New house, no internet
I'm writing this from my new home office in our new house,
as I listen to the wind howl and watch out the big windows to see
lightning over the Sangre de Cristo mountains across the valley.
We're nestled in the piñon-juniper woodlands of northern
New Mexico.
It's a big jump from living in Silicon Valley.
Coyotes roam the property, though we don't catch a glimpse that often,
and I think I saw a grey fox the first morning we were here.
These past few weeks, Sandhill cranes have been migrating far overhead,
calling their wild cries; sometimes they catch a thermal (once
right over our house) and circle for a while, gaining altitude
for their trip north.
And lightning -- summer thunderstorms were something I very much looked forward to (back in San Jose we got a thunderstorm maybe once every couple of years) but I didn't expect to see one so early. (I'm hoping the rain and wind will blow all the pollen off the junipers, so I can stop sneezing some time soon. Who knew juniper was such a potent allergen?)
And the night sky -- for amateur astronomers it looks like heaven.
We haven't had a telescope set up yet (we're still unpacking and sorting)
but the Milky Way is unbelievable.
We're in love with the house, too, though it's been neglected and
will need a lot of work. It's by architect
Bart Prince and it's all about big
windows and open spaces. Here's me looking up at the office window
from the garden down below.
Of course, not everything is perfect. To start with, in case anyone's been wondering why I haven't been around online much lately, we have no internet to the house until the cable company gets a permit to dig a trench under the street. So we're doing light networking by mi-fi and making trips to the library to use their internet connection, and it may be a few more weeks yet before we have a connection of our own.
I'm sure I'll miss the Bay Area's diversity of restaurants, though at the moment I'm stuffed with lamb, green chile and sopaipillas (a New Mexican specialty you can't really get anywhere else).
And of course I'll miss some of the people and the geeky gatherings, living in a small town that isn't packed with Linux and Python and tech women's user groups like the Bay Area. Still, I'm looking forward to the adventure.
And now, I'm off to the library to post this ...
[ 19:36 Feb 27, 2014 More misc | permalink to this entry | ]