Rosy Finches
Los Alamos is having an influx of rare rosy-finches (which apparently are supposed to be hyphenated: they're rosy-finches, not finches that are rosy).
They're normally birds of the snowy high altitudes, like the top of
Sandia Crest, and quite unusual in Los Alamos. They're even rarer in
White Rock, and although I've been keeping my eyes open I haven't seen
any here at home; but a few days ago I was lucky enough to be invited
to the home of a birder in town who's been seeing great flocks of
rosy-finches at his feeders.
There are four types, of which three have ever been seen locally,
and we saw all three. Most of the flock was brown-capped rosy-finches,
with two each black rosy-finches and gray-capped rosy-finches.
The upper bird at right, I believe, is one of the blacks, but it
might be a grey-capped. They're a bit hard to tell apart.
In any case, pretty birds, sparrow sized with nice head markings and
a hint of pink under the wing, and it was fun to get to see them.
The local roadrunner also made a brief appearance, and we marveled at
the combination of high-altitude snowbirds and a desert bird here at
the same place and time. White Rock seems like much better roadrunner
territory, and indeed they're sometimes seen here (though not, so far,
at my house), but they're just as common up in the forests of Los Alamos.
Our host said he only sees them in winter; in spring, just as they
start singing, they leave and go somewhere else. How odd!
Speaking of birds and spring, we have a juniper titmouse determinedly singing his ray-gun song, a few house sparrows are singing sporadically, and we're starting to see cranes flying north. They started a few days ago, and I counted several hundred of them today, enjoying the sunny and relatively warm weather as they made their way north. Ironically, just two weeks ago I saw a group of about sixty cranes flying south -- very late migrants, who must have arrived at the Bosque del Apache just in time to see the first northbound migrants leave. "Hey, what's up, we just got here, where ya all going?"
A few more photos: Rosy-finches (and a few other nice birds).
We also have a mule deer buck frequenting our yard, sometimes hanging out in the garden just outside the house to drink from the heated birdbath while everything else is frozen. (We haven't seen him in a few days, with the warmer weather and most of the ice melted.) We know it's the same buck coming back: he's easy to recognize because he's missing a couple of tines on one antler.
The buck is a welcome guest now, but in a month or so when the trees
start leafing out I may regret that as I try to find ways of keeping
him from stripping all the foliage off my baby apple tree, like some
deer did last spring. I'm told it helps to put smelly soap shavings,
like Irish Spring, in a bag and hang it from the branches, and deer
will avoid the smell. I will try the soap trick but will probably
combine it with other measures, like a temporary fence.
[ 19:39 Feb 05, 2017 More nature/birds | permalink to this entry | ]