Shallow Thoughts : tags : pytopo
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Fri, 15 Nov 2024
For Day 15 of the 30 Day Map Challenge, "My Data", I'm highlighting
a feature I added to PyTopo
last week: the ability to read GPS tags in image files.
JPEG, and probably other image formats as well, lets you store GPS
coordinates inside the EXIF (EXchangeable Image File format) metadata
stored within each image file.
Read more ...
Tags: mapping, GIS, programming, python, pytopo, android
12:33 Nov 15, 2024
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Thu, 16 Nov 2023
Yesterday's 30-Day Map Challenge
theme was OpenStreetMap.
I use (and contribute to)
OpenStreetMap quite a bit, and I use
OSM basemaps in pretty much all my mapping. (I have used Google in the
past, but between their changing or withdrawing APIs every few years,
and suddenly deciding to
for previously free APIs, I switched to using only open source maps.)
But that was yesterday, which was group hiking day, so I was out
tramping over mountains instead of sitting at the computer making maps.
But a wrong turn on the hike led to a serendipitous discovery that
wouldn't have happened without OpenStreetMap.
Read more ...
Tags: hiking, mapping, pytopo, serendipit, 30DayMapChallenge, openstreetmap
11:08 Nov 16, 2023
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Sat, 04 Nov 2023
I've been wistfully watching the hashtag
on Mastodon. For several years in a row, I've told myself I'm going to try
the 30 Day Map Challenge
... and each time,
I get busy with other stuff. And this year is no different.
So instead of trying to do all thirty exercises, I'll just do a few of
the challenges when I have time and motivation.
Better than nothing, right?
And as it happened, yesterday I got the urge to do a map-related project.
Except it lined up with Day 2, whereas I didn't get it working til
this morning.
So, two days late, here is my:
30 Day Map Challenge Day 2: Lines
During a bike ride along the fast section of one of our fantastic
White Rock trails, I found myself wishing I could view my track logs
colorized according to how fast I was going. And I realized that
I could pretty easily add that to
PyTopo's track log
displaying code. And as long as I was doing that, why not also add
the ability to colorize by elevation as well?
Most GPX track logs already include elevation (though the ones I get
from OsmAnd aren't super accurate:
they're GPS elevation rather than using the barometric sensor that
some phones have). Track logs from OsmAnd sometimes include
speed, via the nonstandard construct
which PyTopo already knows how to parse;
and of course, for track logs that don't include speed,
it can be calculated according to the distance
and time difference from the previous track point.
Indeed, it was pretty easy to add. I put it on the context menu as a new
submenu, Colorize Tracks.
I probably should play with the colormaps
and use something smarter than a simple blue-to-red gradient,
but even as it is, it's fun to look at a hike to Nambe Lake colorized
by altitude (first image) or a mountain bike ride along Potrillo Mesa and
the Boundary Trail colorized by speed (second image).
The code is on GitHub, in
this commit.
Again, that's for the challenge two days ago.
Today's Map Challenge is "A Bad Map". No promises that I'll have time for
another mapping project today ... but I'm looking forward to seeing what
other people come up with.
Tags: mapping, GIS, 30DayMapChallenge, pytopo
12:28 Nov 04, 2023
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Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Five years ago, I wrote about
Clicking through a translucent window: using X11 input shapes
and how I used a translucent image window that allows click-through,
positioned on top of PyTopo, to trace an image of an old map and
create tracks or waypoints.
But the app that I wrote then was based on
GTK2, which is now obsolete and has been removed from most Linux
distro repositories. So when I found myself wanting GIS to help
investigate a
growing trail controversy in Pueblo Canyon,
I discovered I didn't have a usable click-through image viewer.
Read more ...
Tags: programming, X11, python, mapping, GIS, pytopo
19:08 Jun 23, 2022
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Fri, 13 May 2022
I've been using the Wildland Fires map from
to keep an eye on the Cerro Pelado fire and the larger (though more
distant from me) Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon fires raging in the Pecos.
It's an excellent map, but it's a little sporadic in whether it shows
the fire perimeter. In any case, as a data junkie, I wanted to know how
to get the data and make my own display, maybe for a quick viewer that
I can pop up when I sign on in the morning.
Also, Los Alamos County, on its
Pelado Information page, has a map showing the "Go" lines (if the
fire crosses these lines, we have to evacuate) for Los Alamos and
White Rock and I'd like to be able to view those lines
on the same map with the fire perimeter and hot spots.
Read more ...
Tags: mapping, GIS, fire, data, open data, pytopo
10:46 May 13, 2022
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Thu, 06 Apr 2017
Update 2022-06-24: Although the concepts described in this article
are still valid, the program I wrote depends on GTK2 and is therefore
obsolete. I discuss versions for more modern toolkits here:
Clicking through a Translucent Image Window.
It happened again: someone sent me a JPEG file with an image of a topo
map, with a hiking trail and interesting stopping points drawn on it.
Better than nothing. But what I really want on a hike is GPX waypoints
that I can load into OsmAnd, so I can see whether I'm still on the trail
and how to get to each point from where I am now.
My PyTopo program
lets you view the coordinates of any point, so you can make a waypoint
from that. But for adding lots of waypoints, that's too much work, so
I added an "Add Waypoint" context menu item -- that was easy,
took maybe twenty minutes.
PyTopo already had the ability to save its existing tracks and waypoints
as a GPX file, so no problem there.
But how do you locate the waypoints you want? You can do it the hard
way: show the JPEG in one window, PyTopo in the other, and
do the "let's see the road bends left then right, and the point is
off to the northwest just above the right bend and about two and a half
times as far away as the distance through both road bends". Ugh.
It takes forever and it's terribly inaccurate.
More than once, I've wished for a way to put up a translucent image
overlay that would let me click through it. So I could see the image,
line it up with the map in PyTopo (resizing as needed),
then click exactly where I wanted waypoints.
I needed two features beyond what normal image viewers offer:
translucency, and the ability to pass mouse clicks through to the
window underneath.
A translucent image viewer, in Python
The first part, translucency, turned out to be trivial.
In a class inheriting from my
ImageViewerWindow, I just needed to add this line to the constructor:
Plus one more step.
The window was translucent now, but it didn't look translucent,
because I'm running a simple window manager (Openbox) that
doesn't have a compositor built in. Turns out you can run a compositor on top
of Openbox. There are lots of compositors; the first one I found,
which worked fine, was
xcompmgr -c -t-6 -l-6 -o.1
The -c specifies client-side compositing. -t and -l specify top and left
offsets for window shadows (negative so they go on the bottom right).
-o.1 sets the opacity of window shadows. In the long run, -o0 is
probably best (no shadows at all) since the shadow interferes
a bit with seeing the window under the translucent one. But having a
subtle .1 shadow was useful while I was debugging.
That's all I needed: voilà, translucent windows.
Now on to the (much) harder part.
A click-through window, in C
X11 has something called the SHAPE extension, which I experimented with
once before to make a silly program called
It's also used for the familiar "xeyes" program.
It's used to make windows that aren't square, by passing a shape mask
telling X what shape you want your window to be.
In theory, I knew I could do something like make a mask where every
other pixel was transparent, which would simulate a translucent image,
and I'd at least be able to pass clicks through on half the pixels.
But fortunately, first I asked the estimable Openbox guru Mikael
Magnusson, who tipped me off that the SHAPE extension also allows for
an "input shape" that does exactly what I wanted: lets you catch
events on only part of the window and pass them through on the rest,
regardless of which parts of the window are visible.
Knowing that was great. Making it work was another matter.
Input shapes turn out to be something hardly anyone uses, and
there's very little documentation.
In both C and Python, I struggled with drawing onto a pixmap
and using it to set the input shape. Finally I realized that there's a
call to set the input shape from an X region. It's much easier to build
a region out of rectangles than to draw onto a pixmap.
I got a C demo working first. The essence of it was this:
if (!XShapeQueryExtension(dpy, &shape_event_base, &shape_error_base)) {
printf("No SHAPE extension\n");
/* Make a shaped window, a rectangle smaller than the total
* size of the window. The rest will be transparent.
region = CreateRegion(outerBound, outerBound,
XWinSize-outerBound*2, YWinSize-outerBound*2);
XShapeCombineRegion(dpy, win, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, region, ShapeSet);
/* Make a frame region.
* So in the outer frame, we get input, but inside it, it passes through.
region = CreateFrameRegion(innerBound);
XShapeCombineRegion(dpy, win, ShapeInput, 0, 0, region, ShapeSet);
CreateRegion sets up rectangle boundaries, then creates a region
from those boundaries:
Region CreateRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
Region region = XCreateRegion();
XRectangle rectangle;
rectangle.x = x;
rectangle.y = y;
rectangle.width = w;
rectangle.height = h;
XUnionRectWithRegion(&rectangle, region, region);
return region;
CreateFrameRegion() is similar but a little longer. Rather than post it
all here, I've created a
transregion.c, demonstrating X11 shaped input.
Next problem: once I had shaped input working, I could no longer move
or resize the window, because the window manager passed events through
the window's titlebar and decorations as well as through the rest of
the window.
That's why you'll see that CreateFrameRegion call in the gist:
-- I had a theory that if I omitted the outer part of the window from
the input shape, and handled input normally around the outside, maybe
that would extend to the window manager decorations. But the problem
turned out to be a minor Openbox bug, which Mikael quickly
tracked down (in openbox/frame.c, in the
XShapeCombineRectangles call on line 321,
change ShapeBounding to kind).
Openbox developers are the greatest!
Input Shapes in Python
Okay, now I had a proof of concept: X input shapes definitely can work,
at least in C. How about in Python?
There's a set of python-xlib bindings, and they even supports the SHAPE
extension, but they have no documentation and didn't seem to include
input shapes. I filed a GitHub issue and traded a few notes with
the maintainer of the project.
It turned out the newest version of python-xlib had been completely
rewritten, and supposedly does support input shapes. But the API is
completely different from the C API, and after wasting about half a day
tweaking the demo program trying to reverse engineer it, I gave up.
Fortunately, it turns out there's a much easier way. Python-gtk has
shape support, even including input shapes. And if you use regions
instead of pixmaps, it's this simple:
if self.is_composited():
region = gtk.gdk.region_rectangle(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1))
self.window.input_shape_combine_region(region, 0, 0)
came out nice and simple, inheriting from and adding only
translucency and the input shape.
If you want to define an input shape based on pixmaps instead of regions,
it's a bit harder and you need to use the Cairo drawing API. I never got as
far as working code, but I believe it should go something like this:
# Warning: untested code!
bitmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(None, self.width, self.height, 1)
cr = bitmap.cairo_create()
# Draw a white circle in a black rect:
cr.rectangle(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
# draw white filled circle
cr.arc(self.width / 2, self.height / 2, self.width / 4,
0, 2 * math.pi);
self.window.input_shape_combine_mask(bitmap, 0, 0)
The translucent image viewer worked just as I'd hoped. I was able to
take a JPG of a trailmap, overlay it on top of a PyTopo window, scale
the JPG using the normal Openbox window manager handles, then
right-click on top of trail markers to set waypoints. When I was done,
a "Save as GPX" in PyTopo and I had a file ready to take with me on my
Tags: programming, X11, python, mapping, GIS, pytopo
17:08 Apr 06, 2017
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Fri, 26 Aug 2016
I recently wrote about
track files between mapping formats like GPX, KML, KMZ and UTM
But there's one common mapping format that keeps coming up that's hard to
handle using free software, and tricky to translate to other formats:
ESRI shapefiles.
ArcGIS shapefiles are crazy. Typically they come as an archive that
includes many different files, with the same base name but different
filename.sbn, filename.shx, filename.cpg, filename.sbx,
filename.dbf, filename.shp, filename.prj, and so forth.
Which of these are important and which aren't?
To be honest, I don't know. I found this description in my searches:
"A shape file map consists of the geometry (.shp), the spatial index
(.shx), the attribute table (.dbf) and the projection metadata file
(.prj)." Poking around, I found that most of the interesting metadata
(trail name, description, type, access restrictions and so on)
was in the .dbf file.
You can convert the whole mess into other formats using the
program. On Debian it's part of the gdal-bin
package. Pass it the .shp filename, and it will look in the same
directory for files with the same basename and other shapefile-related
extensions. For instance, to convert to KML:
ogr2ogr -f KML output.kml input.shp
Unfortunately, most of the metadata -- comments on trail conditions
and access restrictions that were in the .dbf file -- didn't make it
into the KML.
GPX was even worse.
knows how to convert directly to GPX,
but that printed a lot of errors like
"Field of name 'foo' is not supported in GPX schema. Use
GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS creation option to allow use of the <extensions>
element." So I tried
ogr2ogr -f "GPX" -dsco GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES output.gpx input.shp
but that just led to more errors.
It did produce a GPX file, but it had almost no useful data in it,
far less than the KML did. I got a better GPX file by using ogr2ogr
to convert to KML, then using gpsbabel to convert that KML to GPX.
Use GeoJSON instead to preserve the metadata
But there is a better way: GeoJSON.
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" -t_srs crs:84 output.geojson input.shp
That preserved most, maybe all, of the metadata the .dbf file and gave
me a nicely formatted file. The only problem was that I didn't have any
programs that could read GeoJSON ...
But JSON is a nice straightforward format, easy to
read and easy to parse, and it took surprisingly little work to add
GeoJSON parsing to
Now, at least, I have a way to view the maps converted from shapefiles,
click on a trail and see the metadata from the original shapefile.
See also:
Tags: GIS, mapping, shapefiles, ESRI, ArcGIS, pytopo
12:11 Aug 26, 2016
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Sun, 27 Sep 2015
Every now and then I need to create a series of contrasting colors.
For instance, in my mapping app
when displaying several track logs at once, I want them to be different
colors so it's easy to tell which track is which.
Of course, I could make a list of five or ten different colors and
cycle through the list. But I hate doing work that a computer could
do for me.
Choosing random RGB (red, green and blue) values for the colors,
though, doesn't work so well. Sometimes you end up getting two similar
colors together. Other times, you get colors that just don't work
well, because they're so light they look white, or so dark they look
black, or so unsaturated they look like shades of grey.
What does work well is converting to the HSV color space:
hue, saturation and value.
Hue is a measure of the color -- that it's red, or blue, or
yellow green, or orangeish, or a reddish purple.
Saturation measures how intense the color is: is it a bright, vivid
red or a washed-out red? Value tells you how light or dark it is: is
it so pale it's almost white, so dark it's almost black, or somewhere
in between? (A similar model, called HSL, substitutes Lightness for Value,
but is similar enough in concept.)
If you're not familiar with HSV, you can get a good feel for it by
playing with GIMP's color chooser (which pops up when you click the
black Foreground or white Background color swatch in GIMP's toolbox).
The vertical rainbow bar selects Hue. Once you have a hue, dragging
up or down in the square changes Saturation;
dragging right or left changes Value.
You can also change one at a time by dragging the H, S or V sliders at
the upper right of the dialog.
Why does this matter? Because once you've chosen a saturation and value,
or at least ensured that saturation is fairly high and value is
somewhere in the middle of its range, you can cycle through hues
and be assured that you'll get colors that are fairly different each time.
If you had a red last time, this time it'll be a green, or yellow, or
blue, depending on how much you change the hue.
How does this work programmatically?
PyTopo uses Python-GTK, so I need a function that takes a gtk.gdk.Color
and chooses a new, contrasting Color. Fortunately, gtk.gdk.Color already
has hue, saturation
and value
built in.
is a floating-point number between 0 and 1,
so I just have to choose how much to jump. Like this:
def contrasting_color(color):
'''Returns a gtk.gdk.Color of similar saturation and value
to the color passed in, but a contrasting hue.
gtk.gdk.Color objects have a hue between 0 and 1.
if not color:
return self.first_track_color;
# How much to jump in hue:
jump = .37
return gtk.gdk.color_from_hsv(color.hue + jump,
What if you're not using Python-GTK?
No problem. The first time I used this technique, I was generating
Javascript code for a company's analytics web page.
colorsys module works fine for converting red, green, blue triples
to HSV (or a variety of other colorspaces) which you can then use in
whatever graphics package you prefer.
Tags: programming, python, gimp, pytopo
13:27 Sep 27, 2015
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Fri, 16 Aug 2013
Dave and I have been doing some exploratory househunting trips,
and one of the challenges is how to maintain a list of houses and
navigate from location to location. It's basically like geocaching,
navigating from one known location to the next.
Sure, there are smartphone apps to do things like "show houses for
sale near here" against a Google Maps background. But we didn't want
everything, just the few gems we'd picked out ahead of time.
And some of the places we're looking are fairly remote -- you can't
always count on a consistent signal everywhere as you drive around,
let alone a connection fast enough to download map tiles.
Fortunately, I use a wonderful open-source Android program called
It's the best, bar none, at offline mapping: download data files
prepared from OpenStreetMap
vector data, and you're good to go, even into remote areas with no
network connectivity. It's saved our butts more than once exploring
remote dirt tracks in the Mojave. And since the maps come from
OpenStreetMap, if you find anything wrong with the map, you can fix it.
So the map part is taken care of. What about that list of houses?
Making waypoint files
On the other hand, one of OsmAnd's many cool features is that it can
show track logs. I can upload a GPX file from my Garmin, or record a
track within OsmAnd, and display the track on OsmAnd's map.
GPX track files can include waypoints. What if I made a GPX file
consisting only of waypoints and descriptions for each house?
My husband was already making text files of potentially interesting houses:
404 E David Dr
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
3 Bed 2 Bath
1,673 Sq Ft
0.23 acres
2948 W Wilson Dr
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
3 Bed 2 Bath
1,908 Sq Ft
8,000 Sq Ft Lot
... (and so on)
So I just needed to turn those into GPX.
GPX is a fairly straightforward XML format -- I've parsed GPX files
for pytopo
and for ellie,
and generating them from Python should be easier than parsing.
But first I needed latitude and longitude coordinates.
A quick web search solved that: an excellent page called
latitude and longitude with Google Maps.
You paste the address in and it shows you the location on a map
along with latitude and longitude. Thanks to Bernard Vatant at Mondeca!
For each house, I copied the coordinates directly from the page
and pasted them into the file. (Though that got old after about the fifth
house; I'll write about automating that step in a separate article.)
Then I wrote a script called
that parses a file of coordinates and descriptions and makes waypoint files.
Run it like this: waymaker infile.txt outfile.gpx
and it will create (or overwrite) a gpx file consisting of those waypoints.
Getting it into OsmAnd
I plugged my Android device into my computer's USB port, mounted it as
usb-storage and copied all the GPX files into osmand/tracks
(I had to create the tracks subdirectory myself, since I hadn't
recorded any tracks. After restarting OsmAnd, it was able to see all
the waypoint files.
OsmAnd has a couple of other ways of showing points besides track files.
"Favorites" lets you mark a point on the map and save it to various
Favorites categories. But although there's a file named favorites.gpx,
changes you make to it never show up in the program. Apparently they're
cached somewhere else. "POI" (short for Points of Interest) can be
uploaded, but only as a .obf OsmAnd file or a .sqlitedb database, and
there isn't much documentation on how to create either one.
GPX tracks seemed like the easiest solution, and I've been happy
with them so far.
Update: I asked on the osmand mailing list; it turns out that on the
Favorites screen (Define View, then Favorites) there's a Refresh
button that makes osmand re-read favorites.gpx. Works great.
It uses pretty much the same format as track files -- I took
<wpt></wpt> sequences I'd generated with waymaker and
added them to my existing favorites.gpx file, adding appropriate
categories. It's nice to have two different ways to display and
categorize waypoints within the app.
Using waypoints in OsmAnd
How do you view these waypoints once they're loaded?
When you're in OsmAnd's map view, tap the menu button and choose
Define View, then GPX track...
You'll see a list of all your GPX files; choose the one you want.
You'll be taken back to the map view,
at a location and zoom level that shows all your waypoints. Don't
panic if you don't see them immediately; sometimes I needed
to scroll and zoom around a little before OsmAnd noticed there were
waypoints and started drawing them.
Then you can navigate in the usual way. When you get to a waypoint,
tap on it to see the description brieftly -- I was happy to find that
multiple line descriptions work just fine. Or long-press on it to pop up a
persistent description window that will stay up until you dismiss it.
It worked beautifully for our trip, both for houses and for
other things like motels and points of interest along the way.
Tags: mapping, GIS, geocaching, househunting, programming, osmand, pytopo, openstreetmap
15:58 Aug 16, 2013
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Wed, 16 Nov 2011
A new trail opened up above Alum Rock park! Actually a whole new open
space preserve, called Sierra Vista -- with an extensive set of trails
that go all sorts of interesting places.
Dave and I visit Alum Rock frequently -- we were married there --
so having so much new trail mileage is exciting. We tried to explore it
on foot, but quickly realized the mileage was more suited to mountain
bikes. Even with bikes, we'll be exploring this area for a while
(mostly due to not having biked in far too long, so it'll take us
a while to work up to that much riding ... a combination of health
problems and family issues have conspired to keep us off the bikes).
Of course, part of the fun of discovering a new trail system is poring
over maps trying to figure out where the trails will take us, then
taking GPS track logs to study later to see where we actually went.
And as usual when uploading GPS track logs and viewing them in pytopo,
I found some things that weren't working quite the way I wanted,
so the session ended up being less about studying maps and more
about hacking Python.
In the end, I fixed quite a few little bugs, improved some features,
and got saved sites with saved zoom levels working far better.
Now, PyTopo 1.0 happened quite a while ago -- but there were two of
us hacking madly on it at the time, and pinning down the exact time
when it should be called 1.0 wasn't easy. In fact, we never actually
did it. I know that sounds silly -- of all releases to not get around
to, finally reaching 1.0? Nevertheless, that's what happened.
I thought about cheating and calling this one 1.0, but we've had 1.0
beta RPMs floating around for so long (and for a much earlier release)
that that didn't seem right.
So I've called the new release PyTopo 1.1. It seems to be working
pretty solidly. It's certainly been very helpful to me in exploring
the new trails. It's great for cross-checking with Google Earth:
the OpenCycleMap database has much better trail data than Google
does, and pytopo has easy track log loading and will work offline,
while Google has the 3-D projection aerial imagery that shows
where trails and roads were historically (which may or may not
correspond to where they decide to put the new trails).
It's great to have both.
Anyway, here's the
new PyTopo.
Tags: mapping, GIS, programming, python, pytopo
20:59 Nov 16, 2011
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Sat, 30 Oct 2010
On our recent Mojave trip, as usual I spent some of the evenings
reviewing maps and track logs from some of the neat places we explored.
There isn't really any existing open source program for offline
mapping, something that works even when you don't have a network.
So long ago, I wrote Pytopo,
a little program that can take map tiles from a Windows program called
Topo! (or tiles you generate yourself somehow) and let you navigate
around in that map.
But in the last few years, a wonderful new source of map tiles has
become available: OpenStreetMap.
On my last desert trip, I whipped up some code to show OSM tiles, but
a lot of the code was hacky and empirical because I couldn't find any
documentation for details like the tile naming scheme.
Well, that's changed. Upon returning to civilization I discovered
there's now a wonderful page explaining the
map tilenames very clearly, with sample code and everything.
And that was the missing piece -- from there, all the things I'd
been missing in pytopo came together, and now it's a useful
self-contained mapping script that can download its own tiles, and
cache them so that when you lose net access, your maps don't disappear
along with everything else.
Pytopo can show GPS track logs and waypoints, so you can see where you
went as well as where you might want to go, and whether that road off
to the right actually would have connected with where you thought you
were heading.
It's all updated in svn and on the
Pytopo page.
Most of the pytopo work came after returning from the desert, when I
was able to google and find that OSM tile naming page. But while still
out there and with no access to the web, I wanted to review the track
logs from some of our hikes and see how much climbing we'd done.
I have a simple package for plotting elevation from track logs,
called Ellie.
But when I ran it, I discovered that I'd never gotten around to
installing the pylab Python plotting package (say that three times
fast!) on this laptop.
No hope of installing the package without a net ... so instead, I
tweaked Ellie so that so that without pylab you can still print out
statistics like total climb. While I was at it I added total distance,
time spent moving and time spent stopped. Not a big deal, but it gave
me the numbers I wanted. It's available as ellie 0.3.
Tags: mapping, GIS, programming, python, pytopo, openstreetmap
19:24 Oct 30, 2010
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Fri, 08 Jan 2010
We just had the second earthquake in two days, and I was chatting with
someone about past earthquakes and wanted to measure the distance to
some local landmarks. So I fired up
PyTopo as the easiest way
to do that. Click on one point, click on a second point and it prints
distance and bearing from the first point to the second.
Except it didn't. In fact, clicks weren't working at all. And although
I have hacked a bit on parts of pytopo (the most recent project was
trying to get scaling working properly in tiles imported from OpenStreetMap),
the click handling isn't something I've touched in quite a while.
It turned out that there's a regression in PyGTK: mouse button release
events now need you to set an event mask for button presses as well as
button releases. You need both, for some reason. So you now need code
that looks like this:
drawing_area.connect("button-release-event", button_event)
drawing_area.set_events(gtk.gdk.EXPOSURE_MASK |
# next line wasn't needed before:
An easy fix ... once you find it.
I filed
bug 606453
to see whether the regression was intentional.
I've checked in the fix to the
svn repository on Google Code.
It's so nice having a public source code repository like that!
I'm planning to move Pho to Google Code soon.
Tags: programming, python, pygtk, mapping, pytopo
14:20 Jan 08, 2010
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Fri, 25 Aug 2006
Belated release announcement: 0.5b2 of my little map viewer
has been working well, so I released 0.5 last week with only a
few minor changes from the beta.
I'm sure I'll immediately find six major bugs -- but hey, that's
what point releases are for. I only did betas this time because
of the changed configuration file format.
I also made a start on a documentation page for the .pytopo file
(though it doesn't really have much that wasn't already written
in comments inside the script).
Tags: programming, python, gtk, pygtk, mapping, GIS, pytopo
22:10 Aug 25, 2006
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Wed, 06 Apr 2005
While on vacation, I couldn't resist tweaking
so that I could use it to explore some of the areas we were
It seems fairly usable now. You can scroll around, zoom in and out
to change between the two different map series, and get the
coordinates of a particular location by clicking. I celebrated
by making a page for it, with a silly tux-peering-over-map icon.
One annoyance: it repaints every time it gets a focus in or out,
which means, for people like me who use mouse focus, that it
repaints twice for each time the mouse moves over the window.
This isn't visible, but it would drag the CPU down a bit on a
slow machine (which matters since mapping programs are particularly
useful on laptops and handhelds).
It turns out this is a pygtk problem: any pygtk drawing area window
gets spurious Expose events every time the focus changes (whether or
not you've asked to track focus events), and it reports that the
whole window needs to be repainted, and doesn't seem to be
distinguishable in any way from a real Expose event.
The regular gtk libraries (called from C) don't do this, nor
do Xlib C programs; only pygtk.
I filed
bug 172842
on pygtk; perhaps someone will come up with a workaround, though
the couple of pygtk developers I found on #pygtk couldn't think
of one (and said I shouldn't worry about it since most people
don't use pointer focus ... sigh).
Tags: programming, python, gtk, pygtk, mapping, GIS, pytopo
17:26 Apr 06, 2005
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