At last! A roadrunner!
We live in what seems like wonderful roadrunner territory. For the three years we've lived here, we've hoped to see a roadrunner, and have seen them a few times at neighbors' places, but never in our own yard.
Until this morning. Dave happened to be looking out the window at just the right time, and spotted it in the garden. I grabbed the camera, and we watched it as it came out from behind a bush and went into stalk mode.
And it caught something!
We could see something large in its bill as it triumphantly perched on
the edge of the garden wall, before hopping off and making a beeline
for a nearby juniper thicket.
It wasn't until I uploaded the photo that I discovered what it had caught: a fence lizard. Our lizards only started to come out of hibernation about a week ago, so the roadrunner picked the perfect time to show up.
I hope our roadrunner decides this is a good place to hang around.
[ 14:33 Mar 10, 2017 More nature/birds | permalink to this entry | ]