SimpleCV on Raspberry Pi
I'm at PyCon, and I spent a lot of the afternoon in the Raspberry Pi lab.
Raspberry Pis are big at PyCon this year -- because everybody at the conference got a free RPi! To encourage everyone to play, they have a lab set up, well equipped with monitors, keyboards, power and ethernet cables, plus a collection of breadboards, wires, LEDs, switches and sensors.
I'm primarily interested in the RPi as a robotics controller, one powerful enough to run a camera and do some minimal image processing (which an Arduino can't do). And on Thursday, I attended a PyCon tutorial on the Python image processing library SimpleCV. It's a wrapper for OpenCV that makes it easy to access parts of images, do basic transforms like greyscale, monochrome, blur, flip and rotate, do edge and line detection, and even detect faces and other objects. Sounded like just the ticket, if I could get it to work on a Raspberry Pi.
SimpleCV can be a bit tricky to install on Mac and Windows, apparently. But the README on the SimpleCV git repository gives an easy 2-line install for Ubuntu. It doesn't run on Debian Squeeze (though it installs), because apparently it depends on a recent version of pygame and Squeeze's is too old; but Ubuntu Pangolin handled it just fine.
The question was, would it work on Raspbian Wheezy? Seemed like a
perfect project to try out in the PyCon RPi lab. Once my RPi was
set up and I'd run an apt-get update
, I used
used netsurf (the most modern of the lightweight browsers available
on the RPi) to browse to the
installation instructions.
The first line,
sudo apt-get install ipython python-opencv python-scipy python-numpy python-pygame python-setuptools python-pipwas no problem. All those packages are available in the Raspbian repositories.
But the second line,
sudo pip install miserably. Seems that pip likes to put its large downloaded files in /tmp; and on Raspbian, running off an SD card, /tmp quite reasonably is a tmpfs, running in RAM. But that means it's quite small, and programs that expect to be able to use it to store large files are doomed to failure.
I tried a couple of simple Linux patches, with no success. You can't rename /tmp to replace it with a symlink to a directory on the SD card, because /tmp is always in use. And pip makes a new temp directory name each time it's run, so you can't just symlink the pip location to a place on the SD card.
I thought about rebooting after editing the tmpfs out of /etc/fstab, but it turns out it's not set up there, and it wasn't obvious how to disable the tmpfs. Searching later from home, the size is set in /etc/default/tmpfs. As for disabling the tmpfs and using the SD card instead, it's not clear. There's a block of code in /etc/init.d/ that makes that decision; it looks like symlinking /tmp to somewhere else might do it, or else commenting out the code that sets RAMTMP="yes". But I haven't tested that.
Instead of rebooting, I downloaded the file to the SD card:
But it turned out it's not so easy to pip install from a local file. After much fussing around I came up with this, which worked:
pip install http:///home/pi/master --download-cache /home/pi/tmp
That worked, and the resulting SimpleCV install worked nicely! I typed some simple tests into the simplecv shell, playing around with their built-in test image "lenna":
img = Image('lenna') img.binarize().show() img.toGray().show() img.edges().show() img.invert().show()
And, for something a little harder, some face feature detection: let's find her eyes and outline them in yellow.
img.listHaarFeatures() img.findHaarFeatures('eye.xml').draw(color=Color.YELLOW)
![[Lenna, edges]](
![[Lenna, eyes detected]](
SimpleCV is lots of fun! And the edge detection was quite fast on the RPi -- this may well be usable by a robot, once I get the motors going.
[ 21:43 Mar 16, 2013 More linux/install | permalink to this entry | ]