Driving motors, CHEAPLY, with an Arduino
Some time ago, I wrote about my explorations into the options for driving motors from an Arduino.
Motor shields worked well -- but they cost around $50 each, more than the Arduino itself. That's fine for a single one, but I'm teaching an Arduino workshop (this Thursday!) for high school girls, and I needed something I could buy more cheaply so I could get more of them.
(Incidentally, if any women in the Bay Area want to help with the workshop this Thursday, June 28 2012, I could definitely use a few more helpers! Please drop me an email.)
What I found on the web and on the Arduino IRC channel was immensely confusing to someone who isn't an electronics expert -- most people recommended things like building custom H-bridge circuits out of zener diodes.
But it's not that complicated after all.
I got the help I needed from ITP Physical Computing's
DC Motor
Control Using an H-Bridge.
It turns out you can buy a chip called an SN754410 that implements an
H-bridge circuit -- including routing a power source to the motors
while keeping the Arduino's power supply isolated -- for under $2.
I ordered my
chips from Jameco and they arrived the next day.
(Technically, the SN754410 is a "quad half-bridge" rather than an "dual h-bridge". In practice I'm not sure of the difference. There's another chip, the L298, which is a full h-bridge and is also cheap to buy -- but it's a bit harder to use because the pins are wonky and it doesn't plug in directly to a breadboard unless you bend the pins around. I decided to stick with the SN754410; but the L298 might be better for high-powered motors.)
Now, the SN754410 isn't as simple to use as a motor shield. It has a
lot of wires -- for two motors, you'll need six Arduino output pins,
plus a 5v reference and ground, the four wires to the two motors,
and the two wires to the motor power supply. Here's the picture
of the wiring, made with Fritzing.
With all those wires, I didn't want to make the girls wire them up
themselves -- it's way too easy to make a mistake and connect the wrong
pin (as I found when doing my own testing). So I've wired up several of
them on mini-breadboards so they'll be more or less ready to use.
They look like little white mutant spiders with all the wires going
A simple library for half-bridge motor control
The programming for the SN754410 is a bit less simple than motor shields as well. For each motor, you need an enable pin on the Arduino -- the analog signal that controls the motor's speed, so it needs to be one of the Arduino's PWM output pins, 9, 10 or 11 -- plus two logic pins, which can be any of the digital output pins.
To spin the motor in one direction, set the first logic pin high and the second low; to spin in the other direction, reverse the pins, with the first one low and the second one high. That's simple enough to program -- but I didn't look forward to trying to explain it to a group of high school students with basically no programming experience.
To make it simpler for them, I wrote a drop-in library that simplifies the code quite a bit. It defines a Motor object that you can initialize with the pins you'll be using -- the enable pin first, then the two logic pins. Initialize them in setup() like this:
#includeMotor motors[2] = { Motor(9, 2, 3), Motor(10, 4, 5) }; void setup() { motors[0].init(); motors[1].init(); }
Then from your loop() function, you can make calls like this:
motors[0].setSpeed(128); motors[1].setSpeed(-85);Setting a negative speed will tell the library to reverse the logic pins so the motor spins the opposite direction.
I hope this will make motors easier to deal with for the girls who choose to try them. (We'll be giving them a choice of projects, so some of them may prefer to make light shows with LEDs, or music with piezo buzzers.)
You can get the code for the HalfBridge library, and a sample sketch that uses it, at my Arduino github repository
Cheap and easy motor control -- and I have a fleet of toy cars to connect to them. I hope this ends up being a fun workshop!
[ 22:32 Jun 25, 2012 More hardware | permalink to this entry | ]