Shallow Thoughts : : Nov
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Sat, 28 Nov 2009
While debugging Javascript, I've occasionally come across references
to a useful function called
. Supposedly you
can log errors with a line like:
console.log(""key press, char code " + e.charCode);
Since the only native way of logging debug statements in Javascript
is with a pop-up alert() box, having a less obtrusive way to print
is something any JS programmer could use.
The catch? It didn't do anything -- except print
console is not defined.
Today a friend was crowing about how wonderful Javascript debugging
was in Google's Chrome browser -- because it has functions like
After some searching and poking around, we determined that Firefox
also has console.log
-- it's just well hidden and a bit
hard to get going.
First, you need the Firebug extension. If you're developing Javascript,
you probably already have it. If not, you need it.
Run Firebug and click to the Console tab. Now click on the
tiny arrow that shows up at the right edge of that tab, as shown.
Turns out there's a whole menu of options under there -- one of
which is Enabled.
But wait, that's not all. In my case, the console was already
Enabled according to the menu. To get the console working,
I had to
- Disable the console
- Re-enable it
- Shift-reload the page being debugged
My friend also said that if she didn't enable the console in Firebug,
then her script died when she called console.log
That didn't happen for me -- all that happened was that I got error
messages in the error console (the one accessed from Firefox's
Tools menu, different from the Firebug console). But it's
a good idea to check for its existence if you're going to use
debugging statements in your code. Like this:
if (typeof console != "undefined") {
console.log( "key press, char code " + e.charCode
+ ", key code " + e.keyCode
+ ", " + e.ctrlKey + ", " + e.altKey
+ ", " + e.metaKey );
Here are some more things
you can do with Firebug's console.
Tags: firefox, javascript, programming, tips
16:41 Nov 28, 2009
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Fri, 27 Nov 2009
Two separate friends just had this problem, one of them a fairly
experienced Linux user:
You're in bash, history works, but it's not remembered across sessions.
Maybe the size of the history file somehow got set to zero?
Nope -- that's not it.
Maybe it's using the wrong file. In bash you can set $HISTFILE to
point to different places; for instance, you can use that to maintain
different histories per window, or per machine.
$ echo $HISTFILE
Nope, that's not it either.
The problem, for both people, turned out to be really simple:
$ ls -l $HISTFILE
-rw------- 1 root root 92 2007-08-20 14:03 /home/user/.bash_history
I'm not sure how it happens, but sometimes the .bash_history file
becomes owned by root, and then as a normal user you can't update
your history any more.
So a simple
and you're all set -- history across sessions should start working again.
Tags: shell, bash, tips
14:42 Nov 27, 2009
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Wed, 25 Nov 2009
Continuing the discussion of those funny characters you sometimes
see in email or on web pages, today's Linux Planet article
discusses how to convert and handle encoding errors, using
Python or the command-line tool recode:
Characters Sets in Linux (Weird Characters, part 2).
Tags: writing, linux, unicode, i18n, charsets, ascii, programming, python
15:06 Nov 25, 2009
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Tue, 24 Nov 2009
![[alternate google logo]](
A friend wanted help figuring out why suddenly she was seeing a
different Google page -- one with a logo that was less 3-dimensional,
no drop shadow, and the search text field was in difficult-to-read
colors. It was only on one machine, and nobody else she knew was
seeing this new page. Was this some sort of Firefox bug? Did I know
how she could get back to the old, easier to read Google page?
Fortunately she knew about Firefox's "View page info" menu item
(right-click on the page to get it) and used the Media tab there
to discover that the logo she was seeing was:
Asking around and googling for things like google logo change
or google different search page
got me nowhere.
It wasn't anything to do with disabling cookies or Javascript -- I
tried turning those both off but still didn't see the page she saw
(though turning off JS did get rid of the annoying fade-in effect
Google started using recently).
Running out of ideas, I Googled for the filename of the logo she was seeing:
logo "logo1w.png"
and that turned out to be the answer.
I found discussions on
which led me to articles on
Roundtable and
Engine Land
comparing Google's UI to jazz (you never know what you're going to get next).
Following links eventually led me to an article on the official
Googlblog, explaining how
chooses random users as guinea pigs for trying out new user interfaces.
Unfortunately, none of these articles gave a clue how my friend could
opt out of being a guinea pig and get back to a page where the search
box colors didn't hurt her eyes.
But it turned out that it's cookie based. So if you find yourself
stuck with a Google test page you don't like:
Delete all your Google cookies.
That did the trick for my friend, and got her back the standard interface.
The Googleblog article (which is full of interesting facts, as
Googleblog articles often are) also led me to suggest another tip to
her. Apparently a lot of this UI testing is based on how long it takes
users to type their query into the search bar. So if you get selected
as a test subject and you really dislike the UI they're showing you,
typing very slowly might be a way to make it clear that this UI is
not working out for you.
Tags: google, user interface
16:03 Nov 24, 2009
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Sun, 22 Nov 2009
I gather indoor R/C airplane flying is fairly common in some areas of
the country. But here in the Bay Area, there's been a lot of demand
and not many opportunities to do it, so there was great excitement
at a recent opportunity to rent Sunnyvale's community center gym
for some
Indoor Flying.
Indoor flying has come a long way.
I remember a couple of years ago when most of the indoor planes
were either "3-D" planes like my
skunk plane
that can stay in a small area by hovering, or weirdo concoctions
like the
Mini IFO.
There were a few pioneers who used microminiature actuators and
other fancy hardware to build tiny lightweight custom planes, but
that was an expensive and difficult proposition.
But lithium-polymer battery technology and advances in tiny
servos and brushless motors have created a revolution in super
lightweight micro flyers, led by the
Vapor (Dave's is pictured at right). At a flying weight of half
an ounce, the Vapor makes it easy for anybody to fly in a small gym
or even a large room.
For folks who want something a little faster and more aerobatic, the Mustang
is a bit heavier at 1.2 oz, but still flies well in a gym.
And of course, there are the hundreds of micro-helicopters
that are popping up everywhere over the last year or two.
Pretty cool stuff! Anyway, we had a great session on Friday flying
these planes, and amazingly avoided any serious carnage (unusual for
indoor flying where there are so many walls and basketball hoops to
smack into). I'm a little out of practice and found the flying a bit
intense, so I took a few breaks between flying sessions to shoot photos.
For the new year this is going to turn into an AMA-chartered club,
BAM (Bay Area Microflyers).
Watch the BayRC forums for more details.
Tags: planes, radio control, indoor flying
15:13 Nov 22, 2009
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Wed, 18 Nov 2009
Morningstar Mine:
Cadillac-smooth down low, but take it slowly higher up.
Not many buildings or mine shafts, but lots of miner trash.
Jackass Canyon:
Too much deep sand for us -- we gave up and turned around.
Aiken Mine Road:
A lovely beginner 4WD road:
scenic and weird, from slightly challenging rocky basalt
to deep (but not dangerously so) sand.
Morningstar Mine
Our first goal of the morning was Morningstar Mine, a set of abandoned
mines in the northern part of the preserve.
Two wide, smooth dirt roads leave paved Morningstar Mine Rd to
climb the alluvial fan, but the quality of the roads gradually
deteriorate over the short distance to the mines.
Morningstar Mine turns out to be a private, going concern, fenced
off with NO TRESSPASSING signs. But there are plenty of older,
abandoned mines nearby. Very few buildings or mine shafts, but lots
of rusting cans and other trash. Really, not much to see, and Dave
was in a hurry to move on, so we did.
The Contentious Memorial
Down on Cima Road near the Teutonia Peak trailhead, I wanted
to see the famous WWII monument, about which a Supreme Court case is
currently raging. (The monument is a cross, a religous symbol, which
federal law says should not be supported by government funds or stand
on government land.)
I couldn't find anything on the web that gave the location of the
monument, so we had to look for it. It turns out that it's easily
spotted from the road, atop one of the granite outcrops on the north
side of the road, just east of the Teutonia Peak trailhead.
(Or see the GPS waypoint file linked at the end of this article.)
In fact, we'd almost certainly seen it before, and shrugged it off
as another of those weird inexplicable things you see in the Mojave.
The upper part of the cross is currently covered with a box, so
it looks like a small sign that says nothing.
Several people have put up small flags nearby.
Jackass Canyon -- not to be
The next goal was Jackass Canyon, down in the south part of the
preserve west of Kelso.
For quite a while the road is
in great shape, hard packed and not badly washboarded. There are lots of
red anthill-like formations right in the road that turned out
to be built not of sand but of some sort of dried plant matter.
(Did I mention the curious things you see in the Mojave?)
But then the road descends into a wash full of deep sand with
occasional buried rocks. After smacking our undercarriage a couple of
times on hidden obstacles while fishtailing around in the sand,
we decided retreat was the better part of valor. We'll try Jackass
Canyon from the south some time -- maybe it's easier from that
Mojave Rd from 17-Mile Pt to Aiken Mine Rd
Returning to Kelbaker Road, we proceeded a few miles west to 17-Mile
Point, where we'd exited the Mojave Road a few days ago, and turned
north to complete a section of the Mojave Rd. we hadn't done yet.
From Kelbaker to Aiken Mine, the road is quite sandy, with lots of
fishtailing, but not a problem for the Rav.
Aiken Mine Rd
This was our second time on Aiken Mine Rd, one of our favorite routes
in the preserve.
The lower section of Aiken Mine, from the paved road to the lava tube,
is brutally washboarded, like most park dirt roads that get a lot of
2WD traffic.
We didn't stop at the lava tube today, since we'd explored it fairly
thoroughly the last time (it's lovely, and provided several of my
favorite desktop wallpaper images) but continued straight past it
into the basalt.
The ascent from the lower lava fields up to Aiken Mine is weird and
wonderful. The road is entirely basalt cinders (Aiken mine is a cinder
mine located on a large cinder cone), a mixture of black and red and a
little white sand here and there. It's like driving on Mars. The
ascent is steep and slightly slippery, but it looks scarier than it
is -- there's really no danger here for anything with reasonable
clearance, and although 4WD is probably helpful I doubt it's required.
The mine, an active cinder mine, is at the top, along with some hiking
trails up one of the cinder cones.
Past Aiken, the road descends into the Joshua tree forest on the side
of Cima Dome, supposedly the densest Joshua tree forest in the world.
("In the world" should be viewed in light of the fact that Joshua
trees don't really exist anywhere outside the Mojave desert of
California and Nevada.) More fishtailing in deep sand with a high
center groove. The Rav4 never bottomed, but this is definitely not a
road to take a 2WD street car of normal ride height.
The melon patch
At some point, the road forks and the left fork seems to be the main
one -- but it's a sham. The left fork is actually a power line
maintenance road that cuts across to I-15.
(We knew this because we'd gotten caught by
it the last time, followed the power lines then eventually figured it
out and cut back to the more interesting Aiken Mine Rd.)
A few miles afer the powerline fork the road passes a water tank
and corral, goes back into sandy Joshua tree forest for a while, then
comes out at a strange clearing. What's strange about it? It's a
patch of coyote melons. These delicious looking, softball-sized
melons apparently grow wild in the Mojave -- but I've never seen
them anywhere but this spot. They're apparently all but inedible by
humans ... but something eats them, because you can see broken,
emptied and dessicated melon rinds lying everywhere.
Did I mention "strange things you see in the Mojave"? Coming on a
melon patch in the middle of the desert is one of the things I love
about this place.
Alas, the melon patch is almost at the end of the road.
Not long after it,, there's a house (I hear one of the rangers lives
there) and an intersection, and the road suddenly turns posh for its
last mile or two to paved Cima Road.
Photos and GPS Logs
Track log,
Tags: mojave, desert, 4wd, rav4, ruins
10:34 Nov 18, 2009
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Mon, 16 Nov 2009
A week ago I wrote about my mouse woes and how they were
by enabling the "Enable modesetting on intel by default" kernel option.
But all was still not right with X. I could boot into a console,
start X, and everything was fine -- but once X was running, I
couldn't go back to console mode. Switching to a console, e.g.
Ctrl-Alt-F2, did nothing except make the mouse cursor disappear,
and any attempt to quit X to go back to my login shell put the
monitor in sleep mode permanently -- the machine was still up, and
I could ssh in or ctrl-alt-Delete to reboot, but nothing else I did
would bring my screen back.
It wasn't strictly an Ubuntu problem, though this showed up with
Karmic; I have a Gentoo install on another partition and it had the
same problem. And I knew it was a kernel problem, because the Ubuntu
kernel did let me quit X.
I sought in vain among the kernel's various Graphics settings.
You might think that "enable modesetting" would be related to,
you know, being unable to change video modes ... but it wasn't.
I tried different DRM options and switching framebuffer on and off.
Though, oddly, enabling framebuffer didn't actually seem to enable
the framebuffer.
Finally I stepped through the Graphics section of make
comparing my settings with a working kernel, and
saw a couple of differences that didn't look at all important:
"Select compiled-in fonts" and "VGA 8x16 font". Silly, but
what could they hurt? I switched them on and rebuilt.
And on the next boot, I had a framebuffer, and mode switching.
So be warned: those compiled-in fonts are not optional if you
want a framebuffer; and you'd better want a framebuffer, because that
isn't optional either if you want to be able to get out of X once
you start it.
Tags: linux, intel, X11, kernel
20:22 Nov 16, 2009
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Sat, 14 Nov 2009
Castle Peaks hiking corridor:
A rocky road with a couple of tricky sandy gulches takes you to a
hike along a wash leading to gorgeous views of basalt and breccia
and eventually the Castle Peaks, ragged spires that look like
volcanic necks.
Hart Mine:
A smooth, easy road takes you to an abandoned town site and a
collossal open-pit mine.
Castle Peaks hiking corridor
Our goal on Tuesday was the "Castle Peaks Hiking Corridor". The Trails
Illustrated map showed a side road leading northwest from Walking Box
Ranch Rd and eventually petering out to become a hiking trail that
went, if not actually to Castle Peaks, at least close enough
to get a good look.
Castle Peaks are the rugged spikes you see from I-15 between Mountain
Pass and Primm, jutting into the skyline and giving the New York
Mountains their appearance of skyscrapers which must be the reason
for the range's name. They're eroded fins of eroded Miocene
volcanics, surrounded by Precambian metamorphic rocks.
Walking Box Ranch Rd is easy to find off Nipton Rd -- not only is it a
prominent, wide dirt road but there's even a road sign, a few miles
after the eastern end of the Wee Thump Joshua Tree wilderness (on the
north side of Nipton Rd). I'd like to explore Wee Thump and its
impressive Joshua trees some day.
The road is good, open and well graded, notwithstanding the humorous
not maintained" sign you encounter a few miles in.
The side roads follow the map well enough, so it wasn't too difficult
to identify the Castle Peaks turn-off. It's a 4-way intersection, not
3-way as shown on the map.
The Castle Peaks road is much narrower and alternates between sandy
stretches and dirt. Mostly it's nothing difficult, but the rocky
sections are slow going (first gear), there's a high center rut
and you cross a couple of washes that make you stop and think about
the right line. There are also a couple of sections where the road
splits and the higher fork leads to a washed-out chasm, so proceed
with due caution.
Eventually the road deteriorated and we parked and continued on foot,
along the road and eventually through the gate that marks the
Wilderness area boundary. After that the trail crosses through
an area of basalt breccia -- the northwestern limit of the "malpais"
lava area concentrated around Malpais Springs.
The icy wind dissuaded us from trying to go all the way to Castle
Peaks (the trail doesn't go there anyway) but we did get a good
view of them as well as nice views of Joshua trees and the malpais.
After our hike, we retraced our steps and crossed over along smooth,
good roads to the deserted Hart townsite.
Hart Site: Ozymandius in the Mojave
Hart was a mining town established in 1907. At its peak it had five
hotels, 8 saloons, a newspaper and about 400 residents. And today,
what you can see of the town is ... a lot of rusted cans.
That's all. No buildings. No walls. But I guess when Hart's residents
departed, they left their trash behind, and scattered among the yucca
and creosote you can find collections of rusted cans and a few
glass bottles darkening in the desert sun.
It's sobering. What happened to all the buildings? Where are those
hotels and saloons and hundreds of houses?
Apparently if you search long enough, you can find a few tiny segments
of walls -- but mostly, this boom town has crumbled into nothingness.
And trash.
It reminds me of Percy Bysshe Shelley's Ozymandius:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away
There's no shattered visage -- just a plaque giving the history of
the town, the expansive pit mine nearby, and the garbage quietly
rusting away in the lone and level sands.
Photos and GPS log:
Track log
Tags: mojave, desert, 4wd, rav4, ruins
14:03 Nov 14, 2009
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Thu, 12 Nov 2009
or: Why do I See All Those Those Weird Characters?
Today's Linux Planet article concerns those funny characters you sometimes
see in email or on web pages, like when somebody puts
“random squiggles’ around a phrase
when they probably meant “double quotes”:
Sets in Linux or: Why do I See Those Weird Characters?.
Today's article covers only what users need to know.
A followup article will discuss character encoding
from a programmer's point of view.
Tags: writing, linux, unicode, i18n, charsets, ascii
16:34 Nov 12, 2009
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Wed, 11 Nov 2009
I almost always write my
slides using HTML. Usually I use Firefox to present them; it's
the browser I normally run, so I know it's installd and the slides
all work there. But there are several disadvantages to using Firefox:
- In fullscreen mode, it has a small "minimized urlbar" at the
top of the screen that I've never figured out to banish -- not only
is it visible to users, but it also messes up the geometry of
the slides (they have to be 762 pixels high rather than 768);
- It's very heavyweight, bad when using a mini laptop or netbook;
- Any personal browsing preferences, like no-animation,
flashblock or noscript, apply to slides too unless explicitly
disabled, which I've forgotten to do more than once before a talk.
Last year, when I was researching lightweight browsers, one of the
ones that impressed me most was something I didn't expect: the demo
app that comes with
(package python-webkit on Ubuntu).
In just a few lines of Python, you can create your own browser with
any UI you like, with a fully functional content area.
Their current demo even has tabs.
So why not use pywebkitgtk to create a simple fullscreen
webkit-based presentation tool?
It was even simpler than I expected. Here's the code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# python-gtk-webkit presentation program.
# Copyright (C) 2009 by Akkana Peck.
# Share and enjoy under the GPL v2 or later.
import sys
import gobject
import gtk
import webkit
class WebBrowser(gtk.Window):
def __init__(self, url):
self._browser= webkit.WebView()
self.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) <= 1 :
print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
webbrowser = WebBrowser(sys.argv[1])
That's all! No navigation needed, since the slides include javascript
navigation to skip to the next slide, previous, beginning and end.
It does need some way to quit (for now I kill it with ctrl-C)
but that should be easy to add.
Webkit and image buffering
It works great. The only problem is that webkit's image loading turns out
to be fairly poor compared to Firefox's. In a presentation where most
slides are full-page images, webkit clears the browser screen to
white, then loads the image, creating a noticable flash each time.
Having the images in cache, by stepping through the slide show then
starting from the beginning again, doesn't help much (these are local
images on disk anyway, not loaded from the net). Firefox loads the
same images with no flash and no perceptible delay.
I'm not sure if there's a solution. I asked some webkit developers and
the only suggestion I got was to rewrite the javascript in the slides
to do image preloading. I'd rather not do that -- it would complicate
the slide code quite a bit solely for a problem that exists only in
one library.
There might be some clever way to hack double-buffering in the app code.
Perhaps something like catching the 'load-started' signal,
switching to another gtk widget that's a static copy of the current
page (if there's a way to do that), then switching back on 'load-finished'.
But that will be a separate article if I figure it out. Ideas welcome!
Update, years later: I've used this for quite a few real presentations now.
Of course, I keep tweaking it: see
my scripts page
for the latest version.
Tags: programming, hack, python, web, speaking
17:12 Nov 11, 2009
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Tue, 10 Nov 2009
I've been seeing intermittent mouse failures since upgrading to Ubuntu
9.10 "Karmic".
At first, maybe one time out of five I would boot, start X, and find
that I couldn't move my mouse pointer. But after building a
kernel, things got worse and it happened nearly every time.
It wasn't purely an X problem; if I enabled gpm, the mouse failed in the
console as well as in X. And it wasn't hardware, because if I used
Ubuntu 9.10's standard kernel, my mouse worked every time.
After much poking around with kernel options, I discovered that if I
tunred off the Direct Rendering manager ("Intel 830M, 845G, 852GM, 855GM,
865G (i915 driver)"), my mouse would work. But that wasn't a
satisfactory solution; aside from not being able to run Google Earth,
it seems that Intel graphics needs DRM even to get reasonable
performance redrawing windows. Without it, every desktop switch means
watching windows slowly redraw over two or three seconds.
(Aside: why is it that Intel cards with shared CPU memory need DRM
to draw basic 2-D windows, when my ancient ATI Radeon cards without
shared memory had no such problems?)
But I think I finally have it nailed. In the kernel's Direct Rendering
Manager options (under Graphics), the "Intel 830M, 845G, 852GM, 855GM,
865G (i915 driver)" using its "i915 driver" option has a new sub-option:
"Enable modesetting on intel by default".
The help says:
Choose this option if you want kernel modesetting enabled by default,
and you have a new enough userspace to support this. Running old
userspaces with this enabled will cause pain. Note that this causes
the driver to bind to PCI devices, which precludes loading things
like intelfb.
Sounds optional, right? Sounds like, if I want to build a kernel that
will work on both karmic and jaunty, I should leave that off
so as not to "cause pain".
But no. It turns out it's actually mandatory on karmic. Without it,
there's a race condition where about 80-90% of the time, hal won't
see a mouse device at all, so the mouse won't work either in X or
even on the console with gpm.
It's sort of the opposite of the
"Remove sysfs features which may confuse old userspace tools"
in General Setup, where the name implies that it's optional on
new distros like Karmic, but in fact, if you leave it on, the
kernel won't work reliably.
So be warned when configuring a kernel for brand-new distros.
There are some new pitfalls, and options that worked in the past
may not work any longer!
Update: see also the
post for two more non-optional options.
Tags: linux, ubuntu, intel, X11, kernel
23:34 Nov 10, 2009
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Sun, 08 Nov 2009
Helping people get started with Linux shells, I've noticed they
tend to make two common mistakes vastly more than any others:
- Typing a file path without a slash, like etc/fstab
- typing just a filename, without a command in front of it
The first boils down to a misunderstanding of how the Linux file
system hierarchy works. (For a refresher, you might want to check out
my Linux Planet article
the Linux Filesystem.)
The second problem is due to forgetting the rules of shell grammar.
Every shell sentence needs a verb, just like every sentence in English.
In the shell, the command is the verb: what do you want to do?
The arguments, if any, are the verb's direct object:
What do you want to do it to?
(For grammar geeks, there's no noun phrase for a subject because shell
commands are imperative. And yes, I ended a sentence with a preposition,
so go ahead and feel superior if you believe that's incorrect.)
The thing is, both mistakes are easy to make, especially when you're
new to the shell, perhaps coming from a "double-click on the file and let
the computer decide what you should do with it" model. The shell model
is a lot more flexible and (in my opinion) better -- you, not
the computer, gets to decide what you should do with each file --
but it does take some getting used to.
But as a newbie, all you know is that you type a command and get some
message like "Permission denied." Why was permission denied? How are
you to figure out what the real problem was? And why can't the shell
help you with that?
And a few days ago I realized ... it can! Bash, zsh and
similar shells have a fairly flexible error handling mechanism.
Ubuntu users have seen one part of this, where if you type a command
you don't have installed, Ubuntu gives you a fancy error message
suggesting what you might have meant and/or what package you might
be missing:
$ catt /etc/fstab
No command 'catt' found, did you mean:
Command 'cat' from package 'coreutils' (main)
Command 'cant' from package 'swap-cwm' (universe)
catt: command not found
What if I tapped into that same mechanism and wrote a more general
handler that could offer helpful suggestions when it looked like the user
forgot the command or the leading slash?
It turns out that Ubuntu's error handler uses a ridiculously specific
function called command_not_found_handle that can't be used for
other errors. Some helpful folks I chatted with on #bash felt, as I
did, that such a specific mechanism was silly. But they pointed me to
a more general error trapping mechanism that turned out to work fine
for my purposes.
It took some fussing and fighting with bash syntax, but I have a basic
proof-of-concept. Of course it could be expanded to cover a lot more
types of error cases -- and more types of files the user might want
to open.
Here are some sample errors it catches:
$ schedule.html
bash: ./schedule.html: Permission denied
schedule.html is an HTML file. Did you want to run: firefox schedule.html
$ screenshot.jpg
bash: ./screenshot.jpg: Permission denied
screenshot.jpg is an image file. Did you want to run:
pho screenshot.jpg
gimp screenshot.jpg
$ .bashrc
bash: ./.bashrc: Permission denied
.bashrc is a text file. Did you want to run:
less .bashrc
vim .bashrc
$ ls etc/fstab
/bin/ls: cannot access etc/fstab: No such file or directory
Did you forget the leading slash?
etc/fstab doesn't exist, but /etc/fstab does.
You can find the code here:
Friendly shell errors
and of course I'm happy to take suggestions or contributions for how
to make it friendlier to new shell users.
Tags: linux, shell, help, education, programming
15:07 Nov 08, 2009
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Fri, 06 Nov 2009
Clark Mountain, Yates Well to Colosseum Gorge:
Lovely, scenic roads with a few slow sections.
Clark Mountain, West:
Punishing, rocky, technical roads: a first-gear crawl with lots of
stopping to plan routes and move rocks around.
The plan
Just west of Primm and north of Yates Well lies a small, disconnected
piece of Mojave National Preserve called Clark Mountain.
A year or two ago, Dave and I tried to explore Clark Mountain.
Exiting I-15 at Cima Road, we headed northwest and looked for a
small unmarked road heading east into the park. But we missed the
right road and ended up on a rocky, tedious power-line road.
Eventually we took a side road heading toward the mountain and
ended up in a maze of unmarked roads,
eventually coming to a four-way intersection with a sign:
Public by-pass route
Unfortunately, one of the three roads dead-ended in a "Private
property: KEEP OUT" sign while the other two looked too technical
to attempt so late in the afternoon. So we slunk
back to the powerline road and turned right, toward Primm.
This year, we attacked Clark Mountain from the other side.
Old Ivanpah
We started from Yates Well Rd, the first I-15 exit south of Primm.
Right toward the golf course, then first left toward the mountain.
Our first project was to find old Ivanpah.
Ivanpah is an abandoned town over in the main part of Mojave Preserve
-- but historical records show that it was moved there from an earlier
location over on the slopes of Clark.
Just inside the NPS boundary, there's a network of
small dirt roads forking off to the left. We parked and walked around,
and eventually found the Ivanpah site: a few
standing rock walls, a watering trough, a mysterious hole in the
ground with a fence around it ("Private property, KEEP OUT") and
a collection of ancient rusted and flattened iron cans
as well as more modern shotgun shells.
Colosseum Gorge
Beyond Old Ivanpah, the road threads its way up along Colosseum Gorge,
named after the spectacular open-pit mine near the top of the pass.
The mine's steeply terraced walls do put one in mind of a vast
spectator arena; but the only show today was the quiet pool at the bottom,
the only spectators the two of us and a trio of ravens.
There's a network of interesting looking roads below the mine.
Some lead up to Clark while others explore the grassy meadow
below. A couple in a Landrover (the only other vehicle we saw all day)
was crawling along one of the mountain roads.
Continuing on from the mine, we found the road occasionally rocky,
but easy. At the bottom was an intersection with a sign aimed westward:
Public by-pass route
We'd made the connection!
We'd been so close on our previous trip -- if only we'd known.
Clark Mountain, West
The rest of the journey would be easy! Just turn left at the right
place and head south along the west face of Clark to the paved road,
avoiding that awful rocky powerline road which had so sapped our
energy and our time on the previous trip.
The turn-off (shown at left) is easy to miss: a fork to the left,
up a steep incline, then an immediate right
(fortunately shown on our Trails Illustrated map).
We drove right past the left at first thinking it couldn't be the one, but
as we saw our route bending right and down toward the powerline now
visible in the distance, we knew we'd missed it and went back.
We climbed out of desert willow into a Joshua tree forest with a
beautiful view of the valley to the north. And then the road got rocky.
Just as rocky as it had been on the powerline road -- but this time it
hummocked up over hills and down into washes, so the going was much
more technical.
It turned out to be by far the most technical road we'd done,
involving frequent stops to get out and plan routes and sometimes
build ramps so the Rav wouldn't bottom out. On the tricky sections,
one person got out and "spotted" while the other drove.
In the end we made it across to paved Kingston Rd with no damage to the Rav.
That section only took about two and a half hours, but it felt like
five. I guess it was a learning experience, certainly the most
technical road we've done -- but in future we'll stay off the west
side of Clark Mountain.
(At right: View of Primm and Ivanpah dry lake.)
GPS log:
Track log,
Tags: mojave, desert, 4wd, rav4
14:44 Nov 06, 2009
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Mon, 02 Nov 2009
The syntax to log in automatically (without gdm or kdm) has changed
yet again in Ubuntu Karmic Koala. It's similar to the
autologin, but the file has moved:
under Karmic,
/etc/event.d is no longer used, as documented
in the
(though, confusingly, it isn't removed when you upgrade, so it may still
be there taking up space and looking like it's useful for something).
The new location is
So here are the updated instructions:
Create /usr/bin/loginscript if you haven't already,
containing something like this:
#! /bin/sh
/bin/login -f yourusername
Then edit /etc/init/tty1.conf and look for the
line, and replace the line after it,
exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1
, with this:
exec /sbin/getty -n -l /usr/bin/loginscript 38400 tty1
As far as I know, it's safe to delete /etc/event.d since it's now unused.
I haven't verified that yet. Better rename it first, and see if anything
Tags: linux, ubuntu, boot
20:46 Nov 02, 2009
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My laptop, a Sony Vaio TX650P, badly needed a kernel update. had been running so well that I just hadn't gotten around
to changing it. When I finally updated to, nearly everything
worked, with one exception:
Fn-F5 and Fn-F6 no longer adjusted screen brightness.
I found that there were lots of bugs filed on this problem --
bug 12816,
bug 414810,
bug 519105
and so on. A few of them had terse comments like "Can you try this
patched binary release?" but none of them had a source patch,
or any hints as to the actual nature of the problem.
But one of them did point me to
/sys/class/backlight. In my working kernel, that
directory contained a sony subdirectory containing useful files
that let me query or change the brightness:
echo 1 >/sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness
On my nonworking kernel, I had /sys/class/backlight
but there was no sony subdirectory there.
grep SONY .config
the two kernels revealed that my working kernel had SONY_LAPTOP set,
while the nonworking one did not. No problem! Just figure out where
SONY_LAPTOP is in the configuration (it turns out to be at the very
end of "device drivers" under "X86 Platform Specific Device Drivers"),
make menuconfig
, set SONY_LAPTOP and rebuild ... right?
Well, no. make menuconfig
showed me lots of laptop
manufacturers in the "Platform Specific" category, but Sony
wasn't one of them. Of course, since it didn't show the option it
also didn't offer a chance to read the help for the option either,
which might have told me what its dependencies were.
Time for a recursive grep of kernel source:
grep -r SONY_LAPTOP .
arch/x86/configs/i386_defconfig told me the option did indeed
still exist, and where to find it. drivers/platform/x86/Kconfig
lists the option itself, and says it depends on INPUT and RFKILL.
RFKILL? A bit more poking around located that one near the end of
"Networking support", with the name "RF switch subsystem support".
(I love how user-visible names for kernel options only marginally
resemble the CONFIG names.)
It's apparently intended for
"control over RF switches found on many WiFi and Bluetooth cards,"
something I don't seem to need on this laptop (my WiFi works fine
without it) -- except that the kernel for some reason won't let me
build the ACPI brightness control without it.
So that's the secret. Go to "Networking support", set
"RF switch subsystem support", then back up
to "Device drivers", scroll down to the end to find
"X86 Platform Specific Device Drivers" and inside it you'll now see
"Sony Laptop Extras". Enable that, and the Fn-F5/F6 keys (as well as
/sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness) will work again.
Tags: linux, kernel, sony, laptop
10:07 Nov 02, 2009
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Sun, 01 Nov 2009
My mom got a netbook! A
ZaReason Terra,
in lovely metallic brown. (I know "metallic brown" sounds odd -- I
was skeptical before I saw it -- but take it from me, it looks great.)
It's cute and lightweight, with a nice keyboard with a clicky
IBM-keyboard-style feel, and a meta key with a Tux penguin on it
rather than a silly Windows logo. The only criticism so far is
that the comma and period keys are narrower than the rest, so all
three of us keep hitting slash when we mean period.
It comes preinstalled with Ubuntu (currently 9.04 Jaunty)
with a full Gnome desktop. I've never been much of a Gnome fan,
but this time we thought we'd try keeping it for a while and
see how Mom likes it. We can always switch to something faster,
like Openbox, later.
Of course, a lot of things needed configuration, like getting rid of
one of the two toolbars. (In this age of cinema-width screens, why is it
that the major desktops, like Gnome and even Apple, insist on sucking
away vertical space with multiple menubars/toolbars?)
(And don't get me started on Evolution's preferences panes that are
too big to fit on a netbook screen, yet have no scrollbars; and
although the preference window is resizable, Gnome won't let you
drag a window past the top of the screen so you can resize it taller.)
What stymied us, though, was the Gnome keyring and the way it
prompts you for a password -- even if you've already typed in a login
password -- whenever it tries to connect to the wireless network.
Web searches revealed that we were far from the only people who
found this annoying and wanted to turn it off.
There are lots of howtos. Unfortunately, every howto is
different -- apparently gnome-keyring changes its user interface with
every release, but somehow none of these UI changes ever make it
easier to find your way to the place where you can turn off the
password prompting. So here's one for Jaunty.
Howto turn off the Gnome-keyring master password in Ubuntu Jaunty
The key is a program called "seahorse", which you can get to
via Applications->Accessories->Password and Encryption Keys.
Click on the Passwords tab: you'll probably see two lines,
login password and master password.
According to some of the earlier howtos, these two passwords need to
be the same in order for the following steps to work.
Right-click on
login password and choose Unlock (I'm not sure if that
step is necessary, but we did it).
Then from the same right-click menu,
choose Change Password and make the new password empty.
Of course, it will warn you about this horribly insecure behavior
and how you're an idiot to want to do this. Your choice!
Tags: linux, gnome, ui
15:31 Nov 01, 2009
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