Shallow Thoughts : tags : misc
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Thu, 21 May 2020
Seems like during the lockdown, everyone's taking up new crafts --
sewing, bread baking, or whatever. I was a little ahead of the game.
Last winter I learned to knit. I'd crocheted a little when I was a
teenager, but I'd always seen knitting as much more complicated.
It started because I couldn't find a decent headband. I'm not a big
fan of hats, because migraines, but sometimes my ears get cold on hikes.
I was dissatisfied with the headbands I found in outdoor apparel stores:
they tend to be too narrow to cover my ears, too tight, overpriced,
and don't come in many colors either. I bought one but wasn't happy
with it. I decided I could probably learn to knit my own headband
before I found one I liked.
Los Alamos has a great knitting community, as it turns out.
(I suspect most communities do).
Doris, a friend from Toastmasters, is an avid lifelong knitter
(I knew that from her
Toastmasters talks, of course), and she steered me to some good
beginner books and gave me hints on which size starter needles to buy,
including a set of circular needles since everything I was interested
in making lent itself to knitting "in the round". But Doris also
gave me a list of four different times the local knitters met in
person, including one very convenient weekly meeting at the White Rock
Library just a few miles from home.
Read more ...
Tags: misc, maker, knitting, art
17:02 May 21, 2020
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Sat, 09 May 2020
Social distancing is hitting some people a lot harder than others.
Of course, there are huge
inequities that are making life harder for a lot of people, even if
they don't know anyone infected with the coronavirus. Distancing is
pointing out long-standing inequalities in living situations (how much
can you distance when you live in an apartment with an elevator, and
get to work on public transit?) and, above all, in internet access.
Here in New Mexico, rural residents, especially on the pueblos and
reservations, often can't get a decently fast internet connection at
any price. I hope that this will eventually lead to a reshaping of how
internet access is sold in the US; but for now, it's a disaster for
students trying to finish their coursework from home, for workers
trying to do their jobs remotely, and for anyone trying to fill out a
census form or an application for relief.
It's a terrible problem,
but that's not really what this article is about. Today I'm writing
about the less tangible aspects of social distancing, and its
implications for introverts and extroverts.
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13:57 May 09, 2020
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Sun, 12 Apr 2020
Last week we hiked Upper Pajarito Canyon, a trail I mostly hadn't seen
before (I'd been on parts of the trail once, years ago, on a hike I
mostly don't remember except as "try not to slide off the slippery
rainy hillside).
It turned out to be a beautiful trail. Early on, there are imposing
stone cliffs that reminded us all of the moai on Easter Island.
The trail wound through a rocky canyon, then up along the hillside
where I was able to indulge my hobby of arboronecrophotography,
eventually climbing out to a viewpoint.
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14:17 Apr 12, 2020
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Mon, 05 Sep 2016
We drove up to Taos today to see the
Earthships are sustainable, completely off-the-grid houses built of adobe and
recycled materials. That was pretty much all I knew about them, except
that they were weird looking; I'd driven by on the highway a few times
(they're on highway 64 just west of the
beautiful Rio
Grande Gorge Bridge) but never stopped and paid the $7 admission
for the self-guided tour.
Seeing them up close was fun. The walls are made of old tires packed
with dirt, then covered with adobe. The result is quite strong, though
like all adobe structures it requires regular maintenance if you don't
want it to melt away. For non load bearing walls, they pack adobe
around old recycled bottles or cans.
The houses have a passive solar design, with big windows along one
side that make a greenhouse for growing food and freshening the air,
as well as collecting warmth in cold weather. Solar panels provide
power -- supposedly along with windmills, but I didn't see any
windmills in operation, and the ones they showed in photos looked
too tiny to offer much help. To help make the most of the solar power,
the house is wired for DC, and all the lighting, water pumps and so
forth run off low voltage DC. There's even a special DC refrigerator.
They do include an AC inverter for appliances like televisions and computer
equipment that can't run directly off DC.
Water is supposedly self sustaining too, though I don't see how that
could work in drought years. As long as there's enough rainfall, water
runs off the roof into a cistern and is used for drinking, bathing etc.,
after which it's run through filters and then pumped into the greenhouse.
Waste water from the greenhouse is used for flushing toilets, after
which it finally goes to the septic tank.
All very cool. We're in a house now that makes us very happy (and has
excellent passive solar, though we do plan to add solar panels and
a greywater system some day) but if I was building a house, I'd be
all over this.
We also discovered an excellent way to get there without getting stuck
in traffic-clogged Taos (it's a lovely town, but you really don't want
to go near there on a holiday, or a weekend ... or any other time when
people might be visiting). There's a road from Pilar that crosses the
Rio Grande then ascends up to the mesa high above the river,
continuing up to highway 64 right near the earthships. We'd been a
little way up that road once, on a petroglyph-viewing hike, but never
all the way through. The map said it was dirt from the Rio all the way
up to 64, and we were in the Corolla, since the Rav4's battery started
misbehaving a few days ago and we haven't replaced it yet.
So we were hesitant. But the nice folks at the Rio Grande Gorge
visitor center at Pilar assured us that the dirt section ended at the
top of the mesa and any car could make it ("it gets bumpy -- a New
Mexico massage! You'll get to the top very relaxed"). They were
right: the Corolla made it with no difficulty and it was a much
faster route than going through Taos.
We got home just in time for the rouladen I'd left cooking in the
crockpot, and then finished dinner just in time for a great sunset sky.
A few more photos:
Earthships (and a
great sunset).
Tags: misc, photography
21:05 Sep 05, 2016
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Thu, 27 Feb 2014
I'm writing this from my new home office in our new house,
as I listen to the wind howl and watch out the big windows to see
lightning over the Sangre de Cristo mountains across the valley.
We're nestled in the piñon-juniper woodlands of northern
New Mexico.
It's a big jump from living in Silicon Valley.
Coyotes roam the property, though we don't catch a glimpse that often,
and I think I saw a grey fox the first morning we were here.
These past few weeks, Sandhill cranes have been migrating far overhead,
calling their wild cries; sometimes they catch a thermal (once
right over our house) and circle for a while, gaining altitude
for their trip north.
And lightning -- summer thunderstorms were something I very much
looked forward to (back in San Jose we got a thunderstorm
maybe once every couple of years) but I didn't expect to see one so early.
(I'm hoping the rain and wind will blow all the pollen off the junipers,
so I can stop sneezing some time soon. Who knew juniper was such a
potent allergen?)
And the night sky -- for amateur astronomers it looks like heaven.
We haven't had a telescope set up yet (we're still unpacking and sorting)
but the Milky Way is unbelievable.
We're in love with the house, too, though it's been neglected and
will need a lot of work. It's by architect
Bart Prince and it's all about big
windows and open spaces. Here's me looking up at the office window
from the garden down below.
Of course, not everything is perfect. To start with, in case anyone's
been wondering why I haven't been around online much lately,
we have no internet to the house until
the cable company gets a permit to dig a trench under the street.
So we're doing light networking by mi-fi and making trips to the
library to use their internet connection, and it may be a few more
weeks yet before we have a connection of our own.
I'm sure I'll miss the Bay Area's diversity of restaurants,
though at the moment I'm stuffed with lamb, green chile and sopaipillas
(a New Mexican specialty you can't really get anywhere else).
And of course I'll miss some of the people and the geeky gatherings,
living in a small town that isn't packed with Linux and Python and tech
women's user groups like the Bay Area.
Still, I'm looking forward to the adventure.
And now, I'm off to the library to post this ...
Tags: misc
19:36 Feb 27, 2014
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Thu, 20 Jun 2013
Homeowner tip of the day:
We've been repairing our fence and deck at home. One down side to that is
that the new boards don't match the old boards at all. The old boards
are grey and weathered.
At least, I always thought they were grey because they were weathered.
But it turns out that no, they were just dirty. (Funny how that happens
to fence posts and deck rails that sit outside for twenty years.)
The answer is a wonderful device called a pressure washer. You hook it
to a hose, plug it in, and it shoots out a high-pressure spray of
water that cleans anything. The results are phenomenal.
Turns out that under that grey exterior, there's wood that actually
looks like wood!
It does expose some flaws, too. It strips off all the sealant we've
put on over the years, and it also strips off any part of the wood
that's damaged or weakened. So some of the wood comes out looking
a little, well, furry. But a little sanding would take care of that.
Using a lower speed setting and a wider spray pattern helps.
It's even more amazing to watch the pressure washer in action, and see
the color change as it happens. Here's an up-close look.
We looked into renting a pressure washer, but apparently the ones
available for rent are huge gas-powered monstrosities more likely
to rip the fence apart rather than just clean the dirt off.
And the rental fee is about what it costs to buy a brand new
electric pressure washer. Ours is nothing special, just the one
that was on sale at the local Post Tools.
The only bad thing about the pressure washer is that it makes you
want to spend all your time sitting outside watching the wood dry
to see how the colors will come out. On second thought, on a nice
summer Saturday afternoon, maybe that's not such a bad thing!
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22:49 Jun 20, 2013
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Fri, 27 Jul 2012
One of the local digital clocks has developed some odd behavior.
It's in a location where it doesn't get seen that much, so it never
got reset to daylight savings time, and consequently has been off by
an hour since the last time switch. But that's not the odd part.
The odd part is that some time in the evening, between 10 and 11 pm,
it stops displaying 9:something or 10:something like it had been, and
switches to 12:44. It will then stay on 12:44 for hours, usually all
night and occasionally into the morning, before switching back to
one-hour-before-current-time some time in the mid-morning. Then it
stays at the (one hour off from) correct time all day -- it doesn't
fail again in the afternoon to show 12:44 pm. It only does its 12:44
trick late at night.
Once I noticed it,
I tried resetting it to daylight savings time, to see if that would
kick it out of its old habits. After the reset, the time stayed correct
through most of the evening (I had an insomniac night, so I had all
too many chances to check it). But then in the morning, around 8 am,
there it was, showing 12:44 again. It corrected itself before 10 am.
Definitely one of the odder failure modes I've seen in a while ...
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15:55 Jul 27, 2012
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Tue, 11 Aug 2009
Ever get caught in the Walgreens Infinite Loop?
You're phoning in a prescription refill, going through the automated
prompts, everything's going fine,
and you get to the point where it asks you, "If you will be picking up
your prescription tomorrow, press 1. If you will be picking up
your prescription today, press 2."
And you mistakenly press 2 when you meant to press 1.
Now you're stuck. "Please enter the pickup time in hours and minutes."
Except it's already past 11pm, and anything you try gives you
"Please allow at least one hour. Please enter the pickup time ..."
No option to switch days or go back to an earlier prompt. You can't press 0
for an operator -- they're closed, there's nobody there. But you can't
just hang up, either -- what would happen to your order then?
What if they marked it against one of your allowed refills and ...
gave it to someone else! Oh no!
But I found the solution after some experimentation: pressing 0,
when after hours, breaks out of the loop and schedules the refill
for 10am the next morning. Sorry about the rush order, folks.
Honestly, I would have been fine waiting another day. I just
couldn't find any other way to break out of the loop.
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10:36 Aug 11, 2009
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Fri, 18 Feb 2005
Lunch in the backyard, in the sun and cool wind
(I wouldn't mind a few more "rainy days" like this!)
celery and tuna salad
(have to eat it outside, a courtesy to d, who dislikes the smell)
flavored with fresh dill from the garden
(a welcome winter volunteer that pushed up next to the geraniums last week)
watching the puffy cumulus clouds billow and grow and change
and threaten to grow into thunderheads,
forgetting they're in California now
with a little lenticular stratus tucked inside of one of them
(what's that about?)
The resident phoebe chirps, hunting, while
a lone intrepid bushtit whizzes in from across the street
checks out the guava tree, then the orange tree, then zips
off to the bush at the edge of the yard
(never seen a bushtit flying alone before. A bushtit bellwether?)
Far off to the west, a blue balloon flies free,
rising against the billowing clouds.
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17:38 Feb 18, 2005
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Sun, 26 Dec 2004
Did you know that basically all staplers have an adjustable foot
which offers a mode where the staple prongs get pushed outward,
rather than inward?
Me, neither.
I discovered this by accident.
I was organizing some boxes of office supplies, and happened to notice
that an upside-down stapler had a spring-loaded foot. How odd, thought
I, and poked at it, and discovered that you can pull the plate
(held by the spring) out far enough to rotate it 180°, which
brings to bear a pair of slots more widely spaced than the normal
bend-the-prongs-inward pair of slots.
So I checked Dave's stapler, and it had exactly the same feature.
This afternoon I checked my mom's old Swingline (which may be older
than I am); it, too, offers the adjustment, but instead of a spring-loaded
rotatable plate it has a sliding plate.
I wondered whether I was the only person who didn't know this,
after a lifetime of using staplers,
so I polled Dave and my mom; they had never noticed it either.
Nor have we figured out what circumstance might
warrant prongs bent outward -- a circumstance once so common that to
this day, every stapler is still designed to make it easy.
I wonder what other surprises are hiding in common household objects?
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16:59 Dec 26, 2004
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Thu, 23 Dec 2004
My mother lives on an intersection with a 4-way stop sign,
across from an elementary school. One day when we were visiting,
Dave came up with a game to play when the weather is nice (which
it almost always is, in southern California) and we're not
doing anything in particular:
sit on the porch and note how many people actually stop.
Today's results were typical. We sat in the sunshine for maybe
15 minutes, during which approximately thirty cars came by (from
various directions).
- Total cars: 30
- Complete stops (rock back on suspension): 0
- Barely stop (wheels stop turning for an instant): 1
- Slow way down somewhere vaguely near the crosswalk: 5
- Slow way down way before the crosswalk, then roll through
crosswalk: 2
- Roll briskly through the crosswalk then slow way down just past it:
The rest either slowed down to maybe half their cruising speed,
or just barely touched the brakes and slowed down only a few miles per
hour from their previous cruising speed.
The highlights were the city maintenance truck who slowed way down
but didn't stop even though there was a cop coming up to the
intersection; and the cop himself, who was also one of the "slow way
down but not stop" data points. (Dave amused himself by shouting
reproofs after the cop, who did not appear to hear them.)
I'm sure this makes me sound like some sort of traffic law gestapo
(except to people who know me, who are giggling at the very idea).
Not at all; it's mostly an amusing diversion while sitting in
the sunshine reading or drinking coffee. But it is surprising
and striking to see that basically nobody stops at a stop sign,
even one in front of an elementary school. (School is not in
session today -- out for winter break -- but the numbers don't
change very much even when school is in session.) Do I stop at
every stop sign, enough to rock back? Probably not. But I'm
pretty sure I do better than the people we watch roll past
this intersection.
Try watching some time! You'll be amazed.
Tags: misc, driving
15:30 Dec 23, 2004
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