scale the XCF then export then throw out the result without saving is
really awkward.
I thought, What a good idea! Suppose you're editing a large image, with
layers and text and other jazz, saving in GIMP's native XCF format,
but you want to export a smaller version for the web. Every time you
make a significant change, you have to: Scale (remembering the scale
size or percentage you're targeting);
Save a Copy (or Export in GIMP 2.8);
then Undo the Scale.
If you forget the Undo, you're in deep trouble and might end up
overwriting the XCF original with a scaled-down version.
If I had a plug-in that would export to another file type (such
as JPG) with a scale factor, remembering that scale factor
so I didn't have to, it would save me both effort and risk.
And that sounded pretty easy to write,
using some of the tricks I'd learned from my Save/Export Clean
and wallpaper
So I wrote
Update: Please consider using
Saver instead.
Saver integrates the various functions I used to have in different
save/export plug-ins; it should do everything does
and more, and is no longer maintained.
If you need something does that saver doesn't
do as well, please let me know.
It's still brand new, so if anyone tries it, I'd appreciate knowing
if it's useful or if you have any problems with it.
Geeky programming commentary
(Folks not interested in the programming details can stop reading now.)
Linked input fields
One fun project was writing a set of linked text entries for the dialog:
Scale to: | Percentage 100 %
| Width: 640 | Height: 480
Change any one of the three, and the other two change automatically.
There's no chain link between width and height:
It's assumed that if you're exporting a scaled copy, you won't want
to change the image's aspect ratio, so any one of the three is enough.
That turned out to be surprisingly hard to do with GTK SpinBoxes:
I had to read their values as strings and parse them,
because the numeric values kept snapping back
to their original values as soon as focus went to another field.
Image parasites
Another fun challenge was how to save the scale ratio, so the second
time you call up the plug-in on the same image it uses whatever values
you used the first time. If you're going to scale to 50%, you don't
want to have to type that in every time. And of course, you want it
to remember the exported file path, so you don't have to navigate
there every time.
For that, I used GIMP parasites: little arbitrary pieces of data you
can attach to any image. I've known about parasites for a long time,
but I'd never had occasion to use them in a Python plug-in before.
I was pleased to find that they were documented in the
official GIMP
Python documentation, and they worked just as documented.
It was easy to test them, too: in the Python console
(Filters->Python->Console...), type something like
img = gimp_image_list()[0]
and so forth. Nice!
Not prompting for JPG settings
My plug-in was almost done. But when I ran it and told it to save to
filenamecopy.jpg, it prompted me with that annoying JPEG
settings dialog.
Okay, being prompted once isn't so bad. But then
when I exported a second time, it prompted me again,
and didn't remember the values from before.
So the question was, what controls whether the settings dialog is
shown, and how could I prevent it?
Of course, I could prompt the user for JPEG quality, then call
jpeg-save-file directly -- but what if you want to export to PNG
or GIF or some other format? I needed something more general
Turns out, nobody really remembers how this works, and it's not
documented anywhere. Some people thought that passing
when I called
would do the trick, but it didn't help.
So I guessed that there might be a parasite that was storing those
settings: if the JPEG save plug-in sees the parasite, it uses those
values and doesn't prompt. Using the Python console technique I just
mentioned, I tried checking the parasites on a newly created image
and on an image read in from an existing JPG file, then saving each
one as JPG and checking the parasite list afterward.
Bingo! When you read in a JPG file, it has a parasite called
'jpeg-settings'. (The new image doesn't have this, naturally).
But after you write a file to JPG from within GIMP, it has not
only 'jpeg-settings' but also a second parasite, 'jpeg-save-options'.
So I made the plug-in check the scaled image after saving it,
looking for any parasites with names ending in either -settings
or -save-options
; any such parasites are copied to the
original image. Then, the next time you invoke Export Scaled, it does
the same search, and copies those parasites to the scaled image before
calling gimp-file-save
That darned invisible JPG settings dialog
One niggling annoyance remained.
The first time you get the JPG settings dialog, it
pops up invisibly, under the Export dialog you're using. So if
you didn't know to look for it by moving the dialog, you'd think the
plug-in had frozen. GIMP 2.6 had a bug where that happened every time
I saved, so I assumed there was nothing I can do about it.
GIMP 2.8 has fixed that bug -- yet it still happened
when my plug-in called gimp_file_save: the JPG dialog popped
up under the currently active dialog, at least under Openbox.
There isn't any way to pass window IDs through gimp_file_save so
the JPG dialog pops up as transient to a particular window. But a few
days after I wrote the export-scaled, I realized there was still
something I could do: hide the dialog when the user clicks Save.
Then make sure that I show it again if any errors occur during saving.
Of course, it wasn't quite that simple. Calling chooser.hide()
by itself does nothing, because X is asynchronous and things don't happen
in any predictable order. But it's possible to force X to sync the display:
I'm not sure how robust this is going to be -- but it seems to work well
in the testing I've done so far, and it's really nice to get that huge
GTK file chooser dialog out of the way as soon as possible.
Tags: gimp, programming, python
18:34 Sep 02, 2012
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Tue, 21 Aug 2012
In GIMP 2.8, the developers changed the way you save files. "Save" is
now used only for GIMP's native format, XCF (and compressed variants
like .xcf.gz and .xcf.bz2). Other formats that may lose information on
layers, fonts and other aspects of the edited image must be "Exported"
rather than saved.
This has caused much consternation and flameage on the gimp-user
mailing list, especially from people who use GIMP primarily for
simple edits to JPEG or PNG files.
I don't particularly like the new model myself. Sometimes I use GIMP
in the way the developers are encouraging, adding dozens of layers,
fonts, layer masks and other effects. Much more often, I use GIMP
to crop and rescale a handful of JPG photos I took with my camera on a hike.
While I found it easy enough to adapt to using
Ctrl-E (Export) instead of Ctrl-S (Save), it was annoying that when I
exited the app, I'd always get am "Unsaved images" warning, and it was
impossible to tell from the warning dialog which images were safely
exported and which might not have been saved or exported at all.
But flaming on the mailing lists, much as some people seem to enjoy it
(500 messages on the subject and still counting!)
wasn't the answer. The developers have stated very clearly that they're
not going to change the model back. So is there another solution?
Yes -- a very simple solution, in fact. Write a plug-in that saves or
exports the current image back to its current file name, then marks it
as clean so GIMP won't warn about it when you quit.
It turned out to be extremely easy to write, and you can get it here:
GIMP: Save/export
clean plug-in. If it suits your GIMP workflow, you can even
bind it to Ctrl-S ... or any other key you like.
Warning: I deliberately did not add any "Are you sure you want
to overwrite?" confirmation dialogs. This plug-in will overwrite
your current file, without asking for permission. After all, that's its
job. So be aware of that.
How it's written
Here are some details about how it works.
Non software geeks can skip the rest of this article.
When I first looked into writing this, I was amazed at how simple it was:
really just two lines of Python (plus the usual plug-in registration
pdb.gimp_file_save(img, drawable, img.filename, img.filename)
The first line saves the image back to its current filename.
(The gimp-file-save PDB call still handles all types, not just XCF.)
The second line marks the image as clean.
Both of those are PDB calls, which means that people who don't have
GIMP Python could write script-fu to do this part.
So why didn't I use script-fu? Because I quickly found that if I bound
the plug-in to Ctrl-S, I'd want to use it for new images -- images that
don't have a filename yet. And for that, you need to pop up some sort
of "Save as" dialog -- something Python can do easily, and Script-fu
can't do at all.
A Save-as dialog with smart directory default
I couldn't use the
standard GIMP save-as dialog: as far as I can tell, there's
no way to call that dialog from a plug-in.
But it turned out the GTK save-as dialog has no default directory to
start in: you have to set the starting directory every time. So I
needed a reasonable initial directory.
I didn't want to come up with some desktop twaddle like ~/My Pictures
or whatever -- is there really anyone that model fits? Certainly not me.
I debated maintaining a preference you could set, or saving the last
used directory as a preference, but that complicates things and I
wasn't sure it's really that helpful for most people anyway.
So I thought about where I usually want to save images in a GIMP session.
Usually, I want to save them to the same directory where I've been saving
other images in the same session, right?
I can figure that out by looping through all currently open images
with for img in gimp.image_list() :
and checking
for each one.
Keep track of how many times each directory is being used;
whichever is used the most times is probably where the user wants
to store the next image.
Keeping count in Python
Looping through is easy, but what's the cleanest, most Pythonic way
of maintaining the count for each directory and finding the most
popular one? Naturally, Python has a class for that,
Once I've counted everything, I can ask for the most common path.
The code looks a bit complicated because
returns a one-item list of a tuple of the single
most common path and the number of times it's been used -- for instance,
[ ('/home/akkana/public_html/images/birds', 5) ]
So the path is the first element of the first element, or
. Put it together:
counts = collections.Counter()
for img in gimp.image_list() :
if img.filename :
counts[os.path.dirname(img.filename)] += 1
try :
return counts.most_common(1)[0][0]
except :
return None
So that's the only tricky part of this plug-in.
The rest is straightforward, and you can read the code on
Tags: gimp, programming, python
12:26 Aug 21, 2012
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Tue, 07 Jun 2011
My SJAA Ephemeris planetary
astronomy column for next month will discuss Saturn, among other topics,
since Saturn is the main planet visible in the evening sky right now.
Saturn has some storms visible right now in the north polar and
equatorial bands, and a great way to focus your attention to see
more detail through a telescope, especially on subtle details like
Saturnian storms, is to take pencil and paper and sketch what you see.
I've recommended sketching in my column many times before, but don't
talk about it on the blog very often.
When sketching Saturn, it helps to start with a template, so you can
concentrate on the interesting details of the rings and bands rather
than fussing over trying to get the exact width of the rings right.
Saturn's tilt changes with time -- right now it's tilted at 8°
to observers here on Earth -- so sometimes the rings are open wide,
sometimes they're narrow, and sometimes (as last year) they're edge-on
and invisible to us. That's a hassle to try to get right in a sketch,
when you'd rather be focusing on the gaps in the rings and the
pastel colors of the cloud bands on the planet.
ALPO, the Association of Lunar
and Planetary Observers, makes templates for sketching Saturn;
but I had trouble finding any online that showed a tilt appropriate
for this month's Saturn. You can get observing materials by joining
ALPO, but sheesh! you shouldn't have to join an organization just to
get a simple sketching template. And I wanted one for my column.
Besides, the ALPO templates fill in too much detail -- they don't
really give you a chance to do your own ring sketch.
So here's an easy way to make a Saturn sketching template with GIMP.
Start with an image
You can calculate the aspect ratio you need for the planet from the
ring tilt, but why go to all that trouble? I started with an image
of Saturn I got by running
Call up View->Saturn, then make the window as big as you can.
Of course, you may substitute any planetarium program of your choosing,
as long as it shows Saturn with the right ring tilt.
I used GIMP's screenshot facility to open this as an image:
File->Create->Screenshot..., then
Select a region to grab.
You can also use a recent photo of Saturn. The point here is to get
something that's the right shape: it doesn't matter if it's beautiful
or large.
Fix the rotation and size
You want the rings horizontal, if they're not already. Use GIMP's Free
Rotate tool to do that. You can eyeball it to make it approximately right,
or if you want to be more accurate, use the Measure tool (the icon looks
like a drawing compass) to measure from one edge of the rings to the
other and note the angle in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Then when you use Free Rotate, type in the number you measured.
You'll be printing this out on sketching paper, so if the original
image is small, use Image->Scale to expand it. Remember, you
won't be looking at this original image -- it's just for tracing --
so don't worry if the image comes out fuzzy after you scale it up.
I made mine about 1000 pixels wide.
Make a white background layer
Layer->New Layer... to make a new layer; check "white"
in the dialog. Then click the eyeball icon next to it in the Layers
dialog to make it invisible. You'll want it later.
Outline the planet on its own layer
Layer->New Layer... to make a new layer; this time make
it transparent, not white.
I named mine "planet", since this is where I'll draw the ellipse
for the planet. (Yes, Saturn is an ellipse, not a sphere. So is
the Earth, for that matter, but Saturn is a lot less spherical
than Earth is.)
Choose the ellipse selection tool and drag out a selection that matches
the outer edges of the planet. Use the resize handles to adjust the
selection until it fits as closely as you can manage.
In the Toolbox or the Brushes dialog, choose the smallest hard brush,
"Circle (01)".
Then Edit->Stroke Selection.... Click "Stroke with a paint
tool", and click Stroke.
Tip: You may notice my template ended up with very jaggy lines.
That's a common artifact of GIMP's Stroke Selection.
I'm not worried about it for a sketching template, but if the jaggies
bother you, you can get a much smoother line by converting the
selection to a path and stroking the path instead of the selection.
Preview your work so far
Go back to the Layers dialog and make that white layer visible again,
so you can see the outline you just made. You may want to do
Select->None and click on some tool other than ellipse
select, so the selection outline disappears and you can see the line better.
If you're not happy with your planet outline, Edit->Undo and
repeat with a different selection, a thicker line or whatever.
Outline the rings on their own layer
Repeat what you just did for the planet, this time for the rings.
I recommend using a new layer for just the rings (you'll see why in
the next step).
I outlined just the outside of the rings, so the sketch can show the
ring thickness. ALPO's templates don't do this, but how much
ring you can see can vary based on seeing conditions. If you want the
inner edge of the ring on your template, add it now.
Erase the hidden parts of the ring and planet outlines
You can't see the rings where they go behind the planet, or the part
of the planet hidden by the rings. And you don't want your template
lines spoiling your sketch in those regions. So use GIMP's eraser tool
and a large brush to erase the appropriate parts.
This is a little easier if you used separate layers for the rings and
planet: you won't have to be as careful with the eraser. But it's not
a big deal: this is a template, not a finished artwork, and you're
going to be drawing over it anyway. So don't sweat it too much.
Optionally, make the lines fainter
I made the template lines fainter using the Opacity slider in
the Layers dialog on the planet and ring layers. Of course, you can
just draw in grey in the first place, but I like being able to decide
afterward what color I want, or change it later.
Label the template
Trust me, you'll be really annoyed if you decide in 2026 that you want
to make another Saturn sketch, find your old template but can't remember
what ring tilt it's for. So use the Text tool to label either the current
date or the approximate ring tilt. Or put that information in an image
comment under Image->Image Properties..., or in the filename.
Save your template as XCF.gz, save a copy in some other format like
jpg, png or gif, and you're ready to print templates on paper.
Then go out and sketch Saturn!
Tags: astronomy, sketching, gimp
15:13 Jun 07, 2011
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Wed, 13 Apr 2011
Are you a GIMP user or Summer of Code student who's been
wanting to get involved,
but having trouble building, or a bit intimidated by the build process?
I'll be running a session on IRC to help anyone build GIMP
on Linux, as part of the
OpenHatch "Build it"
The session will take place on #gimp on (also known as
GimpNet), on Fri, Apr 15, 0300 UTC -- that's Thursday
night in the Americas. To convert to your time zone,
run this command on your local machine:
$ date -d 'Fri Apr 15 03:00 UTC'
Thu Apr 14 20:00:00 PDT 2011
Or try this link:
time server.
This is a time that's usually fairly quiet on #gimp -- European users
don't fret, since it's pretty
easy to get help there during more Europe-friendly time zones.
I'll hang around for at least two hours; that should be plenty of
time to build GIMP and all its prerequisites.
For folks new to IRC, note that is its own server --
this is not the #gimp channel on Freenode. You can learn more about
IRC on the LinuxChix IRC for
Beginners page, or, if you have trouble getting an IRC client
configured, try this link for
web chat.
Note: The #gimp IRC channel was recently under attack by trolls,
and it's possible that it may not be usable at the time of the session.
In that case, I will update this blog page with the name of an
alternate channel to use, and any other necessarily details.
If you want to get your system set up ahead of time, I've put the
instructions needed to build on Ubuntu Lucid and other older Linux
distros here:
Gimp Building
Tips (for Linux).
I might be able to offer a little help with building on Macs,
but no guarantees.
Mac and Windows users, or people running a very old Linux distro
(more than a year old) might want to consider an alternate approach:
install Virtualbox or
VMware and install Ubuntu "Natty
Narwhal" (currently still in beta) in a virtual machine.
Of course, this isn't the only time you can get help with building GIMP.
There are folks around on #gimp most of the time who are happy to
help with problems. But if you've been meaning to get started and
want a good excuse, or you've been holding off on asking for help ...
come hang out with us and try it!
Tags: gimp, programming, education
12:50 Apr 13, 2011
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Sat, 19 Feb 2011
A couple of people recently have appeared on GIMP IRC channels
wondering why no filters or layer operations seemed to work in GIMP,
even though they had an image open.
In at least one case, it was a setting most of us had forgotten about:
the Auto button. It's easy to miss, but if you turn it on accidentally,
you may be unable to do anything in GIMP until you realize what's happened.
The Auto button is the one at the upper right of your Layers dialog.
It's on by default, and what it does is ensure that dialogs like Layers,
and GIMP's notion of the currently active layer, follow the active image.
Open a new image, or click in a different image window, and your Layers
dialog switches images -- so whatever you do next will apply to the
image you just chose.
If you turn Auto off, then by default, no image and no layer
is active. Notice, in the screenshot at left, how no image is shown
in the option menu just left of the Auto button.
Even if you open a new image, you can't do anything with it
until you explicitly choose an image from the menu.
I'm sure you can see why this could be confusing. So why have that
button at all?
Well, it's useful when you're working with lots of images -- for
instance, if you want to drag a layer from one image into another
image, you can use the menu to switch quickly among images and layers
without needing to bring those image windows to the front.
I don't find I need it, but for those who do, I guess it can
be a real time-saver.
Just to make it even more confusing, not everyone even has the
Auto button or the menu next to it. You can turn it off (and gain a
little extra vertical space for your layers dialog) with the tiny menu
button right above the mode menu. "Show Image Selection" controls
whether the image option menu, and the Auto button next to it, will
be displayed. "Auto Follow Active Image" is the same toggle as the
Auto button itself.
So if you ever get stuck and the Layers dialog doesn't seem to be
showing layers from your image, and you can't figure out why ...
remember that pesky Auto button. It might just be the problem.
(If not, try quitting GIMP and moving your profile aside. That works
for curing all manner of mysterious ills -- including this one.
Come to think of it, that deserves an article of its own. Coming soon!)
Tags: gimp, ui
11:04 Feb 19, 2011
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Fri, 18 Feb 2011
While writing a blog post on GIMP's confusing Auto button (to be
posted soon), I needed some arrows, and discovered a bug in my
Arrow Designer script when making arrows that are mostly vertical.
So I fixed it. You can get the new Arrow Designer 0.5 on my
Arrow Designer page.
It's purely a coincidence that I discovered this a week before
SCALE, where I'll be speaking on
GIMP Scripts and Plug-Ins.
Arrow Designer is one of my showpieces for making interactive
plug-ins with GIMP-Python, so I'm glad I noticed the bug when I did.
Tags: gimp, programming, python
21:28 Feb 18, 2011
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Sat, 25 Dec 2010
![[Happy holidays with a shroom]](
Happy holidays to everyone!
Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it, and if you don't -- just go ahead and
be merry anyway, okay?
Tags: gimp, mushroom
17:18 Dec 25, 2010
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Thu, 23 Dec 2010
Have a lot of images to edit, but confused by command-line tools
like ImageMagick? Try David's Batch Processor, a GIMP plug-in that
lets you apply multiple operations like resize, rotate, or
brightness/contrast to groups of photos.
The article is on Linux Planet:
Batches of Photos Easily on Linux.
Tags: writing, gimp
11:07 Dec 23, 2010
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Mon, 15 Nov 2010
My previous Linux Planet article covered beginner tips for cutting
foreground objects out of photographs. Part 2, from last week,
covers some more flexible advanced techniques you'll want to use as your
GIMP skills increase.
Find out how to put a butterfly in space!
Read it here:
tricks for cutting objects of photos
Tags: writing, gimp
15:14 Nov 15, 2010
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Thu, 28 Oct 2010
![[GIMP screenshot]](
Today's Linux Planet article covers some basic tips for how to cut a
foreground object out of a photograph, so you can grab that penguin
or flower or motorcycle and paste it somewhere else.
Read it here:
tricks for isolating parts of photos
This is mostly beginner stuff, for people who haven't done this at
all. Part II, in two weeks, will cover more advanced techniques.
Tags: writing, gimp
15:37 Oct 28, 2010
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Sun, 26 Sep 2010
Dave was using some old vacation photos to test filesystem performance,
and that made me realize that I had beautiful photos from the same
trip that I hadn't yet turned into desktop backgrounds.
Sometimes I think that my
GIMP Wallpaper
script is the most useful of the GIMP plug-ins I've written.
It's such a simple thing ... but I bet I use it more than any of
my other plug-ins, and since I normally make backgrounds for at least
two resolutions (my 1680x1050 desktop and my 1366x768 laptop),
it certainly saves me a lot of time and hassle.
But an hour into my background-making, I started to have nagging doubts.
I wasn't renaming these images, just keeping the original filenames
from the camera, like pict0828.jpg. What if if some of these
were overwriting images of the same name?
The one thing my script doesn't do is check for that, and
doesn't pop up any warnings.
I've always meant to add a check for it.
Of course, once the doubts started, I had to stop generating backgrounds
and start generating code. And I'm happy with the result: warns and won't let you save over an old background
image, but keeps all the logic in one dialog rather than popping up
extra warnings.
Now I can generate backgrounds without worrying that I'm stomping on
earlier ones.
Tags: gimp, programming, gtk
22:25 Sep 26, 2010
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Thu, 29 Jul 2010
At the Terrible's Sands Regency in Reno, Dave noticed this ad on the table
in the room. "Wait -- isn't that the same guy, twice?"
Sure enough -- not just the same person, but the same photo, with
different hair and neck pixeled in.
I guess Photoshop/GIMP artists are cheaper than photo models these days.
We spotted the same model in other ads around the hotel, sometimes
masquerading as other races as well.
Tags: gimp, photoshop, humor
17:28 Jul 29, 2010
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Sat, 10 Jul 2010
How many times have you wanted an easy way of making arrows in GIMP?
I need arrows all the time, for screenshots and diagrams. And there
really isn't any easy way to do that in GIMP. There's a script-fu for
making arrows in the Plug-in registry,
but it's fiddly and always takes quite a few iterations to get it right.
More often, I use a collection of arrow brushes I downloaded from somewhere
-- I can't remember exactly where I got my collection, but there are
lots of options if you google gimp arrow brushes
-- then
use the free rotate tool to rotate the arrow in the right direction.
The topic of arrows came up again on #gimp yesterday, and Alexia Death
mentioned her script-fu in
GIMP Fx Foundary
that "abuses the selection" to make shapes, like stars and polygons.
She suggested that it would be easy to make arrows the same way, using
the current selection as a guide to where the arrow should go.
And that got me thinking about Joao Bueno's neat Python plug-in demo that
watches the size of the selection and updates a dialog every time the
selection changes. Why not write an interactive Python script that
monitors the selection and lets you change the arrow by changing the
size of the selection, while fine-tuning the shape and size of the
arrowhead interactively via a dialog?
Of course I had to write it. And it works great! I wish I'd written
this five years ago.
This will also make a great demo for my OSCON 2010 talk on
GIMP Scripts and Plug-ins, Thursday July 22. I wish I'd had it for
Libre Graphics Meeting last month.
It's here: GIMP
Arrow Designer.
Tags: gimp, programming, python, oscon2010
11:25 Jul 10, 2010
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Thu, 10 Jun 2010
I'm back from Europe (and still recovering from a cold picked up
right after I got back).
And today I have a GIMP quickie on Linux Planet discussing three ways
to add three-dimensional looks to otherwise flat images in GIMP:
3-D, 3 Ways.
Tags: writing, gimp
10:36 Jun 10, 2010
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010
So many times I've wanted a way to make tapered lines in GIMP.
It doesn't come up that often, but when it does, it's frustrating
that it's so difficult.
For instance, when I was working on the animated brush section of
Beginning GIMP, I wanted to make
a brush that looked like grass, because that's something I've found
quite difficult to do by hand in GIMP. But to make each blade of grass,
I ended up drawing a green line of fixed width, zoom way in, then using
the lasso selection tool to select and clear the edges of the end
of each stroke. What a pain!
Imagine my excitement when I saw GIMP developer Alexia Death talking
about how she'd added taper to GIMP's Paint Dynamics in the development
version of GIMP. I had to try it.
But I needed some help figuring out how to do it, and I know I'll forget;
so I wrote up a tutorial, both for myself
and to help anyone else who needs tapered lines.
Alas, this feature is brand new and only works in recent development
builds. But if you aren't that current with GIMP, it's something to look
forward to. I'll keep this tutorial updated in case methods change.
GIMP Tutorial: Tapered lines
Tags: gimp, tutorial
20:26 Mar 14, 2010
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Wed, 23 Dec 2009
Third in my GIMP-for-the-holidays series on Linux Planet:
holiday photos with GIMP
Happy holidays, everybody ... and happy holiday photos!
Tags: writing, gimp, printing
19:44 Dec 23, 2009
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Thu, 17 Dec 2009
![[Sample greeting card]](
A followup to last week's article on making custom greeting cards
with GIMP,
today's Linux Planet tutorial discusses how to get those cards
printed -- even if you don't own a decent color printer.
On Linux Planet:
Holiday Cards Even if you Don't Have a Printer.
Tags: writing, gimp, printing
19:50 Dec 17, 2009
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Thu, 10 Dec 2009
![[Sample greeting card]](
Today's Linux Planet tutorial is a simple walkthrough showing you
how to make custom greeting cards in GIMP:
Your Own Holiday Cards with GIMP.
Have fun!
Part 2, next week, will offer tips on printing, whether on a home
inkjet or using other services.
Tags: writing, gimp
15:19 Dec 10, 2009
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Tue, 15 Sep 2009
![[Grosvenor Arch]](
I've been getting tired of my various desktop backgrounds, and
realized that I had a lot of trip photos, from fabulous places
like Grosvenor Arch (at right),
that I'd never added to my background collection.
There's nothing like lots of repetitions of the same task to
bring out the shortcomings of a script, and the
script I threw together earlier this year was no exception.
I found myself frequently irritated by not having enough information
about what the script was doing or being able to change the filename.
Then I could have backgrounds named grosvenor.jpg rather
than img2691.jpg.
Alas, I can't use the normal GIMP Save-as dialog, since GIMP doesn't
make that dialog available to plug-ins. (That's a deliberate choice,
though I've never been clear on the reason behind it.) If I wanted
to give that control to the user, I'd have to make my own dialogs.
It's no problem to make a GTK dialog from Python. Just create a
gtk.Dialog, add a gtk.Entry to it, call, then check
the return value and get the entry's text to see if it changed.
No problem, right?
Ha! If you think that, you don't work with computers.
The dialog popped up fine, it read the text entry fine ... but it
wouldn't go away afterward. So after the user clicked OK, the
plug-in tried to save and GIMP popped up the JPEG save dialog
(the one that has a quality slider and other controls, but no
indication of filename) under my text entry dialog, which
remained there.
All attempts at calling dialog.hide() and dialog.destroy() and
similar mathods were of no avail. A helpful person on #pygtk worked
with me but ended up as baffled as I was. What was up?
The code seemed so simple -- something like this:
response =
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK :
pathname = pathentry.get_text()
pdb.gimp_file_save(newimg, newimg.active_layer, pathname, pathname,
In the end, GIMP guru Sven pointed me to the answer.
The problem was that my dialog wasn't part of the GTK main loop. In
retrospect, this makes sense: the plug-in is an entirely different
process, so I shouldn't be surprised that it would have its own main loop.
So when I hide() and destroy(), those events don't happen right away
because there's no loop in the plug-in process that would see them.
The plug-in passes control back to GIMP to do the gimp_file_save().
GIMP's main loop doesn't have access to the hide and destroy signals I
just sent. So the gimp_file_save runs, popping up its own dialog
(under mine, because the JPEG save dialog is transient to the original
image window while my python dialog isn't).
That finishes, returns control to the plug-in, the plug-in exits and
at that point GTK cleans up and finally destroys the dialog.
The solution is to loop over GTK events in the plug-in before calling
gimp_file_save, like this:
response =
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK :
pathname = pathentry.get_text()
while gtk.events_pending() :
pdb.gimp_file_save(newimg, newimg.active_layer, pathname, pathname,
That loop gives the Python process a chance to clean up the dialog
before passing control to GIMP and its main loop. GTK in the
subprocess is happy, the user is happy, and I'm happy because now
I have a much more efficient way of making lots of desktop
backgrounds for lots of different machines.
updated script, along with a lot more information on how to use
it and how to set up tool presets for it.
Tags: programming, gimp, gtk
23:21 Sep 15, 2009
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Thu, 23 Apr 2009
Latest Linux Planet article: How to write a "blobify" GIMP plug-in
in Python to make text look three-dimensional.
a Fancy 3D-Effect GIMP Plugin in Python.
Tags: gimp, writing, python
11:46 Apr 23, 2009
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Thu, 09 Apr 2009
Latest Linux Planet article: Part 1 of a two-parter on
GIMP scripts in Python.
As usual, there's a
link too.
Tags: gimp, writing, python
22:21 Apr 09, 2009
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Thu, 05 Feb 2009
Making desktop backgrounds in GIMP is a bit tedious if you have
several machines with screens of different sizes. The workflow goes
something like this:
First, choose Crop tool and turn on Fixed: Aspect Ratio.
Then loop over images:
- Load an image
- Go to Tool Options
- Type in the aspect ratio: 4:3, 8:5, 5:4, 1366:768 etc.
- Go to the image and crop.
- Image->Scale (I have this on Shift-S, can't remember whether
that was a default binding or not).
- Ctrl-K to delete the current width (Ctrl-U also works, but beeps;
I'm not sure why)
- Type in the desired width (1024 or 1680 or 1366 or whatever)
(I always hit Tab here, though it's probably not necessary)
- Click Scale or type Alt-S (unfortunately, Return doesn't work
in this dialog).
- Save As to the appropriate name and path for the current resolution
- Undo (the Scale), Undo (the Crop)
- Load a new image (continue loop)
But you can use Save Options (Tool Presets) to avoid step 3,
typing in the aspect ratio.
Here's how:
- Set up the aspect ratio you want in the Crop tool, with Fixed checked
- Click on Save Options (the floppy disk icon in the lower left of
Tool Options)
- Choose a name (choose New Entry first if you've already saved options).
Repeat, for each aspect ratio you might want to use.
Now clicking on Restore Options gives you a menu of all your commonly
used aspect ratios -- much faster than typing them in every time.
Too bad there's no way to use this shortcut for the Scale step,
or to do Crop and Scale in one operation.
Nice shortcut! But having done that, I realized I could shorten it
even more: I could make a selection (not a crop) with one of my preset
aspect ratios, then run a script that would figure out from the aspect
ratio which absolute size I wanted, crop and scale, and either save
it to the right place, or make a new image so I could save without
needing to Redo or Save a Copy. That was an easy script to write,
so here it is:
Tags: gimp, tips, programming, hack
23:45 Feb 05, 2009
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Sun, 16 Nov 2008
I wrote
more to figure out how to do it than to run it myself.
But on the new monitor I have so much screen real estate
that I've started using it -- but the quality of the images was
such an embarrassment that I couldn't stand it. So I took a few
minutes and cleaned up the images and made a moonroot 0.6 release.
Turned out there was a trick I'd missed when I originally made the
images, years ago. XPM apparently only allows 1-bit transparency.
When I was editing the RGB image and removing the outside edge of the circle,
some of the pixels ended up semi-transparent, and when I saved the
file as .xpm, they ended up looking very different (much darker)
from what I had edited.
Here are two ways to solve that in GIMP:
- Use the "Hard edge" option on the eraser tool (and a hard-edged
brush, of course, not a fuzzy one).
- Convert the image to indexed, in which case GIMP will only allow
one bit's worth of transparency. (That doesn't help for full-color
images, but for a greyscale image like the moon, there's no loss
of color since even RGB images can only have 8 bits per channel.)
Either way, the way to edit a transparent image where you're trying
to make the edges look clean is to add a solid-color background
layer (I usually use white, but of course it depends on how you're going
to use the image) underneath the layer you're trying to edit.
(In the layers dialog, click the New button, chose White for the
new layer, click the down-arrow button to move it below the original
layer, then click on the original layer so your editing will all
happen there.)
Once you're editing a circle with sharp edges, you'll probably need
to adjust the colors for some of the edge pixels too. Unfortunately
the Smudge tool doesn't seem to work on indexed images, so you'll
probably spend a lot of time alternating between the Color Picker
and the Pencil tool, picking pixel colors then dabbing them onto
other pixels. Key bindings are the best way to do that: o activates
the Color Picker, N the Pencil, P the Paintbrush. Even if you don't
normally use those shortcuts it's worth learning them for the
duration of this sort of operation.
Or use the Clone tool, where the only keyboard shortcut you have to
remember is Ctrl to pick a new source pixel. (I didn't think of that
until I was already finished, but it works fine.)
Tags: programming, astronomy, gimp
15:48 Nov 16, 2008
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Fri, 14 Nov 2008
Usually I just delete spam after seeing the subject line.
But I couldn't resist one that arrived this morning:
Subject: You'll be saying WOW every time with ShamWow
Wondering whether the seller was familiar with the
of the word "sham",
I just had to take a look.
I couldn't tell anything from the text -- it was all just random
verbiage to try to fool Baysian filters.
But the mail also attached two images, img001.png and img002.png.
The first was a big grey starburst thing; the second, at 348Kb, was the
actual ad
(click on it to get the full-sized version; the thumbnail
here doesn't do it justice).
There are just so many things to love about this ad, starting
with the name "ShamWow" itself.
I love the mixture of fonts and bright colors, with the slightly
lopsided hourglass shape of the ShamWow! logo.
I love the "AS SEEN ON TV" bug -- a charming image that hasn't
changed a whit since the 60's, maybe even the 50's.
I love the unidentifiable grey and yellow flat things with
unreadable text on them -- they look like file folders and folded
papers, but they're probably two different colors and sizes of
ShamWow -- covered with a square announcing
"10 Year [unreadable]", which made me wonder if they were selling
auto loans or securities. But if you magnify it you find that the
third word is probably "Warranty".
I love the presumption that you'll think that 20x the weight of
a small cloth object is a lot of water (is it? I have no idea, let
me grab a paper towel and a gram scale). I love the blurry red
and white "CLICK FOR DETAILS" button.
But what I like best about this image is that it's a PNG but it's
full of JPG artifacts. Now, I'm not very picky about jpeg artifacts.
(You'd think I would be, as a de-facto GIMP expert, but I'm really not.)
I shoot DSLR photos in jpeg rather than raw mode because most of the
time the difference just isn't enough for me to care about.
I use jpeg for most of the icons on my web site if they don't
need transparency, and I lower the jpeg quality level to make
them load faster. I'm not a PNG snob (actually, I'm more likely
to use GIF than PNG for web icons). But really -- this ad image
is a wonderful example of jpeg artifacts and why you can't
just turn the quality down arbitrarily far.
I could even understand using extreme jpeg compression because they were
sending out a hundred quotillion spam messages and wanted to reduce bandwidth.
But they're not sending a jpeg -- they've converted the low-quality JPG
back to a 348Kb PNG before sending the spam.
All I can figure is that someone designed the ad and saved it as
JPG, making it really small. And then someone in the business saw
great cartoon on JPG vs. PNG -- and said "Oh, no! We'd better
use PNG instead! And loaded up the JPG and saved it as a PNG with
default settings.
(For further reading on PNG vs. JPEG and image file
size optimization, you can get an overview of formats at my
Formats for the Web and some detailed tutorials at the
Conservation Society; or chapters 2 and 8 in
my GIMP book, soon to be out in
its second edition.)
Tags: humor, advertising, gimp
11:54 Nov 14, 2008
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Fri, 31 Oct 2008
Quite a while ago I noticed that drag-n-drop of images from Firefox
had stopped working for me in GIMP's trunk builds (2.6 and 2.7);
it failed with a "file not found" error. Opening URIs with
Location also failed in the same way.
Since I don't run a gnome desktop, I assumed it probably had something
to do with requiring gnome-vfs services that I don't have. But
yesterday I finally got some time to chase it down with help from
various folk on #gimp.
I had libgnomevfs (and its associated dev package) installed on my
Ubuntu Hardy machine, but I didn't have gvfs. It was suggested that
I install the gfvs-backends package. I tried that, but it
didn't help; apparently gvfs requires not just libgvfs and
gvfs-backends, but also running a new daemon, gvfsd.
Finding an alternative was starting to sound appealing.
Turns out gimp now has three compile-time
configure options related to opening URIs:
--without-gvfs build without GIO/GVfs support
--without-gnomevfs build without gnomevfs support
--without-libcurl build without curl support
These correspond to four URI-getting methods in the source, in
- uri-backend-gvfs.c
- uri-backend-gnomevfs.c
- uri-backend-libcurl.c
- uri-backend-wget.c
GIMP can degrade from gvfs to gnomevfs to libcurl to wget, but only at
compile time, not at runtime: only one of the four is built.
On my desktop machine, --without-gvfs
was all I needed.
Even without running the gnome desktop, the gnomevfs
front-end seems to work fine. But it's good to know about the other
options too, in case I need to make a non-gnomevfs version to run on
the laptop or other lightweight machines.
Tags: gimp, desktop, performance, gnome
12:09 Oct 31, 2008
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Sat, 16 Aug 2008
Last night Joao and I were on IRC helping someone who was learning
to write gimp plug-ins. We got to talking about pixel operations and
how to do them in Python. I offered my as an example of
using pixel regions in gimp, but added that C is a lot faster for
pixel operations. I wondered if reading directly from the tiles
(then writing to a pixel region) might be faster.
But Joao knew a still faster way. As I understand it, one major reason
Python is slow at pixel region operations compared to a C plug-in is
that Python only writes to the region one pixel at a time, while C can
write batches of pixels by row, column, etc. But it turns out you
can grab a whole pixel region into a Python array, manipulate it as
an array then write the whole array back to the region. He thought
this would probably be quite a bit faster than writing to the pixel
region for every pixel.
He showed me how to change the code to use arrays,
and I tried it on a few test layers. Was it faster?
I made a test I knew would take a long time in arclayer,
a line of text about 1500 pixels wide. Tested it in the old arclayer;
it took just over a minute to calculate the arc. Then I tried Joao's
array version: timing with my wristwatch stopwatch, I call it about
1.7 seconds. Wow! That might be faster than the C version.
The updated, fast version (0.3) of is on my
arclayer page.
If you just want the trick to using arrays, here it is:
from array import array
[ ... setting up ... ]
# initialize the regions and get their contents into arrays:
srcRgn = layer.get_pixel_rgn(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight,
False, False)
src_pixels = array("B", srcRgn[0:srcWidth, 0:srcHeight])
dstRgn = destDrawable.get_pixel_rgn(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight,
True, True)
p_size = len(srcRgn[0,0])
dest_pixels = array("B", "\x00" * (newWidth * newHeight * p_size))
[ ... then inside the loop over x and y ... ]
src_pos = (x + srcWidth * y) * p_size
dest_pos = (newx + newWidth * newy) * p_size
newval = src_pixels[src_pos: src_pos + p_size]
dest_pixels[dest_pos : dest_pos + p_size] = newval
[ ... when the loop is all finished ... ]
# Copy the whole array back to the pixel region:
dstRgn[0:newWidth, 0:newHeight] = dest_pixels.tostring()
Good stuff!
Tags: gimp, python, programming, performance
22:02 Aug 16, 2008
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Sat, 12 Apr 2008
I've been helping out with an extracurricular GIMP class that a
local Linux and free software advocate, Christian Einfeldt,
has organized at a middle school in San Francisco.
The class meets on a Saturday once or twice a month, so there's plenty
of time to forget things between sessions, and most of the kids don't
have a lot of prior computer experience (I'm told many of them are
behavior problems or otherwise "at risk", but I sure wouldn't have
guessed that from their exemplary behavior in class.)
Despite the obstacles, the kids have
learned some impressive image editing skills in a very short time!
Lots of them have figured out how to set their Edubuntu desktop background;
I've seen abstract patterns, photographs decorated in various ways
(today one girl was painting a mouth, hair and jewelry on a photograph
of a chimpanzee's face, and it came out looking very funny), photos
of the students themselves pasted into exotic locales, and so on.
It's also an interesting exercise for me in seeing what
beginning users find difficult to understand and what aspects
of GIMP's user interface are difficult to explain.
An additional challenge is that this classroom
has no projector or centrally visible screen. So you can't just
demonstrate how something works; everything must be explained slowly
in words while the students follow along with each step, and then
we have to go through the room helping students as they try to
remember the steps.
One of the first tasks they take on is combining images: start with
a photo of themselves, or of an animal or car, select it and paste it
into another image. What's the easiest way of explaining selection of
arbitrary shapes?
Which method can be explained in less than a minute, and yet they'll
remember how to do it after you leave and move on to the next student?
There are three obvious candidates for a general-purpose selection
tool: the intelligent scissors, the paths tool, and the quickmask.
We had a miscommunication in one of the early classes and didn't
discuss which technique to teach, so I taught some students the
paths tool while Christian was teaching others the iscissors.
I found that both methods had some serious problems.
With Bezier paths, it's easy to click points around your object.
Students get a little flustered the first few times they accidentally
drag rather than click and drag handles appear, but they can get over
that. The part that's difficult comes at the end, where they have to
click Path to Selection, then Feather as a separate step (they don't
need to feather the first time, but eventually they'll need it).
And then there's the problem that the path as well as the selection
remains visible, a distraction that they don't understand.
When I saw that Christian had been teaching some students the
iscissors while I was teaching others paths, I thought, gee, good
idea. Iscissors should be more straightforward, no? Well, no, as it
turns out. New students have great difficulty making an iscissors
selection. They're fine as long as they're clicking their points; the
problem comes when they get to the last point, when in order to make a
selection you must click carefully on your first point, then click
again inside the figure. A lot of students don't understand this no
matter how many times you explain: they don't remember which was their
first point (it doesn't look any different from the others), they
can't see it anyway (it usually doesn't contrast much with the image),
and they can't tell whether they clicked it successfully.
At that point they try to click inside the image and get a spurious
extra point -- and then they
panic and start clicking all over the place, ending up with a mess
that is (as far as I've been able to tell) unrecoverable. The only
fix is to toss out that figure and start over, but even that isn't
easy to do (click on another tool then back on the iscissors tool
button). Basically, the iscissors tool is far too confusing and most
students need to be personally walked through it at least three times
(some of them a lot more than that) before they get it.
Anyone who's read my writing on GIMP probably knows that I'm a
quickmask zealot. I'm a born again quickmask prophet: I used GIMP for
years without really understanding the quickmask, and when I finally
grokked it, it made a huge difference in ease of selection.
I sometimes joke that "the quickmask changed my life", and that's
hyperbole, or course; but it sure did change my GIMP editing.
People seem to fear the quickmask so I usually don't present it
first, but maybe I should. These students are very eager and competent
at painting, and I think they'd take to the quickmask very easily
with far fewer stumbles than the other two methods have given them.
There's one other variant of shaped selection that I didn't list:
the lasso tool in add and subtract mode. The lasso tool is
terrifically hard to use to try to select a whole figure from
an image. You'd have to have a preternaturally steady hand, plus
you can't zoom in and scroll around since the whole figure has to
be completed in one movement. But what you can do is make a rough
selection with the lasso, understanding that you'll have some errors;
then alternate between Add mode and Subtract mode as you use the lasso
on smaller areas to get the selection just right. It's nearly as easy
as the quickmask, and doesn't require a big conceptual shift. The only
reason I'm leery is that I suspect the three modes would confuse a lot
of students -- especially since the mode buttons have no labels,
merely tooltips.
While I'm on the topic, there's another issue that gives the students
trouble besides selection: the floating selection that results from a
paste. There's really no way to explain to a schoolkid why it's there
(heck, maybe some day someone will explain that to me).
And it's useless to try to get them to keep their Layers dialogs
visible. (They don't even keep the toolbox visible most of the time;
it's always covered by image windows. Most of these Edubuntu machines
are working at 800x600 resolution, and there just isn't room on the
screen for the normal GIMP window collection.)
So I try to drill them that "Every time you paste, you have to find
the Layers window and click that button on the bottom left."
Understandably, they often forget that step, then get into trouble because
they can't see all their pasted layer, or some functions are greyed out.
Aside from selection and paste, the students seem to cope with GIMP
remarkably well. Some of them have been exploring the menus for fun
plug-ins, others are trying different patterns to make interesting
backgrounds, and one even discovered how to make interesting effects
with some of the specialized gradients. At the beginning I wondered
if teaching GIMP might not be too ambitious, and maybe something
simple like Tux Paint might be better. But GIMP is working out just
fine except for those few stumbling blocks.
The kids have a refreshing willingness to explore and try things, and
the result is a whole lot of really fun images.
Tags: gimp, education, user interface
23:44 Apr 12, 2008
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Tue, 26 Feb 2008
I've wished forever that GIMP could open files and URLs as easily as
Mozilla (and Netscape before it) does by selecting the filename in
another app then middleclicking to "paste" in the toolbox.
(Note: in Mozilla this is controlled by the
middlemouse.contentLoadURL preference, and Ubuntu users have
to enable it explicitly.)
Well, it turns out GIMP has that feature too, and has had it for a
long time. The reason it had never worked for me is that it only
works if you click on one (any) of the tool buttons. I was clicking
in empty areas of the toolbox window, because it feels weird to
click over a button when I don't mean to use that tool.
Now that I know to middleclick on a tool button, middlemouse open
works great for Unix paths, file: URLs and even remote URLs
(assuming you have Open URL working, of course, which on some
systems may require installing gimp-libcurl or gimp-gnomevfs).
Nice! That'll save me some gimp-remote calls.
Tags: gimp
16:21 Feb 26, 2008
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Sun, 17 Feb 2008
There's been some discussion on the gimp-developer list about that
unwieldy layer mode option menu you see in both the Layers dialog and
in drawing tool options.
introduced the topic
by suggesting a redesign of the menu to use
two side-by-side columns instead of one. That makes the menu more
compact and vastly shortens the average mouse movement needed to
change modes.
But Sven didn't like the side by side option, pointing out that it
implies some equivalence to modes that end up listed next to each other.
More discussion ensued, with Bill posting a
screenshot of the unwieldy
menu to illustrate how bad it is
(including the bizarre gtk "the top half of the menu is blank"
misfeature that always looks like a bug but is apparently intentional).
That Mode menu has always bothered me.
Typically when I'm using layer modes, I try lots of them
one by one to see which mode works best.
But that's difficult with the current very tall menu, especially
(as Bill pointed out on IRC)
if you need to jump back and forth between two modes that aren't close
to each other in the menu. And gtk option menu's behavior doesn't help,
where clicking on it pops up the menu but not necessarily with the current
item selected -- sometimes the previous item is selected, so you can't
just arrow down once and assume you'll get the next mode.
That night after going to bed I got to thinking about it.
I realized that the Mode menu problem was similar to the problem
selecting a font from the combo box in the Text tool options --
I usually find it much easier to bring up the Fonts dialog and choose
a font from there. What I really wanted for layer modes was a
"Modes dialog".
And suddenly it came to me that I
could solve most of my problem with a simple "Next mode" script.
Once I had that, I could bind it to a key, or "tear off" the menu it
was in so that it would stay visible and I could click it repeatedly.
It took about ten minutes the following morning to write the script
in python.
I posted my solution back to the list, and some discussion ensued on
IRC. Bill pointed out that enabling tear-offs for the existing
Mode option menu (which can be done in two lines of C code)
gives essentially the Fonts dialog I wanted.
Several of us thought that was a great idea.
But when Bill posted to the list, Sven nixed the idea, saying
tear-offs were deprecated. (They're not officially deprecated in GTK,
or at least the GTK documentation doesn't say so and I can't find
anything with google; but in any case Sven apparently doesn't like
tear-offs and won't allow adding any new ones in GIMP.)
Fortunately, gimp-python comes to the rescue here too. Writing a
turned out to be a little trickier than "next mode",
only because it took me a while to realize I needed to call
to update the display after
changing the mode of the current layer (thanks Alexia and Bill).
So now I have both "next mode" and a separate mode dialog,
making layer mode operations so much easier!
Tags: gimp
12:50 Feb 17, 2008
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Sun, 21 Oct 2007
I ran out of business cards (where do they go? I never seem to find
occasion to give any out. They make good bookmarks, though) and
wanted to print some more. I use gLabels for low-res label printing,
but it prints poorly (or used to, anyway) so when I want something
with crisp and sharp images, I use GIMP with my
GIMP Labels
That's all fine, except that the "make label page" part of the script
scales the labels to fit on a typical Avery letter-sized template --
and the Gutenprint drivers for my printer can't actually fill a
letter sized page. (I have the choice of normal printing, in which
it fills about 97% of the page, or Borderless printing, where it
slops way over the edges.)
The solution is to crop a little extra off the outside edge of the
label page. So I added some code to script-fu-rect-label-page to
keep a "Printer fudge factor" and crop the page at the end.
An easy tweak which seems to work fine, and with any luck it'll
cure a lot of the misalignment problems I've seen with labels.
While I was making changes anyway, I added some clearer installation
instructions for the 95% case of someone who just wants the script
with the labels I've included, since I recently heard from someone who
wasn't clear on where to install the script.
Tags: gimp
13:03 Oct 21, 2007
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Sat, 09 Dec 2006
Another person popped into #gimp today trying to get a Wacom tablet
working (this happens every few weeks). But this time it was someone
using Ubuntu's new release, "Edgy Eft", and I just happened to have
a shiny new Edgy install on my laptop (as well as a Wacom Graphire 2
gathering dust in the closet because I can never get it working
under Linux), so I dug out the Graphire and did some experimenting.
And got it working! It sees pressure changes and everything.
It actually wasn't that hard, but it did require
some changes. Here's what I had to do:
- Install wacom-tools and xinput
- Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and comment out those ForceDevice lines
that say "Tablet PC ONLY".
- Reconcile the difference between udev creating /dev/input/wacom
and xorg.conf using /dev/wacom: you can either change xorg.conf,
change /etc/udev/rules.d/65-wacom.rules, or symlink /dev/input/wacom
to /dev/wacom (that's what I did for testing, but it won't survive a
reboot, so I'll have to pick a device name and make udev and X
A useful tool for testing is /usr/X11R6/bin/xinput list
(part of the xinput package).
That's a lot faster than going through GIMP's input device
preference panel every time.
I added some comments to Ubuntu's bug
73160, where people had already described some of the errors but
nobody had posted the steps to work around the problems.
While I was fiddling with GIMP on the laptop, I decided to install
the packages I needed to build the latest CVS GIMP there.
It needed a few small tweaks from the list I used on Dapper.
I've updated the package list on my GIMP Building
page accordingly.
Tags: linux, X11, imaging, gimp, ubuntu
16:12 Dec 09, 2006
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Thu, 23 Nov 2006
People keep showing up on GIMP's IRC channels and asking about
JPEG 2000 support. There was a
of Code "Wavelet" project last summer which implemented JPEG 2000 support
(among other things) but no one ever seems to know where to find it.
So I asked Simon, who was the mentor for that project. Turns out
he had tarballs, but didn't think it was appropriate to link them
from his own site, especially as they were somewhat tricky to
The consensus among the developers was that it would be nice to
have jp2 and the other wavelet plug-ins available on the
GIMP Plug-in Registry.
So I fiddled with them, fixed a couple of Makefile issues,
added READMEs with author credit and building instructions,
and uploaded them to the registry. The plug-ins are:
- jp2
- JPEG 2000 support
- denoise
- A noise removal plug-in
- ihalf
- Inverse halftoning -- remove halftones from printed images.
I haven't actually used these plug-ins (couldn't find a JPEG2k file
to test) -- I just wanted to help
make them available for people who need them.
While I was at it I updated my vastly out-of-date registry
entries for Pandora and added an entry for my label/business card
Tags: gimp
13:54 Nov 23, 2006
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Tue, 15 Aug 2006
"Favicons" are those little icons you see to the left of the URLbar
in a browser, and for each site in the bookmarks menu or toolbar.
They're just a file named
favicon.ico in the top level of
a web site, and they're a nice addition to a site.
(More details in the
Wikipedia entry.)
I'd made a few favicons in the distant past by creating a
32x32 image, saving it as ppm, then using ppmtowinicon.
But when I tried it in GIMP recently, I ran into trouble.
GIMP can save ICO files: Save As, click Select
File Type and choose "Microsoft Windows icon (ico)".
That gets you a dialog where you have to choose a color depth and
palette. I tried different settings, but the resulting images
never showed up properly in Firefox.
But then I tried saving as ppm and using ppmtowinicon and
that no longer worked either. Argh! What's up?
The silly answer, it turns out, is that it had nothing to do
with how GIMP was saving the images. The problem was that Firefox
caches favicons, and shift-reload or Clear Cache doesn't help.
When you're testing a new favicon, you have to load the url
for the favicon.ico itself (and reload it if necessary).
Success at last! It even handles transparency, so you can
make shaped favicons that show up nicely against a tab, menu
or toolbar background.
Of course, editing a 32x32 pixel image is a fun exercise in itself.
I recommend using a second view (View->New View).
Expand one view a lot (800x works well) so you can edit individual
pixels, while the other view remains at normal size so you can see
your final icon as others will see it in the browser.
Tags: gimp
11:57 Aug 15, 2006
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Tue, 18 Jul 2006
I got slashdotted yesterday -- a positive
book review of Beginning GIMP. Hooray!
The comments were mostly the usual mix of flames from
Photoshop users saying "GIMP sucks because it isn't like Photoshop",
with hardly anything about the book; no surprise there.
I don't know why Photoshop users seem so compelled to attack
the GIMP, but obviously they do since this happens so often.
They don't seem to be willing to accept "Some people like one
style of user interface, other people like another style, and
a highly complex application like GIMP or Photoshop is going
to take some time to learn no matter how it's designed."
Slashdot linked to Barnes
& Noble rather than Amazon, which is understandable
since BN has a killer 40% off sale in progress on Apress books
(they have
at $26.99 for BN members,
$29.99 otherwise).
Apress also pointed me toward a couple other reviews that I hadn't
seen yet, so I created a review
page to link to them.
Tags: gimp
18:37 Jul 18, 2006
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Sat, 27 May 2006
Dave thought I wasted too much presentation time
reversing the layers in my panorama example prior to running
I'm sure he's right.
The problem is that GIMP's "Open as Layers", if you select multiple
layers, opens them in the opposite direction from the way you'd
generally expect to use them in a panorama, with the lexigraphically
first layer on the top of the stack rather than the bottom.
The very next day, someone showed up on IRC asking how to reverse layers,
because "Open as Layers" opened them in the wrong order to use for an
At Mitch's suggestion, I wrote a reverse-layers script-fu (which Mitch
improved by pointing out that it didn't handle the possible error case
of a floating layer. As it happens, re-ordering floating layers works
fine in current CVS, but apparently it's not supposed to. I suspect
being able to move layers without alpha off the bottom position in
the stack may also be a bug, so I added a guard against that).
(Update: No, it turns out it's intentional that non-alpha layers
can be moved anywhere in the stack in 2.3.)
Layer->Stack->Reverse Layer Order is now included in CVS GIMP,
but for users of earlier versions I've made it available:
Meanwhile, I made a new version of Pandora which can build a
panorama in either direction. I still find it slightly jarring to
assemble a panorama from right to left after building them from
left to right for so long, but maybe I'll get used to it.
I caught another bug at the same time: I was testing one of the
parameters set in the GIMP dialog (which sets a toggle to either TRUE
or FALSE) like this:
(if use-mask (do-stuff))
That doesn't work in script-fu.
Turns out TRUE is just an integer, while if
apparently only tests for Lisp nil or non-nil. So you have to say
(if (= use-mask TRUE) (do-stuff))
if you want tests to work against booleans coming from GIMP dialogs.
Tags: gimp
23:22 May 27, 2006
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Fri, 26 May 2006
It's been a busy couple of weeks. My book (
Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional)
finally started arriving on people's doorsteps.
I first found out it was shipping from an email from a reader
in Ohio: "I just received your book, and I have a question ..."
He was the first of the Amazon shipments.
Over the next few days, more Amazon shipments started trickling in --
my mom got hers, a couple of friends got their copies. But it was
nearly a week before either I or the home office of Apress received
our copies, so in the meantime I was pumping everyone I knew for
information -- "How does it look?"
Finally my copies arrived. It's beautiful! I'm so happy with the
printing job Apress arranged. Bright colors on thick glossy paper. The
colors are surprisingly different from what I saw on the PDF that went
to the printer -- the active window borders on all the screenshots
(royal blue on my screen) are almost purple!
Now I can better appreciate why people who print professionally
care so much about details like ICC color profiles. Fortunately, I
knew there might be some color shift, so none of the figures in the
book depend on exact colors (the RGB color circles aren't precisely
Red, Green and Blue, but I'm sure readers will understand them).
So now I'm on the lecture/booksigning circuit. What fun!
I've only given a couple of talks so far; last night was a PenLUG talk that went well, with
lots of audience questions. The audience ranged from beginners to
experienced graphics programmers to someone who's interested in using
GIMP in a scientific context (comparing images; I told him about
the geologist I talked to a few months ago who was doing just that,
using Difference or Subtract layer modes to compare two aerial photos
of the same area) to a professional photographer who uses GIMP in his
work. One of the great side benefits of speaking about GIMP is getting
a chance to hear all the ways people use it for different purposes.
I made some business cards to hand out, but no one takes them.
That's okay: it was a good excuse to fiddle with my
script-fu and learn how to print really nice business cards from GIMP.
Making business cards is easy with gLabels, but since it uses
gnome-print it can only print using the system's default settings,
which makes for really chintzy looking, pixellated cards.
Gimp-print, on the other hand, can print in high resolution to nice
glossy photo-quality card stock.
I'm gradually learning how to give a better GIMP talk,
collecting interesting examples to show and minimizing the
time spent fumbling over menus or waiting for progress bars.
And dealing with the occasional glitch:
last night, SIOX for some reason refused to select my flower image,
after working perfectly the hundred or so previous times
I've used it on that image.
(What timing! Just last week I also received my ATM-B award from
Too bad outside GIMP talks don't count toward the next level.)
Fortunately GIMP is very visual, so it's easy and fun to find whizzy
examples and techniques that most people haven't seen before.
People have lots of interest in GIMP and image editing in general, and
they want to hear more about it and have lots of questions. It's a
topic everyone can appreciate. After all, who doesn't like looking at
cool images?
Tags: gimp
11:32 May 26, 2006
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Sun, 19 Mar 2006
Periodically I get requests from people without C compilers (which
usually means Windows users) who are interested in using my
GIMP plug-in
which helps with making panoramic images
by loading all the images, positioning them approximately, and
adding layer masks. I always regret that I don't have a Windows
binary to offer people.
I've been thinking for a while that it would be easy to do a Pandora
plug-in in script-fu, so that any GIMP user could run it.
The only reason Pandora was written in C is
that it provides a modified file selection dialog allowing you to
choose the files you want in sequence. But it's not like the UI
for that dialog is any great shakes (it's always been confusing,
even to me, and I wrote it), and of course it uses the old gtk
file selector, which has been orphaned for quite some time.
The way to work around this in script-fu is to let the user open
all the images as layers in a single image using the normal Open
and Open as Layers functions, then transform that image into
a panorama by resizing it bigger and moving the layers to the right
place. Easy! It's been on my list to do for a long time, but I
didn't get motivated to write it until this morning when I
wasn't doing anything else and another Windows user showed up
on #gimp asking about panoramas.
I should have done it earlier. It only took an hour or two,
and works as well as the old C version. It's available on the
Pandora page.
Feedback or bug
reports appreciated!
Tags: gimp
19:02 Mar 19, 2006
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Tue, 14 Mar 2006
People are forever turning up on #gimp to ask (quite reasonably)
how to center a layer, since GIMP offers no built-in way to do that.
There are Python and Perl scripts around somewhere (and
it's easy to write, a great project if you're thinking about
learning how to write GIMP scripts in any language).
And the new Align tool can probably center, for those
using GIMP 2.3, but the tool is a bit difficult for most
people to figure out (fear not, the UI is still being developed).
But for those who want a quick solution:
Center a Layer:
Cut, then paste. The pasted layer comes out centered.
(Unfortunately this loses text information, so if it's a text
layer this isn't an ideal solution.)
Paste a layer on top of a copy of itself:
Do a
Layer to Imagesize before copying.
Then copies of the layer will overlap the original.
Tags: gimp
19:51 Mar 14, 2006
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Mon, 30 Jan 2006
Although I haven't been writing about it here, for most of
the past year I've been working on a new GIMP book for Apress, called
GIMP: From Novice to Professional.
Today the work was over: the last bits shipped to the printer!
The rest is just waiting (... and waiting ... and waiting ...)
Amazon has a page
on it already (complete with typo in the description; sigh)
for folks who like to pre-order their books months early.
Scheduled release date is currently late April.
(I think they have to grow the trees first.)
In case you haven't already heard other authors say it, writing a
book is a lot more work than you think it will be. Even if other
authors have already told you that it's more work than you think it
will be, it's more work than that. If you thought you already knew
the subject you were writing about, think again. You'll find out how
little you really knew. You'll discover all sorts of options you never
noticed in your favorite tools, and new (and often better) ways to
do things than the methods you'd been using for years.
You'll discover bugs in plug-ins no one's used in a while,
and why things you always thought were bugs really aren't.
That's the good sort of "too much work": the kind that keeps
you learning, so that you come away from it with more than you
started with. It's been fun. But I confess that I'll be glad to take
a rest for a while and work on some long neglected coding projects.
I celebrated ship-to-printer with a little GIMP hacking
(adding that feature list to configure that I
for last week, so now GIMP will warn you of any missing features
before you start your 45-minute build);
and with lamb kebab with zereshk polo at Chatanoga.
Tags: gimp
22:38 Jan 30, 2006
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Tue, 24 Jan 2006
I've been frustrated for some time at GIMP 2.3's inability to save
EXIF data whenever I save a JPEG image. There were several bugs
report on the problem, and I just assumed that this was something
which had broken somewhere along the line and hadn't been fixed yet.
It turns out it was a stupid build problem on my machine: I didn't have
libexif-dev installed on either of my Ubuntu systems, and GIMP's
configure script wasn't warning me about it in any obvious way.
(Of course, had I taken the time to read through the 3679 lines of
config.log, the information was buried in there around
line 2199.)
So now I have EXIF again, at least on the laptop (hooray!) but I
also learned something more important: after running configure for
the first time on any new system, before running make, do this:
grep -i "will not" config.log
That may not flag everything, but at least it's a start at getting
a list of features that have been disabled because of dependencies
you forgot to install (anything which configure is smart enough to
tell you "will not be built").
Schumaml had the great idea of putting a list of enabled features
in the About box. Maybe I'll look into doing that in a week or two
(when the current crunch is over and I have more time to upgrade my
development machine so that it can use gtk 2.8 and I can actually
build GIMP again).
Update: I added
a printout similar to the one I thought I remembered, so there
should be no further need to grep for "will not".
Tags: gimp
15:11 Jan 24, 2006
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Mon, 29 Aug 2005
Sven, one of the GIMP developers, has been interested in setting up
a "paper prototyping" system for reorganizing the GIMP's menus
(see his
Since I've been involved with some of the ongoing menu
reorganization, we've talked about it a bit, and discussed some
tools that are being written to assist with online paper prototyping
(since the "get everybody together in a room with slips of paper"
model doesn't work for worldwide distributed projects).
But for some reason it never occurred to me until a couple days ago
that GIMP itself would make a fine paper prototyping tool.
The move tool lets you move the text layers into any configuration
you like, you can control colors and fonts, and you can save to your
choice of standard formats.
It didn't take long at all to whip up a script-fu to
enable paper prototyping, which I posted
to the gimp-developer list.
Nobody has actually used my script to comment on the menu reorganization
yet ... but what the heck, it was fun to write the script. Maybe
it'll be useful in other projects that need paper prototyping.
Tags: gimp
17:43 Aug 29, 2005
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Fri, 29 Jul 2005
I've switched my desktop machine from straight Debian (unstable, or
"sid") to Ubuntu "Hoary Hedgehog". Sid was just getting
unstable for me (I'd been spoiled because it really has been pretty
stable, except for printing problems, for the past few years).
Freetype now has rendering problems, so any fixed width
terminal font is nearly unreadable and many PDFs aren't readable
at all. There are issues related to the switch to gcc 4. But the
last straw was when printing to my Epson C86 stopped working.
(I try to make a point of mentioning bug numbers when I whine about
open source issues. The freetype problem with terminal fonts was
already reported as bug 315150, and I opened bug 319068 on the pdf
issue though I suspect it's part of the same problem.
The gcc4 issues are well known and are just transitional issues.
I didn't bother reporting the printer regression; after over a year
of having similar bugs for my old printer ignored, finally giving
up and buying a new printer specifically so that I could continue
to run Debian, it's hard to have much confidence that reporting
printing bugs is worthwhile.)
The switchover to Ubuntu was surprisingly painless.
The install went fairly smoothly, and
in half a day I was up and running with my environment
(currently fvwm) customized the way I wanted it.
The only problems I've had with hoary are poor rendering of
fixed-width fonts (not as poor as sid with the freetype bug,
but a lot worse than debian used to be) and inability to play mp3
(I suspect I'll hit problems with other formats such as wmv as well,
but I haven't tried yet). The font problem is quite annoying and no
change I make to /etc/fonts/local.conf seems to make any difference.
The mp3 problem probably requires downloading and hand-installing
something -- I hear rumours that there's nothing apt-gettable which
will make non-free formats work, though that seems odd for a distro
aimed at desktop users.
Update 7/31: Turns out there are hoary packages for mp3 handling
after all. Search for "mad" rather than "mp3", e.g. xmms-mad adds
mp3 support to xmms.
But first I had to set up a development environment.
Ubuntu's install is very minimal, since it uses only a single
CD. It doesn't even install gcc by default. So I enabled all the
ubuntu sources (restricted, universe, multiverse) and I've been
gradually adding packages to get back everything I had on sid.
GIMP (2.3, from CVS) seemed like a good build test.
Assembling the dependencies was straightforward but time consuming.
Since people new to building GIMP are often confused about what
they'll need, I kept track of the additional packages I needed,
and posted the full list on my
GIMP building page.
Tags: gimp
12:24 Jul 29, 2005
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Mon, 20 Jun 2005
I'm working with the GIMP developers to do some minor reorganization
of some of the menus.
In particular, we wanted to get things like script-fu
and python-fu out of the menus so users don't have to know what
language a function is written in to use it.
That part of the patch (for the image window; the Toolbox Xtns menu
reorganization is still pending) got checked in a few days ago.
Sven is now soliciting comments on the next step on his Planet
Gnome blog. The proposal for the next step is in
116145. There haven't been many comments; I encourage anyone
interested in GIMP's menus to read that bug and comment in it.
The Toolbox Xtns menu reorganization is a bit more complicated,
since there are two conflicting proposals, in bug
145507 and bug
158980. I tried to suggest just moving stuff out of the
Script-Fu menu for now, since there's no agreement on further
changes yet, but that went over like a lead balloon.
So it's back to the image window's Filters menu. If there aren't
any comments in a few more days I'll just go ahead with
the proposal in the bug.
Maybe I'll even get to use my shiny new CVS access to check the
changes in myself. Woo!
Tags: gimp
11:49 Jun 20, 2005
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Sun, 08 May 2005
Updating the blog again after taking time off for various reasons,
including lack of time, homework, paying work, broken computer
motherboard and other hardware problems, illness, a hand injury,
and so on.
This afternoon, thanks to a very helpful Keir Mierle showing
up on #gimp, I finally got all the pieces sorted and I now have
a working tablet again. Hurrah!
I've put details of the setup that finally worked on my Linux and Wacom
Tags: linux, imaging, gimp
19:08 May 08, 2005
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Wed, 02 Feb 2005
Someone showed up on #gimp the other day asking about how to make
business cards. He was on Windows, so gLabels wasn't really an
option, and of course my old gimp-print patch to read gLabels label
templates would have been no help to a Windows user.
I got to thinking about how easy it would be to write a little
gimp script analogous to my CD label script, which created a
rectangular template in which to design a label, then created a
bigger image scaled to the size of a page on which the label
could be repeatedly positioned, with specified start and end points.
I couldn't resist trying it. It wasn't quite as easy as I had
initially thought, mainly because I don't know script-fu very well
and debugging script-fu is painful.
But it still only took a few hours on a couple successive
days to hack up something that more or less works:
I didn't try to parse the gLabels XML from script-fu; I wrote a
separate python script to translate the label templates into
It's not perfect. On a page of 30 Avery 5160 labels (10 rows),
it gets a little off by the bottom of the page. I don't know yet
if this is a problem in the gLabels template, in my understanding
of the parameters, or in the script-fu. It's fine for shorter
I integrated my existing CD label routines into the script, but
haven't yet written code to parse the CD label templates and make
a print page from them. I've lost motivation for working on CD
labels anyway, since discovering a few months ago how drastically
they hurt CD longevity.
Anyway, GimpLabels was a fun hack, and an example of how easy it is
to do this sort of thing in gimp.
Tags: gimp
12:20 Feb 02, 2005
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Tue, 25 Jan 2005
I've started my
"GIMP for
Beginners" course on the
Courses mailing list, topic "gimp".
Anyone reading this is welcome to join in!
Here's the first posting, Lesson
Tags: gimp
11:10 Jan 25, 2005
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Tue, 28 Sep 2004
I shot way too many panoramas on the Southpark trip (places like
Canyonlands just don't fit in any normal camera lens) and ran up
against some irritations in
when stitching them together.
Notably, it no longer remembered the overlap value from the previous
run, and if you select filenames in the filepicker but don't click
"Add" it just exited silently. Version 0.7 fixes those problems
(Yosh figured out that it needed a call to gimp_main_exit in order
to remember the values),
and cleans up some crufty code that was left over from blindly
copying the gimp sample plugin.
Tags: gimp
12:28 Sep 28, 2004
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