Debug logging in Javascript under Firefox (Shallow Thoughts)

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Sat, 28 Nov 2009

Debug logging in Javascript under Firefox

While debugging Javascript, I've occasionally come across references to a useful function called console.log. Supposedly you can log errors with a line like:
  console.log(""key press, char code " + e.charCode);

Since the only native way of logging debug statements in Javascript is with a pop-up alert() box, having a less obtrusive way to print is something any JS programmer could use.

The catch? It didn't do anything -- except print console is not defined.

Today a friend was crowing about how wonderful Javascript debugging was in Google's Chrome browser -- because it has functions like console.log.

[Firebug console menu] After some searching and poking around, we determined that Firefox also has console.log -- it's just well hidden and a bit hard to get going.

First, you need the Firebug extension. If you're developing Javascript, you probably already have it. If not, you need it.

Run Firebug and click to the Console tab. Now click on the tiny arrow that shows up at the right edge of that tab, as shown. Turns out there's a whole menu of options under there -- one of which is Enabled.

But wait, that's not all. In my case, the console was already Enabled according to the menu. To get the console working, I had to

  1. Disable the console
  2. Re-enable it
  3. Shift-reload the page being debugged

My friend also said that if she didn't enable the console in Firebug, then her script died when she called console.log. That didn't happen for me -- all that happened was that I got error messages in the error console (the one accessed from Firefox's Tools menu, different from the Firebug console). But it's a good idea to check for its existence if you're going to use debugging statements in your code. Like this:

  if (typeof console != "undefined") {
    console.log( "key press, char code " + e.charCode
                + ", key code " + e.keyCode
                + ", " + e.ctrlKey + ", " + e.altKey
		+ ", " + e.metaKey );

Here are some more things you can do with Firebug's console.

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[ 16:41 Nov 28, 2009    More tech/web | permalink to this entry | ]

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