GIMP plug-in to export scaled-down versions of images (Shallow Thoughts)

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Sun, 02 Sep 2012

GIMP plug-in to export scaled-down versions of images

In a discussion on Google+arising from my Save/Export clean plug-in, someone said to the world in general

PLEASE provide an option to select the size of the export. Having to scale the XCF then export then throw out the result without saving is really awkward.

I thought, What a good idea! Suppose you're editing a large image, with layers and text and other jazz, saving in GIMP's native XCF format, but you want to export a smaller version for the web. Every time you make a significant change, you have to: Scale (remembering the scale size or percentage you're targeting); Save a Copy (or Export in GIMP 2.8); then Undo the Scale. If you forget the Undo, you're in deep trouble and might end up overwriting the XCF original with a scaled-down version.

If I had a plug-in that would export to another file type (such as JPG) with a scale factor, remembering that scale factor so I didn't have to, it would save me both effort and risk.

And that sounded pretty easy to write, using some of the tricks I'd learned from my Save/Export Clean and wallpaper scripts. So I wrote

Update: Please consider using Saver instead. Saver integrates the various functions I used to have in different save/export plug-ins; it should do everything does and more, and is no longer maintained. If you need something does that saver doesn't do as well, please let me know.

It's still brand new, so if anyone tries it, I'd appreciate knowing if it's useful or if you have any problems with it.

Geeky programming commentary

(Folks not interested in the programming details can stop reading now.)

Linked input fields

[screenshot: linked input fields] One fun project was writing a set of linked text entries for the dialog:
Scale to: Percentage 100 % Width: 640 Height: 480

Change any one of the three, and the other two change automatically. There's no chain link between width and height: It's assumed that if you're exporting a scaled copy, you won't want to change the image's aspect ratio, so any one of the three is enough.

That turned out to be surprisingly hard to do with GTK SpinBoxes: I had to read their values as strings and parse them, because the numeric values kept snapping back to their original values as soon as focus went to another field.

Image parasites

Another fun challenge was how to save the scale ratio, so the second time you call up the plug-in on the same image it uses whatever values you used the first time. If you're going to scale to 50%, you don't want to have to type that in every time. And of course, you want it to remember the exported file path, so you don't have to navigate there every time.

For that, I used GIMP parasites: little arbitrary pieces of data you can attach to any image. I've known about parasites for a long time, but I'd never had occasion to use them in a Python plug-in before. I was pleased to find that they were documented in the official GIMP Python documentation, and they worked just as documented. It was easy to test them, too: in the Python console (Filters->Python->Console...), type something like

img = gimp_image_list()[0]
and so forth. Nice!

Not prompting for JPG settings

My plug-in was almost done. But when I ran it and told it to save to filenamecopy.jpg, it prompted me with that annoying JPEG settings dialog. Okay, being prompted once isn't so bad. But then when I exported a second time, it prompted me again, and didn't remember the values from before. So the question was, what controls whether the settings dialog is shown, and how could I prevent it?

Of course, I could prompt the user for JPEG quality, then call jpeg-save-file directly -- but what if you want to export to PNG or GIF or some other format? I needed something more general

Turns out, nobody really remembers how this works, and it's not documented anywhere. Some people thought that passing run_mode=RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS when I called pdb.gimp_file_save() would do the trick, but it didn't help.

So I guessed that there might be a parasite that was storing those settings: if the JPEG save plug-in sees the parasite, it uses those values and doesn't prompt. Using the Python console technique I just mentioned, I tried checking the parasites on a newly created image and on an image read in from an existing JPG file, then saving each one as JPG and checking the parasite list afterward.

Bingo! When you read in a JPG file, it has a parasite called 'jpeg-settings'. (The new image doesn't have this, naturally). But after you write a file to JPG from within GIMP, it has not only 'jpeg-settings' but also a second parasite, 'jpeg-save-options'.

So I made the plug-in check the scaled image after saving it, looking for any parasites with names ending in either -settings or -save-options; any such parasites are copied to the original image. Then, the next time you invoke Export Scaled, it does the same search, and copies those parasites to the scaled image before calling gimp-file-save.

That darned invisible JPG settings dialog

One niggling annoyance remained. The first time you get the JPG settings dialog, it pops up invisibly, under the Export dialog you're using. So if you didn't know to look for it by moving the dialog, you'd think the plug-in had frozen. GIMP 2.6 had a bug where that happened every time I saved, so I assumed there was nothing I can do about it.

GIMP 2.8 has fixed that bug -- yet it still happened when my plug-in called gimp_file_save: the JPG dialog popped up under the currently active dialog, at least under Openbox.

There isn't any way to pass window IDs through gimp_file_save so the JPG dialog pops up as transient to a particular window. But a few days after I wrote the export-scaled, I realized there was still something I could do: hide the dialog when the user clicks Save. Then make sure that I show it again if any errors occur during saving.

Of course, it wasn't quite that simple. Calling chooser.hide() by itself does nothing, because X is asynchronous and things don't happen in any predictable order. But it's possible to force X to sync the display: chooser.get_display().sync().

I'm not sure how robust this is going to be -- but it seems to work well in the testing I've done so far, and it's really nice to get that huge GTK file chooser dialog out of the way as soon as possible.

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[ 18:34 Sep 02, 2012    More gimp | permalink to this entry | ]

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