Tactical is the New Black
My new binocular came! And something curious came with them:
a "tactical pen".
It seems to be quite a nice gel pen, with an aluminum body and a locking retractor. But the "tactical" part is less clear.
Me | What makes it tactical? |
Dave | Maybe that it's black? |
Me | Tactical is the new black? |
And of course, my mind couldn't help wandering off to explore what might make the difference between a tactical pen and a strategic pen. Maybe something about how long the ink reserve lasts? Or how long it takes to click the clicky retractor thing?
Oh, well, it was free when buying the binocular from B&H,
and it really is a pretty nice pen.
On the binocular:
[ 16:06 Apr 22, 2024 More humor | permalink to this entry | ]