Finding versions of installed packages in Debian/Ubuntu (Shallow Thoughts)

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Wed, 15 May 2013

Finding versions of installed packages in Debian/Ubuntu

Checking versions in Debian-based systems is a bit of a pain.

This happens to me a couple of times a month: for some reason I need to know what version of something I'm currently running -- often a library, like libgtk. aptitude show will tell you all about a package -- but only if you know its exact name. You can't do aptitude show libgtk or even aptitude show '*libgtk*' -- you have to know that the package name is libgtk2.0-0. Why is it libgtk2.0-0? I have no idea, and it makes no sense to me.

So I always have to do something like aptitude search libgtk | egrep '^i' to find out what packages I have installed that matches the name libgtk, find the package I want, then copy and paste that name after typing aptitude show.

But it turns out it's super easy in Python to query Debian packages using the Python apt package. In fact, this is all the code you need:

import sys
import apt

cache = apt.cache.Cache()

pat = sys.argv[1]

for pkgname in cache.keys():
    if pat in pkgname:
        pkg = cache[pkgname]
        instver = pkg.installed
        if instver:
            print, instver.version
Then run aptver libgtk and you're all set.

In practice, I wanted nicer formatting, with columns that lined up, so the actual script is a little longer. I also added a -u flag to show uninstalled packages as well as installed ones. Amusingly, the code to format the columns took about twice as many lines as the code that does the actual work. There doesn't seem to be a standard way of formatting columns in Python, though there are lots of different implementations on the web. Now there's one more -- in my aptver on github.

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[ 16:07 May 15, 2013    More linux | permalink to this entry | ]

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