More fun with regexps: Adding "[no output]" in shell logs (Shallow Thoughts)

Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.

Sun, 12 Oct 2008

More fun with regexps: Adding "[no output]" in shell logs

Someone on LinuxChix' techtalk list asked whether she could get tcsh to print "[no output]" after any command that doesn't produce output, so that when she makes logs to help her co-workers, they will seem clearer.

I don't know of a way to do that in any shell (the shell would have to capture the output of every command; emacs' shell-mode does that but I don't think any real shells do) but it seemed like it ought to be straightforward enough to do as a regular expression substitute in vi. You're looking for lines where a line beginning with a prompt is followed immediately by another line beginning with a prompt; the goal is to insert a new line consisting only of "[no output]" between the two lines.

It turned out to be pretty easy in vim. Here it is:

:%s/\(^% .*$\n\)\(% \)/\1[no results]\r\2/


starts a command
do the following command on every line of this file
start a global substitute command
start a "capture group" -- you'll see what it does soon
match only patterns starting at the beginning of a line
look for a % followed by a space (your prompt)
after the prompt, match any other characters until...
the end of the line, after which...
there should be a newline character
end the capture group after the newline character
start a second capture group
look for another prompt. In other words, this whole
expression will only match when a line starting with a prompt
is followed immediately by another line starting with a prompt.
end the second capture group
We're finally done with the mattern to match!
Now we'll start the replacement pattern.
Insert the full content of the first capture group
(this is also called a "backreference" if you want
to google for a more detailed explanation).
So insert the whole first command up to the newline
after it.
[no results]
After the newline, insert your desired string.
insert a carriage return here (I thought this should be
\n for a newline, but that made vim insert a null instead)
insert the second capture group (that's just the second prompt)
end of the substitute pattern

Of course, if you have a different prompt, substitute it for "% ". If you have a complicated prompt that includes time of day or something, you'll have to use a slightly more complicated match pattern to match it.

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[ 14:34 Oct 12, 2008    More linux/editors | permalink to this entry | ]

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