Shallow Thoughts : : Nov
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Sat, 29 Nov 2008
Kurt Fisher wrote to draw my attention to the latest
Lunar Photo Of the Day (LPOD), a lovely shot he made of one of my
favorite places anywhere,
Upheaval Dome
in Utah's Canyonlands National Park.
Upheaval Dome has long been strongly suspected to be a massive,
eroded impact crater, but the LPOD highlights a study that finally
puts this (non-)controversy to rest,
Elmar Buchner and Thomas Kenkmann's
Dome, Utah, USA: Impact origin confirmed,
documenting shocked quartz grains in the Kayenta sandstone of
Upheaval's outer ring.
It's about time -- it's been pretty clear for many years that
this structure was an impact formation, not a collapsed salt dome
(the relative lack of salt in the core might have been a clue)
but the park service doesn't seem to have gotten the message,
giving equal weight to the salt-dome theory in all its Canyonlands
literature and signs. Perhaps the Buchner and Kenkmann paper will
finally convince them.
Reading about this gave me the push I needed to update my own
Upheaval Dome page,
adding links to the latest research and to the excellent
Dome Bibliography Kurt has put together.
My page also badly needed a bigger view of the crater itself, so
I stitched together a quick
of the view from the rim
that I'd shot on a trip several years ago but never assembled.
Tags: geology, astronomy, trails, impact crater
13:15 Nov 29, 2008
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Wed, 26 Nov 2008
I love my new monitor. The colors are great, it's sharp, the angles
are good. Only one problem: it's really really bright.
It has the usual baffling "push buttons at random trying to figure out
how to navigate the menu system" brightness control -- which dims
the monitor's perceived brightness by about .003% if I take it all
the way to the bottom of the scale. (This is apparently a bug that
some of these Dells have and others don't.)
It has contrast, too -- but
the monitor won't change contrast when running through the DVI cable
(this is even documented in the monitor's manual).
I have no idea why. It makes me wonder whether there's normally a way
of changing brightness over a DVI cable; but lots of googling hasn't
brought enlightenment on that score.
I tried the VGA cable. The display was very noticeably less sharp,
though pressing the monitor's "auto adjust" improved it a lot.
Contrast adjustment did work (and helped) using the VGA cable,
but it also turned everything green. I was able to improve the
color cast a bit with
xgamma -ggamma .75 -bgamma .9
but this was all looking like quite a hassle. I wanted an easier way
to change brightness. xgamma wasn't it: it works well for fine-tuning
but its brightness curve is way off if you try to depart by much from
full brightness.
Enter xbrightness and
xbrightness-gui (Mikael Magnusson to the rescue again! He
knew about these excellent programs, and perhaps equally important,
he had a copy of xbrightness-gui, which seems to have vanished from
the web.)
xbrightness is an excellent little command-line program that sets the
X gamma curve to appropriate values. Just run xbrightness BRIGHTNESS
passing it a value between 0 and 65535. xbrightness-gui is an
interactive program that lets you drag curves around for each of
the three color curves, or the combined image, with a user interface
very similar to GIMP's Curves tool. You can even save and load curves.
xbrightness-gui's coolness notwithstanding, the simple xbrightness was
really all I needed. It does a fine job of adjusting the monitor
brightness while keeping colors neutral. The version I was using
was Mikael's version, to which he'd added the ability to adjust colors
too (much like xgamma does, but using more useful curves). It turns
out I don't need the color correction, but it's nice to know it's there.
But what I did need was a way to query the current brightness, and,
more important, a way to bump the brightness a little bit up and down.
So I added those features. Getting the current brightness isn't
actually something you can do, since the whole gamma curve for the
three channels is what you perceive as brightness. I didn't try to
estimate perceived brightness based on the whole curve; I just took
the value of the highest value for each color, and their average or
Then I tied my new increment/decrement into key bindings in Openbox.
I bound W-F5 (the Windows key plus F5) to xbrightness -2560, and
W-F6 to xbrightness +2560, so I can go up or down in brightness by
pressing keys without having to type any five-digit numbers.
I've made available the old xbrightness-gui, since it's no longer
available anywhere else; a patch that integrates my changes and Mika's
into xbrightness-0.3; and the patched xbrightness tarball.
They're all at
One other fun thing about using X gamma settings to adjust
brightness. The first night I used it, I noticed at some point that my
cursor looked very different -- it had become blindingly white.
It turns out that the cursor is implemented at a lower level and
doesn't go through the X gamma system. So turning the brightness
down via gamma curves doesn't affect the cursor, which remains always
at full brightness. It's quite a nice side effect -- the cursor is
much more visible than it normally is.
Tags: linux, monitor, brightness
12:37 Nov 26, 2008
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Thu, 20 Nov 2008
I have a new Firefox Tips article up on Linux Planet:
Plague of Ridiculously Long URLs
(note I didn't choose the title). It discussees how to handle
long URLs broken over several lines, of the sort we so often
see in email messages.
Tags: writing, mozilla, firefox
10:43 Nov 20, 2008
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Sun, 16 Nov 2008
I wrote
more to figure out how to do it than to run it myself.
But on the new monitor I have so much screen real estate
that I've started using it -- but the quality of the images was
such an embarrassment that I couldn't stand it. So I took a few
minutes and cleaned up the images and made a moonroot 0.6 release.
Turned out there was a trick I'd missed when I originally made the
images, years ago. XPM apparently only allows 1-bit transparency.
When I was editing the RGB image and removing the outside edge of the circle,
some of the pixels ended up semi-transparent, and when I saved the
file as .xpm, they ended up looking very different (much darker)
from what I had edited.
Here are two ways to solve that in GIMP:
- Use the "Hard edge" option on the eraser tool (and a hard-edged
brush, of course, not a fuzzy one).
- Convert the image to indexed, in which case GIMP will only allow
one bit's worth of transparency. (That doesn't help for full-color
images, but for a greyscale image like the moon, there's no loss
of color since even RGB images can only have 8 bits per channel.)
Either way, the way to edit a transparent image where you're trying
to make the edges look clean is to add a solid-color background
layer (I usually use white, but of course it depends on how you're going
to use the image) underneath the layer you're trying to edit.
(In the layers dialog, click the New button, chose White for the
new layer, click the down-arrow button to move it below the original
layer, then click on the original layer so your editing will all
happen there.)
Once you're editing a circle with sharp edges, you'll probably need
to adjust the colors for some of the edge pixels too. Unfortunately
the Smudge tool doesn't seem to work on indexed images, so you'll
probably spend a lot of time alternating between the Color Picker
and the Pencil tool, picking pixel colors then dabbing them onto
other pixels. Key bindings are the best way to do that: o activates
the Color Picker, N the Pencil, P the Paintbrush. Even if you don't
normally use those shortcuts it's worth learning them for the
duration of this sort of operation.
Or use the Clone tool, where the only keyboard shortcut you have to
remember is Ctrl to pick a new source pixel. (I didn't think of that
until I was already finished, but it works fine.)
Tags: programming, astronomy, gimp
15:48 Nov 16, 2008
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Sat, 15 Nov 2008
Dave and I recently acquired a lovely trinket from a Mac-using friend:
an old 20-inch Apple Cinema Display.
I know what you're thinking (if you're not a Mac user): surely
Akkana's not lustful of Apple's vastly overpriced monitors when
brand-new monitors that size are selling for under $200!
Indeed, I thought that until fairly recently. But there actually
is a reason the Apple Cinema displays cost so much more than seemingly
equivalent monitors -- and it's not the color and shape of the bezel.
The difference is that Apple cinema displays are a technology called
S-IPS, while normal consumer LCD monitors -- those ones you
see at Fry's going for around $200 for a 22-inch 1680x1050 -- are
a technology called TN. (There's a third technology in between the
two called S-PVA, but it's rare.)
The main differences are color range and viewing angle.
The TN monitors can't display full color: they're only
6 bits per channel. They simulate colors outside that range
by cycling very rapidly between two similar colors
(this is called "dithering" but it's not the usual use of the term).
Modern TN monitors are
astoundingly fast, so they can do this dithering faster than
the eye can follow, but many people say they can still see the
color difference. S-IPS monitors show a true 8 bits per color channel.
The viewing angle difference is much easier to see. The published
numbers are similar, something like 160 degrees for TN monitors versus
180 degrees for S-IPS, but that doesn't begin to tell the story.
Align yourself in front of a TN monitor, so the colors look right.
Now stand up, if you're sitting down, or squat down if you're
standing. See how the image suddenly goes all inverse-video,
like a photographic negative only worse? Try that with an S-IPS monitor,
and no matter where you stand, all that happens is that the image
gets a little less bright.
(For those wanting more background, read
TN Film, MVA,
PVA and IPS – Which one's for you?, the articles on
TFT Central,
and the wikipedia
article on LCD technology.)
Now, the comparison isn't entirely one-sided. TN monitors have their
advantages too. They're outrageously inexpensive. They're blindingly
fast -- gamers like them because they don't leave "ghosts" behind
fast-moving images. And they're very power efficient (S-IPS monitors,
are only a little better than a CRT). But clearly, if you spend a lot
of time editing photos and an S-IPS monitor falls into your
possession, it's worth at least trying out.
But how? The old Apple Cinema display has a nonstandard connector,
called ADC, which provides video, power and USB1 all at once.
It turns out the only adaptor from a PC video card with DVI output
(forget about using an older card that supports only VGA) to an ADC
monitor is the $99 adaptor from the Apple store. It comes with a power
brick and USB plug.
Okay, that's a lot for an adaptor, but it's the only game in town,
so off I went to the Apple store, and a very short time later I had
the monitor plugged in to my machine and showing an image. (On Ubuntu
Hardy, simply removing xorg.conf was all I needed, and X automatically
detected the correct resolution. But eventually I put back one section
from my old xorg.conf, the keyboard section that specifies
"XkbOptions" to be "ctrl:nocaps".)
And oh, the image was beautiful. So sharp, clear, bright and colorful.
And I got it working so easily!
Of course, things weren't as good as they seemed (they never are, with
computers, are they?) Over the next few days I collected a list of
things that weren't working quite right:
- The Apple display had no brightness/contrast controls; I got
a pretty bad headache the first day sitting in front of that
full-brightness screen.
- Suspend didn't work. And here when I'd made so much progress
getting suspend to work on my desktop machine!
- While X worked great, the text console didn't.
The brightness problem was the easiest. A little web searching led me
to acdcontrol, a
commandline program to control brightness on Apple monitors.
It turns out that it works via the USB plug of the ADC connector,
which I initially hadn't connected (having not much use for another
USB 1.1 hub). Naturally, Ubuntu's udev/hal setup created the device
in a nonstandard place and with permissions that only worked for root,
so I had to figure out that I needed to edit
/etc/udev/rules.d/20-names.rules and change the hiddev line to read:
KERNEL=="hiddev[0-9]*", NAME="usb/%k", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
That did the trick, and after that acdcontrol worked beautifully.
On the second problem, I never did figure out why suspending with
the Apple monitor always locked up the machine, either during suspend
or resume. I guess I could live without suspend on a desktop, though I
sure like having it.
The third problem was the killer. Big deal, who needs text consoles,
right? Well, I use them for debugging, but what was more important,
also broken were the grub screen (I could no longer choose
kernels or boot options) and the BIOS screen (not something
I need very often, but when you need it you really need it).
In fact, the text console itself wasn't a problem. It turns out the
problem is that the Apple display won't take a 640x480 signal.
I tried building a kernel with framebuffer enabled, and indeed,
that gave me back my boot messages and text consoles (at 1280x1024),
but still no grub or BIOS screens. It might be possible to hack a grub
that could display at 1280x1024. But never being able to change BIOS
parameters would be a drag.
The problems were mounting up. Some had solutions; some required
further hacking; some didn't have solutions at all. Was this monitor
worth the hassle? But the display was so beautiful ...
That was when Dave discovered TFT
Central's search page -- and we learned that the Dell 2005FPW
uses the exact same Philips tube as the
Apple, and there are lots of them for sale used,.
That sealed it -- Dave took the Apple monitor (he has a Mac, though
he'll need a solution for his Linux box too) and I bought a Dell.
Its image is just as beautiful as the Apple (and the bezel is nicer)
and it works with DVI or VGA, works at resolutions down to 640x480
and even has a powered speaker bar attached.
Maybe it's possible to make an old Apple Cinema display work on a Mac.
But it's way too much work. On a PC, the Dell is a much better bet.
Tags: linux, tech, photo, graphics, monitor, S-IPS, TN, ADC, DVI
21:57 Nov 15, 2008
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Fri, 14 Nov 2008
Usually I just delete spam after seeing the subject line.
But I couldn't resist one that arrived this morning:
Subject: You'll be saying WOW every time with ShamWow
Wondering whether the seller was familiar with the
of the word "sham",
I just had to take a look.
I couldn't tell anything from the text -- it was all just random
verbiage to try to fool Baysian filters.
But the mail also attached two images, img001.png and img002.png.
The first was a big grey starburst thing; the second, at 348Kb, was the
actual ad
(click on it to get the full-sized version; the thumbnail
here doesn't do it justice).
There are just so many things to love about this ad, starting
with the name "ShamWow" itself.
I love the mixture of fonts and bright colors, with the slightly
lopsided hourglass shape of the ShamWow! logo.
I love the "AS SEEN ON TV" bug -- a charming image that hasn't
changed a whit since the 60's, maybe even the 50's.
I love the unidentifiable grey and yellow flat things with
unreadable text on them -- they look like file folders and folded
papers, but they're probably two different colors and sizes of
ShamWow -- covered with a square announcing
"10 Year [unreadable]", which made me wonder if they were selling
auto loans or securities. But if you magnify it you find that the
third word is probably "Warranty".
I love the presumption that you'll think that 20x the weight of
a small cloth object is a lot of water (is it? I have no idea, let
me grab a paper towel and a gram scale). I love the blurry red
and white "CLICK FOR DETAILS" button.
But what I like best about this image is that it's a PNG but it's
full of JPG artifacts. Now, I'm not very picky about jpeg artifacts.
(You'd think I would be, as a de-facto GIMP expert, but I'm really not.)
I shoot DSLR photos in jpeg rather than raw mode because most of the
time the difference just isn't enough for me to care about.
I use jpeg for most of the icons on my web site if they don't
need transparency, and I lower the jpeg quality level to make
them load faster. I'm not a PNG snob (actually, I'm more likely
to use GIF than PNG for web icons). But really -- this ad image
is a wonderful example of jpeg artifacts and why you can't
just turn the quality down arbitrarily far.
I could even understand using extreme jpeg compression because they were
sending out a hundred quotillion spam messages and wanted to reduce bandwidth.
But they're not sending a jpeg -- they've converted the low-quality JPG
back to a 348Kb PNG before sending the spam.
All I can figure is that someone designed the ad and saved it as
JPG, making it really small. And then someone in the business saw
great cartoon on JPG vs. PNG -- and said "Oh, no! We'd better
use PNG instead! And loaded up the JPG and saved it as a PNG with
default settings.
(For further reading on PNG vs. JPEG and image file
size optimization, you can get an overview of formats at my
Formats for the Web and some detailed tutorials at the
Conservation Society; or chapters 2 and 8 in
my GIMP book, soon to be out in
its second edition.)
Tags: humor, advertising, gimp
11:54 Nov 14, 2008
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Wed, 12 Nov 2008
I checked my Spam Assassin "probably" folder for the first time in too
long, and discovered that I was getting tons of false positives,
perfectly legitimate messages that were being filed as spam.
A little analysis of the X-Spam-Status: headers showed that all of
the misfiled messages (and lots of messages that didn't quite make it
over the threshold) were hitting a rule called DNS_FROM_SECURITYSAGE.
It turned out that this rule
obsolete and has been removed from Spam Assassin, but it
yet been removed from Debian, at least not from Etch.
So I filed a Debian bug. Or at least I think I did -- I got an
email acknowledgement from but it didn't
include a bug number and Debian's
HyperEstraier based search engine
linked off the bug page
doesn't find it (I used reportbug).
Anyway, if you're getting lots of SECURITYSAGE false hits, edit
/usr/share/spamassassin/ and comment out the
lines for DNS_FROM_SECURITYSAGE and, while you're at it, the lines
for RCVD_IN_DSBL, which is also
obsolete. Just to be safe, you might also want to add
in your .spamassassin/user_prefs (or equivalent systemwide file) as well.
Now if only I could figure out why it was setting
FORGED_RCVD_HELO and UNPARSEABLE_RELAY on messages from what seems
to be perfectly legitimate senders ...
Tags: linux, spam, bugs
22:54 Nov 12, 2008
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Sun, 09 Nov 2008
Pho 0.9.6-pre3 has been working great for me for about a month, and
I've been trying to find the time to do a release. I finally managed
it this weekend, after making a final tweak to change the default
PHO_REMOTE command from
gimp-remote to
gimp since
gimp-remote is obsolete and is no longer built by default.
The big changes from 0.9.5 are Keywords mode, slideshow mode,
the new PHO_REMOTE environment variable,
swapping -f and -F, and a bunch of performance work and
minor bug fixing.
I built deb packages for Ubuntu (Hardy, but they should work on
Intrepid too) and Debian (Etch), as well as the usual source tarball,
and they're available at the usual place:
Tags: programming, pho, image viewer
18:11 Nov 09, 2008
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Thu, 06 Nov 2008
My latest Linux Planet article,
Firefox Rocks on Linux, discusses Linux-specific Firefox
shortcuts involving the middle mouse button, the URLbar and
the scrollbar.
It's getting
Diggs, too, and comments from people who found the tips helpful,
which is great. A lot of people don't know about some of these great
Linux time-savers, but these are the sort of things that make me
love Linux and stick with it even when it gets frustrating.
I hate to think of people missing out just because there's no
obvious way to discover some of the shortcuts!
Tags: writing, mozilla, firefox, linux
21:44 Nov 06, 2008
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Mon, 03 Nov 2008
This posting ended up being published as a Linux Planet Quick Tip.
You can read about my nifty word counting bookmarklet there:
Firefox Tip: Word Count Bookmarklet.
Tags: firefox, mozilla, bookmarklets, writing, programming
23:41 Nov 03, 2008
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