Shallow Thoughts : tags : headlines
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Sat, 31 Jul 2010
"Roadshow" column
in yesterday's Merc had some pretty ... odd ...
statistics involving marijuana and driving.
It quotes "an NHTSA report" as saying:
contrary to popular belief, marijuana has been found to play a
significant role in car accidents across the United States, with as
much as 33 percent of drivers arrested at the scene of the accident
being positive for marijuana and another 12 percent testing positive
for marijuana and cocaine. Every year, 28 percent of drivers in the
U.S. will attempt to drive within two hours after ingesting alcohol or
illicit drugs. Marijuana is the drug used most often — 70 percent — by
drivers who drove after drug use and is a major factor why crashes are
the leading cause of death for American young people.
Whoa. Let's play that back again:
45 percent of all drivers arrested at accident scenes (33 plus
another 12) test positive for marijuana? Nearly half?
Mr. Roadshow, you don't really believe that number, do you?
I didn't. So I did some searching, looking for the NTHSA source.
When I searched for large portions of the quoted phrase, I didn't
find anything from the NHTSA. The Roadshow quote appears to come
from an article on (I'm sure that's an unbiased
source). Here's their
MS Word file
or Google's
cached HTML version).
The same article is also available as a PDF at
and there are lots of other pages making reference to it.
The article cites
"Brookoff, Cook & Mann, 1994; Sonderstrom, Dischinger, Kerns & Trillis, 1995."
for the 33% number.
There's no citation offered for the "28% will attempt to drive...".
They credit "NHTSA, 2000" for "Marijuana is the drug used most often
... by drivers who drove after drug use", but that one's not important
because it says nothing about prevalence in accidents, merely that
it's used more often than other drugs (no surprise there).
The NHTSA weighs in
Googling on a more general set of terms,
I found my way to a October 2000 NHTSA report,
Field Test of On-Site
Drug Detection Devices.
It's a roundup of many different studies, with drug use numbers all
over the map, though none larger than the 33% figure and certainly
nothing near 45%.
That 33% figure is near the bottom:
Brookoff et al. (1994) used on-site testing devices in a study that
found a 58% prevalence rate for drugs in subjects arrested for
reckless driving (who were not found to be impaired by alcohol). The
Brookoff team found that 33% of their sample tested positive for
marijuana, 13% for cocaine, or 12% for both. (Because of sampling
flaws in the study, these drug test rates should not be interpreted as
drug prevalence rates for reckless drivers.) Interestingly, the
on-site device (Microline) used by Brookoff and his colleagues
generated a significant false positive rate for marijuana when
compared to GC/MS results.
The horse's mouth
So what about the original study?
I wasn't able to find Dischinger, Kerns & Trillis, but
here's Brookoff et al. at the New England Journal of Medicine:
Reckless Drivers for Cocaine and Marijuana (cookies required).
A couple of important notes on the study: the figures represent
percentage of drivers arrested for "reckless driving that would
constitute probable cause to suspect intoxication by drugs", who
were not considered to be under the influence of alcohol, and
who were suspected of being under the influence of marijuana or
cocaine ("all patrol officers were told that they could summon [the
testing van] if they stopped a person suspected of driving recklessly
under the influence of cocaine or marijuana").
Morover, not all drivers consented to be tested, and the percentages
are only for those who were tested.
Seems like a perfectly valid study, as far as it goes (though there's been some
criticism of the test they used).
It's mostly interesting as a study of how marijuana and cocaine use
correlate with visible intoxication and sobriety test results.
It's not a study of the prevalence of drugs on the road:
the NHTSA report is right about that. The numbers it reports are
useless in that context.
So the jump from that study to what
and Roadshow implied -- that 45% of people involved in car accidents
test positive for marijuana -- is quite a leap, and attributing
that leap to the NHTSA seems especially odd since they explicitly say
the study shouldn't be used for those purposes.
What really happened here?
So what happened here? Brookoff, Cook, Williams and Mann publish a
study on behavior of reckless drivers under the influence of drugs.
NHTSA makes a brief and dismissive reference to it in a
long survey paper.
Then writes an article that references the study
but entirely misinterprets the numbers. This study gets picked up and
referenced by other sites, out of context.
Then somehow the paragraph from shows up in
Roadshow, attributed to the NHTSA. How did that happen?
If you look at the article, the paragraph
cites Brookoff in its first sentence, then goes on to other unrelated
claims, citing an NHTSA study at the end of the paragraph. I suppose
it's possible (though hard to understand) that one could miss the
first reference, and take the NHTSA reference at the end of the
paragraph as the reference for the whole paragraph.
That's the best guess I can come up with.
Just another example of
game of telephone.
Nobody with any sense thinks it's a good idea to drive under the
influence of marijuana or other intoxicants. But bogus statistics
don't help make your point. They just cast doubt on everything else
you say.
Tags: math, statistics, headlines, science
13:33 Jul 31, 2010
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Tue, 29 Dec 2009

My favorite headline from today's paper:
Waves breach sand berm
What sort of sand berm, you wonder, that merits a headline in the
paper? No doubt a critical one, protecting the
town from the ravages of the sea? Well, maybe not:
"The situation is not unusual," he added. "It happens every year."
I guess it was a slow news day.
The full-page ad on the back of the main section was good, too.
Mmmmm ... melamine candy!
Tags: humor, headlines, slownewsday
12:42 Dec 29, 2009
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Thu, 05 Jun 2008
From a BBC story on the wife of France's president:
She said her husband was so bright he appeared to have "five or even
six brains".
Raises all kinds of intriguing followup questions, doesn't it?
Tags: headlines, humor, brains
21:46 Jun 05, 2008
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Wed, 20 Feb 2008
BBC was full of interesting news today.
Definitely the most interesting story was the one about the
pilots rescued off Florida. It begins:
Two US fighter pilots have been rescued after their jets went missing
over the Gulf of Mexico, the Air Force says.
Air Force spokeswoman Shirley Pigott said the pilots were rescued
after their F-15C Eagles disappeared on a training mission.
The disappearance had triggered a search involving Coast Guard
personnel, helicopters, planes and boats.
The Air Force has not yet determined if the planes collided or
otherwise malfunctioned. The weather was clear.
Wow, that's quite a story! Not only do we have fighter planes
disappearing in midair, but even after the pilots have been rescued,
no one has any idea whether they collided.
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19:15 Feb 20, 2008
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Fri, 28 Oct 2005
A very strange article in today's SF Chronicle describes
bright lights in the night sky Wednesday that alarmed or bemused
scores of Bay area residents".
It atributes to Andrew Fraknoi, chairman of the Foothill College astronomy
department and media hound (it doesn't say that second part),
information that "the lights were probably Mars and Venus, two
planets that currently appear close together and will probably
remain brilliant for another week or two until their orbits begin
moving them away from the Earth again."
Aside from the "probably" (I was under the impression that the
basic orbits of the major planets were fairly well understood,
and that it's fairly rare that a planet suddenly deviates from its
regular orbit in a visible way), I found this curious because Venus
is currently in the early evening sky -- since its orbit lies inside
that of the Earth, it can never appear to move very far from the Sun
-- while Mars, a week before opposition, is rising in the early
evening and overhead at roughly midnight.
Just to be sure, I checked with XEphem. The angular distance between
Mars and Venus is current 146°. They're almost at opposite ends
of the sky. This is a definition of "close" with which I was
previously unfamiliar.
I don't know if Fraknoi really said this, or if he was simply
misquoted by the reporter, David Perlman, the Chronicle's
Science Editor. If so, the misquote is quite pervasive -- he repeats
several times throughout the article Fraknoi's assurance that the
lights (shown in a photograph accompanying the article, indeed close
together though we aren't told anything about the lens used to take
the photo) must be Venus and Mars.
Other giggle-inducing quotes from the article:
No one except astronomers could offer an explanation.
Well, gosh, you certainly wouldn't want to listen to those egghead
astronomers about a question involving lights in the sky.
(Well, okay, in this case you shouldn't listen to them,
because the Mars/Venus explanation obviously doesn't fit the
According to Fraknoi, Mars now far outshines even the brightest of
all the stars in the sky, and when skies are clear, the fourth
planet from the sun could look even bigger than normal.
Mars at opposition is certainly brighter than any star (except the Sun,
of course). It currently shines with a magnitude of about -2.2
(a smaller number means a brighter object; the brightest star,
Sirius, is magnitude -1.4. Venus, at the moment, is much brighter
than either one at -4.2, as is usual since it's larger, closer,
and more reflective than Mars. That might have been worth mentioning.
I can't figure out whether "even bigger than normal" is supposed
to refer to size or brightness. Mars is normally a tiny object as
viewed from Earth, too small to see much detail except for a few
months around opposition every couple of years. Indeed it is much
bigger than normal right now (and a lovely sight in a telescope!),
as well as brighter; but "even bigger" seems like an odd phrasing
for something normally so small.
But since Mars' size isn't visible except in a telescope, Dave
thinks "bigger" here was meant to refer to brightness: the
misconception that brighter objects look bigger. I shouldn't make
fun of this: the great astronomer Tycho Brahe, in the 1500's, was
convinced that stars had angular size instead of being point
sources. He thought brighter stars appeared bigger, and
based his geocentric solar system model on that.
That view wasn't disproved until Galileo invented the telescope.
It's a common misconception even today, but
I'd hate to think the Chronicle's science editor was encouraging
it, so I'll stick to the assumption that he really meant size
and that the "even" was just an odd journalistic embellishment.
So what were the mysterious lights? I don't know. I didn't see them,
and the article doesn't give enough detail to make a good guess.
But the photo looks a lot like airplanes or helicopters; at least
one of the lights has a couple of smaller lights to either side,
usually a dead giveaway for an aircraft.
Update the following day: I wasn't the only one to complain about
this article, and the Chron published a paragraph in the Corrections
section this morning clarifying that Venus is nowhere near Mars and could
not have been related to the lights people reported.
Tags: headlines
11:57 Oct 28, 2005
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Fri, 14 Oct 2005
Chinese orbital physics are in the BBC again. Today's story
tells us how they've corrected
orbital problems. Quoting from China's "official Xinhua news
agency", the BBC tells us:
Xinhua said the craft had deviated from its planned trajectory
because of the Earth's gravitational pull.
I can hear them now ...
"Darn it! I guess we forgot to take the earth's gravity into account
when making our orbital calculations!"
Tags: headlines
21:40 Oct 14, 2005
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Thu, 13 Oct 2005
BBC News Science tells us about the
problems of China's manned Shenzhou VI spacecraft.
Gravity has drawn Shenzhou VI too close to earth, the agency said.
Shenzhou VI, which has two astronauts on board, is in a low enough
orbit to be affected by the Earth's gravitational pull.
Don't you hate those low orbits that are affected by gravity?
Maybe next time they should choose an orbit high enough that it
isn't subject to gravity.
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20:39 Oct 13, 2005
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Mon, 07 Mar 2005
in the Pakistan gang rape case are an outrage.
You may have read about the case: a village tribunal in a remote
area of Pakistan passed sentence that Mukhtar Mai be gang raped
to punish her brother for an offense he allegedly committed
(though most news reports indicated that he was not guilty
of the offense, which was actually committed by one of the
rapists. Not that that has any bearing on whether a wholly
innocent woman should be raped for someone else's supposed crimes.)
The case spawned international outrage in a world previously
unaware of the brutality of Pakistan's archaic tribunal system.
The rapists were convicted and sentenced to death; but last
week, their conviction was overturned.
Mukhtar Mai is a hero for standing up to them and continuing to
press her case. I can't imagine what it must be like to be in
her position. I am in awe of her.
Mai's courage will help every woman in Pakistan,
and in other countries with similar disregard for women's humanity.
And not only that: she's using any financial gains from the case
to build schools in her village. She's built two already.
Several of the BBC followup stories have mentioned that most women
"sentenced" under this barbaric system, to be raped or otherwise
mistreated for the supposed offenses of male members of their clan,
accept their fate, "believing that tribal or feudal leaders are too
powerful to resist and that the police and judicial systems are
stacked against them." If anyone wonders why they might think that,
last week's acquittal should answer any such questions rather handily.
None of the stories I've read anywhere goes into detail on
the reason for the conviction having been overturned, besides the
vague "lack of evidence". This seems odd considering all the reports
of the original trial cited eyewitnesses. It's not clear why
so few details are being reported. No one mentions the
double standard which seems to be in place in Pakistan:
where was the opportunity for Mai or her brother to appeal her
outrageous punishment for his supposed crime?
The case will be
appealed to a higher court, following international outrage at the
current verdict. It is not yet clear whether the rapists will remain
in prison until then.
Tags: headlines
21:37 Mar 07, 2005
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Thu, 03 Mar 2005
and Publisher report that several major newspapers have dropped
Boondocks comic strip.
In the strip, one character reads from a newspaper, "Bush got
recorded admitting that he smoked weed." Another character quips,
"Maybe he smoked it to take the edge off the coke."
The best part of the story:
the Chicago Tribune's given reason for censoring the comic was
that it "presents inaccurate information as fact."
It's not clear which part of the comic was the inaccurate
information presented as fact. The news
about the tape recording in question, which was widely printed
and has not been disputed by the White House? Or the quip in response,
the one that starts with "maybe"?
If the Chicago Tribune is so worried about inaccurate
information presented as fact ... does that mean that they will no
longer be reporting on Bush's speeches and press releases?
Tags: headlines
09:54 Mar 03, 2005
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Wed, 16 Feb 2005
I am just utterly not understanding this story on "The Leak".
The news yesterday: Matthew Cooper (Time magazine) and
Judith Miller (the New York Times) are to be subpoenaed in
the ongoing "Leak" case. (LA
Times, or via
You remember "The Leak". Joseph Wilson, the CIA investigator sent
to Niger to trace rumours that Saddam Hussein had tried to purchase
"yellowcake" uranium, wrote an opinion column in the New York Times
accusing President Bush of "misrepresenting the facts on an issue
that was fundamental justification for going to war." Wilson's
published report had stated the rumours were false, but Bush
ignored the report and quoted the rumours as fact in his 2003 State
of the Union address.
Roughly a week later, Washington Post columnist Robert Novak wrote
that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA operative, citing
information from a "senior administration official".
It being a crime to reveal the identity of an undercover CIA
operative, Bush at the time vowed to "find the leak".
The current update in the case means two other reporters,
Cooper and Miller, who supposedly were also contacted by the
same "senior administration official", will be called to testify
as to the identity of the person who contacted them.
If they refuse, they face imprisonment for contempt of court.
The papers are full of outraged articles arguing that reporters
should never be forced to reveal sources, and waving their "First
Amendment" flags. And that's fine -- I have no problem with
journalists protecting sources.
What I completely don't understand is: Why are Matthew Cooper and
Judith Miller, who never wrote anything about the case, being
subpoenaed and threatened with improsonment, while Robert Novak,
who wrote the article which started all this, is not?
Why, in all the journalistic breast-beating which has accompanied
this case, does no one ever suggest concentrating on Novak to find
The Leak's identity?
Novak is the reporter who published the article outing Plame.
Novak is the reporter who clearly had a source.
Sure, question other sources, but why isn't Novak the prime,
number-one source in this investigation?
A cynical friend says it's because Novak is a Bush administration
mouthpiece, who did the administration's bidding in publishing the
article, while Cooper and Miller did not.
Perhaps. But if that's the case, shouldn't that itself be news?
Tags: headlines
12:12 Feb 16, 2005
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Fri, 31 Dec 2004
I don't have anything enlightening to say about the terrible
disaster in south Asia. But I did see a link to a useful page
some charities in terms of efficiency and transparency.
It's one place to start, anyway, for anyone looking for a way to
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13:12 Dec 31, 2004
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Mon, 27 Sep 2004
"Funniest headline of the week" award goes to The Register:
Bad news for regular fliers
Okay, maybe it's only funny if you've heard someone doing this.
For me, it was being at a spectacular scenic vista at the Grand Canyon
and seeing someone get out of his car, pull out a cellphone, exclaim
to his companion "Hey, I'm getting reception here", poke at it,
and proceed to spend the next five minutes shouting inanities like:
I guess The Register has encountered people like that, too.
Tags: headlines
23:21 Sep 27, 2004
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Nice editorial by Ethan Rarick in today's SF Chron:
explodes liberal media bias myth.
After watching the Bush/Gore campaign, I have a hard time believing
that anyone really believes the news media have a liberal bias.
(Hint: count the number of pages of free coverage each candidate
got each day.)
Perhaps no one actually does believe it, and conservatives just say
it to try to persuade the credulous.
But for anyone who wasn't paying attention during the campaign four
years ago, Ethan Rarick's editorial gives a nice, and contemporary,
example, comparing the flap over Dan Rather's documents on Dubya's
military service, which turned out to be false (the documents, that
is; the military service is probably false too, but that remains to
be proven), with the non-flap over the similar but more serious
(in that it led to declaring war on another nation, and to the
deaths of many US soldiers)
NY Times admission that they had been "taken in" by the president's
misleading statements regarding WMD and the Saddam threat.
Reporters do seem inclined to be liberal. But publishers -- the
people who actually control what gets printed and where -- are
inclined to be conservative. It's not surprising: newspaper
publishing is Big Business, especially in these days when most
venues are served by one monopoly newspaper owned by a conglomerate
publishing house.
Tags: headlines
23:05 Sep 27, 2004
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Wed, 22 Sep 2004
In my
entry I mentioned some SUVs getting under 4 miles per gallon,
and someone called me on that, saying (quite reasonably) "The truth
is bad enough, no need to exaggerate".
I was blindly quoting a phrase someone had quoted in email:
"A Harper's Magazine writer took the massive Ford
Excursion, the biggest of all SUVs for a test drive. During a drive
around a city, the mighty Excursion was only getting 3.7 miles per
I googled for that parts of that phrase, and found it quoted on
three different web sites, all anti-SUV or environmental web sites.
Google didn't find the source of the quote. So I tried a search on
Harpers itself for Ford
Excursion, and came up blank. If this Harper's writer did get
3.7mpg in a test drive, he or she didn't write about it, or else
Harper's isn't making the content accessible so we can get the
details and find out if it's spurious.
Looks like yet another "fox terrier", everybody quoting a juicy line
that might not have been accurate in the first place. I stand
corrected. Big SUVs do get abysmal mileage and I still think
they're responsible for a lot of our smog and CO2 problems,
and should be regulated the same as cars since they're used
in the same way; but that unsupported 3.7 mpg figure for the Ford
Excursion is probably bogus and should not be part of the argument.
Thanks for keeping me honest, Bill!
Tags: headlines
12:58 Sep 22, 2004
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Sun, 19 Sep 2004
(Write laws that don't apply for ten years, then revoke them.)
The news everyone in California seems to be talking about today
is SB42, the bill to end the "rolling 30-year exemption" which never
actually rolled. For instance, here's today's Chron
Article on the subject.
What does this all mean? None of the newspaper stories actually tell
you much about the law or its history.
There's a little information at a
CA Senate site.
Basically, cars older than 1973 are exempted from California's
bi-annual smog checks.
In 1997 or 1998, a "rolling 30-year window" was added, meaning that in
2004, 1974 cars would become exempt, in 2005, 1975 cars would, etc.
(Note: I remember the rolling window being legislated much
earlier than 1998, perhaps even a decade earlier. But I haven't
yet been able to find anything on the web discussing legislation prior
to 1997.)
Notice that the 30-year window never happened. It's been promised
for quite some time (at least seven years, but maybe more than ten if
I'm remembering correctly) but, frankly, anybody who believed it was
really going to happen was dreaming. All the car buffs I know
(including myself) had every expectation that the window would
disappear before it ever came into effect.
And indeed, that's what's happening.
Current bill SB42, from Sally Lieber (D-Mountain View),
which is on the governor's desk for signature or
veto, would repeal the 30-year rolling window completely, and give
the exemption to all cars through 1976 but no later cars, ever.
(None of the stories discusses when this goes into effect: do the
1974 through 1976 cars immediately become exempt, or does this wait
until 2006 when the 30-year window would have exempted them?)
Everybody is up in arms. Classic car buffs, who have been fondling
their modified 1975 cars in gleeful anticipation of anticipated
legality, are furious at the take-back. The Sierra Club is dancing
for joy at getting sports cars off the road to make way for more
gas-guzzling SUVs. Everybody is organizing letter-writing
campaigns. Nobody, naturally, is providing any data.
The Chron article quotes the "staff researchers" for Lieber's office
on projected numbers for the percentage of pollutants expected to be
contributed by cars built before 1982. Curiously, when I look at
the Sierra Club's "call to action" on this bill, I see almost the
identical phrase quoted by the Chron. Nobody mentions who did this
study, who calculated the numbers or what they're based on. Did
Lieber's "staff researchers" merely lift propaganda from the Sierra
Club? Or did they do actual research, which the Sierra club is now
quoting but which no one seems to reference in any detail?
Of course, the car enthusiast sites quote numbers which tell a
very different story, also without attribution, so they're no more
I'd love to see a chart of total estimated pollutants by year,
with the total number of cars of that year still on the road,
from 1973 up through today. I'd also like to see a breakdown for
the older cars into carburated and fuel injected, and a breakdown
for recent cars into cars and SUVs/trucks. A breakdown by engine
size might also be interesting.
I suspect it really is true that some subset of older cars is
causing a disproportionate amount of pollution, and addressing
that would be a good thing. Let's find out who the real offenders
are, and address the real problem.
It's funny how laws involving cars or gasoline so often seem to
be passed in this time-delayed way ... and then never actually take
effect. A law is passed that will take
effect seven or ten or fifteen years later, and nobody (except a few
trusting individuals) pays it any attention because everyone knows
perfectly well that such laws don't really mean anything.
Consider MTBE, the health-endangering gas additive. It's still in
California gas, despite a law passed some five years ago supposedly
banning it (with a time delay). Union 76 sells non-MTBE gas (and
I buy their gas almost exclusively, for that reason) but no one else
does, as far as I've been able to tell.
Consider the SUV
exemption. SUVs and trucks don't have to meet the
fleet economy standards that cars have to meet, or the emissions
laws, or the safety requirements. Let me say that again: the biggest,
gas-guzzlingest vehicles on the road, some of which get under 4 miles
per gallon, don't have to meet the same emissions requirements as
a Honda Civic. That, too, is covered by a current time-delayed law;
and as with the MTBE law, I wish you good luck in finding out
anything about the status of it. The automakers certainly aren't
paying any attention; they know perfectly well that it will be
thrown out before they actually have to redesign SUVs to comply.
Delayed-action laws are merely a convenient way of getting good press
(or votes, or campaign contributions) without having to risk
changing anything.
When you see a law with a delayed effect,
be very suspicious.
Tags: headlines
00:24 Sep 19, 2004
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Sun, 05 Sep 2004
We've been reading for two days now the story of how LAX (one
of the nation's busiest airports) was closed down for several hours
after a flashlight exploded while it was being examined by a
security screener.
I'm still waiting for details. Doesn't this story seem a bit odd?
Isn't it fairly unusual for flashlights to explode?
Wouldn't you think some reporter, while writing up this story,
might think that readers might wonder whether their flashlights
were at risk of blowing up, and might want to report on what
specific circumstances caused this incident and how to avoid it?
The SF
Chron story has the most detail I've seen so far, which still
isn't much:
The Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad examined the flashlight
and determined the explosion occurred because the batteries inside
had eroded.
That still leaves me wondering: what sort of battery, and how big?
How badly eroded? Is this something we should be checking for in
our flashlights? What was the screener doing with the flashlight
which caused it to explode right then?
A web search on "flashlight batteries explosion" doesn't turn up
much more information. There are lots of pages warning against
trying to recharge regular (non-rechargeable) alkaline batteries
since they explode. We know lithium-ion and lithium-polymer
batteries can explode, but I've never seen a flashlight which
uses them.
I did find one NIOSH Fact Sheet
hydrogen gas being produced in zinc/carbon batteries and alkaline
batteries as the zinc electrode corrodes in the aqueous electrolyte,
and that it's more likely to happen if batteries of different types,
brands, or ages are mixed.
Googling for "flashlight batteries exploding" gets a bit more,
mostly recall notices for specific flashlights shipped with
batteries which might explode.
Still seems strange that it doesn't seem to have occurred to any
of the reporters covering the LAX incident to ask about this and
find out what happened in this particular case. I wonder -- is
this another "fox terrier", where someone writes an initial story
and everyone else just paraphrases it without adding anything?
Certainly the new stories coming out don't seem to add anything
to the initial report yesterday morning.
Do reporters not ask questions any more, and journalism schools
merely instruct on different ways of re-wording a press release?
(Stephen Gould wrote about wondering why so many books mentioned
that Eophippus, the "dawn horse", was the size of a fox terrier.
Why that specific breed? Upon investigation, he was able to trace
the origins of the comparison, and show that successive authors
merely repeated the assertion verbatim. Unfortunately, the syndrome
works just as effectively in cases of missing or incorrect
information, as long as authors are willing to repeat stories
without checking them.)
Tags: headlines
12:53 Sep 05, 2004
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Wed, 01 Sep 2004
The BBC reports:
die in Saudi shop stampede
Three people crushed to death and sixteen people injured.
The incident occurred after shoppers rushed into a branch of Ikea to
claim a limited number of credit vouchers being offered to the
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21:36 Sep 01, 2004
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Wed, 25 Aug 2004
An article in today's SF Chronicle (no link, they don't seem to have
the article online) says Ford is protesting California legislation
that would open carpool lanes for hybrid cars that get at least 45
miles per gallon. Ford says this is favoritism toward Toyota,
since it excludes Ford's Escape hybrid SUV, rated at 31 mpg.
Let me get this straight. Ford thinks the Escape hybrid should
be allowed in carpool lanes (with only one driver), while getting
worse mileage than most conventional engine Hondas have managed
since the eighties ... why? Is having a bigger battery (lead-acid,
mind you) somehow easier on the environment than a smaller battery?
Or is it that Ford is somehow compelled to produce only humungous
inefficient vehicles, and wants to be rewarded for finally making
something halfway reasonable even though it's still no better than
conventional Japanese cars?
Now, I'm no fan of carpool lanes (I think they cause more problems
than they solve, even though I mostly benefit from them), but if
the environment is part of the argument for them, then base
access to them by mileage. The 45 mpg cutoff sounds reasonable,
though it should apply regardless of technology used.
Honda has made several non-hybrid cars that get better mileage
than a Prius. If it can be shown that hybrids are cleaner than
conventional cars of similar mpg, that's a different story, but
I haven't seen that claim made; most people don't even seem aware
of Honda's high-mileage models.
And if Ford wants access to carpool lanes, it should drag itself
into this millenium and start making efficient cars instead of
huge hulking gas guzzlers.
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23:54 Aug 25, 2004
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Sun, 15 Aug 2004
Fun review in today's Chron about a
new book
by the writer of the Arcata Police Blotter. I'd read about the blotter
once before, in
Carroll, I'm fairly sure, though I can't seem to find that
article. Sounds like a fun book.
Turns out the Arcata
Eye, complete with police blotter, is online. Cool!
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20:50 Aug 15, 2004
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Sun, 08 Aug 2004
A new silly story has been making the rounds (meaning someone sent
a press release to AP or somewhere, and everyone is reprinting it).
Dave spotted it first, in
BBC Science:
Solar System could be 'unique'
[ ... ]
In the past 10 years, over 100 extrasolar systems (planetary systems
orbiting stars other than the Sun) have been discovered from the
wobble in their host stars, caused by the motion of the planets
But none of them seem to resemble our Solar System very much. In
fact, these exoplanets have several important attributes that are
entirely at odds with the Solar System as we know it.
[ ... ]
Planetary size is one puzzle; most exoplanets are gargantuan,
gaseous masses like Jupiter.
Smaller planets similar to the Earth's relatively humble
proportions - and rocky composition - are noticeably absent,
although the researchers admit that this may be because smaller
planets are more difficult to spot.
Also, the large exoplanets are significantly closer to their stars
than those in our own system are to the Sun.
[ ... ]
Well, duh. We're detecting planets by their gravitational influence
on their star, and, what a shock,
most of the planets we've
detected that way have been massive and close. What a shock!
I guess there must not be any small planets out there, huh?
The New
Scientist article is a bit better written, and mentions that the
exoplanets' highly elliptical orbits relates to the theory of how
that particular system evolved.
So I'm guessing that's what the real article is about: that the
eccentricity we're seeing in these big super-Jupiters' orbits is
really the basis for the paper, and not the fact that, duh, they're
large. It's probably a perfectly worthwhile paper that's just being
butchered by the accounts in the popular press.
Strangely, the publication where it supposedly appeared, the
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, does not seem to list
this article or anything similar to it in either of the August
issues so far.
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14:09 Aug 08, 2004
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