Upgrading from Ubuntu Gutsy to Hardy
I finally had a moment to upgrade my desktop to Ubuntu's "Hardy Heron". I followed the same procedure as when I went from feisty to gutsy:- cp -ax / /hardy
- cp -ax /dev/.static/dev/* /hardy/dev/
- Fix up files like /hardy/etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst
- Reboot into the newly copied gutsy
- do-release-upgrade -d
It took an hour or two to pull down all the files, followed by a long
interval of occasionally typing Y or N, and then I was ready to start
cleaning up some of the packages I'd noticed flying by that I didn't
want. Oops! I couldn't remove or install anything with apt-get,
because: dpkg --configure -a
But I couldn't dpkg --configure -a
because several
packages were broken.
The first broken package was plucker,
which apparently had failed to install any files.
Its postinstall script was failing because it had no
files to operate on; and then I couldn't do anything further with it
because apt-get wouldn't do anything until I did a
dpkg --reconfigure -a
I finally got out of that by dpkg -P plucker; then after several more dpkg --reconfigure -a rounds I was eventually able to apt-get install plucker (which installed just fine the second time).
But apt still wasn't happy, because it wanted to run the trigger for initramfs-tools, which wouldn't run because it wanted kernel modules for some specific kernel version in /lib/modules. I didn't have any kernel modules because I'm not running Ubuntu's kernel (I'm stuck on 2.6.23 because bug 10118 makes all 2.6.24 variants unable to sync with USB Palm devices). But I couldn't remove initramfs-tools because udev (along with a bunch of other less important packages) depends on it. I finally found my way out of that by removing /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/initramfs-tools. I reported it as bug 220094.
Update: I forgot to mention one important thing I hit both on
this machine and earlier, on the laptop: /usr/bin/play (provided by
the "sox" package) no longer works because it now depends on a
zillion separate libraries. apt-get install libsox-fmt-all
to get all of them.
[ 21:02 Apr 20, 2008 More linux/install | permalink to this entry | ]