Shallow Thoughts : tags : data
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Sat, 02 Nov 2024
I have a new eBike! I'll write about it more before long, but for now,
what's relevant to the 30 Day
Map Challenge is that it's from Specialized, and if you use
the Specialized phone app, it can record all sorts of fun statistics
for rides, including GPS coordinates.
Read more ...
Tags: mapping, GIS, 30DayMapChallenge, bike, ebike, data
13:54 Nov 02, 2024
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Mon, 27 Nov 2023
The dataset I used for
fire perimeters
is huge: not surprising if it's all historic fires for the US.
Classifying it in QGIS gave a warning, and operations
were very slow. Here's how to clip a big dataset in QGIS to restrict it
to a smaller geographic area.
Read more ...
Tags: mapping, GIS, qgis, data
11:43 Nov 27, 2023
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Fri, 13 May 2022
I've been using the Wildland Fires map from
to keep an eye on the Cerro Pelado fire and the larger (though more
distant from me) Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon fires raging in the Pecos.
It's an excellent map, but it's a little sporadic in whether it shows
the fire perimeter. In any case, as a data junkie, I wanted to know how
to get the data and make my own display, maybe for a quick viewer that
I can pop up when I sign on in the morning.
Also, Los Alamos County, on its
Pelado Information page, has a map showing the "Go" lines (if the
fire crosses these lines, we have to evacuate) for Los Alamos and
White Rock and I'd like to be able to view those lines
on the same map with the fire perimeter and hot spots.
Read more ...
Tags: mapping, GIS, fire, data, open data, pytopo
10:46 May 13, 2022
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Mon, 06 Apr 2020
I keep seeing people claim that 40% of consumer food in the US is thrown
away uneaten, or hear statistics like 20 pounds of wasted food per
person per month.
I simply don't believe it.
There's no question that some food is wasted.
It's hard to avoid having that big
watermelon go bad before you have a chance to finish it all,
especially when you're a one- or two-person household and the market
won't sell you a quarter pound of cherries or half a pound of ground
beef. And then there's all the stuff you don't want to eat: the bones, the
fat, the banana peels and apple cores, the artichoke leaves and corn cobs.
But even if you count all that ... 40 percent?
2/3 of a pound per day per person?
And that's supposed to be an average -- so if Dave and I
are throwing out a few ounces, somebody else would have to be throwing
out multiple pounds a day. It just doesn't seem possible.
Who would do that?
When you see people quoting a surprising number -- especially when you see
the same big number quoted by lots of people -- you should always
ask yourself the source of the number.
Read more ...
Tags: environment, data
20:08 Apr 06, 2020
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Mon, 30 Mar 2020
It was surprisingly hard to come up with a "D" to write about,
without descending into Data geekery (always a temptation).
Though you may decide I've done that anyway with today's topic.
Out for a scenic drive to shake off some of the house-bound cobwebs,
I got to thinking about how so many places are named after the Devil.
California was full of them -- the Devil's Punchbowl, the Devil's
Postpile, and so forth -- and nearly every western National Park
has at least one devilish feature.
How many are there really? Happily, there's an easy way to answer
questions like this: the
Geographic Names page on the USGS website,
which hosts the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).
You can download entire place name files for a state, or
you can search for place name matches at:
GNIS Feature Search.
When I searched there for "devil", I got 1883 hits -- but many of them
don't actually include the word "Devil". What, are they taking lessons
from Google about searching for things that don't actually match the
search terms?
I decided I wanted to download the results so I could
count them more easily.
The page offers View & Print all or
Save as pipe "|" delimited file. I chose to save the file.
Read more ...
Tags: GIS, mapping, data, cmdline, linux
16:30 Mar 30, 2020
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Thu, 30 May 2019
A friend and I were talking about temperature curves: specifically,
the way the temperature sinks in the evening but then frequently rises
again before it really starts cooling off.
I thought it would be fun to plot the curve of temperature as a
function of time over successive days, as a 3-D plot. I knew matplotlib
had a way to do 3D plots, but I've never actually generated one.
Well, it turns out there are lots of examples, but they all start by
generating mysterious data blobs, and none of them explain the
structure of the data they're using, and the documentation has
mysterious parameters like "zs" that aren't explained anywhere. So
getting something that worked was a fiddly process. Creating a color
version, to distinguish the graphs better, was even more fiddly.
So I wrote an example that I hope will make it a little clearer for
anyone trying to use this library. It can plot using just lines:
... or it can plot in color, cycling colors manually because by default
matplotlib makes adjacent colors similar, exactly the opposite of what
you'd want:
Here's the demo:
on GitHub.
... Except there's a Bug
All is not perfect. Axes3D gets a bit confused sometimes about which
layer is supposed to be in front of which other layer. You can see that
on the two plots: in both cases, the fourth and fifth layers from the
front are reversed, so the fifth layer is drawn in front of the fourth
layer. I haven't yet found anyone in the matplotlib organization who
seems to know much about Axes3D; eventually I'll file a bug but I want
to write a shorter, clearer test case to illustrate the problem.
Still, even with the bugs it's a useful technique to know.
Tags: python, programming, data, matplotlib
09:57 May 30, 2019
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Mon, 14 May 2018
I've been trying to learn more about weather from a friend who
used to work in the field -- in particular, New Mexico's notoriously
windy spring. One of the reasons behind our spring winds relates to
the location of the jet stream. But I couldn't find many
good references showing how the jet stream moves throughout the year.
So I decided to try to plot it myself -- if I could find the data.
Getting weather data can surprisingly hard.
In my search, I stumbled across Geert Barentsen's excellent
variations in the jet stream (video). It wasn't quite what I wanted --
it shows the position of the jet stream in December in successive
years -- but the important thing is that he provides a Python script
on GitHub that shows how he produced his beautiful animation.
Well -- mostly. It turns out his data sources are no longer available,
and he didn't go into a lot of detail on where he got his data, only
saying that it was from the ECMWF ERA re-analysis model (with a
link that's now 404).
That led me on a merry chase through the ECMWF website trying to
figure out which part of which database I needed. ECMWF has
of publically available databases
(and even more)
and they even have Python libraries to access them;
and they even have a lot of documentation, but somehow none of
the documentation addresses questions like which database includes
which variables and how to find and fetch the data you're after,
and a lot of the sample code doesn't actually work.
I ended up using the "ERA Interim, Daily" dataset and requesting
data for only specific times and only the variables and pressure levels
I was interested in. It's a great source of data once you figure out
how to request it.
Sign up for an ECMWF API Key
Access ECMWF Public Datasets
(there's also
MARS and I'm not sure what the difference is),
which has links you can click on to register for an API key.
Once you get the email with your initial password, log in using the URL
in the email, and change the password.
That gave me a "next" button that, when I clicked it, took me to
a page warning me that the page was obsolete and I should update
whatever bookmark I had used to get there.
That page also doesn't offer a link to the new page where you can
get your key details, so go here:
Your API key.
The API Key page gives you some lines you can paste into ~/.ecmwfapirc.
You'll also have to
accept the
license terms for the databases you want to use.
Install the Python API
That sets you up to use the ECMWF api. They have a
API and a Python library,
plus some
other Python packages,
but after struggling with a bunch of Magics tutorial examples that mostly
crashed or couldn't find data, I decided I was better off sticking to
the basic Python downloader API and plotting the results with Matplotlib.
The Python data-fetching API works well. To install it,
activate your preferred Python virtualenv or whatever you use
for pip packages, then run the pip command shown at
API Downloads (under "Click here to see the
installation/update instructions...").
As always with pip packages, you'll have to decide on a Python version
(they support both 2 and 3) and whether to use a virtualenv, the
much-disrecommended sudo pip, pip3, etc. I used pip3 in a virtualenv
and it worked fine.
Specify a dataset and parameters
That's great, but how do you know which dataset you want to load?
There doesn't seem to be anything that just lists which datasets have
which variables. The only way I found is to go to the Web API page
for a particular dataset to see the form where you can request
different variables. For instance, I ended up using the
database, where you can choose date ranges and lists of parameters.
There are more choices in the sidebar: for instance, clicking on
"Pressure levels" lets you choose from a list of barometric pressures
ranging from 1000 all the way down to 1. No units are specified, but
they're millibars, also known as hectoPascals (hPa): 1000 is more or
less the pressure at ground level, 250 is roughly where the jet stream
is, and Los Alamos is roughly at 775 hPa (you can find charts of
pressure vs. altitude on the web).
When you go to any of the Web API pages, it will show you a dialog suggesting
you read about
retrieval efficiency, which you should definitely do if you're
expecting to request a lot of data, then click on the details for
the database you're using to find out how data is grouped in "tape files".
For instance, in the ERA-interim database, tapes are grouped by date,
so if you're requesting multiple parameters for multiple months,
request all the parameters for a given month together, rather than
making one request for level 250, another request for level 1000, etc.
Once you've checked the boxes for the data you want, you can fetch the
data via the web interface, or click on "View the MARS request" to get
parameters you can plug into a Python script.
If you choose the Python script option as I did, you can start with the
basic data retrieval example.
Use the second example, the one that uses 'format' : "netcdf"
which will (eventually) give you a file ending in .nc.
Requesting a specific area
You can request only a limited area,
"area": "75/-20/10/60",
but they're not very forthcoming on the syntax of that, and it's
particularly confusing since "75/-20/10/60" supposedly means "Europe".
It's hard to figure how those numbers as longitudes and latitudes
correspond to Europe, which doesn't go down to 10 degrees latitude,
let alone -20 degrees. The
keywords page gives more information: it's North/West/South/East,
which still makes no sense for Europe,
until you expand the
Area examples tab on that
page and find out that by "Europe" they mean Europe plus Saudi Arabia and
most of North Africa.
Using the data: What's in it?
Once you have the data file, assuming you requested data in netcdf format,
you can parse the .nc file with the netCDF4 Python module -- available
as Debian package "python3-netcdf4", or via pip -- to read that file:
import netCDF4
data = netCDF4.Dataset('')
But what's in that Dataset?
Try running the preceding two lines in the
interactive Python shell, then:
>>> for key in data.variables:
... print(key)
You can find out more about a parameter, like its units, type,
and shape (array dimensions). Let's look at "level":
>>> data['level']
<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'>
int32 level(level)
units: millibars
long_name: pressure_level
unlimited dimensions:
current shape = (3,)
filling on, default _FillValue of -2147483647 used
>>> data['level'][:]
array([ 250, 775, 1000], dtype=int32)
>>> type(data['level'][:])
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
Levels has shape (3,)
: it's a one-dimensional array with
three elements: 250, 775 and 1000.
Those are the three levels I requested from the web API and in my
Python script). The units are millibars.
More complicated variables
How about something more complicated? u and v are the two
components of wind speed.
>>> data['u']
<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'>
int16 u(time, level, latitude, longitude)
scale_factor: 0.002161405503194121
add_offset: 30.095301438361684
_FillValue: -32767
missing_value: -32767
units: m s**-1
long_name: U component of wind
standard_name: eastward_wind
unlimited dimensions: time
current shape = (30, 3, 241, 480)
filling on
u (v is the same) has a shape of (30, 3, 241, 480): it's a
4-dimensional array. Why? Looking at the numbers in the shape gives a clue.
The second dimension has 3 rows: they correspond to the three levels,
because there's a wind speed at every level. The first dimension has
30 rows: it corresponds to the dates I requested (the month of April 2015).
I can verify that:
>>> data['time'].shape
Sure enough, there are 30 times, so that's what the first dimension
of u and v correspond to. The other dimensions, presumably, are
latitude and longitude. Let's check that:
>>> data['longitude'].shape
>>> data['latitude'].shape
Sure enough! So, although it would be nice if it actually told you
which dimension corresponded with which parameter, you can probably
figure it out. If you're not sure, print the shapes of all the
variables and work out which dimensions correspond to what:
>>> for key in data.variables:
... print(key, data[key].shape)
Iterating over times
data['time'] has all the times for which you have data
(30 data points for my initial test of the days in April 2015).
The easiest way to plot anything is to iterate over those values:
timeunits =['time'].units
cal =['time'].calendar
for i, t in enumerate(['time']):
thedate = netCDF4.num2date(t, units=timeunits, calendar=cal)
Then you can use thedate like a datetime,
calling thedate.strftime
or whatever you need.
So that's how to access your data. All that's left is to plot it --
and in this case I had Geert Barentsen's script to start with, so I
just modified it a little to work with slightly changed data format,
and then added some argument parsing and runtime options.
Converting to Video
I already wrote about how to take the still images the program produces
and turn them into a video:
Videos (that work in Firefox) from a Series of Images.
However, it turns out ffmpeg can't handle files that are named with
timestamps, like jetstream-2017-06-14-250.png. It can only
handle one sequential integer. So I thought, what if I removed the
dashes from the name, and used names like jetstream-20170614-250.png
with %8d? No dice: ffmpeg also has the limitation that the
integer can have at most four digits.
So I had to rename my images. A shell command works: I ran this in
zsh but I think it should work in bash too.
cd outdir
mkdir moviedir
for fil in *.png; do
newname=$(printf "%04d.png" $i)
ln -s ../$fil moviedir/$newname
ffmpeg -i moviedir/%4d.png -filter:v "setpts=2.5*PTS" -pix_fmt yuv420p jetstream.mp4
-filter:v "setpts=2.5*PTS"
controls the delay between
frames -- I'm not clear on the units, but larger numbers have more delay,
and I think it's a multiplier,
so this is 2.5 times slower than the default.
When I uploaded the video to YouTube, I got a warning,
"Your videos will process faster if you encode into a streamable file format."
I then spent half a day trying to find a combination of ffmpeg arguments
that avoided that warning, and eventually gave up. As far as I can tell,
the warning only affects the 20 seconds or so of processing that happens
after the 5-10 minutes it takes to upload the video, so I'm not sure
it's terribly important.
Here's a
video of the jet stream from
2012 to early 2018, and an earlier effort with a
much longer 6.0x delay.
And here's the script, updated from the original Barentsen script
and with a bunch of command-line options to let you plot different
collections of data: on GitHub.
Tags: programming, python, data, weather
14:18 May 14, 2018
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Thu, 19 Jan 2017
In my article on
Plotting election (and other county-level) data with Python Basemap,
I used ESRI shapefiles for both states and counties.
But one of the election data files I found, OpenDataSoft's
USA 2016 Presidential Election by county
had embedded county shapes,
available either as CSV or as GeoJSON. (I used the CSV version, but
inside the CSV the geo data are encoded as JSON so you'll need JSON
decoding either way. But that's no problem.)
Just about all the documentation
I found on coloring shapes in Basemap assumed that the shapes were
defined as ESRI shapefiles. How do you draw shapes if you have
latitude/longitude data in a more open format?
As it turns out, it's quite easy, but it took a fair amount of poking
around inside Basemap to figure out how it worked.
In the loop over counties in the US in the previous article,
the end goal was to create a matplotlib Polygon
and use that to add a Basemap patch
But matplotlib's Polygon wants map coordinates, not latitude/longitude.
If m is your basemap (i.e. you created the map with
m = Basemap( ... )
, you can translate coordinates like this:
(mapx, mapy) = m(longitude, latitude)
So once you have a region as a list of (longitude, latitude) coordinate
pairs, you can create a colored, shaped patch like this:
for coord_pair in region:
coord_pair[0], coord_pair[1] = m(coord_pair[0], coord_pair[1])
poly = Polygon(region, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color)
Working with the OpenDataSoft data file was actually a little harder than
that, because the list of coordinates was JSON-encoded inside the CSV file,
so I had to decode it with json.loads(county["Geo Shape"])
Once decoded, it had some counties as a Polygon
list of
lists (allowing for discontiguous outlines), and others as
a MultiPolygon
list of list of lists (I'm not sure why,
since the Polygon format already allows for discontiguous boundaries)
And a few counties were missing, so there were blanks on the map,
which show up as white patches in this screenshot.
The counties missing data either have inconsistent formatting in
their coordinate lists, or they have only one coordinate pair, and
they include Washington, Virginia; Roane, Tennessee; Schley, Georgia;
Terrell, Georgia; Marshall, Alabama; Williamsburg, Virginia; and Pike
Georgia; plus Oglala Lakota (which is clearly meant to be Oglala,
South Dakota), and all of Alaska.
One thing about crunching data files
from the internet is that there are always a few special cases you
have to code around. And I could have gotten those coordinates from
the census shapefiles; but as long as I needed the census shapefile
anyway, why use the CSV shapes at all? In this particular case, it
makes more sense to use the shapefiles from the Census.
Still, I'm glad to have learned how to use arbitrary coordinates as shapes,
freeing me from the proprietary and annoying ESRI shapefile format.
The code:
map using CSV with embedded county shapes
Tags: elections, politics, visualization, programming, data, open data, data, matplotlib, government, transparency
09:36 Jan 19, 2017
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Sat, 14 Jan 2017
After my
search for open 2016 election data by county, as a first test I
wanted one of those red-blue-purple charts of how Democratic or
Republican each county's vote was.
I used the Basemap package for plotting.
It used to be part of matplotlib, but it's been split off into its
own toolkit, grouped under mpl_toolkits: on Debian, it's
available as python-mpltoolkits.basemap, or you can find
Basemap on GitHub.
It's easiest to start with the
example that shows
how to draw a US map with different states colored differently.
You'll need the three shapefiles (because of ESRI's silly shapefile format):
st99_d00.dbf, st99_d00.shp and st99_d00.shx, available
in the same examples directory.
Of course, to plot counties, you need county shapefiles as well.
The US Census has
shapefiles at several different resolutions (I used the 500k version).
Then you can plot state and counties outlines like this:
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def draw_us_map():
# Set the lower left and upper right limits of the bounding box:
lllon = -119
urlon = -64
lllat = 22.0
urlat = 50.5
# and calculate a centerpoint, needed for the projection:
centerlon = float(lllon + urlon) / 2.0
centerlat = float(lllat + urlat) / 2.0
m = Basemap(resolution='i', # crude, low, intermediate, high, full
llcrnrlon = lllon, urcrnrlon = urlon,
lon_0 = centerlon,
llcrnrlat = lllat, urcrnrlat = urlat,
lat_0 = centerlat,
# Read state boundaries.
shp_info = m.readshapefile('st99_d00', 'states',
drawbounds=True, color='lightgrey')
# Read county boundaries
shp_info = m.readshapefile('cb_2015_us_county_500k',
if __name__ == "__main__":
plt.title('US Counties')
# Get rid of some of the extraneous whitespace matplotlib loves to use.
plt.tight_layout(pad=0, w_pad=0, h_pad=0)
Accessing the state and county data after reading shapefiles
Great. Now that we've plotted all the states and counties, how do we
get a list of them, so that when I read out "Santa Clara, CA" from
the data I'm trying to plot, I know which map object to color?
After calling readshapefile('st99_d00', 'states'), m has two new
members, both lists: m.states and m.states_info.
m.states_info[] is a list of dicts mirroring what was in the shapefile.
For the Census state list, the useful keys are NAME, AREA, and PERIMETER.
There's also STATE, which is an integer (not restricted to 1 through 50)
but I'll get to that.
If you want the shape for, say, California,
iterate through m.states_info[] looking for the one where
m.states_info[i]["NAME"] == "California"
Note i; the shape coordinates will be in m.states[i]
(in basemap map coordinates, not latitude/longitude).
Correlating states and counties in Census shapefiles
County data is similar, with county names in
Remember that STATE integer? Each county has a STATEFP,
that matches some state's
But doing that search every time would be slow. So right after calling
readshapefile for the states, I make a table of states. Empirically,
STATE in the state list goes up to 72. Why 72? Shrug.
states = [None] * MAXSTATEFP
for state in m.states_info:
statefp = int(state["STATE"])
# Many states have multiple entries in m.states (because of islands).
# Only add it once.
if not states[statefp]:
states[statefp] = state["NAME"]
That'll make it easy to look up a county's state name quickly when
we're looping through all the counties.
Calculating colors for each county
Time to figure out the colors from the Deleetdk election results CSV file.
Reading lines from the CSV file into a dictionary is superficially easy enough:
fp = open("tidy_data.csv")
reader = csv.DictReader(fp)
# Make a dictionary of all "county, state" and their colors.
county_colors = {}
for county in reader:
# What color is this county?
pop = float(county["votes"])
blue = float(county["results.clintonh"])/pop
red = float(county["Total.Population"])/pop
county_colors["%s, %s" % (county["name"], county["State"])] \
= (red, 0, blue)
But in practice, that wasn't good enough, because the county names
in the Deleetdk names didn't always match the official Census county names.
Fuzzy matches
For instance, the CSV file had no results for Alaska or Puerto Rico,
so I had to skip those. Non-ASCII characters were a problem:
"Doña Ana" county in the census data was "Dona Ana" in the CSV.
I had to strip off " County", " Borough" and similar terms:
"St Louis" in the census data was "St. Louis County" in the CSV.
Some names were capitalized differently, like PLYMOUTH vs. Plymouth,
or Lac Qui Parle vs. Lac qui Parle.
And some names were just different, like "Jeff Davis" vs. "Jefferson Davis".
To get around that I used SequenceMatcher to look for fuzzy matches
when I couldn't find an exact match:
def fuzzy_find(s, slist):
'''Try to find a fuzzy match for s in slist.
best_ratio = -1
best_match = None
ls = s.lower()
for ss in slist:
r = SequenceMatcher(None, ls, ss.lower()).ratio()
if r > best_ratio:
best_ratio = r
best_match = ss
if best_ratio > .75:
return best_match
return None
Correlate the county names from the two datasets
It's finally time to loop through the counties in the map to color and
plot them.
Remember STATE vs. STATEFP? It turns out there are a few counties in
the census county shapefile with a STATEFP that doesn't match any
STATE in the state shapefile. Mostly they're in the Virgin Islands
and I don't have election data for them anyway, so I skipped them for now.
I also skipped Puerto Rico and Alaska (no results in the election data)
and counties that had no corresponding state: I'll omit that code here,
but you can see it in the final script, linked at the end.
for i, county in enumerate(m.counties_info):
countyname = county["NAME"]
statename = states[int(county["STATEFP"])]
except IndexError:
print countyname, "has out-of-index statefp of", county["STATEFP"]
countystate = "%s, %s" % (countyname, statename)
ccolor = county_colors[countystate]
except KeyError:
# No exact match; try for a fuzzy match
fuzzyname = fuzzy_find(countystate, county_colors.keys())
if fuzzyname:
ccolor = county_colors[fuzzyname]
county_colors[countystate] = ccolor
print "No match for", countystate
countyseg = m.counties[i]
poly = Polygon(countyseg, facecolor=ccolor) # edgecolor="white"
Moving Hawaii
Finally, although the CSV didn't have results for Alaska, it did have
Hawaii. To display it, you can move it when creating the patches:
countyseg = m.counties[i]
if statename == 'Hawaii':
countyseg = list(map(lambda (x,y): (x + 5750000, y-1400000), countyseg))
poly = Polygon(countyseg, facecolor=countycolor)
The offsets are in map coordinates and are empirical; I fiddled with
them until Hawaii showed up at a reasonable place.
Well, that was a much longer article than I intended. Turns out
it takes a fair amount of code to correlate several datasets and
turn them into a map. But a lot of the work will be applicable
to other datasets.
Full script on GitHub:
map using Census county shapefile
Tags: elections, politics, visualization, programming, python, mapping, GIS, data, open data, matplotlib, government, transparency
15:10 Jan 14, 2017
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Thu, 12 Jan 2017
Back in 2012, I got interested in fiddling around with election data
as a way to learn about data analysis in Python. So I went searching
for results data on the presidential election. And got a surprise: it
wasn't available anywhere in the US. After many hours of searching,
the only source I ever found was at the UK newspaper, The Guardian.
Surely in 2016, we're better off, right? But when I went looking,
I found otherwise. There's still no official source for US election
results data; there isn't even a source as reliable as The Guardian
this time.
You might think would be the place to go for official
election results, but no:
for 2016 election on yields nothing remotely useful.
The Federal
Election Commission has an election results page, but it only goes
up to 2014 and only includes the Senate and House, not presidential elections.
has popular vote totals for the 2012 election but not the current one.
Maybe in four years, they'll have some data.
After striking out on official US government sites, I searched the web.
I found a few sources, none of them even remotely official.
Early on I found
Rogers, How to Download County-Level Results Data,
which leads to GitHub user tonmcg's
Level Election Results 12-16. It's a comparison of Democratic vs.
Republican votes in the 2012 and 2016 elections (I assume that means votes
for that party's presidential candidate, though the field names don't
make that entirely clear), with no information on third-party
Presidential Election USA 2016 on GitHub is a little better: the fields
make it clear that it's recording votes for Trump and Clinton, but still
no third party information. It's also scraped from the New York Times,
and it includes the scraping code so you can check it and have some
confidence on the source of the data.
claims to have election data, but you can't download their datasets
or even see what they have without signing up for an account.
Ben Hamner
has some publically available Kaggle data on GitHub, but only for the primary.
I also found several companies selling election data,
and several universities that had datasets available
for researchers with accounts at that university.
The most complete dataset I found, and the only open one that included
third party candidates, was through
Like the other two, this data is scraped from the NYT.
It has data for all the minor party candidates as well as the majors,
plus lots of demographic data for each county in the lower 48, plus
Hawaii, but not the territories, and the election data for all the
Alaska counties is missing.
You can get it either from a GitHub repo,
Deleetdk's (look in inst/ext/tidy_data.csv.
If you want a larger version with geographic shape data included,
clicking through several other opendatasoft pages eventually gets
you to an export page,
USA 2016 Presidential Election by county,
where you can download CSV, JSON, GeoJSON and other formats.
The OpenDataSoft data file was pretty useful, though it had gaps
(for instance, there's no data for Alaska). I was able to make
my own red-blue-purple plot of county voting results (I'll write
separately about how to do that with python-basemap),
and to play around with statistics.
Implications of the lack of open data
But the point my search really brought home: By the time I finally
found a workable dataset, I was so sick of the search, and so
relieved to find anything at all, that I'd stopped being picky about
where the data came from. I had long since given up on finding
anything from a known source, like a government site or even a
newspaper, and was just looking for data, any data.
And that's not good. It means that a lot of the people doing
statistics on elections are using data from unverified sources,
probably copied from someone else who claimed to have scraped it,
using unknown code, from some post-election web page that likely no
longer exists. Is it accurate? There's no way of knowing.
What if someone wanted to spread news and misinformation? There's a
hunger for data, particularly on something as important as a US
Presidential election. Looking at Google's suggested results and
"Searches related to" made it clear that it wasn't just me: there are
a lot of people searching for this information and not being able to
find it through official sources.
If I were a foreign power wanting to spread disinformation, providing
easily available data files -- to fill the gap left by the US
Government's refusal to do so -- would be a great way to mislead
people. I could put anything I wanted in those files: there's no way
of checking them against official results since there are no official
results. Just make sure the totals add up to what people expect to
see. You could easily set up an official-looking site and put made-up
data there, and it would look a lot more real than all the people
scraping from the NYT.
If our government -- or newspapers, or anyone else -- really wanted to
combat "fake news", they should take open data seriously. They should
make datasets for important issues like the presidential election
publically available, as soon as possible after the election -- not
four years later when nobody but historians care any more.
Without that, we're leaving ourselves open to fake news and fake data.
Tags: elections, politics, programming, data, open data, fake news, government, transparency
16:41 Jan 12, 2017
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Sat, 13 Apr 2013
We've been considering the possibility of moving out of the Bay Area
to somewhere less crowded, somewhere in the desert southwest we so
love to visit. But that also means moving to somewhere
with much harsher weather.
How harsh? It's pretty easy to search for a specific location and get
average temperatures. But what if I want to make a table to compare
several different locations? I couldn't find any site that made
that easy.
No problem, I say. Surely there's a Python library, I say.
Well, no, as it turns out. There are Python APIs to get the current
weather anywhere; but if you want historical weather data, or weather
data averaged over many years, you're out of luck.
NOAA purports to have historical climate data, but the only dataset I
found was spotty and hard to use. There's an
FTP site containing
directories by year; inside are gzipped files with names like
723710-03162-2012.op.gz. The first two numbers are station numbers,
and there's a file at the top level called ish-history.txt
with a list of the station codes and corresponding numbers.
Not obvious!
Once you figure out the station codes, the files themselves are easy to
parse, with lines like
724945 23293 20120101 49.5 24 38.8 24 1021.1 24 1019.5 24 9.9 24 1.5 24 4.1 999.9 68.0 37.0 0.00G 999.9 000000
Each line represents one day (20120101 is January 1st, 2012),
and the codes are explained in another file called
For instance, MAX is the daily high temperature, and SNDP is snow depth.
So all I needed was to decode the station names, download the right files
and parse them. That took about a day to write (including a lot of
time wasted futzing with mysterious incantations for matplotlib).
Little accessibility refresher: I showed it to Dave -- "Neat, look at
this, San Jose is the blue pair, Flagstaff is green and Page is red."
His reaction:
"This makes no sense. They all look the same to me. I have no idea
which is which."
Oops -- right. Don't use color as your only visual indicator. I knew that,
supposedly! So I added markers in different shapes for each site.
(I wish somebody would teach that lesson to Google Maps, which uses
color as its only indicator on the traffic layer, so it's useless
for red-green colorblind people.)
Back to the data --
it turns out NOAA doesn't actually have that much historical data
available for download. If you search on most of these locations,
you'll find sites that claim to have historical temperatures dating
back 50 years or more, sometimes back to the 1800s. But NOAA typically
only has files starting at about 2005 or 2006. I don't know where
sites are getting this older data, or how reliable it is.
Still, averages since 2006 are still interesting to compare.
It's striking how moderate California weather is compared
to any of these inland sites. No surprise there. Another surprise
was that Los Alamos, despite its high elevation, has more moderate weather
than most of the others -- lower highs, higher lows. I was a bit
disappointed at how sparse the site list was -- no site in Moab?
Really? So I used Canyonlands Field instead.
Anyway, it's fun for a data junkie to play around with, and it prints
data on other weather factors, like precipitation and snowpack, although
it doesn't plot them yet.
The code is on my
scripts page, under Weather.
Anyone found a better source for historical weather information?
I'd love to have something that went back far enough to do some
climate research, see what sites are getting warmer, colder, or
seeing greater or lesser spreads between their extreme temperatures.
The NOAA dataset obviously can't do that, so there must be something
else that weather researchers use. Data on other countries would be
interesting, too. Is there anything that's available to the public?
Tags: python, programming, weather, data
22:57 Apr 13, 2013
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